929 resultados para Early Stage Memory Loss
Breast cancer remains one of the leading causes of cancer morbidity and mortality. Despite significant advances in treatment of breast cancer a substantial proportion of women affected by this disease succumb to it. Survival of patients with advanced disease, chemoresistant tumors or a suboptimal response to endocrine therapy is significantly shortened. Hence, further understanding of disease pathogenesis is required to enhance the arsenal of approaches to cure this deadly ailment. Recent advances in biochemistry, molecular cell biology and cancer research highlighted the importance of dysregulation of protein synthesis, translation, in the development and progression of tumors. This dysregulation appears to take place at an early stage of translation, called translation initiation, that is a highly controlled and rate-limiting step of the protein synthesis. In this chapter we summarize decades of knowledge accumulated in regards to the role of translation and its regulation in the development and progression of breast cancer. We then extensively discuss applications of this knowledge in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
The use of mo and cu monochromatic radiations for quantitative phase analysis: study of the accuracy
Cement hydration is a very complex process in which crystalline phases are dissolving in water and after supersaturation hydrated crystalline and amorphous phases precipitate. Great efforts are being made to develop analytical tools to accurately quantify these processes and X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) combined with Rietveld methodology is a suitable tool to quantify these complex mixtures and their time evolutions. However, some problems/drawbacks should be overcome to fully apply it to cement pastes characterization in order to get accurate phase analyses. In order to tackle this issue, a comparison of the Rietveld quantitative phase analyses (RQPA) obtained using Cu-Kα1, Mo-Kα1, and synchrotron strictly monochromatic radiations of three set of mixtures with increasing amounts of a given phase (spiking-method) is presented. The main aim is to test a simple hypothesis: high energy Mo-radiation, combined with high resolution laboratory X-ray powder diffraction optics, could yield more accurate RQPA, for challenging samples, than well-established Cu-radiation procedure(s). Firstly, a series of crystalline inorganic phase mixtures with increasing amounts of an analyte was studied in order to determine if Mo-Kα1 methodology is as robust as the well-established Cu-Kα1 one. Secondly, a series of crystalline organic phase mixtures with increasing amounts of an organic compound was analyzed. This type of mixture can result in transparency problems in reflection and inhomogeneous loading in narrow capillaries for transmission studies. Finally, a third series with variable amorphous content was studied. Limit of detection in Cu-patterns, ~0.2 wt%, are slightly lower than those derived from Mo-patterns, ~0.3 wt%, for similar recording times and limit of quantification for a well crystallized inorganic phase using laboratory powder diffraction was established ~0.10 wt%. From the obtained results it is inferred that RQPA from Mo-Kα1 radiation have slightly better accuracies than those obtained from Cu-Kα1. The results obtained in the previous comparison have been taken into account to obtain accurate RQPA, including the amorphous component with internal standard methodology, of hydrating cement pastes. The final goal of this second study was understanding the early-stage hydration mechanisms of a variety of cementing systems (Ordinary Portland Cement or Belite Alite Ye’elimite cement) as a function of water content, superplasticizer additives and type and content of sulfate source. In order to do so, X-ray powder diffraction data were taken in-situ with the humidity chamber coupled to the Mo-Kα1 powder diffractometer. Some results of this ongoing investigation will be reported and discussed.
This paper has two main objectives. Firstly, to identify the role of the university-focused intermediaries, specifically UVCs, in order to explain how they interact at the early stage of USO creation, particularly regarding knowledge sharing. Secondly, to analyse whether they change their position once the USO is developed. This gives rise to two Research Questions: How does knowledge sharing occur in the dynamics of a university-based entrepreneurial ecosystem? And Do particular participants, such as UTTOs or UVCs, always occupy the same role and position within the university-based entrepreneurial ecosystem?
