610 resultados para Sect. Theresia


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In the course of my research for my thesis The Q Gospel and Psychohistory, I moved on from the accounts of the Cynics ideals to psychohistorical explanations. Studying the texts dealing with the Cynics and the Q Gospel, I was amazed by the fact that these texts actually portrayed people living in greater poverty than they had to. I paid particular attention to the fact that the Q Gospel was born in traumatising, warlike circumstances. Psychiatric traumatology helped me understand the Q Gospel and other ancient documents using historical approaches in a way that would comply with modern behavioural science. Even though I found some answers to the questions I had posed in my research, the main result of my research work is the justification of the question: Is it important to ask whether there is a connection between the ethos expressed by means of the religious language of the Q Gospel and the predominantly war-related life experiences typical to Palestine at the time. As has been convincingly revealed by a number of studies, traumatic events contribute to the development of psychotic experiences. I approached the problematic nature, significance and complexity of the ideal of poverty and this warlike environment by clarifying the history of psychohistorical literary research and the interpretative contexts associated with Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan and Melanie Klein. It is justifiable to question abnormal mentality, but there is no reliable return from the abnormal mentality described in any particular text to the only affecting factor. The popular research tendency based on the Oedipus complex is just as controversial as the Oedipus complex itself. The sociological frameworks concerning moral panics and political paranoia of an outer and inner danger fit quite well with the construction of the Q Gospel. Jerrold M. Post, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Political Psychology and Interna-tional Affairs at George Washington University, and founder and director of the Center for the Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior for the Central Intelligence Agency, has focused on the role played by charisma in the attracting of followers and detailed the psychological styles of a "charismatic" leader. He wrote the books Political Paranoia and Leaders and Their Followers in a Dangerous World: the Psychology of Political Behavior among others. His psychoanalytic vocabulary was useful for my understanding of the minds and motivations involved in the Q Gospel s formation. The Q sect began to live in a predestined future, with the reality and safety of this world having collapsed in both their experience and their fantasies. The deep and clear-cut divisions into good and evil that are expressed in the Q Gospel reveal the powerful nature of destructive impulses, envy and overwhelming anxiety. Responsible people who influenced the Q Gospel's origination tried to mount an ascetic defense against anxiety, denying their own needs, focusing their efforts on another objective (God s Kingdom) and a regressive, submissive earlier phase of development (a child s carelessness). This spiritual process was primarily an ecclesiastic or group-dynamical tactic to give support to the power of group leaders.


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Cortinarius is the largest genus of Agaricales with a worldwide distribution. So far, over 4000 Cortinarius names and combinations have been published. Cortinarius spp. form ectomycorrhizae with different trees and shrubs. A majority of the Cortinarius species have narrow ecological preferences and many form ectomycorrhiza with only one or few host species. The subgenus Telamonia sensu lato (s. lat.), comprising the greatest number of species, is the most poorly known of the subgenera of Cortinarius. The centre of diversity is in the northern hemisphere, although some species of the group are also recognized in the southern hemisphere. The aim of this thesis was to study the taxonomy of Cortinarius subgenus Telamonia p.p. species based on morphological and molecular data, as well as to study the ecology and distribution of the species in North Europe. The taxonomical problems encountered and the difficulty in finding and studying all the relevant names and types slowed down the study. The diversity of the subgenus Telamonia s. lat. in North Europe (excluding sect. Hydrocybe, Icrustati and Anomali) was found to be far greater than previously thought. Even many of the common species have not yet been described. So far, ca. 200 species have been recognised from the Nordic countries, but the sampling in most groups does not cover the whole diversity and especially the southern deciduous forest species are underrepresented in our study. In most cases phylogenetic (only based on ITS data) and morphological species recognition were in concordance, but in a few cases morphologically delimited species had almost identical ITS sequences, raising the question as to whether ITS is always variable enough for species recognition. The opposite situation, in which a morphologically uniform species included two phylogenetically distinct lineages, however, was also encountered, suggesting the possibility of cryptic species in Cortinarius. In our studies no taxa below species level were recognised and the aforementioned results indicate that presumably they can only be recognised genetically. Based on our preliminary results a revision of the infrageneric classification in Cortinarius subgenus Telamonia s. lat. is needed, and more sections should be established for a meaningful and functional classification. Many groups have turned out to be artificial, and it seems evident that many characteristics have been over- or underemphasised. Many morphological characteristics, however, are useful in the identification of telamonioid species and e.g. some spore characteristics have often been overlooked. Our studies have concentrated on North Europe, but we have found some similarities with North European and North American taxa.


