999 resultados para Técnicas e procedimentos diagnósticos


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O crescente aprimoramento tecnológico ocorrido nos últimos anos principalmente nas áreas de eletrônica analógica e digital, proporcionou um grande desenvolvimento dos equipamentos destinados à captação, registro e reprodução sonora - componentes dos sistemas de áudio – tornando-os muito mais sofisticados e complexos. Por sua vez, estes sistemas de áudio encontram-se cada vez mais presentes em diversos tipos de ambientes tais como teatros, casa de shows e auditórios, cumprindo um papel fundamental na programação do recinto. Entretanto, o projeto acústico destes ambientes, em sua grande maioria, não tem levado em consideração as características do sistema de áudio a ser instalado, resultando em prejuízo do desempenho acústico do ambiente e conseqüente insatisfação dos usuários. Somado a este fato, tem-se dado pouca atenção aos parâmetros de qualidade acústica de ambientes destinados à reprodução musical, inicialmente desenvolvidas por Beraneck, 1962, abrindo-se mão, portanto, de ótimas ferramentas de análise que poderiam servir para melhorar o desempenho acústico destes ambientes. Como conseqüência destes resultados, vem crescendo a idéia entre os profissionais da área de acústica e de áudio que o ideal é otimizar o sistema de som com o ambiente para que os melhores resultados sejam alcançados É neste cenário que o presente trabalho se propõe a discutir as questões acústicas juntamente com as questões de áudio com o objetivo de apresentar os principais conce itos, técnicas e procedimentos referentes ao projeto e análise da acústica de ambientes e de sistemas de áudio. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica que apresenta os parâmetros objetivos de qualidade acústica ambiental juntamente com um método de avaliação da qualidade acústica de salas, proposta por Arau, 1999. Também apresenta os principais conceitos que norteiam o projeto de sistemas de áudio, mostrando os principais equipamentos envolvidos e suas características técnicas. Ainda foi realizado um estudo sobre as diversas técnicas de medição de resposta impulsiva com as quais os sistemas, tanto acústico quanto de áudio, podem ser caracterizados chegando a conclusão que a técnica de varredura logarítmica de seno é aquela que mais se adapta às medições acústicas por apresentar melhor relação sinal/ruído e imunidade à distorções inerentes aos transdutores eletromecânicos utilizados nestes tipo de medição Para concretizar os conceitos apresentados no trabalho é realizada uma análise do sistema som-ambiente do Salão de Atos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Como resultado desta análise conclui-se que a amplificação eletrônica, apesar de ser adequada para atender às necessidades da aplicação, tem sua capacidade limitada pelas caixas acústicas. Estas por sua vez, em conjunto com as características do ambiente, são capazes de proporcionar boa inteligibilidade de voz na área de cobertura.Também conclui-se que o ambiente de Salão de Atos possui absorção excessiva em médias-altas freqüências e baixa audibilidade nas posições mais distantes do palco. Ainda, é mostrado que, devido ao posicionamento das caixas acústicas no palco, existem regiões na área da platéia que são atingidas pelo efeito de eco.


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The study of social practices aims to overcome the theoretical dichotomies that insist on separating the individual from the social structures and vice versa. In this sense, the debate between objectivism and subjectivism in the construction of social reality still has occupied much time and reflection of various scholars of the humanities. Pierre Bourdieu has extensive work that seeks to advance in relation to the theoretical framework of traditional sociological explanations. Bourdieu`s approach regarding social practices is considered by some researchers as a synthesis of classical theories and by others as an attempt of complexify contemporary studies on the significance of social life. This thesis sharesthis effort to understand the social practices of agents, aiming to analyze the strategies of social and political leaders of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi in Rio Grande do Norte, and it has as reference the theoretical and methodological concepts of habitus, field and capital, in Bourdieu. Therefore, we studied the trajectories of social leaders, here called agents as family farming in the two locations in Rio Grande do Norte. As techniques and procedures of the study, we resortedto semi-structured interviews, observations, participation in events and other researches. In conclusion, this thesis gives an account of the construction of two different relational fields for the activities of agents of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi. Although the relational fields in the territories have been structured under the same prevailing institutions, which are: church, union and political party, the social practice of agents shows itself from social position and political variety. Even with the similarities and differences identified and analyzed in different fields of construction, the social relations of the agents in the territories result in the construction of gated communities, the social capital that is the substrate which the agents called empowered .


