912 resultados para EuroQol-5D


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Data are provided to CJJP through statistical summary forms completed by the JCSLs. Because forms are completed only when meaningful contact between a student and a liaison takes place, only a portion of the total population served is reported. Meaningful contact is defined as having at least five contacts within a 60-day period (at any point during the academic year) regarding at least one of the referral reasons supplied on the form. Data are entered into a web-based application by the liaisons and retrieved electronically by CJJP via the internet. Service information is submitted and uploaded only at the end of the academic year.


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Data are provided to CJJP through statistical summary forms completed by the JCSLs. Because forms are completed only when meaningful contact between a student and a liaison takes place, only a portion of the total population served is reported. Meaningful contact is defined as having at least five contacts within a 60-day period (at any point during the academic year) regarding at least one of the referral reasons supplied on the form. Data are entered into a web-based application by the liaisons and retrieved electronically by CJJP via the internet. Service information is submitted and uploaded only at the end of the academic year.


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Con el inicio del periodo Post-Guerra Fría el Sistema Internacional comienza a experimentar un incremento en el fortalecimiento de su componente social; la Sociedad de Estados alcanza un mayor nivel de homogenización, el estado, unidad predominante de esta, comienzan atravesar una serie de transformaciones que obedecerán a una serie de cambios y continuidades respecto al periodo anterior. Desde la perspectiva del Realismo Subalterno de las Relaciones Internacionales se destacan el proceso de construcción de estado e inserción al sistema como las variables que determinan el sentimiento de inseguridad experimentado por las elites estatales del Tercer Mundo; procesos que en el contexto de un nuevo y turbulento periodo en el sistema, tomara algunas características particulares que darán un sentido especifico al sentimiento de inseguridad y las acciones a través de las cuales las elites buscan disminuirlo. La dimensión externa del sentimiento de inseguridad, el nuevo papel que toma la resistencia popular como factor determinante del sentimiento de inseguridad y de la cooperación, así como del conflicto, entre los miembros de la Sociedad Internacional, la inserción como promotor de estrategias de construcción de Estado, son alguno de los temas puntuales, que desde la perspectiva subalterna, parecen salir a flote tras el análisis del sistema en lo que se ha considerado como el periodo Post-Guerra Fría. En este sentido Yemen, se muestra como un caso adecuado no solo para poner a prueba las postulados de la teoría subalterna, veinte años después de su obra más prominente (The third world security Predicament), escrita por M. Ayoob, sino como un caso pertinente que permite acercarse más a la comprensión del papel del Tercer Mundo al interior de la Sociedad Internacional de Estados.


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El interés de esta investigación es realizar un estudio relativo a la estrategia de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, Sendero Luminoso, y el Ejército del Pueblo Paraguayo. Se analiza y explica estos actores armados no estatales perfilan una estrategia que vincula a la guerra irregular como medio militar para alcanzar sus objetivos políticos. Este trabajo efectuará un análisis de alcance explicativo mediante la tipología de monografía, en el cual se establezca la estrategia y su vinculación con los aspectos políticos y los medios militares de los tres actores objeto de este estudio. Por consiguiente, se realizará un uso de elementos teóricos y conceptuales que permitan dar alcance a la relación entre las variables de este trabajo.


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Los sistemas y la tecnología de información han sido una pieza clave en las organizaciones, estos buscan lograr un equilibrio junto con las estrategias empresariales, ya que de esta manera las empresas estarían en mejores condiciones para enfrentar los desafíos del mercado. (Morantes Leal y Miraidy Elena, 2007)1. Para abordar este tema, hemos decidido realizar un análisis de un sistema de información aplicado en la empresa Belta Ltda. para determinar la relación que existe entre la productividad y el uso de los sistemas empresariales. La información de este análisis está compuesta por 6 capítulos divididos de la siguiente manera: En el primer capítulo se muestra una introducción de los sistemas de información empresarial, la importancia del uso de las tecnologías, además se describe los objetivos de esta investigación, el alcance y vinculación de este proyecto con la línea de investigación de la escuela de administración de la universidad del Rosario. En el segundo capítulo se presenta el marco teórico; la descripción de los tipos de sistemas de información, y las metodologías utilizadas para la evaluación del uso de las tecnologías. Enseguida se describe la metodología utilizada para llevar a cabo esta investigación y las herramientas utilizadas para este caso de estudio en el capítulo tres. En el cuarto capítulo se muestra una descripción de la empresa, el organigrama, el entorno general del negocio, y se desarrolla la aplicación del documento guía; el modelo integral 5d`s, que consiste en realizar diferentes diagnósticos para determinar cómo se encuentra la empresa a nivel interno y externo. Finalmente, según el análisis y resultados obtenidos con esta investigación, se dan unas conclusiones finales y se proponen unas recomendaciones para la empresa en los últimos capítulos.


