890 resultados para Managed Care Programs
RESUMO - O presente estudo situa-se nas reas gerais da Sade Pblica, dos Sistemas de Sade e do Acesso Prestao de Cuidados de Sade e procura analisar o contedo e concretizao do Direito de Acesso a Cuidados de Sade na perspectiva de dois sistemas de sade paradigmaticamente distintos, um sistema de acesso universal, representado pelo Servio Nacional de Sade portugus e um sistema de sade de no universal, cujo paradigma o modelo existente nos Estados Unidos da Amrica, onde entidades gestoras de cuidados, Managed Care Organizations, so chamadas a desempenhar um papel central no acesso e prestao de cuidados de sade. O vasto campo de investigao representado pela problemtica do acesso a cuidados de sade e a necessidade de limitar o trabalho de investigao subjazem definio de quatro vertentes a analisar: (a) a existncia ou no de uma base legal que preveja e regule o exerccio do direito de acesso a cuidados de sade; (b) o contedo deste direito no mbito de cada um dos sistemas em estudo; (c) as condies de concretizao do acesso a cuidados de sade em ambos os sistemas, e, por ltimo (d) a existncia de garantias de efectivao do mesmo. Analisados os sistemas em estudo luz das vertentes apresentadas, conclumos que a existncia de um quadro normativo prprio, que explicite o contedo e condies de efectivao do direito, apresenta maiores garantias de concretizao do exerccio do Direito de Acesso a Cuidados de Sade, entendendo-se que um sistema de acesso dependente da actuao de entidades gestoras de cuidados no beneficia o acesso a cuidados de sade, nomeadamente por no garantir equidade no momento de procura e necessidade de cuidados. Os dados apresentados foram recolhidos atravs do recurso a uma metodologia qualitativa. A anlise documental foi aplicada na recolha dos dados relativos evoluo e caracterizao dos sistemas, bem como s condies de acesso. No mbito do sistema de sade de acesso universal, ou seja, o caso portugus, procedeu-se essencialmente anlise dos normativos aplicveis. No que se refere ao sistema de sade norte-americano, na ausncia de base legal aplicvel, recorreu-se sobretudo anlise de literatura e documentos. A participao no vi Second Biennal Seminar in Law and Bioethics1 e na 30th Annual Health Law Professors Conference2, realizados em Bston, EUA, em Julho de 2007, permitiram uma melhor percepo da actual situao da prestao de cuidados naquele Pas, nomeadamente de algumas das reformas em curso, bem como um melhor entendimento das caractersticas do sistema prestador norte-americano em si mesmo. 1 Seminrio organizado nos dias 30 e 31 de Maio, numa colaborao entre a Escola Nacional de Sade Pblica e o Departamento de Direito da sade, Biotica e Direitos Humanos da Escola de Sade Pblica da Universidade de Bston, sob o tema: Law and ethics in rationing Access to care in a high-cost global economy. A nossa participao deveu-se a um convite da Prof. Paula Lobato de Faria para colaborar na sesso sobre o sistema de sade portugus. 2 Reunio realizada em Bston nos dias 31 de Maio a 2 de Junho, sobretudo a sesso dedicada ao tema New Models for Reform, sobre os novos modelos de sistema de sade em desenvolvimento nos EUA.
The family doctor facing complexity must decide in situations of low certainty and low agreement. Complexity is in part subjective but can also be measured. Changes in the health systems aim to reduce health costs. They tend to give priority to simple situations and to neglect complexity. One role of an academic institute of family medicine is to present and promote the results of scientific research supporting the principles of family medicine, taking into account both the local context and health systems reforms. In Switzerland the new challenge is the introduction of managed care.
This statewide profile describes the epidemiology of HIV, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases in Iowa through December, 2002. The report characterizes the distribution of these diseases in terms of geography, race, gender, age, and associated causal factors. This epidemiological profile has been prepared to assist in developing a comprehensive HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Plan. This description of the HIV epidemic in the state serves to guide prevention and service efforts, to quantify unmet need for prevention and care programs, and to evaluate programs and policies in Iowa. Five key questions are addressed: 1. What are the sociodemographic characteristics of Iowas population? 2. What is the epidemiology, including the geographical distribution, of HIV, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in Iowa? 3. Who is at the greatest risk of becoming infected with HIV and other STDs in Iowa? 4. What are the patterns of utilization of HIV services throughout the state? 5. What are the number and characteristics of persons who know they are HIV-positive, but who are not receiving primary medical care?
