926 resultados para Introducción Varios trabajos publicados en los años recientes tratan de profundizar en diversos temas relativos a aspectos socio económicos de la Costa Rica de los inicios de la expansión cafetalera. Resumiremos a continuación nuestras nuevas investiga


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The article examines a range of components for the customer service from the point of view of marketing.It start with the explanation of several features that are required for a company to crystallize teamwork that finally, after all, will be provided by the success or failure of that company.These features are named: engagement, cooperation, companionship, communication, motivation and leadership.Subsequently, this article presents a section which explores human relationships and conflict management within organizations, with emphasis on attitudes, skills and personality types that present human beings as part of its essence.Finally, this text includes a section that highlights concepts related to customer service and sales techniques that exist today.


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This article provides a brief description of some general aspects of self-evaluation process conducted in the School of Library, Documentation and Information from the National University of Costa Rica, to obtain accreditation from the career of Library and Documentation in 2005 and to achieve re-accreditation in 2009.The objective consists in a comparison between the two evaluation processes from the point of view of two specific sectors, employers and graduates, and presents the views provided by each of them as a partial analysis of the social impact assessment of educational programs in the community librarianship as a first input to raise awareness of the importance of these studies in the institutional and national level.


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This essay presents a series of discussions revolving around the discipline of library professionals who are trained in it.It covers the concept of Library from the formal point of view, contributed by some authors and dictionaries, but also from the particular vision of the author, who conceptualized from the working level, academy, research and daily contact with users.Therefore, it is a short journey from the traditional to the current reality with the inclusion of information technology and communication. But above all, a journey of a very personal feel.


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In this latest installment, the Bulletin Library available to all colleagues three articles and two essays.


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This article tries to reflect about skills that librarian or information specialists should develop to design an online course. Define distance education, online education, and collaborative learning. Establish the importance of community sense. Describe the process to design online courses. Finally, compare the Mexican Librarianship and Information Sciences Schools graduate profiles with the skills required to design online courses.


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This project is a diagnosis of update needs and training for professionals in bibliotecology and its results will be used for the design of a Program of Permanent training in bibliotecology, which will be implemented in Bibliotecology School, Documentation and Information of the National University.The studied population is composed by all the teachers of Bibliotecology School, Documentation and Information of the National University, in October, 2007, and all the graduated students of licentiate of the EBDI from 2000 to 2007.The results of this investigation were obtained by means of a questionnaire that was filled by each one of the members of these two populations, who corresponded to 25 teachers of the EBDI and 18 graduates of licentiate. This one also presents the information that was obtained in interviews realized to the managers of the principal institutions who are professionals contracted in bibliotecology.The results obtained of this diagnosis will allow the elaboration of the Program of Permanent training in bibliotecology, considering the formative needs of the professionals in bibliotecology of the EBDI. This project includes the following products:a) Description of the social and demographic characteristics of teachers and of graduated of licentiate of the EBDI.b) Diagnosis of needs to update and training of bibliotecology professional teachers and of graduated of licentiate of the EBDI.c) Determination of the knowledge and skills that the needs to satisfy what big employers ask for.d) Recommendations for the program. Implementation.


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Digitalization is, nowadays, a very important mechanism to help information get where its needed, thanks specially to the universality of internet access. However, it carries within the responsibility of making a good use of it, in means of copyright, guarding the existing legislation in Costa Rica and the international agreements in which the country takes part. Legislation allows, under certain premises, the use of digitalization. Nevertheless, its necessary to define the parameters in which these premises will be applied, so its used correctly.


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In Costa Rica, the documentary check is carried out, is insufficient, the increase in book production, making it difficult to keep track of document production in different formats or themes.Therefore it is necessary to have a documentary Control of Marine Biodiversity of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, including from 1882 to early 2006, to serve as a contribution to cultural and scientific heritage, benefiting users and researchers concerned in the issue of marine biodiversity.This control will help to rescue the national and individual identity, being a contribution to national and universal document control, performed with standards set at national, regional or international helps to have the information, properly systematized, it is also a legacy to research in marine sciences and coastal favor the National University of Costa Rica currently has two stations in marine biology and coastal area at the sole attraction the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica.


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Este ejemplar del Boletn Bibliotecas presenta algunos aportes resultados de la investigacin, inquietudes y aspectos, considerandos de inters y porque no, preocupacin en temas como usuarios, servicios, calidad y vulnerabilidad a la que estamos expuestos ante desastres.


