977 resultados para Practical training


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Im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung sind Praktika vielerorts ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Lehre. Sie zeichnen sich im Regelfall dadurch aus, dass die Studierenden die gestellten Versuche an speziell ausgestatteten Laborplätzen durchführen, was neben extrem hohen Kosten zu einer Begrenzung der maximalen Teilnehmerzahl führt. In diesem Zusammenhang scheint es auf den ersten Blick nicht möglich, Konzepte einer Virtuellen Universität umzusetzen, da die Studierenden „vor Ort“ sein müssen. In diesem Dokument stellen wir das so genannte Mobile Hardware-Praktikum vor, das den Studierenden die Teilnahme zu jeder Zeit und von jedem beliebigen Ort aus erlaubt und dennoch ein Gefühl der Präsenz im Labor vermittelt. Gleichzeitig kann weit mehr als 100 Studierenden die Teilnahme ermöglicht werden. Erreicht wird dies durch ein speziell für diesen Zweck entwickeltes webbasiertes Learning Management System in Kombination mit Hardware-Komponenten, die einem voll ausgestatteten Labor-Arbeitsplatz entsprechen und den Teilnehmern für die Zeit des Praktikums auf Leihbasis zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Experimente werden von den teilnehmenden Gruppen in Eigenregie gelöst und elektronisch abgegeben. Die Bewertung erfolgt ebenfalls elektronisch.(DIPF/Orig.)


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Mit den Reformen der Lehrerbildung war seit Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts die Umsetzung eines stärkeren Berufsfeldbezugs im Lehramtsstudium verbunden. Niederschlag fand dies u.a. in einer Ausweitung von Schulpraktika in den Studiengängen in Deutschland. Erste Erfahrungen in der praktischen schulpädagogischen Arbeit sollten dabei möglich werden und an der Hochschule erworbenes wissenschaftliches Wissen und Können einen ersten reflexiven Anwendungsbezug erhalten. [...] In explorativer Absicht wird vor diesem Hintergrund im Folgenden eine Protokollsequenz untersucht, in der eine Lehrerin, eine Praktikantin und Schüler in einer Unterrichtsstunde interagieren. Bestimmend für die Auswahl war die Tatsache, dass hier die Praktikantin an der Disziplinierung der Schüler beteiligt wird - was nach langjähriger Erfahrung des Autors nicht selten vorkommt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Este estudo tem como objectivo conciliar aspectos da Arquivística à Boa Administração através da gestão dos documentos com efoque no controlo do circuito, da tramitação, da recuperação dos documentos e a legislação nos arquivos municipais em Moçambique no período 1933-2007. O estudo realizado em três universos: municípios de Maputo, da Beira e de Quelimane, em que se confirma que os instrumentos de controlo utilizados na circulação e recuperação dos documentos contribuem para uma boa governação, garantindo a transparência dos actos administrativos e a salvaguarda dos direitos dos cidadãos. Mostra-se que nunca se deve prescindir quer das actividades que delineiam os macro e micro processos nas instituições quer da definição prévia dos percursos documentais, da regulamentação dos procedimentos, da utilização de técnicas que permitam a recuperação dos documentos e da informação: Mostra-se a importância da formação e do conhecimento dos procedimentos pelos funcionários dos escalões autorizados a realizar, pareceres e despachos, da determinação das formas do controlo documental e da garantia no cumprimento dos prazos estabelecidos para cada percurso e, finalmente, a necessária observância prática da legislação criada para esse efeito. ABSTRACT; This case study has as a main objective the reconciliation of the filing aspects with a good Administration though the management of documents and its network, specially in the restoring of files and its legislation into the Municipal Archives of Mozambique during the period of 1933-2007. The study was based on three cities where municipal councils were created, namely: Maputo, Beira and Quelimane. Record's contrail tools used either for registering record transactions or for the access of information contained in them, ensure good governance, transparency and protection of citizen rights. We show the necessity of the activities which lead to macro and micro processes within the organization. This requires that records procedures on transactions must be established and so the guidelines for records' contrail, registration and tools for the information retrieval. We indicate procedures to be followed by authorized civil servants, the importance of their practical training and we define types of records' contrail to ensure their preservation and use in order to accomplish the national legislation.