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The process of recombinational repair is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity and generating biological diversity. In association with RuvB and RuvC, RuvA plays a central role in processing and resolving Holliday junctions, which are a critical intermediate in homologous recombination. Here, the cloning, purification and structure determination of the RuvA protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtRuvA) are reported. Analysis of the structure and comparison with other known RuvA proteins reveal an octameric state with conserved subunit-subunit interaction surfaces, indicating the requirement of octamer formation for biological activity. A detailed analysis of plasticity in the RuvA molecules has led to insights into the invariant and variable regions, thus providing a framework for understanding regional flexibility in various aspects of RuvA function.


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The interaction of the protein atoms with the surrounding water oxygen atoms has been computed for 392 protein chains from 369 protein structures belonging to 90% non-homologous high resolution (<= 1.5 angstrom) protein Structures with a crystallographic R-factor <= 20%. The percentage composition of the polar atoms is found to be 36.3%. An average of 82.55% of water oxygen atoms are found to be in the primary hydration shell and 15.12% in the secondary hydration shell. The average Percentage of interactions of water oxygen atoms with the polar atoms of the main chain and side chain are 54% and 46%. respectively. The interaction of the acidic residues, aspartate and glutamate, with the water oxygen atoms is more when compared to that of the other residues.


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A study to assess the effects of hydraulic escalator dredging on an oyster community was initiated at the request of the Department of Natural Resources, Mary1and Tidewater Fisheries Administration. The purpose of the work was to reevaluate a study done by Manning (1957). A site in the Patuxent River north of Broome Island classified as oyster bottom was selected to conduct an in - situ intensive experiment using the Manning study as a framework for project design. Clams and oysters were present in the study area,although oyster populations were limited in number. (PDFs consists of pp 1-97 and additional Sect II: Middle Bay proposed reclassification sites)


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It is shown that the locus of the f' + if '' plot in the complex plane, f' being determined from measured f '' by using the dispersion relation, looks like a semicircle very near the absorption edge of Ge. The semicircular locus is derived from a quantum theory of X-ray resonant scattering when there is a sharp isolated peak in f '' just above the K-absorption edge. Using the semicircular behavior, an approach is proposed to determine the anomalous scattering factors in a crystal by fitting known calculated values based on an isolated-atom model to a semicircular focus. The determined anomalous scattering factors f' show excellent agreement with the measured values just below the absorption edge. In addition, the phase determination of a crystal structure factor has been considered by using the semicircular behavior.


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Variations of peak position of the rocking curve in the Bragg case are measured from a Ge thin crystal near the K-absorption edge. The variations are caused by a phase change of the real part of the atomic scattering factor. Based on the measurement, the values of the real part are determined with an accuracy of better than 1%. The values are the most reliable ones among those reported values so far as they are directly determined from the normal atomic scattering factors.


