998 resultados para Normas Jurídicas


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This paper analyzes the relationship between fundamental rights and the exercise of the claim punitive society in a democratic state. It starts with the premise that there are fundamental rights that limit and determine the validity of all forms of manifestation of the claim punitive society (legislating, investigative, adjudicative or ministerial) and there are others that require the state the right exercise, fast and effective of these activities. Travels to history in order to see that the first meaning of these rights was built between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, after all a history of abuses committed by state agents in the exercise of criminal justice, and positively valued in the declarations of human rights and proclaimed in the constitutions after the American and French Revolutions, while the second meaning has been assigned between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, when, because of the serious social problems generated largely by absenteeism state, it was noted that in addition to subjective rights the individual against the state, fundamental rights are also objective values, which trigger an order directed the state to protect them against the action of the offending individuals themselves (duty to protect), the mission of which the State seeks to discharge, among other means, through the issue of legal rules typifying the behavior detrimental to such rights, subject to penalties, and the concrete actions of public institutions created by the Constitution to operate penal law. Under this double bias, it is argued that the rule violates the Constitution in the exercise of the claim punitive society as much as by excess malfere fundamental rights that limit, as when it allows facts wrong by offending fundamental rights, remain unpunished either by inaction or by insufficient measures taken abstractly or concretely provided


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This work presents an analysis about the legitimation of independent regulatory commission`s rulemaking power by participation procedure. It is observed that political and administrative decentralization and fragmentation of State, with the purpose of approaching citizens and provide, more efficiently, the functions acquired by the passage of the Welfare State, leads to a deficit of legitimacy (democratic crisis), which is noticeable in the making of legal norms by directors of independent regulatory commission to regulate specific economic sector. However, we understand that this crisis stems from the observation of the contemporary world from dogmas and legal institutions of the eighteenth century, without their evolution and adaptation to the modern world. The legitimacy must be perceived as the justification of power, relation command /obedience, which, from the Modern State, has the democracy as standard. Therefore, just as the world has evolved and demanded political and administrative decentralization to accompany him, it is necessary to the development of the idea of representative democracy (formal legitimacy) to participatory democracy (legitimacy stuff). Legitimacy is not confused with the legality: as the legality is on observance to internal legal system, the "rules of play"; legitimacy, as inputs to be fed into this system, the selection of the different expectations in the environment. Nevertheless, the legitimacy will take place by legality, through introduction of rational and communicative procedures: procedures get fundamental importance because these will be the means to select the expectations to be introduced in the legal system in order to make decisions more fair, rational and qualified towards society. Thus, it is necessary to its opening to the environment for dialogue with the government. In this context, we try to make an analysis of constitutional norms based on systematic and teleological interpretation of these norms to build these arguments. According to the Constitution of 1988, participatory democracy is a result of the democratic principle (sole paragraph of art. 1 of the Constitution), and it is an expression of citizenship and political pluralism, both foundations of Republic (respectively Art. 1st, inc . V and II of the Constitution), as well as the national consciousness. From another point of view, that principle consists of an evolution in the management public affairs (principle of Republic). The right of interested participate in the rulemaking process derives both the principle of popular participation (part of the democratic principle) and the republican principle as the due process constitutional (art. 5, LIV and LV, CF/88) and the right to petition (Art . 5 °, inc. XXXIV, "a", CF/88), and it is the duty of the State not only be open to participation and encourage it. Ignoring stakeholder involvement in procedures and / or expressions compiled can be causes of invalidation of the rule of law produced by addiction of procedure, motive, motivation and/or because of the administrative act. Finally, we conclude that the involvement of stakeholders in the process of making rules within the independent regulatory commission is the legitimacy and the validity of rules; and that, despite of the expressions do not bind the decision making, they will enter the system as juridical fact, balancing the field of technical discretionary of agencies