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Este documento describe el proceso que se llev a cabo para conocer las necesidades de informacin de los(as) usuarios(as) reales y potenciales de las comunidades Jardines Universitarios 1 y Jardines Universitarios 2 que atiende la Biblioteca Infantil Miriam lvarez Brenes de la Universidad Nacional. Adems presenta las conclusiones y recomendaciones generadas por el estudio de usuarios(as), as como la caracterizacin actualizada de las comunidades meta contempladas en el estudio.


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Por su carcter constitutivo y al estar frecuentemente expuestos a factores y mecanismos de alteracin, los documentos en soporte de papel sufren constantes cambios en su composicin fsica y funcional, lo cual pone en peligro la informacin consignada en ellos. En pases de clima tropical como el nuestro, este riesgo es mucho mayor, ya que las condiciones ambientales propician la aparicin ms frecuente de agentes adversos a la estructura molecular del papel mismo.Por consiguiente, los funcionarios a cargo de la produccin, organizacin y facilitacin de documentos pblicos y privados, as como quienes conservan materiales de ndole particular, tienen la responsabilidad de crear condiciones ambientales, estructurales y administrativas propicias, con el objeto de garantizar la perdurabilidad de sus acervos documentales para las futuras generaciones.Dado que la cultura costarricense usualmente se enfoca en apagar el fuego cuando el incendio est en pleno desarrollo, es que se considera prioritario impulsar y propiciar polticas preventivas para que los documentos que se produzcan en las instituciones pblicas, surjan y se conserven en condiciones ptimas para su conservacin permanente.


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Las bibliografas han formado parte del quehacer de personas interesadas en rescatar el patrimonio documental del pas, las cuales se realizaron con el fin de hacer un inventario de la produccin impresa del pas.Con el crecimiento de la produccin documental la bibliografa toma una nueva concepcin, se dejan de elaborar bibliografas universales dada la dificultad de abarcar todo lo publicado en el mundo para dar paso a las bibliografas nacionales y las especializadas.La bibliografa especializada facilita el trabajo intelectual, orienta al usuario entre las enormes cantidades de informacin, adems, le permite identificar informacin ms pertinente, obteniendo como producto final la generacin de ms conocimiento.Esta investigacin consisti en realizar una bibliografa especializada del Cantn Central de Heredia, se tomaron en cuenta organismos locales y nacionales


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En el marco del 30 aniversario de la Escuela de Bibliotecologa, Documentacin e Informacin de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, se presenta el nmero 25 del boletn Bibliotecas, el cual cuenta con la participacin no solo de especialistas e investigadores del exterior, sino tambin de profesores de la Escuela.Encabeza el boletn, un artculo producto de una investigacin sobre los procedimientos pedaggicos utilizados en el curso prctica supervisada, la formacin del profesional y su incursin en el mbito laboral por medio de la prctica profesional.Qu requiere Amrica Latina en materia de formacin bibliotecolgica? Es la pregunta que solemos hacer para responder a un usuario cada vez ms exigente, rodeado de grandes cantidades de informacin que lo abruma y que, para desempearse con xito en un mundo globalizado requiere el conocimiento que le permita seleccionar y utilizar esta informacin de manera eficiente, razn que le lleva a demandar servicios eficaces y efectivos.


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En Costa Rica se ha hecho poco por realizar el control documental nacional sobre grupos tnicos indgenas, esto puede ser tipificado como una debilidad, dos obras son el universo de fuentes de referencia.La necesidad de contar con el control documental sobre/de grupos tnicos indgenas costarricenses entre 1980-2003, es el propsito que persigui esta investigacin, adems brindar un aporte de valor histrico, cultural y cientfico a aquellas personas interesadas en la temtica indgena costarricense.Este control documental pretende agrupar la temtica en estudio de dicho perodo. Es importante mencionar que en Costa Rica existen controles documentales sobre otras temticas, no as de la temtica indgena.Este control facilitar el rescate de la cultura indgena costarricense, es un aporte al control documental nacional y universal, contiene documentos de los años comprendidos entre 1980-2003, el mismo es fundamental para el acceso y disponibilidad de la informacin que forma parte de la actividad propia del profesional en bibliotecologa, el cual se realiza d acuerdo con las normas y criterios establecidos a nivel nacional e internacional. Adems servir y contribuir como antecedente para futuros controles documentales sobre esta temtica.


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La alfabetizacin en el uso de la informacin, conocida como ALFIN o tambin como el desarrollo de habilidades informativas es un tema fundamental para los educadores en este momento. En este artculo vamos a: definir el concepto de alfabetizacin en el uso de la informacin, explicar las normas de ALFIN - las habilidades/conocimientos bsicos que definen este concepto, investigar diferentes modelos para impartir estos conocimientos/habilidades, y mirar los cambios que deben ocurrir para tener un programa de ALFIN.