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The present work analyzed the tribological behavior of coatings/surface modifications traditionally used in cold rolling mill rolls and new coatings/surface modificationswith potential to replace the carcinogenic hard chrome. The study started with identification of wear mechanisms occurring in real coldrollingmill rolls. Due the high cost and dimensions of the rolls, thereplication technique was used. Replicas were obtained from 4 different rolling millBrazilian companies before and after a normal rolling campaign. Initial sliding tests were conducted using spherical and cylindrical counter bodies in order to verifywhichtribological conditions allowed to reproduce the wear mechanisms found in the replicas. These tests indicated the use of reciprocating sliding tests with cylindrical counter bodies (line contact), normal load of 100 N, and test times of and 1 h and 5 h. Different surface modifications were carried out on samples produced from a fragment of a rolling mill roll. The specimens were heat treated and ground on both sides. After, some specimens were surface textured by electrical discharge texturing (EDT). For both groups (ground and EDT), subsequent treatments of chromium plating, electroless NiP coating and plasma nitriding were carried out. The results of the reciprocating tests showed that specimens with electroless NiP coating presented the lowest friction coefficients, while plasma nitrided specimens showed the highest. In general, previous surface texturing before the coating/surface modification increased the wear of the counter bodies. Oneexceptionwas for EDT with subsequent electroless NiP coating, which presented the lowest counter bodies wear rate. The samples withelectroless NiP coating promoted a tribolayer consisting of Nickel, Phosphorus and Oxygen on both the specimens andthecounter bodies, which was apparently responsible for the reduction of friction coefficient and wear rate. The increase of the test time reduced the wear rate of the samples, apparently due the stability of the tribolayers formed, except for the nitrided samples. For the textured specimens, NiP coating showed the best performance in maintaining the surface topography of the specimens after the sliding tests.
In this work, it was developed and validated methodologies that were based on the use of Infrared Spectroscopy Mid (MIR) combined with multivariate calibration Square Partial Least (PLS) to quantify adulterants such as soybean oil and residual soybean oil in methyl and ethyl palm biodiesels in the concentration range from 0.25 to 30.00 (%), as well as to determine methyl and ethyl palm biodiesel content in their binary mixtures with diesel in the concentration range from 0.25 to 30.00 (%). The prediction results showed that PLS models constructed are satisfactory. Errors Mean Square Forecast (RMSEP) of adulteration and content determination showed values of 0.2260 (%), with mean error (EM) with values below 1.93 (%). The models also showed a strong correlation between actual and predicted values, staying above 0.99974. No systematic errors were observed, in accordance to ASTM E1655- 05. Thus the built PLS models, may be a promising alternative in the quality control of this fuel for possible adulterations or to content determination.
As deficiências nos seus mais variados graus e complexidades podem impedir a eficácia do processo comunicativo. Estas limitações causam enormes perturbações no desenvolvimento dos indivíduos, e torna-se necessário um trabalho de intervenção que procure atender aos indivíduos com disfunções na comunicação através da aplicação de instrumentos que lhes permitam e possibilitem expressarem-se e comunicarem de forma eficaz. O presente trabalho apresenta o processo e os resultados parciais obtidos após o uso de uma “Carteira de Comunicação” por um individuo com incapacidade. Num primeiro momento foi feito um trabalho de análise conceptual com vista a possibilitar a melhoria da interação entre o sujeito do estudo e terceiros onde o principal objetivo e possibilitar a melhoria da comunicação entre as partes. Posteriormente, através do uso de pictogramas e de um sistema pictográfico para a comunicação (SPC) foram criadas tabelas e cartões a serem inseridos na carteira de comunicação a ser utilizada no quotidiano do sujeito. Trata-se de uma proposta de atuação onde a comunicação aumentativa cumpre os objetivos de proporcionar as ajudas técnicas específicas que ampliem as capacidades de interação proporcionando solução para as barreiras comunicativas e de aprendizagem assim como a autonomia de sujeitos com deficiências associadas.
