990 resultados para autonomous robots


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The Computing Division of the Business School at University College Worcester provides computing and information technology education to a range of undergraduate students. Topics include various approaches to programming, artificial intelligence, operating systems and digital technologies. Each of these has its own potentially conflicting requirements for a pedagogically sound programming environment. This paper describes an endeavor to develop a common programming paradigm across all topics. This involves the combined use of autonomous robots and Java simulations.


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Evolutionary robitics is a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with the automatic generation of autonomous robots. Usually the form of the robit is predefined an various computational techniques are used to control the machine's behaviour. One aspect is the spontaneous generation of walking in legged robots and this can be used to investigate the mechanical requiements for efficient walking in bipeds. This paper demonstrates a bipedal simulator that spontaneously generates walking and running gaits. The model can be customized to represent a range of hominoid morphologies and used to predict performance paramets such as preferred speed and metabolic energy cost. Because it does not require any motion capture data it is particularly suitable for investigating locomotion in fossil animals. The predictoins for modern humans are highly accurate in terms of energy cost for a given speend and thus the values predicted for other bipeds are likely to be good estimates. To illustrate this the cost of transport is calculated for Australopithecus afarensis. The model allows the degree of maximum extension at the knee to be varied causing the model to adopt walking gaits varying from chimpanzee-like to human=like. The energy costs associated with these gait choices can thus be calculated and this information used to evaluate possible locomotor strategies in early hominids


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El vertiginoso crecimiento de los centros urbanos, las tecnologías emergentes y la demanda de nuevos servicios por parte de la población plantea encaminar esfuerzos hacia el desarrollo de las ciudades inteligentes. Éste concepto ha tomado fuerza entre los sectores político, económico, social, académico, ambiental y civil; de forma paralela, se han generado iniciativas que conducen hacia la integración de la infraestructura, la tecnología y los servicios para los ciudadanos. En éste contexto, una de las problemáticas con mayor impacto en la sociedad es la seguridad vial. Es necesario contar con mecanismos que disminuyan la accidentalidad, mejoren la atención a incidentes, optimicen la movilidad urbana y planeación municipal, ayuden a reducir el consumo de combustible y la emisión de gases de efecto de invernadero, así como ofrecer información dinámica y efectiva a los viajeros. En este artículo se describen dos (2) enfoques que contribuyen de manera eficiente dicho problema: los videojuegos como juegos serios y los sistemas de transporte inteligente. Ambos enfoques están encaminados a evitar colisiones y su diseño e implementación requieren componentes altamente tecnológicos (e.g. sistemas telemáticos e informáticos, inteligencia artificial, procesamiento de imágenes y modelado 3D).


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In this paper, the problem of semantic place categorization in mobile robotics is addressed by considering a time-based probabilistic approach called dynamic Bayesian mixture model (DBMM), which is an improved variation of the dynamic Bayesian network. More specifically, multi-class semantic classification is performed by a DBMM composed of a mixture of heterogeneous base classifiers, using geometrical features computed from 2D laserscanner data, where the sensor is mounted on-board a moving robot operating indoors. Besides its capability to combine different probabilistic classifiers, the DBMM approach also incorporates time-based (dynamic) inferences in the form of previous class-conditional probabilities and priors. Extensive experiments were carried out on publicly available benchmark datasets, highlighting the influence of the number of time-slices and the effect of additive smoothing on the classification performance of the proposed approach. Reported results, under different scenarios and conditions, show the effectiveness and competitive performance of the DBMM.


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Although robotics research has seen advances over the last decades robots are still not in widespread use outside industrial applications. Yet a range of proposed scenarios have robots working together, helping and coexisting with humans in daily life. In all these a clear need to deal with a more unstructured, changing environment arises. I herein present a system that aims to overcome the limitations of highly complex robotic systems, in terms of autonomy and adaptation. The main focus of research is to investigate the use of visual feedback for improving reaching and grasping capabilities of complex robots. To facilitate this a combined integration of computer vision and machine learning techniques is employed. From a robot vision point of view the combination of domain knowledge from both imaging processing and machine learning techniques, can expand the capabilities of robots. I present a novel framework called Cartesian Genetic Programming for Image Processing (CGP-IP). CGP-IP can be trained to detect objects in the incoming camera streams and successfully demonstrated on many different problem domains. The approach requires only a few training images (it was tested with 5 to 10 images per experiment) is fast, scalable and robust yet requires very small training sets. Additionally, it can generate human readable programs that can be further customized and tuned. While CGP-IP is a supervised-learning technique, I show an integration on the iCub, that allows for the autonomous learning of object detection and identification. Finally this dissertation includes two proof-of-concepts that integrate the motion and action sides. First, reactive reaching and grasping is shown. It allows the robot to avoid obstacles detected in the visual stream, while reaching for the intended target object. Furthermore the integration enables us to use the robot in non-static environments, i.e. the reaching is adapted on-the- fly from the visual feedback received, e.g. when an obstacle is moved into the trajectory. The second integration highlights the capabilities of these frameworks, by improving the visual detection by performing object manipulation actions.


