219 resultados para Sota-dialecte de Perpinyà


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Legacy of the Finnish Civil War. White nationalism in a local community - content, supporters and disintegration in Iisalmi 1918 - 1933. Using one local community (Iisalmi) as an example, this study centres around the winners of the 1918 Finnish Civil War, exploring their collectivity its subsequent breakdown during 1918 - 1933. Referring to this collectivity by the methodological concept of white nationalism, the thesis first discusses its origin, content and forms. This is done by elucidating the discourses and symbols that came to constitute central ideological and ritualistic elements of white nationalism. Next, the thesis describes and analyzes fundamental actors of the Finnish civil society (such as White Guard and Lotta Svärd) that maintained white nationalism as a form of counter or parallel hegemony to the integration policy of the 1920s. Also highlighted is the significance of white nationalism as a power broker and an instrument of moral regulation in inter-war Finnish society. A third contribution of this thesis involves presenting a new interpretation of the legacy of the Civil War, i.e., the right-wing radicalism during the years 1919 - 1933. I shall describe attempts of the extreme right (Lapua Movement and IKL, Patriotic People s Movement) to use the white nationalism discourse as a vehicle for their political ambitions, as well as the strong counter-reaction these attempts induced among other middle-class groups. At the core of this research is the concept of white nationalism, whose key elements were the sacrifice of 1918, fatherland under threat and warrior citizenship. Winners of the civil war strove to blend these ideals into a homogenized culture, to which the working class and wavering members of the middle-class were coaxed and pressurized to subscribe. The thesis draws on Anglo-American symbol theories, theory of social identity groups, Antonio Gramsci s concept of cultural hegemony and Stuart Hall s approach to discourse and power.


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War children were sent away to shelter without their parents to other Nordic countries, mainly to Sweden. The phenomenon was remarkable. During the Second World War nearly 80,000 children were sent from their homes by trains or boats. These children travelled to foster homes where they were placed with new parents looking after them. After the conclusion of the peace, for some months or sometimes years later, orders were given to send the children back to their families in Finland. Returning back to Finland and to their biological parents and families was not always easy. Deep bonds between the children and their foster families were created and leaving caused grief to those small travellers once again. In some cases, distances were created in the relations between Mothers and their daughters. Many had forgotten their Finnish, and returning to school proved difficult. Some of the war children felt rootlessness, a result of being torn away from their family and culture. The aim of this study is to describe how former war children became mothers by themselves, and later on grandmothers. The study also explores how they describe the meaning of the war and their childhood in their own parenthood and what were their experiences of time in foster homes. Seven former war children and three daughters were interviewed for this study. Interviews were biographical. A narrative approach and thematic reading (by Riessman 2008) has guided the analysis of the texts. According to the results of this study, the importance of having your own home , family and security in childhood relationships is significant. Caring and having responsibility for disadvantaged others was important for former war children. What come from the detailed experiences of the 'war childhood' most of all were the difficulties they found on returning to Finland. Some of them had become very attached to their foster parents. There were varying degrees of language problems among the returnees. Some of the interviewees had completely forgotten their native language. Given that, starting the school at home was difficult. They also remembered continuous travelling.When asked on the outcome of their relationship with their biological mother, most interviewees were happy, with a few experiencing some distance in this relationship. Security and being available to protect their children were important in their own motherhood and grand motherhood. In difficult family situations like divorce, they wanted to give their time and support for helping with grandchildren. Another important aspect in family life is interaction between all its members. Talking things through in families and also in War Child Associations was highly valued. However, talking of war childhood had been silenced in some families. In conclusion, the experiences of former war children should take in consideration when difficult situations between parents and children or children s positions in war zones are resolved. War children also have a lot to give for further educational study.


