913 resultados para Cinema Sonoplastia


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Relatrio de Estgio submetido Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especializao em Artes Performativas (Interpretao).


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Dissertao submetida Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Teatro, especializao em Encenao.


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requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especializao em Artes Performativas /Teatro-Msica.


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Este trabalho de desenvolvimento surge como complemento de uma histria (argumento e guio) criada e desenvolvida, de maneira a ser filmada num futuro prximo. O meu projeto final, que me confere o grau de mestre, pois, o desenvolvimento de um argumento e guio, apoiado num trabalho de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, que no seu todo, justifique a minha histria. A minha histria muito particular porque est diretamente ligada com as minhas razes, com a minha educao e com a forma como eu vejo o mundo. Para mim, a identidade cinematogrfica, surge como um produto de um contexto cultural onde concebida. Ou seja, esta obra, surge principalmente devido s minhas origens transmontanas, forma como vejo aquela regio e como a destaco da vida citadina. A cultura daquela regio uma cultura essencialmente portuguesa. uma cultura que identifica um pas, atravs de um produto internacionalmente comercializado, o vinho do Porto. Procurei enquadrar este trabalho, com as tendncias do cinema portugus contemporneo. Procurei perceber o que foi filmado, escrito e imortalizado sobre aquela regio - a minha regio. Atravs de uma pesquisa sobre a histria do cinema portugus e suas principais mudanas, consegui evidenciar tudo aquilo que particularmente me influenciou ao longo deste desenvolvimento.


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Dissertao submetida Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especializao em Teatro e Comunidade.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado Escola Superior de Comunicao Social como parte dos requisitos para obteno de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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One of the filmic trends which has been neglected by the Academy Awards is the metacinema, which for practical purposes I will consider to be a cross between the complexities of the self-reflexive cinema (highly connoted with modernism) and the Hollywood Film (the classical films about the urge to make it in Hollywood). Indeed, these films have always existed and some, as Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder, 1950, USA) and Mulholland Dr. (David Lynch, 2001, FRA/USA), have even made it to the ceremony, but were, predictably, defeated in the main categories, by other more serious or less self-reflexive products. The United States has always insisted on not revealing the tricks of the trade while, ironically, generating films that deal with this theme, in order to cater to the curiosity of the metacinema-inclined spectator. For this reason such films are usually about the universe of cinema but not its medium, at least not in a way that discloses the operations of the technical apparatus. Why are these films not viewed as serious enough and artistic enough to be awarded Oscars by the Academy in the categories of Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Cinematography? Are they being discarded for the same reasons that comedy and musicals usually are? Or are they being punished for being too unveiling? Or is the industry going for commercial products that can easily be pushed on a global scale and make a profit?


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Relatrio de Estgio submetido Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Teatro Especializao em Interpretao.


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ABSTRACT - Starting with the explanation of metanarrative as a sort of self-reflexive storytelling (as defended by Kenneth Weaver Hope in his unpublished PhD. thesis), I propose to talk about enunciative practices that stress the telling more than the told. In line with some metaficcional practices applied to cinema, such as the mindfuck film (Jonathan Eig, 2003), the psychological puzzle film (Elliot Panek, 2003) and the mind-game film (Thomas Elsaesser, 2009), I will address the manipulations that a narrative film endures in order to produce a more fruitful and complex experience for the viewer. I will particularly concentrate on the misrepresentation of time as a way to produce a labyrinthine work of fiction where the linear description of events is replaced by a game of time disclosure. The viewer is thus called upon to reconstruct the order of the various situations portrayed in a process that I call temporal mapping. However, as the viewer attempts to do this, the film, ironically, because of the intricate nature of the plot and the uncertain status of the characters, resists the attempt. There is a sort of teasing taking place between the film and its spectator: an invitation of decoding that is half-denied until the end, where the puzzle is finally solved. I will use three of Alejandro Irritus films to better convey my point: Amores perros (2000), 21 Grams (2003) and Babel (2006). I will consider Irritus methods to produce a non-linear storytelling as a way to stress the importance of time and its validity as one of the elements that make up for a metanarrative experience in films. I will focus especially on 21 Grams, which I consider to be a paragon of the labyrinth.


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Com INLAND EMPIRE (2006) David Lynch realiza uma obra inteiramente metacinematogrfica, provando que este gnero transversal Histria do cinema passvel de coexistir com uma potica arrojada, de pendor moderno, segundo a diviso que Gilles Deleuze faz da Stima Arte. A produo terica sobre esta vertente flmica de Lynch em termos internacionais muito escassa e em Portugal virtualmente inexistente, justificando que se proceda um trabalho de investigao nestes moldes. Ademais, INLAND EMPIRE no um exemplo isolado na obra do cineasta, mas sim o ponto culminante de uma carreira que tem vindo a prestar cada vez mais ateno temtica meta-espectatorial. A abordagem de Lynch tem a particularidade de congregar num nico trabalho o desejo de manifestar o vidente espelhando igualmente o filme, o que permite abordar INLAND EMPIRE como reflexividade na ptica do espectador. Trata-se de encenar uma alegoria do vidente, mas equacionando produo com recepo. Deste modo, o presente livro adopta o mecanismo da enunciao como base da reflexividade institucional e narrativa em duas seces tericas distintas versando, respectivamente, a (re)duplicao especular e a mise en abyme. A cada um destes captulos corresponde uma anlise prtica directamente relacionada com os factores tericos apontados. A obra culmina com um areflexo sobre as implicaes do cinema digital para a execuo de alegorias cinematogrficas e a sua influncia em INLAND EMPIRE, que j foi inteiramente produzido com esta tecnologia.


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Dissertao apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Cincias da Comunicao Cultura Contempornea e Novas Tecnologias.


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Ethnographic film is often associated with many European countries past as colonial powers and the way these countries used film to depict African, American and Asian territories and populations they once ruled. However, ethnographic film also has a European tradition of its own, closely interlaced with the history of ethnography and anthropology as autonomous sciences and with the desire of scholars to represent local, regional and national cultural identities. This paper presents a Portuguese attempt of this sort dating from 1938, when the authoritarian regime organized a national contest to determine which would be Portugals most authentic village something other European countries also did. As part of this metonymic contribution to the construction of Portugals national identity as an agrarian utopia, a short documentary was shot, sponsored by the same official propaganda office that had organized the contest. In this film, the viewers gaze is made to coincide with the one of the national jury visiting the final selection of 12 villages and to whose benefit local scholars had organized all sorts of colourful peasant traditions hoping to cause the strongest impression. The film makes a strong case for the importance of ethnographic film as a relevant instance not only of the iteration of existing European national cultures, but also of the construction of so many of Europes national identities and traditions. Suffice to say that even today the village of Monsanto, which won the 1938 contest, is still referred to as Portugals most Portuguese village.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Edio de Texto.


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Dissertao de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administrao do Porto para a obteno do grau de Mestre em Traduo e Interpretao Especializadas, sob orientao da doutora Clara Sarmento Esta verso no contm as crticas e sugestes dos elementos do jri


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Dissertao apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Doutor em Cincias da Comunicao, Especialidade de Cinema