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Tese de Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas Área Científica de Línguas e Culturas


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Teacher education plays a central role in education and relates to various stakeholders of education. Currently, teacher education is not perceived as the sole responsibility of higher education institutions, and they are expected to work closely together with other partners. In this paper, the concept of ‘partnership’ is defined and mutual benefits and challenges in partnerships with disciplines and institutions beyond teacher education programs are briefly discussed. Issues related to partnerships with students are addressed, and the last part of the paper discusses the partnership between teacher education and the practice field with examples from Norway. Three models illustrating such partnerships are described. The central argument of the paper is that partnerships in teacher education need to go beyond rhetoric. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Rezension von: Mirelle Schied: Schulpraktische Studien im Rahmen der Lehrerausbildung. Konzeptionalisierung und Evaluierung nach dem Gmünder Modell. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2013 (301 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1913-8)


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[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) está relacionado con las prácticas efectuadas en la Guardia Municipal de San Sebastián (País Vasco) y pretende analizar las órdenes de protección concedidas a víctimas de violencia de género inmigrantes y nacionales para comprobar si existe alguna diferencia en cuanto a su aplicación. Asimismo, se pretende analizar el procedimiento efectuado por este cuerpo policial y servicios sociales en estos casos, así como el perfil de la víctima y el agresor. Por otra parte, se procura analizar aspectos controvertidos de la Ley Orgánica 1/2004 de Medidas de Protección Integral de la Violencia de Género. Para ello, se utilizara una metodología mixta. Por una parte de corte cualitativo realizando cuatro entrevistas (a dos víctimas, una agente de policía y una trabajadora social) para ahondar más respecto a este tema. En segundo lugar, desde una perspectiva cuantitativa se explorará la base de datos de la Guardia Municipal en materia de violencia de género para realizar un análisis estadístico. Finalmente, se abordaran las conclusiones a las que se ha llegado con este trabajo y se propondrán mejoras de cara a futuras investigaciones y a la operatividad de la Guardia Municipal.


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In 2005 the Sloan Consortium called for engineering education to be available "anywhere, anytime."* Increasing numbers of engineering departments are interesting in offering their programs by means of online learning. These schools grapple with several difficulties and issues associated with wholly online learning: course structure, communication with students, delivery of course material, delivery of exams, accreditation, equity between on-campus and off-campusstudents, and especially the delivery of practical training. Deakin University faced these same challenges when it commenced teaching undergraduate engineering via distance education in the early 1990's. It now offers a fully accredited Bachelor of Engineering degree in both on-campus and off-campus modes, with majors that include civil,mechanical, electrical/electronics, and mechatronics/robotics.This presentation describes Deakin's unique off-campus delivery, students, curricula, approaches to practical work, and solutions to the problems mentioned above. Attendees will experience how Deakin Engineering delivers course materials, communicates with off-campus students, runs off-campus classes, and even delivers lab experience to students living thousands of miles away from the home campus. On display will be experimental lab kits, video presentations, student projects, and online broadcasts of freshman lab experiments. Participants will have the opportunity to see some of these resources hands-on. I will also discuss recent innovations in off-campus delivery ofcourses, including how flipping the classroom has led to blended learning with the on-campus students.Many universities have placed engineering distance education into the too-hard basket. Deakin Engineering demonstrates that it is possible to deliver a full undergraduate degree by means of distance education and online learning, and modern technology makes the job easier than everbefore. The benefits to the professor are many, not the least of which is helping a student living in a remote area or with a full-time job become fully trained and qualified in engineering.


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This paper presents the development of a neural network based power system stabilizer (PSS) designed to enhance the damping characteristics of a practical power system network representing a part of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) system. The proposed PSS consists of a neuro-identifier and a neuro-controller which have been developed based on functional link network (FLN) model. A recursive on-line training algorithm has been utilized to train the two neural networks. Simulation results have been obtained under various operating conditions and severe disturbance cases which show that the proposed neuro-PSS can provide a better damping to the local as well as interarea modes of oscillations as compared to a conventional PSS