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ACCURATE sensing of vehicle position and attitude is still a very challenging problem in many mobile robot applications. The mobile robot vehicle applications must have some means of estimating where they are and in which direction they are heading. Many existing indoor positioning systems are limited in workspace and robustness because they require clear lines-of-sight or do not provide absolute, driftfree measurements.The research work presented in this dissertation provides a new approach to position and attitude sensing system designed specifically to meet the challenges of operation in a realistic, cluttered indoor environment, such as that of an office building, hospital, industrial or warehouse. This is accomplished by an innovative assembly of infrared LED source that restricts the spreading of the light intensity distribution confined to a sheet of light and is encoded with localization and traffic information. This Digital Infrared Sheet of Light Beacon (DISLiB) developed for mobile robot is a high resolution absolute localization system which is simple, fast, accurate and robust, without much of computational burden or significant processing. Most of the available beacon's performance in corridors and narrow passages are not satisfactory, whereas the performance of DISLiB is very encouraging in such situations. This research overcomes most of the inherent limitations of existing systems.The work further examines the odometric localization errors caused by over count readings of an optical encoder based odometric system in a mobile robot due to wheel-slippage and terrain irregularities. A simple and efficient method is investigated and realized using an FPGA for reducing the errors. The detection and correction is based on redundant encoder measurements. The method suggested relies on the fact that the wheel slippage or terrain irregularities cause more count readings from the encoder than what corresponds to the actual distance travelled by the vehicle.The application of encoded Digital Infrared Sheet of Light Beacon (DISLiB) system can be extended to intelligent control of the public transportation system. The system is capable of receiving traffic status input through a GSM (Global System Mobile) modem. The vehicles have infrared receivers and processors capable of decoding the information, and generating the audio and video messages to assist the driver. The thesis further examines the usefulness of the technique to assist the movement of differently-able (blind) persons in indoor or outdoor premises of his residence.The work addressed in this thesis suggests a new way forward in the development of autonomous robotics and guidance systems. However, this work can be easily extended to many other challenging domains, as well.


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A number of Intelligent Mobile Robots have been developed at the University of Reading. They are completely autonomous in that no umbilical cord attaches to them to extra power supplies or computer station: further, they are not radio controlled. In this paper, the robots are discussed, in their various forms, and the individual behaviours and characteristics which appear are considered.


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Localization and Mapping are two of the most important capabilities for autonomous mobile robots and have been receiving considerable attention from the scientific computing community over the last 10 years. One of the most efficient methods to address these problems is based on the use of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The EKF simultaneously estimates a model of the environment (map) and the position of the robot based on odometric and exteroceptive sensor information. As this algorithm demands a considerable amount of computation, it is usually executed on high end PCs coupled to the robot. In this work we present an FPGA-based architecture for the EKF algorithm that is capable of processing two-dimensional maps containing up to 1.8 k features at real time (14 Hz), a three-fold improvement over a Pentium M 1.6 GHz, and a 13-fold improvement over an ARM920T 200 MHz. The proposed architecture also consumes only 1.3% of the Pentium and 12.3% of the ARM energy per feature.


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The formation of autonomous mobile robots to an arbitrary geometric pattern in a distributed fashion is a fundamental problem in formation control. This paper presents a new asynchronous, memoryless (oblivious) algorithm to the formation problem via distributed optimization techniques. The optimization minimizes an appropriately defined difference function between the current robot distribution and the target geometric pattern. The optimization processes are performed independently by individual robots in their local coordinate systems. A movement strategy derived from the results of the distributed optimizations guarantees that every movement makes the current robot configuration approaches the target geometric pattern until the final pattern is reached.


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Giving robots the ability to autonomously move around in various real-world environments has been a major goal of AI (artificial intelligence) for quite some time. To this end it is vital for robots to be able to perceive their surroundings in 3D; they must be able to estimate the range of obstacles in their path.

Animals navigate through various uncontrolled environments with seemingly little effort. Flying insects, especially, are quite adept at manoeuvring in complex, unpredictable and possibly hostile and hazardous environments.

In this paper it is shown that very simple motion cues, inspired by the visual navigation of flying insects, can be used to provide a mobile robot with the ability to successfully traverse a corridor environment. Equipping an autonomous mobile robot with the ability to successfully navigate real-word environments (in real-time) constitutes a major challenge for AI and robotics. It is in this area that insect based navigation has something to offer.


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Animals navigate through various uncontrolled environments with seemingly little effort. Flying insects, especially, are quite adept at manoeuvring in complex, unpredictable and possibly hostile environments. Through both simulation and real-world experiments, we demonstrate the feasibility of equipping a mobile robot with the ability to navigate a corridor environment, in real time, using principles based on insect-based visual guidance. In particular we have used the bees’ navigational strategy of measuring object range in terms of image velocity. We have also shown the viability and usefulness of various other insect behaviours: (i) keeping walls equidistant, (ii) slowing down when approaching an object, (iii) regulating speed according to tunnel width, and (iv) using visual motion as a measure of distance travelled.


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MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.A survey of control architectures for autonomous mobile robots. J. Braz. Comp. Soc., Campinas, v. 4, n. 3, abr. 1998 .Disponível em: Acesso: 27 set. 2010.


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This paper describes the UNESP robotic team in the medical trash collector task, proposed on the 5 rd IEEE Latin American Robots Competition in the LEGO category. We present our understanding of the task and discuss the proposed solution, focusing on the mechanical and computational issues of the robots. The mechanics is based on rigid body capability of transforming rotational into curvilinear movement. With respect to the computational control, the system is modeled as a reactive system with sequential transition of behaviors. A state-machine is proposed to allow this transition, and the synchronization of robotic states is guaranteed by the communication system. The proposed approach has shown itself capable of dealing with the high difficulty degree of this cooperative task. ©2006 IEEE.