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In Brazil, constitutional clauses regarding religious freedom have concrete applications in Private Law. Church-State Law, or "Ecclesiastical Law of the State," studies the legal principles which may be applicable to religious activity, exercised individually and collectively. The study of Church-State Law in Brazil lacks a thorough introduction to the constitutional and civil aspects of religious organizations: such an introduction is the main end of this work. Following a brief introduction, the main aspects of religious freedom and the principle of private autonomy as it concerns religious organizations are explained. A careful introductory analysis of Church-State Law in Brazil is thus developed: (1) the historical aspects, including a detailed account of the relations between Catholicism, the established religion up to 1889, and the government; (2) the current constitutional principles, as presented in the text of the federal Constitution of 1988, regarding the rights and claims of religious organizations; (3) how the same constitutional principles are to be used in the interpretation of Private Law (especially the Civil Code of 2002), fostering and preserving the uniqueness of religious organizations in the Brazilian legal system. A brief complementary chapter presents some aspects of the legal position of religious institutions in three other nations whose constitutional documents have influenced the current Brazilian federal Constitution (France, Spain, and the United States)


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The present research has, as general objective, to seek a constitucional hermeneutics directed toward the improvement of the efficacy of the social rights rules, with the purpose to solve the elapsins problems from the general picture of its inefficiency, which are disposed on the Constitution, in its ample majority, as mere regular norms. Leaving of the premise that no Constitutional norm can be without being materialized and the true development of the State is it the social one (based on the principles of freedom, equality and solidarity), it will be demonstrated that the arguments in favor of the legislative inefficiency configure a true blow on the Democratic State of Brazilian Law. For this, it will be done, preliminarily, a study of the basic rights, legal category where it is found the social rights. To follow, it will be analyzed the hermeneutics of the legal norms, with emphasis on the specifics of the constitutional hermeneutics and its methods of interpretation. Finally, the aspect on the improvement of efficacy and the effectiveness of the social rights will be studied, through a new readind of certain dogmas that still persist in the legal world, being distinguished the institutiones of the reserve of the possible and the existential minimum. Ahead of this, after verifying the new paradigmas of the interpretable activity, will be demonstrated how it is possible to get an upgrade on the effectiveness of the social rights


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Violência sexual contra crianças não é um evento incomum; no entanto, há a dificuldade de denúncia, pois, além do estabelecimento da relação de dominação que o agressor exerce sobre a vítima, a maneira como tal fato é recebido pela sociedade e como é encaminhado pelas instituições judiciárias responsáveis também é determinante para as omissões. Inserida no universo dos interrogatórios, muitas vezes, a criança causa confusão ao desmentir o que havia falado antes, reforçando possíveis preconceitos em relação a si mesma. O presente trabalho traz a análise das relações entre a infância e a instituição judiciária, com principal enfoque no sistema de comunicação e de notificação dos crimes sexuais contra a criança e as consequentes intervenções profissionais que buscam a validação, ou não, de seu testemunho. Para tanto, foram pesquisados 51 processos judiciais, dos quais foram selecionados dois casos exemplares. Este trabalho evidencia a possibilidade de preservar a criança da revitimização causada pela multiplicidade de interrogatórios, sem deixar de cumprir as normas jurídicas necessárias. A fragilidade da palavra da criança está na forma como é acolhida pelos adultos, desde a revelação na família até a denúncia aos órgãos oficiais, revelando a urgência de alterações nos procedimentos judiciais relacionados a essa problemática


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Given the prediction of the Federal Constitution of 1988 about the need to establish some areas to be especially protected, it was published the Law No. 9.985/00, which established the National System of Conservation Units. Several aspects make these units differ from one another, one of them being the possibility of presence of even traditional human populations inside the area to be protected. In case of allowing these people to continue in the area, it still must be provided their participation in the management of the new space. Management councils show up, then, as a specific way of social and political participation. This way, from an overview of legal norms and the doctrine that are relevant to the topic, It is aimed to make a legal and theoretical survey about the process of traditional populations permanence inside Conservation Units, with aspects linked to ethnoconservation and, therefore, to participation in environmental management of these specially protected spaces