A poluição marinha é um problema ambiental Mundial que afeta as constituintes bióticas e abióticas do Ecossistema. Os resultados de diversas atividades antropogénicas chegam ao meio marinho através de escorrências terrestres, industriais e agrícolas assim como através de descargas domésticas, causando distúrbios neste Ecossistema. Sendo assim, a avaliação da contaminação por metais é uma das prioridades tendo em conta que estes químicos têm comportamentos acumulativos e podem ser transportados ao longo de grandes distâncias. Nos estuários, os bivalves são componentes chaves das comunidades macrobentónicas devido o seu papel vital na comunidade e também por serem uma ótima fonte de alimentação para os seres Humanos. Na Lagoa de Óbidos, uma das espécies com estas características e intensamente apanhada é o berbigão Cerastoderma edule. Este berbigão foi descrito por vários autores como sendo tolerante a diversos poluentes. Sendo assim, no presente estudo, o principal objetivo foi utilizar C. edule como ferramenta de biomonitorização de contaminações por metais na Lagoa de Óbidos, avaliando a contaminação por Cádmio, Chumbo e Níquel durante as estações do ano de 2009 e 2010 em duas estações de amostragens (estação ML e BSB). Os resultados foram complementados com a análise de contaminações por metais em amostras de águas e sedimentos. Diversas respostas fisiológicas do berbigão foram também averiguadas de modo a perceber os efeitos da presença de metais e sua acumulação. Finalmente, avaliou-se a Dose Semanal Admissível Provisória (DSAP) para o consumo de berbigão para os mínimos e máximos de concentrações de metais detetados em cada estação de amostragem. Todos os metais foram detetados em amostras de água enquanto apenas o Pb foi detetado no sedimento. O Pb e o Ni foram detetados mais vezes na amostras biológicas do que o Cd. No entanto, as contaminações por metais Pb e Cd no berbigão foram frequentemente acima do limiar fixado pelas autoridades responsáveis enquanto o Ni se encontrou perto dos valores legislados. A avaliação da DSAP revelou a necessidade de aumentar a monitorização biológica neste berbigão visto que a dose semanal admissível foi muito baixa para os três metais. De um modo geral, C. edule refletiu as modificações ambientais, respondendo a modificações físico-químicas e contaminações por metais durante o período de estudo em ambas as estações de amostragem. Assim, este estudo permitiu concluir que Cerastoderma edule foi um bom e sensível indicador de contaminações por metais, especialmente para o Pb e preferencialmente para o Ni.
The study of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits (Higueruelas, Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Formations) of the South Iberian Basin (NW Valencia, Spain) reveals new stratigraphic and sedimentological data, which have significant implications on the stratigraphic framework, depositional environments and age of these units. The Higueruelas Fm was deposited in a mid-inner carbonate platform where oncolitic bars migrated by the action of storms and where oncoid production progressively decreased towards the uppermost part of the unit. The overlying Villar del Arzobispo Fm has been traditionally interpreted as an inner platform-lagoon evolving into a tidal-flat. Here it is interpreted as an inner-carbonate platform affected by storms, where oolitic shoals protected a lagoon, which had siliciclastic inputs from the continent. The Aldea de Cortés Fm has been previously interpreted as a lagoon surrounded by tidal-flats and fluvial-deltaic plains. Here it is reinterpreted as a coastal wetland where siliciclastic muddy deposits interacted with shallow fresh to marine water bodies, aeolian dunes and continental siliciclastic inputs. The contact between the Higueruelas and Villar del Arzobispo Fms, classically defined as gradual, is also interpreted here as rapid. More importantly, the contact between the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms, previously considered as unconformable, is here interpreted as gradual. The presence of Alveosepta in the Villar del Arzobispo Fm suggests that at least part of this unit is Kimmeridgian, unlike the previously assigned Late Tithonian-Middle Berriasian age. Consequently, the underlying Higueruelas Fm, previously considered Tithonian, should not be younger than Kimmeridgian. Accordingly, sedimentation of the Aldea de Cortés Fm, previously considered Valangian-Hauterivian, probably started during the Tithonian and it may be considered part of the regressive trend of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous cycle. This is consistent with the dinosaur faunas, typically Jurassic, described in the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms.
In the spirit of the proposals of the Agenda 2020 about the structural role of cinema in the configuration of the European identities, this article highlights the significance of the national cinemas in non-hegemonic languages in the conformation of a diverse European culture. Following this perspective, we use Galician cinema as a case study in which we analyze the presence (or more precisely the absence) of the Galician language in the original version in the feature films released between 2008 and 2012.This proposal is hosted by the I+D+I project eDCINEMA: “Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version” (Ref. CSO2012-35784) financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain.
Social media is changing the way we interact, present ideas and information and judge the quality of content and contributions. In recent years there have been hundreds of platforms to freely share all kinds of information and connect across networks. These new tools generate activity statistics and interactions among users such as mentions, retweets, conversations, comments on blogs or Facebook; managers references showing popularity ratings of more references shared by other researchers or repositories that generate statistics of visits or downloads of articles. This paper analyzes that have meaning and implications altmetrics, what are its advantages and critical platforms (Almetric.com, ImpactStory, Plos altmetrics, PlumX), reports progress and benefits for authors, publishers and librarians. It concluded that the value of alternative metrics as a complementary tool citation analysis is evident, although it is suggested that you should dig deeper into this issue to unravel the meaning and the potential value of these indicators to assess their potential.
