723 resultados para Preschool and primary school
Ofrece una introducción general a la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa en las escuelas de primaria y secundaria. Sitúa el plan de estudios de esta asignatura en el contexto de la alfabetización de toda la escuela y analiza, entre otras, cuestiones importantes: la planificación y dirección de la clase, el papel del teatro, de los medios de comunicación y de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y, también, el desarrollo personal y profesional de los docentes.
Proporciona una introducción general a la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las escuelas de primaria y secundaria. Sitúa el plan de estudios de esta asignatura en el contexto de la alfabetización aritmética de toda la escuela y analiza, entre otras, cuestiones importantes: la planificación y dirección de la clase, la investigación en matemáticas, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y desarrollo personal y profesional de los docentes.
Este manual se centra en un examen más detallado de los planes de estudio, porque las escuelas que trabajan para mejorar su oferta para los superdotados tienen la necesidad de una orientación más detallada en determinadas áreas. Diseñado principalmente para el maestro de primaria, está estructurado en seis capítulos en donde se analiza lo que las escuelas deben estar tratando de lograr y por qué, destaca el hecho de que la capacidad lingüística se reconoce a menudo a una edad temprana del niño y los logros significativos que pueden ocurrir antes de que éste llegue a escuela, mira las matemáticas en la escuela primaria y considera lo que representa ser dotado en matemáticas y cómo la escuela podría reconocer matemáticos dotados, considera la ciencia y su papel en ayudar a los niños a desarrollarse como pensadores sofisticados, explora el papel de las TIC como herramienta de aprendizaje.
Recurso que muestra a los profesores qué hacer ante los alumnos superdotados de un aula inclusiva de primaria donde, generalmente, son limitados el tiempo y los recursos. Ayuda a diseñar actividades que incluyan a todos los estudiantes de la clase y que además puedan atender una serie de habilidades. El recurso contiene secciones sobre: La creación de un ambiente de trabajo que ayude a progresar a los alumnos más capaces; variar la forma de preguntar a los alumnos; pensar en las inteligencias múltiples y maneras de desarrollarlas; permitir a los alumnos la elección de algunas opciones en las actividades que realizan; asesoramiento sobre cómo ejecutar proyectos de investigación de toda la clase. Incluye glosario de términos clave y material fotocopiable.
Resumen en espa??ol, portugu??s y franc??s
Background: Population monitoring has been introduced in UK primary schools in an effort to track the growing obesity epidemic. It has been argued that parents should be informed of their child's results, but is there evidence that moving from monitoring to screening would be effective? We describe what is known about the effectiveness of monitoring and screening for overweight and obesity in primary school children and highlight areas where evidence is lacking and research should be prioritised. Design: Systematic review with discussion of evidence gaps and future research. Data sources: Published and unpublished studies ( any language) from electronic databases ( inception to July 2005), clinical experts, Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities, and reference lists of retrieved studies. Review methods: We included any study that evaluated measures of overweight and obesity as part of a population-level assessment and excluded studies whose primary outcome measure was prevalence. Results: There were no trials assessing the effectiveness of monitoring or screening for overweight and obesity. Studies focussed on the diagnostic accuracy of measurements. Information on the attitudes of children, parents and health professionals to monitoring was extremely sparse. Conclusions: Our review found a lack of data on the potential impact of population monitoring or screening for obesity and more research is indicated. Identification of effective weight reduction strategies for children and clarification of the role of preventative measures are priorities. It is difficult to see how screening to identify individual children can be justified without effective interventions.
Objective. To examine the association between worry and problem-solving skills and beliefs (confidence and perceived control) in primary school children. Method. Children (8–11 years) were screened using the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children. High (N ¼ 27) and low (N ¼ 30) scorers completed measures of anxiety, problem-solving skills (generating alternative solutions to problems, planfulness, and effectiveness of solutions) and problem-solving beliefs(confidence and perceived control). Results. High and low worry groups differed significantly on measures of anxiety and problem-solving beliefs (confidence and control) but not on problem-solving skills. Conclusions. Consistent with findings with adults, worry in children was associated with cognitive distortions, not skills deficits. Interventions for worried children may benefit froma focus on increasing positive problem-solving beliefs.
Background: Some contend that attachment insecurity increases risk for the development of externalizing behavior problems in children. Method: Latent-growth curve analyses were applied to data on 1,364 children from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care to evaluate the association between early attachment and teacher-rated externalizing problems across the primary-school years. Results: Findings indicate that (a) both avoidant and disorganized attachment predict higher levels of externalizing problems but (b) that effects of disorganized attachment are moderated by family cumulative contextual risk, child gender and child age, with disorganized boys from risky social contexts manifesting increases in behavior problems over time. Conclusions: These findings highlight the potentially conditional role of early attachment in children’s externalizing behavior problems and the need for further research evaluating causation and mediating mechanisms.
This article presents findings of a larger single-country comparative study which set out to better understand primary school teachers’ mathematics education-related beliefs in Thailand. By combining the interview and observation data collected in the initial stage of this study with data gathered from the relevant literature, the 8-belief / 22-item ‘Thai Teachers’ Mathematics Education-related Beliefs’ (TTMEB) Scale was developed. The results of the Mann-Whitney U Test showed that Thai teachers in the two examined socio-economic regions espouse statistically different beliefs concerning the source and stability of mathematical knowledge, as well as classroom authority. Further, these three beliefs are found to be significantly and positively correlated.