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Les préoccupations gérées par les changements de l éducation nationale poussés par les réformes mises en places par le gouvernement de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, notamment la politique nationale de formation de professeurs, et le besoin de connaître comment ces réformes ont été incorporées par l Université Fédérale de Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, constituent les questions centrales développées par cette thèse. Cette étude propose à montrer, à partir d une approche socio-historique, la façon comment la législation éducationnelle brésilienne sur la formation de professeurs pour l éducation basique expresse la politique de l État brésilien et, en même temps, comment le PROBÁSICA signifie une réponse de l UFRN à cette politique. En ce sens, cette recherche, selon sa perspective exploratoire, descriptive et analytique a privilégié plusieurs techniques et procédés de collectes des données conforme au modèle de la recherche participative, à savoir : enquête semi- structurée, observations directes, contacts formels et informels; enregistrement des opinions de professeurs, coordinateurs pédagogiques et étudiants; repérage, systématisation et analyses de plusieurs documents. L analyse des données, qui a été faite d une façon fondamentalement qualitative, a révélé que le PROBÁSICA a sa genèse à l intérieur de l UFRN et représente, en même temps, une réponse de cette université à la demande de la catégorie et la politique de formation de professeurs. Nous espérons que cette étude suscite d autres recherches qui développent des discussions sur les relations entre l État brésilien, ses politiques éducationnelles et les pratiques pédagogiques de formation de professeurs


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Os autores registram um caso de mioglobinúria confirmada pela eletroforese de proteínas da urina. A eletromiografia revelou alterações de tipo polimiosítico. A biópsia muscular do deltóide esquerdo mostrou processo inflamatório muscular inespecífico. O tratamento instituído baseou-se em repouso, hiperhidratação e alcalinização da urina. Os autores enfatizam a importância do diagnóstico pela relativa benignidade do processo, que tende para a cura se forem superadas as sérias complicações da fase aguda, a iatrogenia medicamentosa e por procedimentos diagnósticos desnecessários no início da doença.


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Foram revisados dados de etiologia, epidemiologia, patogenia, sinais clínicos, procedimentos diagnósticos, conduta terapêutica e ações de controle e profilaxia da prototecose em cães e gatos, além de aspectos da doença no homem e em bovinos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O conhecimento das propriedades termofísicas é de fundamental importância para o estudo de ligas metálicas obtidas por solidificação,uma vez que esta se relaciona de forma direta com o coeficiente de transferência de calor na interface metal/molde. Assim, o Grupo de Pesquisa em Metalurgia e de Meio Ambiente – GAPEMM da Universidade Federal do Pará desenvolve uma linha de pesquisa que propõe um conjunto de técnicas e procedimentos que visa determiná-las. Por outro lado, sabe-se que existe uma correlação significativa entre processo, estrutura e propriedades de um material obtido por solidificação, visto que a distribuição de soluto em uma liga metálica ocorre de maneira não uniforme. A maneira como ocorre solidificação e a quantificação das variáveis envolvidas no processo têm influência fundamental nas propriedades do material. O presente trabalho utilizou ligas Al-Cu (Al-2%Cu, Al-5%Cu e Al-8%Cu) obtidas por solidificação unidirecional vertical ascendente, realizado através de um dispositivo projetado, construído e aferido pelo GAPEMM. Através destas, pretende-se fazer um estudo do calor específico à medida que a frente de solidificação se afasta da chapa molde bem como com o aumento do teor de soluto. Para isso, foi utilizada uma técnica conhecida na literatura como Lei de Resfriamento de Newton, a qual possibilita através das curvas de temperatura x tempo determinar as temperaturas necessárias para o cálculo do calor específico.


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Porcine parvovirus (PPV) is associated with reproductive failure and it has been found worldwide, including Brazil. Many diagnostic procedures are used for its detection, for example, immunofluorescence, HA, HI and PCR and this is an important technique because it is very specific and sensitive. In this work, the presence of PPV in fetuses from swine farms with reproductive problems was detected by PCR. All of 170 samples from aborted fetuses, mummies or stillborns were sampled by PCR with primers designed to VP2 region of PPV and c-myc (endogenous control). Only 142 samples (83,53%) were positive for c-myc and among them six samples (4,22%) were positive for PPV which were tested in HA. In this test, erythrocytes suspension 1% was used and three samples (50%) agglutinated but they presented low titer (4). For this work, porcine parvovirus was detected in the samples analyzed by PCR and HA. It is important to emphasize the use of endogenous control when material with elevated degree of autolysis is examined