Future teachers must be competent in creating educational settings, which provide tools to their students future they can develop a conscious mind, able to interpret their experiences, to make decisions and imagine innovative solutions to help you participate autonomously and responsible in society. This requires an educational system that allows them to integrate the subjective into a broader spatial and temporal context. La patrimonializatión of “Cultural artefacts” and oral history, the basis of which, are found in the active mind and links both the personal and the group experience, don’t only serve as a catalyst to achieving this goal, but rather, they facilitate the implementation of established practice in infant education. To gain this experience we offer the opportunity for students of their degree in Infant Education in the Public University of Navarre, training within the framework of social didactics, allowing students to learn about established practice from iconic, materials and oral sources in the Archive of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Navarra. The vidences points to their effectiveness and presented in a work in progress.
La construcción de experiencias formativas que repercuten en la asignatura de las artes visuales amplía en el alumnado su comprensión de la realidad, enriquece sus facultades creativas, imaginativas y simbólicas, lo que demanda un mejoramiento e integración de enfoques, métodos y prácticas innovadoras basados en la perspectiva pedagógica que abarcan las distintas disciplinas artísticas. El presente trabajo explora los conocimientos artísticos de un grupo de 10 docentes de Educación Básica en relación a la enseñanza de las bases curriculares de las artes visuales en los niveles de 1º a 6º año en distintas escuelas de la provincia de Bío Bío, al sur de Chile. A través de la metodología de estudio de caso, sobre la base de una entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de contenido, permitió organizar la información recabada en dimensiones y categorías que evidencian como resultado, las complejidades, diferencias y contribuciones de las Artes Visuales en la formación integral de los niños y niñas del sistema escolar.
O artigo apresenta os resultados parciais duma investigação em curso sobra narrativas museológicas sobre o reconhecimento da diversidade cultural. A partir duma análise sobre os processos de construção a ideia do outro em diferentes exposições em diverso museus, na Península Ibérica, no Brasil e em Moçambique, procuramos identificar os processos narrativos hegemónicos e os processos de silenciamento e esquecimento da diferença. Argumentamos, a partir do discurso identitário português, que sem a inclusão das narrativas sobre a diversidade, a cultura hegemónica não está a fornecer uma cartografia mental adequada para orientar e enfrentar a construção de inovação social nos museus.
Tese apresentada ao Programa de Doutorado em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul para a obtenção do título de Doutor em Administração
As Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar apresentam-se como um problema de saúde proeminente e, como tal, devem ser entendidas como multidimensionais e complexas, que interagem com factores biológicos, psicológicos e sócio-culturais e, que podem ocorrer devido a comportamentos alimentares de carácter patológico e com consequências sérias na qualidade de vida presente e futura. Este trabalho de investigação teve como principal objectivo avaliar a prevalência das Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar numa população não clínica de estudantes, assim como caracterizar o perfil socio-demográfico e familiar dos estudantes e, determinar a relação entre a sintomatologia associada a perturbações do comportamento alimentar e o sexo, idade, IMC, tipo de família, vinculação aos pais e ano de escolaridade dos adolescentes. No intuito de concretizar os objectivos, realizámos um estudo não experimental, transversal e correlacional. A amostra foi constituída por 326 estudantes do 3º Ciclo e do Ensino Secundário da zona centro de Portugal. Foram aplicados um questionário anónimo composto por dados socio-demográficos, antropométricos e clínicos, o Eating Disorder Inventory 2 (EDI 2) e o Questionário de Vinculação ao Pai e à Mãe (QVPM). De acordo com os critérios presentes no DSM-IV-TR não encontramos qualquer caso de Bulimia Nervosa em ambos os sexos. Nas raparigas, constatamos 1,5% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Restritivo, 0% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Purgativa, 17,3% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa Restritiva Parcial e 6,1% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa Purgativa Parcial. Quanto aos rapazes, relatam-se 0,8% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Restritivo, 0% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Purgativa, 5,2% de situações parciais de Anorexia Nervosa Restritiva e 1,8% de situações parciais de Anorexia Nervosa Purgativa. Foram observadas também, correlações entre a sintomatologia associada a perturbações do comportamento alimentar consoante o sexo, idade, IMC, tipo de família, vinculação aos pais e ano de escolaridade dos inquiridos. Concluímos que todo o sistema familiar e escolar, especialmente pais e professores, devem estar alerta para os sinais manifestados pelos adolescentes no sentido de dar à prevenção um papel fulcral.