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Suction-cup-attached VHF radio transmittes were deployed on belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet, Alaska, in 1994 and 1995 to characterize the whales' surfacing behavior. Data from video recordings were also used to characterize behavior of undisturbed whales and whales actively pursued for tagging. Statistics for dive intervals (time between the midpoints of contiguous surfacings) and surfacing intevals (time at the surface per surfacing) were estimated. Operations took place on the tidal delta of the Susitna and Little Susitna Rivers. During the 2-yr study, eight whales were successfully tagged, five tags remained attached for >60 min, and data from these were used in the analyses. Mean dive interval was 24.1 sec (interwhale SD=6.4 sec, n=5). The mean surfacing interval, as determined from the duration of signals received from the radio transmitters, was 1.8 sec (SD=0.3 sec, n=125) for one of the whales. Videotaped behaviors were categorized as "head-lifts" or "slow-rolls." Belugas were more likely to head-lift than to slow-roll during vessel approaches and tagging attempts when compared to undisturbed whales. In undisturbed groups, surfacing intervals determined from video records were significantly different between head-lifting (average = 1.02 sect, SD=0.38 sed, n=28) and slow-rolling whales (average = 2.45 sec, SD=0.37 sec, n=106). Undisturbed juveniles exhibited shorter slow-roll surfacing intervals (average = 2.25 sec, SD=0.32 sec, n=36) than adults (average = 2.55 sec, SD=0.36 sec, n=70). We did not observe strong reactions by the belugas to the suction-cup tags. This tagging method shows promise for obtaining surfacing data for durations of several days.


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本文通过对Dichocarpum属各种性状的系统研究及与近缘属比较分析,确认本属为毛茛科唐松草亚科中系统位置相当明确的一个好属。同时也对本属所在的唐松草亚科Thalictroideae的系统,做了部分修改。并提出这一亚科中,花瓣演化的两条可能途径及Dichocarpum属的花瓣类型。从生化、花粉、染色体以及形态特征的研究表明,本属可能与Asteropyrum属关系较为密切。 本文首次报导了Diehocarpum属存在三沟和散沟二种花粉类型。染色体数目的研究和分析表明,本属的染色体基数可能为X=6, 产于东亚大陆的种为古4倍体植物,产于日本列岛的种为古6倍体植物,而2倍体植物己经绝灭了。 作者对Dichocarpum属做了数量分类研究,其结果对本属下的分类提供了参考依据,并证明肖培根等把本属分为2个组的观点是合理的。综合各方面证据,并参考前人工作,作者把本属分为2个组、6个系,共包括15种3变种,有一新种和一新变种,并在本属系统排列中的某些类群下,讨论了分类处理意见。 本文讨论了Dichocarpum属的地理分布,本属的2个组分别分布于东亚大陆Sect.Di chocarpum和日本列岛Sect.Hutchinsonia。作者对本属这种分布格局的形成进行了探讨,认为中国西南山地可能为本属的分布区中心,日本列岛为木属次生的现代分布中心。并认为产于日本列岛上的人字果属植物,可能是由产于东亚大陆的Sect.DichocarBum组Ser.Dichocarpum系中的植物,在第三世纪进入日本的。


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本论文对榧属(TorreyI)的研究历史作了回顾.以形态性状为依据,结合叶片的解剖,花粉表面的电镜观察,以及种子蛋白的电泳等,对榧属的系统分类进行了研究。结果表明: l、支持根据种子胚乳深皱与微皱分榧属为两个组的观点. 2、从叶片气孔带乳突的特征及种子蛋白电泳带的类型,似可支持榧属两组的建立. 3、根据各种榧树叶肉组织中石细胞的观察,不支持将石细胞的有无作为分组的特征。 4、云南榧与巴山榧叶的解剖特征有较多相似性,但在石细胞的含量、栅栏组织细胞层数及结晶大小等方面存在差别.考虑到其他性状及地理分布,认为将云南榧改为巴山榧的变种较为自然。 5、本属植物花粉形态较为一致,种问无明显的差别.对组和种的划分无重要参考价值. 6、经研究订正,榧属共6种2变种和11个栽培变种。其中1新变种(九龙山榧),1改级新组合(云南榧),6个新载培变种。 7、结合前人的研究,作者归纳出红豆杉科植物的进化趋势,支持榧属为进化类群的观点。