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The coherence of the Soviet bloc was seriously tested at the turn of the 1970s, as the Soviet Union and its allies engaged in intensive negotiations over their relations with the European Communities (EC). In an effort to secure their own national economic interests many East European countries began independent manoeuvres against the wishes of their bloc leader. However, much of the intra-bloc controversy was kept out of the public eye, as the battle largely took place behind the scenes, within the organisation for economic cooperation, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). The CMEA policy-making process vis-à-vis the EC is described in this study with reference to primary archival materials. This study investigates the negotiating positions and powers of the CMEA member states in their efforts to deal with the economic challenge created by the progress of the EC, as it advanced towards the customs union. This entails an analysis of the functioning principles and performance of the CMEA machinery. The study traces the CMEA negotiations that began in 1970 over its policy toward the EC. The policy was finally adopted in 1974, and was followed by the first official meeting between the two organisations in early 1975. The story ends in 1976, when the CMEA s efforts to enter into working relations with the EC were seemingly frustrated by the latter. The first major finding of the study is that, contrary to much of the prior research, the Soviet Union was not in a hegemonic position vis-à-vis its allies. It had to use a lot of its resources to tame the independent manoeuvring of its smaller allies. Thus, the USSR was not the kind of bloc leader that the totalitarian literature has described. Because the Soviet Union had to spend so much attention on its own bloc-politics, it was not able to concentrate on formulating a policy vis-à-vis the EC. Thus, the Soviet leadership was dependent on its allies in those instances when the socialist countries needed to act as a bloc. This consequently opened up the possibility for the USSR s allies to manoeuvre. This study also argues that when the CMEA did manage to find a united position, it was a force that the EC had to reckon with in its policy-making. This was particularly the case in the implementation of the EC Common Commercial Policy. The other main finding of the study is that, although it has been largely neglected in the previous literature on the history of West European integration, the CMEA did in fact have an effect on EC decision-making. This study shows how for political and ideological reasons the CMEA members did not acknowledge the EC s supranational authority. Therefore the EC had no choice but to refrain from implementing its Common Commercial Policy in full.


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Presentado en las II. Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica / Euskal-Erromantze Linguistika II. Jardunaldietan aurkeztua (Bilbo, 2007)


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Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world; much of its population live in rural areas and many live below the local poverty line. The management of common property aquatic resources is of over-riding importance to food security and sustainable rural development in Cambodia. Aquatic resources are utilized principally by subsistence fishers and the landless, for whom aquatic resource use is an important livelihood activity. Subsistence fishers access mainly the rivers, lakes and inundated forests in Tonle Sap provinces, the lower Mekong and Bassac regions and the upper part of the Mekong. Freshwater capture fisheries probably contribute more to national food security and the national economy in Cambodia than in any other country in the world. (PDF contains 52 pages)


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[ES]En el presente proyecto se llevará a cabo el desarrollo de un equipo demostrador de parámetros meteorológicos para su uso en actividades de divulgación de la tecnología. Para ello, se realizará un análisis de las mejores alternativas para el desarrollo de dos plataformas independientes comunicadas inalámbricamente. Una vez escogida la mejor alternativa, se procederá al diseño e implementación de las plataformas de sensorización y de monitorización meteorológica. Después, se integrarán ambas plataformas completando así el sistema de monitorización meteorológica, para finalmente adaptarlo para su uso divulgativo en las “Jornadas de Presentación de las Ingenierías”.


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[EN]For a good development of elastic optical networks, the design of flexible optical switching nodes is required. This work analyses the previously proposed flexible architectures and, based on the most appropriate, which is the Architecture on Demand (AoD), proposes a specific configuration of the node that includes spatial and spectral switching and the wavelength conversion functionality with a low blocking probability and the minimum amount of modules; the characteristics of the traffic that the designed node is able to cope with are specified in the last chapter. An evaluation of the designed node is also done, and, compared to the other architectures, it is shown that the Architecture on Demand gives better results than others and that it has a higher potential for future developments.