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The present trail aimed to study the effect of crossbreeding between Alentejano (AL) and Bísaro (BI) swine breeds (“Ribatejano pig”) on some reproductive and productive traits. Nine AL gilts and sows and six BI gilts were crossed with BI and AL boars, respectively. Mating and farrowing dates, prolificacy and litter size at 28d were registered for all sows. The pregnancy length of AL sows was shorter (111±0.4d vs 113.7±0.5d; p=0.002) than the observed on BI females. The BI gilts presented higher prolificacy rate than AL on both total born (11.0±1.0 vs 6.7±0.8; P=0.004) and born alive piglets (10.0±1.0 vs 6.7±0.8; p=0.026). The mortality rate was similar in both genotypes (p=0.255) being on average 12%, therefore at 28d after farrowing the litter size remained higher in BI sows (8.5±0.8 vs 6.1±0.6; p= 0.032). A subset of each genotype (4 gilts) was supervised during farrowing and lactation (until 28d) and piglets were weighed at birth, 24h and 28d of live. Farrowing length was not significantly different (p=0.253) between genotypes, averaging 97±22 min. When compared to ALBI (AL x BI) piglets, the BIAL (BI x AL) piglets were heavier at birth (1402±46g vs 1209±36g; p=0.002). Colostrum intake of piglets per kg of birth weight on the first 24h of life was similar between genotypes (p=0.735) being 289±15g for ALBI and 281±19g for BIAL piglets. The growth rate of piglets from birth to 28d and piglet weight at 28d was not different between genotypes (p=0.161 and p=0.091) averaging 195±6g and 6761±181g, respectively. Litter weight at 28d tended (P=0.06) to be higher on ALBI litters (56.6±4.0kg) than BIAL litters (43.2±4.0kg). This results obtained within the frame of Treasure project* are, at our knowledge, the first data of these crossbred piglets and could be used in future as reference for further studies and also for farmers that may try these cross on a commercial basis.


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic, rheumatic disease characterized by widespread myofascial pain, of unknown aetiology, having a major impact on quality of life (QOL). Available pharmacotherapy for FM is marginally effective. FM is associated with co-morbidities of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There is growing evidence that diets low in FODMAPs, “fermentable oligo-, di- or mono-saccharides and polyols” [Low FODMAP Diet (LFD)], are effective in treating IBS. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the effects of LFDs on symptoms of FM, especially with regard to pain, QOL and GI disorders. Methods A longitudinal study using LFD intervention was performed on 38, 51 ± 10 year-old, female patients diagnosed with FM for an average of 10 years, based on ACR (American College of Rheumatology) 2010 criteria. The study was conducted from January through May, 2015, using a four-week, repeated-assessment model, as follows: Moment 0 – introduction of the protocol to participants; Moment 1 – first assessment and delivery of individual LFD dietary plans; Moment 2 – second assessment and reintroduction of FODMAPs; Moment 3 – last assessment and final nutritional counselling. Assessment tools used were the following: RFIQ (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire), FSQ (Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire), IBS-SSS (Severity Score System), EQ-5D (Euro-QOL quality of life instrument), and VAS (Visual Analogue Scale). Daily consumption of FODMAPs was quantified based on published food content analyses. Statistical analyses included ANOVA, non-parametric Friedman, t-student and Chi-square tests, using SPSS 22 software. Results The mean scores of the 38 participants at the beginning of the study were: FSQ (severity of FM, 0–31) – 22 ± 4.4; RFIQ (0–100) – 65 ± 17; IBS-SSS (0–500) – 275 ± 101; and EQ-5D (0–100) – 48 ± 19. Mean adherence to dietary regimens was 86%, confirmed by significant difference in FODMAP intakes (25 g/day vs. 2.5 g/day; p < 0.01). Comparisons between the three moments of assessment showed significant (p < 0.01) declines in scores in VAS, FSQ, and RFIQ scores, in all domains measured. An important improvement was observed with a reduction in the severity of GI symptoms, with 50% reduction in IBS scores to 138 ± 117, following LFD therapy. A significant correlation (r = 0.36; p < 0.05) was found between improvements in FM impact (declined scores) and gastrointestinal scores. There was also a significant correlation (r = 0.65; p < 0.01) between “satisfaction with improvement” after introduction of LFDs and “diet adherence”, with satisfaction of the diet achieving 77% among participants. A significant difference was observed between patients who improved as compared to those that did not improve (Chi-square χ2 = 6.16; p < .05), showing that the probability of improvement, depends on the severity of the RFIQ score. Conclusions Implementation of diet therapy involving FODMAP restrictions, in this cohort of FM patients, resulted in a significant reduction in GI disorders and FM symptoms, including pain scores. These results need to be extended in future larger studies on dietary therapy for treatment of FM. Implications According to current scientific knowledge, these are the first relevant results found in an intervention with LFD therapy in FM and must be reproduced looking for a future dietetic approach in FM.