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
The Li-ion rechargeable battery (LIB) is widely used as an energy storage device, but has significant limitations in battery cycle life and safety. During initial charging, decomposition of the ethylene carbonate (EC)-based electrolytes of the LIB leads to the formation of a passivating layer on the anode known as the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). The formation of an SEI has great impact on the cycle life and safety of LIB, yet mechanistic aspects of SEI formation are not fully understood. In this dissertation, two surface science model systems have been created under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) to probe the very initial stage of SEI formation at the model carbon anode surfaces of LIB. The first model system, Model System I, is an lithium-carbonate electrolyte/graphite C(0001) system. I have developed a temperature programmed desorption/temperature programmed reaction spectroscopy (TPD/TPRS) instrument as part of my dissertation to study Model System I in quantitative detail. The binding strengths and film growth mechanisms of key electrolyte molecules on model carbon anode surfaces with varying extents of lithiation were measured by TPD. TPRS was further used to track the gases evolved from different reduction products in the early-stage SEI formation. The branching ratio of multiple reaction pathways was quantified for the first time and determined to be 70.% organolithium products vs. 30% inorganic lithium product. The obtained branching ratio provides important information on the distribution of lithium salts that form at the very onset of SEI formation. One of the key reduction products formed from EC in early-stage SEI formation is lithium ethylene dicarbonate (LEDC). Despite intensive studies, the LEDC structure in either the bulk or thin-film (SEI) form is unknown. To enable structural study, pure LEDC was synthesized and subject to synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements (bulk material) and STM measurements (deposited films). To enable studies of LEDC thin films, Model System II, a lithium ethylene dicarbonate (LEDC)-dimethylformamide (DMF)/Ag(111) system was created by a solution microaerosol deposition technique. Produced films were then imaged by ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (UHV-STM). As a control, the dimethylformamide (DMF)-Ag(111) system was first prepared and its complex 2D phase behavior was mapped out as a function of coverage. The evolution of three distinct monolayer phases of DMF was observed with increasing surface pressure — a 2D gas phase, an ordered DMF phase, and an ordered Ag(DMF)2 complex phase. The addition of LEDC to this mixture, seeded the nucleation of the ordered DMF islands at lower surface pressures (DMF coverages), and was interpreted through nucleation theory. A structural model of the nucleation seed was proposed, and the implication of ionic SEI products, such as LEDC, in early-stage SEI formation was discussed.
Over the past 15 years, the number of international development projects aimed at combating global poverty has increased significantly. Within the water and sanitation sector however, and despite heightened global attention and an increase in the number of infrastructure projects, over 800 million people remain without access to appropriate water and sanitation facilities. The majority of donor aid in the water supply and sanitation sector of developing countries is delivered through standalone projects. The quality of projects at the design and preparation stage is a critical determinant in meeting project objectives. The quality of projects at early stage of design, widely referred to as quality at entry (QAE), however remains unquantified and largely subjective. This research argues that water and sanitation infrastructure projects in the developing world tend to be designed in the absence of a specific set of actions that ensure high QAE, and consequently have relatively high rates of failure. This research analyzes 32 cases of water and sanitation infrastructure projects implemented with partial or full World Bank financing globally from 2000 – 2010. The research uses categorical data analysis, regression analysis and descriptive analysis to examine perceived linkages between project QAE and project development outcomes and determines which upstream project design factors are likely to impact the QAE of international development projects in water supply and sanitation. The research proposes a number of specific design stage actions that can be incorporated into the formal review process of water and sanitation projects financed by the World Bank or other international development partners.
Invasive candidiasis (IC) is an opportunistic systemic mycosis caused by Candida species (commonly Candida albicans) that continues to pose a significant public health problem worldwide. Despite great advances in antifungal therapy and changes in clinical practices, IC remains a major infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in severely immunocompromised or critically ill patients, and further accounts for substantial healthcare costs. Its impact on patient clinical outcome and economic burden could be ameliorated by timely initiation of appropriate antifungal therapy. However, early detection of IC is extremely difficult because of its unspecific clinical signs and symptoms, and the inadequate accuracy and time delay of the currently available diagnostic or risk stratification methods. In consequence, the diagnosis of IC is often attained in advanced stages of infection (leading to delayed therapeutic interventions and ensuing poor clinical outcomes) or, unfortunately, at autopsy. In addition to the difficulties encountered in diagnosing IC at an early stage, the initial therapeutic decision-making process is also hindered by the insufficient accuracy of the currently available tools for predicting clinical outcomes in individual IC patients at presentation. Therefore, it is not surprising that clinicians are generally unable to early detect IC, and identify those IC patients who are most likely to suffer fatal clinical outcomes and may benefit from more personalized therapeutic strategies at presentation. Better diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for IC are thus needed to improve the clinical management of this life-threatening and costly opportunistic fungal infection...
Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
Este estudo procura compreender a importância atribuída aos critérios utilizados pelas SCR portuguesas, na seleção e avaliação de projetos do tipo early-stage. Os dados utilizados foram recolhidos com recurso a questionário aplicado a 22 SCR portuguesas. Foram utilizadas técnicas de estatística descritiva, testes não paramétricos e análise de clusters. Concluiu-se que a personalidade e experiência do empreendedor e equipa de gestão são os critérios mais valorizados. As SCR com capital maioritariamente privado consideram mais importante o grupo de critérios relativo à personalidade do empreendedor e equipa de gestão do que as de capital maioritariamente público; e, as SCR que ainda não se internacionalizaram, consideram mais importantes o grupo de critérios relativos à personalidade do empreendedor e equipa de gestão e o grupo de critérios relativo aos aspetos financeiros, do que as SCR que se internacionalizaram. Na análise de clusters identificaram-se três grupos de SCR: Criadores de riqueza de forma sustentada; Monopolistas Impacientes; e, Ciumento. ABSTRACT: This study seeks to understand the relevance of the criteria used by the Portuguese VCs to select and assess early stage type projects. The data used for the study was collected through a questionnaire answered by 22 Portuguese VCs. We employed descriptive statistic techniques, non-parametric tests and cluster analysis. The conclusion of the study was that the personality and experience of an entrepreneur and of the management team are the most valued criteria. VCs with a majority of private share capital found the group of criteria related to the personality of the entrepreneur and of the management team to be more important than the companies with a majority of public share capital; additionally, the VCs that have not yet expanded internationally, consider the personality of the entrepreneur and management team and the group of criteria associated to financial aspects, to be more important than the VCs that have already expanded abroad. Throughout the study of the clusters we were able to identify three VCs groups: Creators of sustained wealth; Impatient Monopolists and Jealous.
Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica.
This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Nanoscale.
Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender de que forma os alunos desenvolvem a aprendizagem da multiplicação através da resolução de uma sequência de problemas. Mais concretamente, pretende Identificar e analisar as estratégias e procedimentos de cálculo utilizados pelos alunos quando resolvem problemas de multiplicação e o contributo da sequência de problemas na aprendizagem desta operação. O quadro teórico integra duas secções que discutem as seguintes temáticas: a resolução de problemas e o ensino e aprendizagem da multiplicação. A metodologia deste estudo segue uma abordagem qualitativa, na vertente de investigação-ação. Nele participaram 20 alunos de uma turma do 2.º ano de escolaridade. A recolha de dados foi realizada com recurso à observação participante, à recolha documental, a conversas informais e à entrevista. Os resultados deste estudo sobre as estratégias e procedimentos de cálculo usados pelos alunos quando resolvem problemas de multiplicação revelam que: (i) recorrem a alguma diversidade de estratégias e procedimentos de cálculo na resolução de problemas de multiplicação, (ii) há alunos que, numa fase inicial, recorrem a várias estratégias e procedimentos para resolver um mesmo problema, (iii) por vezes, os alunos regridem na estratégia utilizada comparando com a que usou no problema anterior da sequência e (iv) associada a cada uma das estratégias há procedimentos de cálculo mais frequentes do que outros. Estes resultados mostram, ainda, no que se refere ao contributo da sequência de problemas na aprendizagem da multiplicação que: (i) problemas com contextos associados ao modelo de disposição retangular contribuem para o uso de estratégias multiplicativas, desde que os números envolvidos sejam adequados, (ii) os números de referência e do conhecimento dos alunos facilitam os cálculos efetuados pelos mesmos e (iii) a articulação entre os problemas da sequência contribui para a progressão das estratégias utilizadas pelos alunos.