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente estudo teve como objeto central analisar as políticas públicas exaradas pelo Estado brasileiro, via espécies normativas para a educação superior. Tendo como categorias de análise a autonomia da universidade, e o financiamento da educação superior. A pesquisa parte da premissa de que as políticas públicas têm sido materializadas a partir de normas jurídicas. Assim, investigamos o Estado brasileiro, as políticas públicas por ele emanadas por meio de espécies normativas e suas implicações na educação superior. O estudo foi realizado por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica que consistiu num levantamento minucioso do ordenamento jurídico elaborado pelo Estado brasileiro para a educação superior a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988 até o ano de 2006. Detectamos que após a CF/88, no que concerne à autonomia da universidade e ao financiamento da educação superior, foram aprovadas quarenta e quatro normas jurídicas, sendo duas Emendas Constitucionais, onze Leis, três medidas provisórias, nove Decretos, dentre outras espécies normativas, que contribuíram para alterar de forma profunda o texto constitucional. No desenvolvimento do estudo iniciamos com a discussão sobre o Estado com vistas a estabelecer relações com o direito e as políticas públicas. Em seguida, traçamos uma contextualização histórica de todas as Constituições brasileiras, mas com ênfase no processo de redemocratização iniciado em 1974 e que culminou na CF/88, cuja característica essencial foi sua definição como a Carta Magna mais democrática que se tem nota no Brasil. Dessa carta, analisamos os artigos que inferem sobre a autonomia universitária e o financiamento da educação superior. Com base na discussão sobre o Estado regulador brasileiro e nas indicações fornecidas pela ciência do Direito constitucional, realizamos a análise da legislação pós-constitucional que define as políticas para a educação superior brasileira direcionada ao financiamento desse nível de ensino e à autonomia da universidade. Tendo como referência o texto constitucional, discorremos sobre o instituto jurídico do controle de constitucionalidade. O estudo apontou que grande parte das normas jurídicas infraconstitucionais, que regulamenta a educação superior brasileira, atua contra legem mater, quando, por exemplo, dispõe contra o art. 207 ao interferir sobre a escolha de dirigentes universitários, ferindo a capacidade da universidade se auto-legislar sobre assuntos que lhe são próprios, ou quando desvincula percentuais assegurados para o financiamento da educação superior, no caso da emenda constitucional de revisão n. 1/1994 e Emenda Constitucional n. 10/1996, ferindo princípios constitucionais e reproduzindo interesses do Estado capitalista neoliberal. O estudo apresenta contribuição para o campo das políticas públicas educacionais, vez que possibilita reflexões sobre a forma pela qual o direito público subjetivo à educação, assegurado no texto constitucional, vem sendo negado sistematicamente e de forma sucessiva pelos governos pós CF/88 que adotam o modelo de Estado neoliberal.


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A proposta deste artigo é fazer um estudo pós-moderno da relação existente entre direito e moral. Nesta análise, supera-se a visão racionalista da moralidade moderna vista como um código moral único, como um conjunto de preceitos harmoniosamente coerentes ao qual todos nós deveríamos obedecer e que legitimaria as normas jurídicas de forma racional. Através de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, como meio de expansão da reflexão crítica, analisaremos o filme A pele que habito dirigido por Pedro Almodóvar


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Los derechos y obligaciones constitucionales frente a la prestación del servicio de aborto, reconocidos a partir de la sentencia C-355/06 y la jurisprudencia posterior de la Corte Constitucional, tienen plena vigencia. Sin embargo, la suspensión del Decreto Reglamentario 4444 del Ministerio de Protección Social por parte del Consejo de Estado, ha creado una confusión generalizada que puede poner en peligro los derechos a la vida, a la salud, a la integridad personal y a la dignidad humana de las mujeres colombianas. Por esta razón Women´s Link Worldwide decide elaborar esta publicación, que compila de manera sistemática los diferentes lineamientos constitucionales que deben seguirse para la práctica de interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo (IVE)


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Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. International


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Que la Honorable Corte Constitucional, mediante Sentencia C-355 del 10 de mayo de 2006, declaró exequible el artículo 122 de la Ley 599 de 2000, en el entendido que no se incurre en delito de aborto, cuando con la voluntad de la mujer, la interrupción del embarazo se produzca en los siguientes casos: (i) Cuando la continuación del embarazo constituya peligro para la vida o la salud de la mujer, certificada por un médico; (ii) Cuando exista grave malformación del feto que haga inviable su vida, certificada por un médico; y, (iii) Cuando el embarazo sea el resultado de una conducta, debidamente denunciada, constitutiva de acceso carnal o acto sexual sin consentimiento, abusivo o de inseminación artificial o transferencia de óvulo fecundado no consentidas, o de incesto.