992 resultados para Engagement strategy


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The lack of research of private real estate is a well-known problem. Earlier studies have mostly concentrated on the USA or the UK. Therefore, this master thesis offers more information about the performance and risk associated with private real estate investments in Nordic countries, but especially in Finland. The structure of this master thesis is divided into two independent sections based on the research questions. In first section, database analysis is performed to assess risk-return ratio of direct real estate investment for Nordic countries. Risk-return ratios are also assessed for different property sectors and economic regions. Finally, review of diversification strategies based on property sectors and economic regions is performed. However, standard deviation itself is not usually sufficient method to evaluate riskiness of private real estate. There is demand for more explicit assessment of property risk. One solution is property risk scoring. In second section risk scorecard based tool is built to make different real estate comparable in terms of risk. In order to do this, nine real estate professionals were interviewed to enhance the structure of theory-based risk scorecard and to assess weights for different risk factors.


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To evaluate the Greenspan era, we nevertheless need to address three questions: Is his success due to talent or just luck? Does he have a system of monetary policy or is he himself the system? What will be his legacy? Greenspan was certainly lucky, but he was also clairvoyant. Above all, he has developed a profoundly original monetary policy. His confidence strategy is clearly opposed to the credibility strategy developed in central banks and the academic milieu after 1980, but also inflation targeting, which today constitutes the mainstream monetary policy regime. The question of his legacy seems more nuanced. However, Greenspan will remain 'for a considerable period of time' a highly heterodox and original central banker. His political vision, his perception of an uncertain world, his pragmatism and his openness form the structure of a powerful alternative system, the confidence strategy, which will leave its mark on the history of monetary policy.


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The European Council has invited the European Commission to present the first macro-regional strategy – the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) on the 14th of December 2007, primarily to address collective challenges and opportunities of the Region and also to engender cohesion in support of an European integration policy. However, macro-regional strategies conceived to aid European integration and territorial cohesion were viewed by academics with skepticism, obscuring the strategies’ potential impact. This thesis intends to investigate and measure the added value of the EUSBSR in order to analyze its impact on regional development and its feasibility as a guide for future programs intending to strengthen European cohesion and integration. To determine the added value of the EUSBSR the thesis is organized into three sections, so as to address environmental, social, and economic concerns, respectively. The first case examines EU-Russia cooperation in an environmental context to investigate how environmental cooperation with an external neighbor could forge increased cohesion in a macro-regional setting. To figure the added cooperation that academic cooperation among universities would contribute to social dimension, the work has chosen several study results. Lastly, to measure out the added value for the economic strategy objective, the study employs the project for Improved Global Competitiveness in an example of ‘A Baltic Sea Region Program for Innovation, Cluster and SME-Networks’ as an economic plan.


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This study discusses the pronounced importance of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, CEB, facilitation and enablement as a key dimension in the rapidly changing business environment within companies. The research target is a large finance company in Finland, where regulations, compliance and processes restrict and refine extensively business approach. The purpose of this study is to foster the understanding of corporate entrepreneurial behavior and requirements and identify the supporters and inhibitors of facilitation of it. Furthermore, this study examines who should be driving the implementation and offer concrete outcome for the company to get the facilitation started and berth it as part of the organizational culture and values. The theoretical background is constructed from literature related to concept of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, factors supporting and hindering the facilitation based on previous studies and innovation management. Furthermore theoretical framework of middle managers entrepreneurial behavior in facilitation process was researched. Additionally top down and bottom up approach of conversational space building within the organization in order to foster innovation and involving mindset and behavior was in the core literature. The empirical research conducted for the study consists three parts; innovation audit questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and secondary data from previously made research within the case company. Questionnaire and interviews were targeted to eight middle managers within the company, the head of branch regions in corporate segment. The secondary data was collected from over 300 employees in the case company by an external company. Research results were analyzed mainly by themes and source division in adaption with the theoretical framework. The study finds that facilitation of CEB should be a strategic choice and requires strong management support and examples. Behavior should be involved with organizational culture, values, structures and processes. The companies´ willingness to take risks and encourage employees at all levels to participate and be involved by taking ownership and responsibility is in the core. CEB is found to be a key dimension in increasing employee satisfaction and engagement, competitive advantages and economic growth of companies. There is increased interest towards CEB in the case company but there is lack in the mutual consensus of it. CEB is not in the strategy although the mindset and support from management is in place. There is no concrete enablement and space for innovation and CEB although the platform would be receptive. Further research is needed to build shared vision of CEB and how to make it a part of the organizational culture and values in addition to building the conversational space.