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本文对桦木科植物的研究历史作了详细的总结;在钻研文献的基础上,补充了部分系统学资料,使得花序、花、花粉、叶表皮等各类性状能够在属间进行比较,根据外类群比较、和谐性分析等原则确定了性状的演化极性,利用最大同步法和最小平行演化法对桦木科植物进行了分支分析;对各属的现代分布和地史分布作了描述,在此基础上,讨论了桦木科植物的分布中心、起源地、起源的时间和散布的途径;在第四章,作者试图回到遥远的晚白垩纪和早第三纪,从描绘桦木科植物起源和早期分化的古地理和古气候背景入手,分析了在这种背景下桦木科植物所发生的空间辐射以及植物体本身所产生的形态进化,以求得对桦木科植物起源、散布和分化作出比较合理的解释;最后对桦木科组以上的等级作了分类处理。全文包括五个部分,主要的结论如下: 1、分支分析:广泛阅读桦木科、壳斗科和南青冈科的文献,详细研究中国科学院植物研究所标本馆所藏的桦木科植物的标本。首先以壳斗科和南青冈科作为外类群对各类性状进行了分析,得到一个由22个性状组成的数值矩阵;接着又对上述的22个性状作了和谐性分析,结果有7个性状的CN>O,2,其中3个性状在调整性状状态后被保留,有4个性状在颠倒极性和调整性状状态后仍不和谐被去除.最后得到由18个性状组成的矩阵,该矩阵和谐性检验的结果是:所有性状的KN值和CN值均为O,将此矩阵用最大同步法和最小平行演化法进行分支分析,得到一个相同的分支图。分支图用了19个演化步数,与矩阵的最小步数相同,较好地反映了桦木科植物的属间关系。分支图说明:桤木属是从桦木科植物的祖先中最早分出的一个分支,几乎保留了祖先所有的原始性状;桦木属和桤木属近缘,但并非姊妹群;榛届在桦木科中占有特殊的地位,是桦木科植物的原始类群向进化类群演化的中间纽带;虎棒子属是榛属向鹅耳枥属和铁木属进化过程中分化出的一支;铁木属和鹅耳枥属为姊妹群,在桦木科植物中演化水平最高。 2、地理分布:地理分布分析是以经典分类、系统发育和古植物学三方面的资料为基础,根据生物进化的时、序、空相互统一的观点来讨论的。 根据Takhtajan (1978)对世界植物系的分区,认为:东亚区分布6属、13组、77种,占桦木科植物全部种类的59%,为第一分布中心;大西洋一一北美区分布5属。8组、20种,为第二分布中心;环北方区分布5属、8组,35种,是桦木科植物分化的重要地区。在中国,根据吴征镒(1979)对中国植物区系的分区,认为:中国一一日本森林亚区和中国一一喜马拉雅亚区在种数,组数和属数的分布上分别位居第一和第二。四川及其毗邻省区分布6属、52种,占全部中国种类的70, 3%,是中国桦木科植物的分布中心。 桦木科最早的化石记录是具多个角萌发孔并有带状加厚的桤木粉,发现于日本桑托期.随之这类花粉和另外一种花粉类型:副桤木粉(有微弱带状加厚的三孔粉)在欧亚大陆和北美的地层中便开始普遍起来;可能的桤木属植物的叶子发现于白垩纪最晚期,而可辨认的果序的记录则开始于古新世. 8孔的具带状加厚的桦粉最早见于日本的坎佩尼期,而缺少带状加厚的拟桦粉最早发现于中国内蒙古的梅斯特利克蒂期,以上两类花粉均和现代桦木属植物的花粉相似;可归于同一个化石植物Betula leopoldae的叶子、雄花序,果序和果实的化石发现于加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚的中始新世地层中。基于果实化石的榛属植物的最早记录发生在欧洲和北美古新世;被认为和榛属有亲缘关系的绝灭属——古鹅耳枥属的叶子,果序和雄花序的化石发现于古新世和始新世;开始见于中国梅斯特利克蒂期的拟榇粉和最早发现于苏格兰古新世的米勒三孔粉也均和榛属植物有关。基于可辨认的花粉和果苞的化石,鹅耳枥属和铁木属分别在晚始新世和早渐新世有了最早的化石记录. 最后根据化石证据和现代地理分布特征提出:以四川为中心的中国中部地区是桦木科植物起源和早期分化的中心;最早的桦木科植物生活在晚白垩纪桑托期,桤木属、榇属、桦木属可能在白垩纪最晚期或古新世时就已经出现了,而最迟不晚于中始新世;鹅耳枥属和铁木属的形成均不晚于晚始新世,到渐新世时,除虎榛子属外,桦木科其它各属均广泛分布在北半球。 