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Small polarons (SP) have been thoroughly investigated in 3d transition metal oxides and they have been found to play a crucial role in physical phenomena such as charge transport, colossal magnetoresistance and surface reactivity. However, our knowledge about these quasi-particles in 5d systems remains very limited, since the more delocalised nature of the 5d orbitals reduces the strength of the Electronic Correlation (EC), making SP formation in these compounds rather unexpected. Nevertheless, the Spin-Orbit coupled Dirac-Mott insulator Ba2NaOsO6 (BNOO) represents a good candidate for enabling polaron formation in a relativistic background, due to the relatively large EC (U ∼ 3 eV) and Jahn-Teller activity. Moreover, anomalous peaks in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy experiments suggest the presence of thermally activated SP dynamics when BNOO is doped with Ca atoms. We investigate SP formation in BNOO both from an electronic and structural point of view by means of fully relativistic first principles calculations. Our numerical simulations predict a stable SP ground state and agree on the value of 810 K for the dynamical process peak found by NMR experiments.


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The Many-Body-Perturbation Theory approach is among the most successful theoretical frameworks for the study of excited state properties. It allows to describe the excitonic interactions, which play a fundamental role in the optical response of insulators and semiconductors. The first part of the thesis focuses on the study of the quasiparticle, optical and excitonic properties of \textit{bulk} Transition Metal Oxide (TMO) perovskites using a G$_0$W$_0$+Bethe Salpeter Equation (BSE) approach. A representative set of 14 compounds has been selected, including 3d, 4d and 5d perovskites. An approximation of the BSE scheme, based on an analytic diagonal expression for the inverse dielectric function, is used to compute the exciton binding energies and is carefully bench-marked against the standard BSE results. In 2019 an important breakthrough has been achieved with the synthesis of ultrathin SrTiO3 films down to the monolayer limit. This allows us to explore how the quasiparticle and optical properties of SrTiO3 evolve from the bulk to the two-dimensional limit. The electronic structure is computed with G0W0 approach: we prove that the inclusion of the off-diagonal self-energy terms is required to avoid non-physical band dispersions. The excitonic properties are investigated beyond the optical limit at finite momenta. Lastly a study of the under pressure optical response of the topological nodal line semimetal ZrSiS is presented, in conjunction with the experimental results from the group of Prof. Dr. Kuntscher of the Augsburg University. The second part of the thesis discusses the implementation of a workflow to automate G$_0$W$_0$ and BSE calculations with the VASP software. The workflow adopts a convergence scheme based on an explicit basis-extrapolation approach [J. Klimeš \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev.B 90, 075125 (2014)] which allows to reduce the number of intermediate calculations required to reach convergence and to explicit estimate the error associated to the basis-set truncation.