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Internationalization represents a complex topic that has been researched for quite some time. However, since it continues to be extremely current a topic, its significance has not diminished, but maybe even increased in importance. Companies today face extreme pressure to enter new markets in the hope of growing, becoming more profitable, increasing market share, attracting new customers and meeting the requirements of its share- and stakeholders. In the increasingly global business environment of today, companies are facing both challenges and possible advantages of internationalization. Few companies are not operating internationally and it is becoming the question of ‘Why not?’ rather than ‘Why?’ to internationalize business operations. Internationalization and the importance of strategy are discussed in this research from the viewpoint of three case companies that were interviewed about internationalization strategies. This research project is a qualitative study that answers the research question of How is a business strategy constructed for entering a new market? The sub-questions are • How are goals set and what indicators are used to monitor the achievement of these goals? • What are the key characteristics of a strategy implementation process? The research method chosen for this study is a multiple-case study. Three case companies were chosen for the interviews in order to gain in-depth data of internationalization strategies within the construction industry.


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Trade between South America and China has been an important source of the high growth shown by those economies in the 2000s. During the globalization of the 1990s, trade between the region and China had not developed so much. A rather sharp growth in China's presence in world trade since the beginning of the 2000s changed the world trade trends for MERCOSUR countries, or, at least, for many of them. The impact of the increasing trade of agrifood has been very relevant, and different per country. Strategy is another important issue, referring to bilateral relations with China. This country should be seen as a partner in the global trade, and not as a new foreign investor for the region, but this may be different in the context of different national strategies of South American countries.


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This paper examines the structuralist tradition in economics, emphasizing the role that structures play in the economic growth of developing countries. Since the subject at hand is evidently too large to cover in a single article, an emphasis has been brought to bear upon the macroeconomic elements of such a tradition, while also exploring its methodological aspects. It begins by analysing some general aspects of structuralism in economics (its evolution and origins) associated with ECLAC thought, in this instance focusing on the dynamics of the center-periphery relationship. Thereafter, the macroeconomic structuralism derived from the works of Taylor (1983, 1991) is presented, followed by a presentation of neo-structuralism. Centred on the concept of systemic competitiveness, this approach defines a strategy to achieve the high road of globalization, understood here as an inevitable process in spite of its engagement being dependent on the policies adopted. The conclusions show the genuine contributions of this tradition to economic theory.