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[EU] EEUUetan aurrera eramandako titulizazioek eta nazioarteko finantza sektoreek bideratutako gestio desegokiek, mundu mailan ezagutu izan den finantza krisirik handiena sorrarazi izan dute. Hau horrela izanik, asko izan dira nazioarte mailan hazkundea berriro ere gauzatzeko aurrera eraman beharreko neurriak. Espainiako kasuan zentratuz, finantza sistemak izugarrizko berregituraketa prozesua bizi izan duela aipagarria litzateke, horrek, banku sistema osoan aldaketa bortitza suposatu duelarik. Onartu berri diren lege berrien kopurua nabarmena da, eta horrek, etorkizunera begira sistemaren jasangarritasuna kolokan jartzen dutela esan genezake. Izan ere, oraindik ugari baitira herrialdean bertan zein bertatik kanpo topa genitzakeen arrisku politiko eta ekonomikoak.


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F. 1v Les VIII vers de s. Bernard et oraisons diverses. F. 5 Calendrier (en français). F. 17 Messe votive de la Vierge. F. 24 Extraits des IV Évangiles. F. 31 et 38 Heures de la Croix et du Saint-Esprit, incompl. de la fin. F. 43 Heures de la Vierge (usage de Rome). F. 107 Psaumes de la pénitence. F. 119 Litanies. F. 125 Office des morts (usage de Rome). F. 171 Mémoires. F. 175 « Stabat mater ». F. 177 Les VII paroles de N.-S. « en l'abre de la Crois ». F. 179 Suffrages. F. 193v Symbole d'Athanase. F. 197 Prière à la Vierge : « Missus est Gabriel... »


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Ce mémoire présente une implantation de la création paresseuse de tâches desti- née à des systèmes multiprocesseurs à mémoire distribuée. Elle offre un sous-ensemble des fonctionnalités du Message-Passing Interface et permet de paralléliser certains problèmes qui se partitionnent difficilement de manière statique grâce à un système de partitionnement dynamique et de balancement de charge. Pour ce faire, il se base sur le langage Multilisp, un dialecte de Scheme orienté vers le traitement parallèle, et implante sur ce dernier une interface semblable à MPI permettant le calcul distribué multipro- cessus. Ce système offre un langage beaucoup plus riche et expressif que le C et réduit considérablement le travail nécessaire au programmeur pour pouvoir développer des programmes équivalents à ceux en MPI. Enfin, le partitionnement dynamique permet de concevoir des programmes qui seraient très complexes à réaliser sur MPI. Des tests ont été effectués sur un système local à 16 processeurs et une grappe à 16 processeurs et il offre de bonnes accélérations en comparaison à des programmes séquentiels équiva- lents ainsi que des performances acceptables par rapport à MPI. Ce mémoire démontre que l’usage des futures comme technique de partitionnement dynamique est faisable sur des multiprocesseurs à mémoire distribuée.


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Dans cette étude nous faisons une description de l'état actuel de l'espagnol parlé par la communauté paisa de Medellin (Colombie) à Montréal, dont le dialecte ou variation de langue est aussi connu comme paisa. Pour mener cette recherche à bien un travail de champ a été réalisé au moyen d’un questionnaire écrit et d’entrevues orales mi-dirigées. Les données obtenues nous permettent d’établir des premières comparaisons entre le parler des paisas de Montréal et celui des habitants de Medellin, et d’identifier quelques-uns des principaux changements linguistiques chez cette communauté parlante, spécialement les interférences du français au moment de parler en espagnol, et certains facteurs qui en favorisent, de même que certains changements au niveau socioculturel, les attitudes linguistiques des paisas vers leur variété, vers l’espagnol, en général, et aussi vers le français des québécois de la Région Métropolitaine de Montréal, en particulier. Finalement, il est aussi possible de connaître quelques-unes des différences et similitudes par rapport à la situation linguistique actuelle à la ville de Medellin. Bien que la communauté étudiée représente un bas pourcentage des hispanophones de la ville, la recherche peut contribuer à l’avancement des connaissances de l’espagnol à Montréal, puisque ses résultats, ajoutés à ceux d’autres études, permettront de mieux connaître sa réalité linguistique.


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La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca\MU)