Ten species of Copestylum (Diptera: Syrphidae) were reared from fruits and flowers in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Trinidad. Seven were new and in this paper, we describe them, their development sites and the third stage larva and/or the puparium of all ten species. One new synonym is proposed, Copestylum pinkusi (Curran) [= Copestylum cinctiventre (Curran)]. Similarities and differences between these new and other Copestylum species, suggest they separate into two groups, referred to as the Vagum and Cinctiventre species groups. Features characterising these groups for both adult and early stages are assessed. Each species was also distinguished using adult and early stage characters. Within the Vagum group, adults were more disparate morphologically than the larval stage; this was reversed in the Cinctiventre group. Adult colour patterns are probably cryptic in function and for disguise. Vagum species have disruptive marks, while the Cinctiventre species have reflective colours. Biologically, the groups are almost distinguished by larval development sites. Vagum species use predominantly fruits and have a larval stage that is relatively generalised in form and habit. Cinctiventre species are confined to developing in flowers and the larva is more specialised. A key to both adult and early stages of all ten species is provided.
Background: D-Lactate is normally present in the blood of humans at nanomolar concentrations due to methylglyoxal metabolism; millimolar D-lactate concentrations can arise due to excess gastrointestinal microbial production. Objectives: To examine the levels of plasma D-lactate in the necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants. Patients and Methods: 128 premature infants were divided into control (group I, n = 69), feeding intolerance (group II, n = 42) and NEC (group III, n = 27) groups. Plasma D-lactate levels were measured at the onset of feeding intolerance or NEC and at weeks 2-3 in control infants (group I) by ELISA. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, non-parametric tests and Student’s t-test. Results: In groups I, II, III, median birth weights were 1845.7 ± 267.5 g, 1913.1 ± 306.5 g, and 1898.4 ± 285.3 g, median gestational ages were 34.3 ± 1.7 weeks, 33.9 ± 2.2 weeks and 35.1 ± 2.6 weeks, ages of sampling were 12.3 ± 2.9 days, 14.6 ± 3.7 days and 15.1 ± 1.8 days, respectively. The differences of median birth weights, median gestational ages and ages of sampling were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The plasma D-lactate levels in groups I, II, III were 3.6 ± 1.9 μg/mL, 12.7 ± 8.3 μg/mL, and 35.4 ± 29.1 μg/mL, respectively, group III had higher plasma D-lactate level than groups I, II, and the difference among these groups was significant (x2 = 21.6, P < 0.01). Conclusions: Plasma D-lactate significantly increased early in NEC. Plasma D-lactate levels were associated with extensive disease in NEC infants. Therefore, it could be used as a diagnosis indicator in the early stage of NEC.
Antecedentes: Distintos estudios han demostrado que aproximadamente la mitad de los niños presentan al menos un episodio de obstrucción bronquial durante los primeros 3 años de vida y, en más del 50% de ellos el episodio se repite una o más veces. Entonces es necesario prever que niños que inician con sibilancias en una etapa temprana de la vida, van a padecer de asma en el futuro, estudios realizados muestran una sensibilidad del 16 % y especificidad del 97 % para el IPA Castro – Rodríguez y para el PIAMA una sensibilidad de 63% y una especificidad del 64% aproximadamente. Objetivo General: Determinar la validez de diversos índices predictores de asma bronquial en niños y niñas de 6 a 11 años atendidos en Consulta Externa de Neumología del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Metodología: Se trató de un estudio de validación de test predictores de asma en la totalidad de niños/as de 6 a 11 años con diagnóstico de asma y un grupo equitativo escogidos al azar de niños de las mismas edades atendidos en consulta externa de Neumología durante el periodo Enero – Diciembre 2014. Se aplicó una encuesta a sus representantes, además se revisó los hemogramas previos que mostraron eosinofilia. Los datos fueron analizados con los programas SPSS versión 20. Uso de resultados: Se mostró la validez de los Índices Predictores de Asma que podrán ser aplicados a niños en edades aún más tempranas