3、进化分析:桦木科植物起源和早期演化的晚白垩纪和早第三纪在古地理和古环境方面主要有四个特点:(1)地球板块相对稳定;(2)气候相对一致,区带环流是大气环流的基本成份; (3)恐龙绝灭,哺乳动物作为传播媒介变得重要起来; (4)风媒和虫媒植物共荣。桦木科植物就是在上述背景下起源的。桤木属蒙自桤木组和桤木组最早从祖先类群中分化出来,接着一方面较缓慢地向欧洲散布,并在古新世到达欧洲;另一方面,向中国东北地区散布,然后迅速地扩散到了北极地区,通过白令陆桥在白垩纪最晚期到达了北美。从北美西北部和从欧洲通过大西洋北极陆桥散布到北美东部的桦木科植物在始新世时汇合,形成第二个分化中心。虎榛子属、鹅耳枥属和铁木属植物的大量分化很可能是从全球气候恶化的渐新世开始的,并在分化的同时伴随着其它的桦木科植物向南迁移。桤木属在渐新世时就散布到了当时位于中国东南部的加里曼丹岛;桤木属、鹅耳枥属和铁木属中新世时散布到了墨西哥和中美洲;第四纪冰期加速了桦木科植物的南移,桤木属到达非洲北部和南美洲,桤木属和鹅耳枥属到达台湾岛均发生在更新世。 在环境的选择压力下,桦木科植物经历了一系列的形态演化,作者将这些演化归纳成34个进化趋势。为了对桦木科植物可能祖先的大概轮廓有一个认识,我们又从34个进化趋势中总结出桦木科植物的11个原始特征,并且认为这些特征中的大多数应该是它的祖先拥有的。 (1)裸芽有柄。 (2)气孔器为轮列型或无规则型。 (3)木材具管胞,导管有螺旋加厚,为梯状穿孔。 (4)雌、雄花序共生成总状花序,雄花序位于上部。 (5)花序两性。 (6)雄花序有梗、裸露过冬。 (7)小聚伞花序由多个花组成,苞片多数。 (8)花两性,有花被,子房3室。 (9)花药药室木分离,花丝也不分叉。 (10)花粉粒4-5孔;孔具孔室;孔间有带状加厚;外壁较厚,在孔处翘起并加厚。 (11)具翅坚果小型。 本文提出桦术科植物不可能起源于现存的壳斗科植物,而两者有可能共祖,它们共同的祖先和正型粉类复合群有关,可能来源于正型粉类复合群的某些成员,那么‘正型粉类复合群是否就是金缕梅目和壳斗目进行的中间链环呢?’本文仅作为一个问题提出,而未作回答。 4、系统分类:根据分支分析和表征分类的结果,桦木科是非常自然的一个类群,科内表现出从原始到高级的演化次序并具有三条主要的演化路线。因此,将桦木科划分为三个族与科内的三条演化线相一致,比较符合其属间的系统发育关系。按照各属的变异程度,进一步在桦木族和鹅耳枥族之下分别设立两个亚族。此外在桦木科植物属之下共确立了13个组。桦木科组以上的系统排列为: Betulaceae S. F. Gray Trib. 1. Betuleae Subtrib. 1. Alninae Z. D. Chen subtrib. nov. Alnus Mill. Sect. 1. Clethropsis ( Spach ) Endl. Sect. 2. Alnus Sect. 3. Cremastogyne H. Winkl, Sect. 4. Alnobetula W. D. Koch Subtrib. 2. Betulinae Betula L. Sect. 1. Betulaster ( Spach ) Regel Sect. 2. Betula Sect. 3. Costatae Regel Sect. 4. Chinenses ( Nakai ) Z. D. Chen comb. et stat.nov. Sect. 5. Humiles W.D.Koch Trib. 2. Coryleae Aacheraon Corylus L. Sect. 1, Acanthochlamys Spach Sect. 2. Corylus Trib. 3. Carpineae A. DC. Subtrib. 1. Ostryopsinae Z. D. Chen subtrib. nov.Ostryopsis Dence. Subtrib. 2. Carpininae Ostrya Scop. Carpinus L. Sect. 1. Distegocarpus ( Sieb. et Zucc. ) Sarg. Sect. 2. Carpinus