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This thesis describes a study conducted for the development of a new approach for the design of compliant mechanisms. Currently compliant mechanisms are based on a 2.5D design method. The applications for which compliant mechanisms can be used this way, is limited. The proposed research suggests to use a 3D approach for the design of CM’s, to better exploit its useful properties. To test the viability of this method, a practical application was chosen. The selected application is related to morphing wings. During this project a working prototype of a variable sweep and variable AoA system was designed and made for an SUAV. A compliant hinge allows the system to achieve two DOF. This hinge has been designed using the proposed 3D design approach. To validate the capabilities of the design, two methods were used. One of these methods was by simulation. By using analysis software, a basic idea could be provided of the stress and deformation of the designed mechanism. The second validation was done by means of AM. Using FDM and material jetting technologies, several prototypes were manufactured. The result of the first model showed that the DOF could be achieved. Models manufactured using material jetting technology, proved that the designed model could provide the desired motion and exploit the positive characteristics of CM. The system could be manufactured successfully in one part. Being able to produce the system in one part makes the need for an extensive assembly process redundant. This improves its structural quality. The materials chosen for the prototypes were PLA, VeroGray and Rigur. The material properties were suboptimal for its final purpose, but successful results were obtained. The prototypes proved tough and were able to provide the desired motion. This proves that the proposed design method can be a useful tool for the design of improved CM’s. Furthermore, the variable sweep & AoA system could be used to boost the flight performance of SUAV’s.


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Background: La lombalgia (o Low Back Pain -LBP) è una condizione multifattoriale e complessa che rappresenta una delle principali cause di disabilità al mondo. Si definisce “cronica” quando persiste per più di 12 settimane e “aspecifica” quando non risultano identificabili i meccanismi eziologici alla base della patologia. La Rieducazione Posturale Globale (RPG) è una metodica fisioterapica il cui scopo è quello di allungare i muscoli accorciati, migliorare la contrazione dei muscoli antagonisti e controllare la respirazione, migliorando la morfologia corporea. Obiettivo: Valutare, nei soggetti con LBP cronico aspecifico, l’efficacia della RPG rispetto a dolore, disabilità, articolarità, forza muscolare, qualità della vita, prevenzione delle recidive. Metodi: Sono state consultate le seguenti banche dati biomediche: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, SportDiscus e PEDro, nel periodo tra il 1° maggio e il 30 settembre 2022. Sono stati inclusi studi randomizzati controllati (RCTs) e studi sperimentali non randomizzati (NRSI) in lingua italiana, inglese o francese, senza restrizione inerente all’anno di pubblicazione. Un solo autore indipendente ha estratto i dati. Per valutare il rischio di bias degli studi inclusi sono stati impiegati il Cochrane Rob2 tool per gli RCT e il ROBINS-I per i NRSI. Risultati: 7 studi (5 RCT e 2 NRSI) hanno soddisfatto i criteri di eleggibilità e sono stati inclusi. Si è riscontrata una bassa qualità metodologica: cinque studi con alto rischio di bias e due studi con moderato rischio di bias. In tutti i trials la metodica RPG si è mostrata efficace nel ridurre dolore e disabilità, soprattutto a breve termine; tuttavia non ci sono sufficienti prove per affermarne la superiorità rispetto ad altre terapie. Conclusioni: La RPG è in grado di ridurre il dolore e la disabilità in soggetti con LBP cronico aspecifico nel breve termine. Studi futuri con maggiore validità interna sono necessari per conferire maggior certezza alle evidenze.


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Este trabalho mostra um estudo descritivo no município Euclides da Cunha, do estado Bahia, tem como objetivo descrever a situação da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com hipertensão, esta localidade tem uma população 2860 e 540 sofrem da doença, para um 18,8 % no final de 2014, o que dá uma grande importância ao trabalho. Da população pesquisada se realiza um estudo estatístico e é processada com pacote SPSS, que aparece nos anexos e forma parte da revisão de documentos oficiais e as entrevistas do pessoal de saúde na área, para a aplicação das técnicas e o Euroqol se tive em conta uma amostra de 100 pessoas como amostragem aleatória simples tendo os diferentes casos diagnosticados, em colaboração com equipe de saúde da área. Obtendo como resultados principais que: é mais frequente em pessoas mestiças, que os pacientes hipertensos têm um baixo nível de conhecimento sobre a doença e o tratamento e que tem deficiências na qualidade de vida, então nós recomendamos ampliar o estudo a este respeito, assim como aprofundar na causalidade da relação qualidade de vida-hipertensão com pesquisas futuras. Desenhando-se uma estratégia de intervenção que é deixada como recomendação.