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In general, the early career is a period marked by crises. Hubermam (1992) points out that this period is considered by the teacher as one of life's most difficult professional teaching. According to Machado (2004), the physical education worked only in competitive perspective in school, does not contribute to the school to perform its social role. This approach encourages the use of stigmas, labels and prejudices, so common in school, that marginalize even more students from lower classes, and can make the sport of high performance within the school walls create students with low self-esteem and low motivation within other possible disorders . Thus, this study presents the fundamental importance to aid and support to novice teachers, so that they can understand, and address key emotional aspects that interfere in their practice. Thus, our aim was to identify the most recurrent emotional processes in novice teachers identify and also how these emotional states can influence the professional and personal attitudes of these teachers. Through a bibliographic we seek statements, reports and case studies that provide enough material to our analysis and interpretation in order to collaborate with the study area and proceed to proposals that are not unreasonable or tied to the current system. Among the emotional states reported in the literature, we highlight the main, more present and influent in the beginner teacher as listed as follow: Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Shame, Low Self Confidence and Motivation. Considering these states, Damasio (1996) reports that the United Emotional directly influenced the style and efficiency of cognitive processes, in other words, interfere with the performance of teachers in the teaching front. Thus, Machado (2006) points out that the teacher should have a set of techniques and procedures that drive their practice in a manner appropriate to the leading group. Therefore, the knowledge of Psychology of Physical...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aims to recognize the Surface Design as specialty hybrid and clarify the relationship between surface and design through projetual creative act and technical. The study shows that there projetual hybridity in the design of the Surface Design and the same occurs in two distinct stages: the creative phase , where the inherent design specialties together for their training , and executive process in which the diversity of technical information and construction procedures to assist the integration of design with other productive areas . Identify the products presented its projected surface condition , based on concepts checked the state of the art Surface Design was an action that enabled the verification of functional, aesthetic and symbolic object concepts . To evaluate this condition are presented six case studies to verify the levels of cooperation and implementation of the specialties of Design in objects that are highlighted by presenting different surfaces. Among the products are: DKR chair, bench Pai João, bench R540, Híbridos table, Facetas table and bench Xique-xique.


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Entrepreneurs responsible for the housing project “Vale do Sol III”, (claim of deployment), proposed a technique, in order to resolve conflicts of interest arising in respect Vale do Sol I residents (already implemented). Conflicts taken place in accordance with environmental problems that originated (past) in poor drainage of rainwater from Água Fria stream. This work, based on study case method with deductive approach, analyzed the environmental aspects of the area in order to contribute to the process of sustainable management of medium-sized cities (present), as well as analyzing the prospects for adequate outcome environmental demand (future) . In terms of technical and methodological procedures, was used geoprocessing softwares for the purpose of supporting analysis. It was concluded that, technique proposed at Vale do Sol III enterprise, don’t have necessary, sufficient and satisfactory solution in order to, at least, mitigate the problems of area sustainability. In terms of future prospects, it was concluded that, good sustainable environmental management, with preventive measures, from the point of view of mitigating the environmental and urban conflicts, and corrective measures.


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This text presents the research developed with students of the 5th year of elementary school at a public school in the city of Taubaté-SP, involved in solving problems involving the Mental Calculation. The read authors show that the Mental Calculation is relevant for the production of mathematical knowledge as it favors the autonomy of students, making it the most critical. Official documents that guide educational practices, such as the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais also emphasize that working with mental arithmetic should be encouraged as it has the potential to encourage the production of mathematical knowledge by the student. In this research work Completion of course the tasks proposed to students, who constituted the fieldwork to production data, were designed, developed and analyzed in a phenomenological approach. The intention, the research was to understand the perception of students in the face of situations that encourage them to implement appropriate technical and mental calculation procedures. We analyze how students express and realize the strategies for mental calculation in the search for solution to problem situations


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This text presents the research developed with students of the 5th year of elementary school at a public school in the city of Taubaté-SP, involved in solving problems involving the Mental Calculation. The read authors show that the Mental Calculation is relevant for the production of mathematical knowledge as it favors the autonomy of students, making it the most critical. Official documents that guide educational practices, such as the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais also emphasize that working with mental arithmetic should be encouraged as it has the potential to encourage the production of mathematical knowledge by the student. In this research work Completion of course the tasks proposed to students, who constituted the fieldwork to production data, were designed, developed and analyzed in a phenomenological approach. The intention, the research was to understand the perception of students in the face of situations that encourage them to implement appropriate technical and mental calculation procedures. We analyze how students express and realize the strategies for mental calculation in the search for solution to problem situations