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牡丹复合体属芍药属(Paconia)牡丹组(Sect. Moutan).原有6个种名,包括花壬 牡丹、名贵野生花卉紫斑牡丹,著名中药牡丹皮原植物,野生种类为我国特有,仅分 布在以秦岭为中心的较小区域.本研究从山西、陕西、河南、湖北、甘肃共采集14 个居群(包括复合体不同类型).通过野外居群调查、样方研究,移栽实验,以及细 胞学观察、孢粉学观察分析、种子蛋白和DNA水平多样性的探索性的工作,并结合 聚类分析方法,对牡丹复合体进行了分类学和保护生物学两方面的研究,主要结论 为: 1.本复合体为多年生木本植物,生长缓慢,在天然状况下,从种子播种到开花结实长达7年.枝条通常具隔年开花习性.严格单花顶生,花期短(5-10天).雄蕊先熟,以异花传粉为主(主要传粉者有甲虫和野蜂).自交亲和,甲虫在传粉过程中常常破坏心皮和胚珠.胚珠败育比例很高,紫斑牡丹50%.其它类群达90%. 2.种子生物学特性研究,发现本复合体种子属正统种子,但种子衰变快.种子萌发时间长,一般的化学及物理处理对种子萌发无明显促进作用,种子具上胚轴休眠特性.打破休眠需要两个条件:一是胚根长足3 cm.二是10℃左右的低温或GA3处理,野生紫斑牡丹种子较大,复合体其它野生类群种子较小.野生牡丹的种子活力相当低,萌发时间更长. 3.样方的调查统计表明,稷山和永济两地区的矮牡丹株数一龄级分布规律是2—5年生个体最多,随年龄级的增加,个体数目减少.居群呈增长趋势.紫斑牡丹株数一龄级分布规律是青壮年时期个体数目多,幼年时间和老年时期个体数目少,居群呈衰退的趋势,这与其本身繁殖方式和人为破坏程度相关. 4.对13个居群花粉扫描电镜观察表明,本复合体紫斑牡丹(P. rockii)为粗网纹,网眼大,其它类群为细网纹、网眼小. 5.通过18个居群的核型分析并结合前人工作,发现本复合体染色体数目稳定2n =10.核型差别不大,野生类群和栽培品种间有一定分化,但总体上核型多样性比较贫乏.通过8个居群C带研究,发现带纹很少,但多样性很丰富.8个居群表现出7种带型. 6.种子蛋白和DNA水平多样性的初步研究,发现复合体具有较丰富的多样性.但多样性的分布对类群的划分帮助不大,有待进一步研究. 7.通过形态性状分析发现产自各地区矮牡丹、河南粉花类型、神农架红花类型具根出条现象,并以此为主要繁殖方式,紫斑牡丹无此现象.神农架红花类型植株矮小,复合体其它类群较高.产自各地区的矮牡丹和神农架红花类型为二回三出复叶.小叶数目多为9.矮牡丹顶生小叶具浅裂、中裂或深裂,裂片具齿,神农架红花类型顶生小叶仅具浅裂或齿(全缘).河南粉花类型为二回羽状复叶.小叶数目12-15.紫斑类型叶为二回或三回羽状复叶、小叶数目15-40.小叶分裂方式分两种类型,秦岭西部居群以浅裂、全缘为主,东部居群以中裂或深裂为主,裂片具齿.神农架红花类型花为平展型、较小,其它地区花杯状、较大.花盘有二种类型.紫斑类群花盘黄色或白色.1/2-4/5包被心皮,心皮被稀疏长柔毛,其它类群花盘紫红色,全包心皮,心皮密被短硬毛.根据形态性状分析.并结合细胞学、孢粉学和地理分布研究,对复合体做如下处理:(l)把神农架红花类型做为新种处理P.quii Y.L.Pei et Hong.(2)保留P.rockii(S.G.Haw et L.A. Lanener)T.Hong ct J.J.Li和P.ostii T.Hong et J.X. Zhang.前者进一步分成二亚种:subsp. rockii和subsp. lanceolata Y.L.Pei et Hong(新亚种).后者包括河南粉花类型,中药丹皮原植物.(3)保留P.suffruticosa Andr.种内分二亚种:subsp. suffruticosa和subsp. spontanea (Rehd.)S.G. Haw et L.A, Lauener. (4)废弃P.papaveracea Andr.和P.jishanensis T.Hong et W.Z.Zhao (5)P.yanancnsis T.Hong et M.R.Li作为存疑种处理. 8.通过上述研究对野生牡丹濒危原因加以分析,认为致濒原因主要是人为干扰和种子萌发和传粉特点等生物学特性造成,但以前者为主,建议应广泛开展各个层次多样性研究,为生物多样性保护利用奠定基础。