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The thesis aims to understand how CSR and stakeholder engagement can contribute to the development of industrial symbiosis. Theory suggests that corporate social responsibility and stakeholder engagement theories have many similar aspects that correlate with the development of industrial symbiosis. This study is qualitative and empirical suggestions are derived from integrative analysis of literature, secondary data and case study analysis. The empirical findings from the interviews support the framework that is created from the findings of the literature review. The results discovered throughout the thesis research suggest that CSR functions as a theoretical background for industrial symbiosis and stakeholder engagement helps develop more thorough understandings of it from the management viewpoint. Empirical findings and literature review also suggest that in the developing of industrial symbiosis the key aspect are the social characteristics such as a robust management structure, trust between partners and long-term commitment to the common goals that support the development of these symbioses. Also, communication and transparency supports the development of industrial symbiosis. For managerial contribution, this thesis presents organizational practices that can help managers to understand how they can engage in effective engagement with stakeholders in the development of industrial symbiosis.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan strategian määrittämistä. Tutkimus keskittyy logistiikkapalvelualan yrityksen strategian uudistamiseen ja strategiatyön kehittämiseen. Tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään miten yritys pystyy parhaiten saavuttamaan strategiset tavoitteensa. Lisäksi pyritään selvittämään miten yritys pystyy luomaan ja ylläpitämään kilpailuetua. Tutkimus toteutetaan tutkimalla ensin strategiaa, strategiaprosessia ja logistiikkapalvelualan liiketoimintaa kirjallisuudessa. Empiirinen osuus toteutetaan pääosin yrityksen johtoryhmän jäsenten kanssa strategiatyöpajoissa. Yrityksen hallitus asettaa strategiset tavoitteet ja myös hyväksyy projektin eri vaiheiden tulokset. Strategisissa analyyseissä otetaan huomioon sekä ulkoinen että sisäinen näkökulma, jotta saadaan kattava kuva yrityksen liiketoimintaympäristöstä sekä yrityksen vahvuuksista ja heikkouksista. Analyysejä hyödynnetään strategisten vaihtoehtojen muodostamisessa sekä yritys- että liiketoimintatasolla. Strategiset valinnat tehdään sen perustella, miten eri strategiset vaihtoehdot tukevat asetettuja strategisia tavoitteita. Tutkimuksen tuloksena määritellään yrityksen strategia, joka myös dokumentoidaan. Lisäksi luodaan strategisen suunnittelun ja johtamisen prosessi, joka mahdollistaa reagoinnin liiketoimintaympäristössä tapahtuviin nopeisiin muutoksiin.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tunnistaa uusia markkinoita ja markkinasegmenttejä yrityksen kasvustrategiaa varten. Yritys on kasvanut erittäin voimakkaasti viime vuosina nykyisillä markkinoillaan ja haluaa nyt jatkaa kasvuaan uusilla markkinoilla. Työ koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja empiirisestä osuudesta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa on tunnistettu useita pk-yrityksen kasvuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä, uusien markkinoiden kartoittamiseen ja arvioimiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä, ja lisäksi liiketoimintastrategiaan ja markkinasegmentin valintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Empiirisen osuuden data kerättiin 60 asiantuntijahaastattelusta, joilla kartoitettiin kokonaismarkkinoita ja saatiin tarkkaa markkinainformaatiota kohdemarkkinoista. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin kymmenen potentiaalista toimialaa ja 54 potentiaalista markkinasegmenttiä. Kirjallisuudesta tunnistetuilla kriteereillä, teknologisin perustein ja yrityksen omien näkökulmien perusteella näistä valittiin kohdemarkkinoiksi kahdeksan. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin markkinasegmenttien arviointiin malli. Mallin avulla valitut kahdeksan markkinasegmenttiä listattiin järjestykseen niiden houkuttelevuuden perusteella. Jatkotoimenpiteenä yrityksessä tullaan kehittämään kasvustrategia perustuen tutkimuksen tuloksille.


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The Arctic region is experiencing a significant change in terms of climate change and a growing economic interest towards its natural resources and emerging business opportunities. The purpose of this study is to explore how can Finnish companies create sustainable business in the Arctic. This is done by examining the arctic business environment, identifying sectors with growth potential, addressing challenges related to operating in the Arctic and suggesting how to ensure sustainability and succeed in the globally competed arctic market. The theoretical framework is based on theories of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and the role of strategy in creating sustainable business. Empirical data was collected by using qualitative research methods: first, background knowledge was formed based on written documents and, secondly, six expert interviews were conducted in early 2014. The interviewees represented the viewpoints of companies, political decision makers and NGO’s. The analysis of the data was conducted using thematic categorization. The empirical findings of the study suggest that in order to create sustainable business in the Arctic companies should adopt a long-term perspective, embrace a holistic approach to sustainability, understand interdependencies between the dimensions of sustainability and aim at high-level engagement in responsible behavior. To succeed in the arctic market core competencies, customer needs, multivendor cooperation and long-term presence need to be invested in on a company level. In addition, to promote and advance arctic development on a national level support is needed in terms of investments in infrastructure, funding research and design, creating a regulative framework and removing barriers of trade.


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The strength of adolescents' moral identity was examined in relation to their sense of social responsibility, frequency of community engagement, and interactions with parents and friends. Participants were 191 applicants to national youth conferences, ranging in age from 14-19, who completed a 40-minute survey. 76% of the participants were female. Social responsibility, community engagement, and discussion with parents and friends were measured using self-report questionnaires. Participants also reported on the importance of various values to themselves, their parents, and their friends, which were used to create an index of the degree of disagreement between the youth and their parents and friends. In addition, participants provided self-descriptions, which were used to measure moral identity with both a coding scheme and a ratings measure. Moral identity as measured by coding was not related to social responsibility, community engagement, or any other study variables, and thus did not appear to be a valid measure of moral identity. However, moral identity as measured by ratings was related to both social responsibility and community engagement, and thus appeared to be a valid measure. Neither disagreement nor discussion with friends was related to moral identity. However, disagreement with parents was positively related to moral identity ratings, and for girls only was negatively related to social responsibility. Furthermore, discussion with parents was positively related to moral identity for boys only. The hypothesis predicting a mediational model was not supported. Results were discussed in terms of theoretical positions on the role of parents and friends in children's moral development and suggestions for ftiture research were made.