In recent decades the public sector comes under pressure in order to improve its performance. The use of Information Technology (IT) has been a tool increasingly used in reaching that goal. Thus, it has become an important issue in public organizations, particularly in institutions of higher education, determine which factors influence the acceptance and use of technology, impacting on the success of its implementation and the desired organizational results. The Technology Acceptance Model - TAM was used as the basis for this study and is based on the constructs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, when it comes to integrated management systems due to the complexity of its implementation,organizational factors were added to thus seek further explanation of the acceptance of such systems. Thus, added to the model five TAM constructs related to critical success factors in implementing ERP systems, they are: support of top management, communication, training, cooperation, and technological complexity (BUENO and SALMERON, 2008). Based on the foregoing, launches the following research problem: What factors influence the acceptance and use of SIE / module academic at the Federal University of Para, from the users' perception of teachers and technicians? The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of organizational factors, and behavioral antecedents of behavioral intention to use the SIE / module academic UFPA in the perspective of teachers and technical users. This is applied research, exploratory and descriptive, quantitative with the implementation of a survey, and data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire applied to a sample of 229 teachers and 30 technical and administrative staff. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with the technique of partial least squares (PLS). Effected primarily to assess the measurement model, which were verified reliability, convergent and discriminant validity for all indicators and constructs. Then the structural model was analyzed using the bootstrap resampling technique like. In assessing statistical significance, all hypotheses were supported. The coefficient of determination (R ²) was high or average in five of the six endogenous variables, so the model explains 47.3% of the variation in behavioral intention. It is noteworthy that among the antecedents of behavioral intention (BI) analyzed in this study, perceived usefulness is the variable that has a greater effect on behavioral intention, followed by ease of use (PEU) and attitude (AT). Among the organizational aspects (critical success factors) studied technological complexity (TC) and training (ERT) were those with greatest effect on behavioral intention to use, although these effects were lower than those produced by behavioral factors (originating from TAM). It is pointed out further that the support of senior management (TMS) showed, among all variables, the least effect on the intention to use (BI) and was followed by communications (COM) and cooperation (CO), which exert a low effect on behavioral intention (BI). Therefore, as other studies on the TAM constructs were adequate for the present research. Thus, the study contributed towards proving evidence that the Technology Acceptance Model can be applied to predict the acceptance of integrated management systems, even in public. Keywords: Technology
The study aims to identify the factors that influence the behavior intention to adopt an academic Information System (SIE), in an environment of mandatory use, applied in the procurement process at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). For this, it was used a model of innovation adoption and technology acceptance (TAM), focused in attitudes and intentions regarding the behavior intention. The research was conducted a quantitative survey, through survey in a sample of 96 administrative staff of the researched institution. For data analysis, it was used structural equation modeling (SEM), using the partial least squares method (Partial Least Square PLS-PM). As to results, the constructs attitude and subjective norms were confirmed as strong predictors of behavioral intention in a pre-adoption stage. Despite the use of SIE is required, the perceived voluntariness also predicts the behavior intention. Regarding attitude, classical variables of TAM, like as ease of use and perceived usefulness, appear as the main influence of attitude towards the system. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide subsidies for more efficient management of the process of implementing systems and information technologies, particularly in public universities
This study aimed to examine how students perceives the factors that may influence them to attend a training course offered in the distance virtual learning environment (VLE) of the National School of Public Administration (ENAP). Thus, as theoretical basis it was used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the result of an integration of eight previous models which aimed to explain the same phenomenon (acceptance/use of information technology). The research approach was a quantitative and qualitative. To achieve the study objectives were made five semi-structured interviews and an online questionnaire (websurvey) in a valid sample of 101 public employees scattered throughout the country. The technique used to the analysis of quantitative data was the structural equation modeling (SEM), by the method of Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). To qualitative data was the thematic content analysis. Among the results, it was found that, in the context of public service, the degree whose the individual believes that the use of an AVA will help its performance at work (performance expectancy) is a factor to its intended use and also influence its use. Among the results, it was found that the belief which the public employee has in the use of a VLE as a way to improve the performance of his work (performance expectation) was determinant for its intended use that, in turn, influenced their use. It was confirmed that, under the voluntary use of technology, the general opinion of the student s social circle (social influence) has no effect on their intention to use the VLE. The effort expectancy and facilitating conditions were not directly related to the intended use and use, respectively. However, emerged from the students speeches that the opinions of their coworkers, the ease of manipulate the VLE, the flexibility of time and place of the distance learning program and the presence of a tutor are important to their intentions to do a distance learning program. With the results, it is expected that the managers of the distance learning program of ENAP turn their efforts to reduce the impact of the causes of non-use by those unwilling to adopt voluntarily the e-learning, and enhance the potentialities of distance learning for those who are already users