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本文系统地总结了分布于我国的苏铁属13种植物的形态和地理分布,并在此基础上进行了解剖,微形态和生化分析。此外,还用表征分类的方法探讨了属内亲缘关系。结合古植物和古地理的知识对性状演化趋势和现代分布格局的成因进行了讨论。本文主要结论如下: 1.从种子蛋白电泳结果表明,所有现存苏铁类植物在39.8kd- 49.5kd之间均有—连续分布的混合多肽,为苏铁类所特有。杂种后代在种子蛋白电泳结果上可以表现出来。种子蛋白多肽分布在苏铁属内差异非常小,在属间差异明显,根据属间多肽距离确定苏铁属的分化较早,系统位置比较孤立。 2.形态特征表征分类结果表明攀枝花苏铁、台东苏铁、苏铁和篦齿苏铁应分在一组Sect.Asiotientales。组Sect.lndosinensis中的广东苏铁与、海南苏铁的亲缘关系较近。通过对叶表皮的观察,发现苏铁屑内植物有两种气孔类型:一种是以C.revoluta为代表的具气孔外拱盖的I型气孔,II型气孔无气孔外拱盖,为属内多数植物所具有;叶解剖的结果表明叉叶苏铁和多歧苏铁小叶中具树脂道,叶表皮和叶解剖的结果都支持台东苏铁成立。 3.攀枝花苏铁与把关河苏铁应为同一种,贵州苏铁与四川苏铁很相似,初步处理为一种,采用C.szechuanensis为学名。 4.苏铁类性状演化不均衡,染色体进化与形态进化不同步。结合化石证据确定,具掌状大孢子叶、二叉分枝脉的叉叶苏铁是现存苏铁属内最原始的类群. 5.苏铁属花粉均为远极球形单沟或舟形单沟,外壁表面纹饰为小的凹穴,种间共性明显,只在大小和形状上有微小差别。