Public organisations are subjected to weak incentivesfor competition. Therefore, institutional Darwinismcannot apply. Regulation and performance monitoring isrequired to protect the public interest. This isparticularly the case of organisations in the healthcare arena, since strong incentives may risk the wholesupply of public health services. Regarding to the pathdependence of the Spanish public health institutionswith respect to the international experience and theobserved health technological changes, this paper triesto ground some theoretical bases for the organisationalchange in our health system. We do this by building ourargument from the very basic public goal: the improvementof the health status of the Spanish population. Thisrequires a better integration of health care services.To this regard, capitation in finance shows somecomparative advantages: it takes an integral view forthe care of the population, it allows for a betterdecentralisation ('deconcentration') of risks to healthproviders and favours managed care under a globalperspective, replacing partial payment to differentproviders. However, the paper shows some potentiallimitations for this purpose and the need of a gradualstrategy for its implementation.
Improving public involvement in health system decision making stands as a primary goal in health systems reform. However, still limited evidence is found on how best to elicit preferences for health care programs. This paper examines a contingent choice technique to elicit preferences among health programs so called, willingness to assign (WTAS): Moreover, we elicited contingents rankings as well as the willingness to pay extra taxes for comparative purposes. We argue that WTAS reveals relative ( monetary-based) values of a set of competing public programmes under a hypothetical healthcare budget assessment. Experimental evidence is reported from a delibertive empirical study valuing ten health programmes in the context of the Catalan Health Services. Evidence from a our experimental study reveals that perferences are internally more consistent and slightly less affected by "preference reversals" as compared to values revealed from the willingness to pay (WTP) extra taxes approach. Consistent with prior studies, we find that the deliberative approach helped to avoid possible misunderstandings. Interestingly, although programmes promoting health received the higher relative valuation, those promoting other health benefits also ranked highly
This newsletter of the Bureau of HIV, STD, and Hepatitis. The idea of the newsletter was to improve communication between the bureau and those who are delivering HIV, STD, and hepatitis prevention, surveillance, and care programs across the state. More specifically, we would like to use the newsletter as a vehicle through which we can improve prevention and care services in Iowa. We will try to do this by describing the services and programs we fund, and by reflecting on data that we collect to help prevention and care providers make decisions on policies, unmet needs, and service gaps in the state. At the same time, we will try to keep you abreast of new programs, resources, and policies that may affect the work that you do and the lives of those living with or affected by HIV, STDs, and viral hepatitis.
This newsletter of the Bureau of HIV, STD, and Hepatitis. The idea of the newsletter was to improve communication between the bureau and those who are delivering HIV, STD, and hepatitis prevention, surveillance, and care programs across the state. More specifically, we would like to use the newsletter as a vehicle through which we can improve prevention and care services in Iowa. We will try to do this by describing the services and programs we fund, and by reflecting on data that we collect to help prevention and care providers make decisions on policies, unmet needs, and service gaps in the state. At the same time, we will try to keep you abreast of new programs, resources, and policies that may affect the work that you do and the lives of those living with or affected by HIV, STDs, and viral hepatitis.
Improving public involvement in health system decision making stands as a primary goal in health systems reform. However, still limited evidence is found on how best to elicit preferences for health care programs. This paper examines a contingent choice technique to elicit preferences among health programs so called, willingness to assign (WTAS): Moreover, we elicited contingents rankings as well as the willingness to pay extra taxes for comparative purposes. We argue that WTAS reveals relative ( monetary-based) values of a set of competing public programmes under a hypothetical healthcare budget assessment. Experimental evidence is reported from a delibertive empirical study valuing ten health programmes in the context of the Catalan Health Services. Evidence from a our experimental study reveals that perferences are internally more consistent and slightly less affected by "preference reversals" as compared to values revealed from the willingness to pay (WTP) extra taxes approach. Consistent with prior studies, we find that the deliberative approach helped to avoid possible misunderstandings. Interestingly, although programmes promoting health received the higher relative valuation, those promoting other health benefits also ranked highly
En aquest article es presenten els resultats relatius a l'evaluaci del programa d'acolliment especialitzat dut a terme a Catalunya des de la perspectiva de les famlies acollidores. Recull un anlisi i una valoraci de com s'han implementat cada una de les fases del programa, matizat, en cada cas, per les expectatives, emocions i sentiments que han acompanyat tot el procs. Un procs on, sens dubte, les famlies d'acollida han estat una de les parts directamet implicades. El rpocs de reflexi sobre la prpia experincia que fa cadascuna de les famlies a partir de les entrevistes permetr un apropament als factors relacionats amb l'xit en les primeres fases del programa i valorar la utilitat i adequaci del programa en la seva totalitat.
This paper aims to estimate empirically the efficiency of a Swiss telemedicine service introduced in 2003. We used claims' data gathered by a major Swiss health insurer, over a period of 6 years and involving 160 000 insured adults. In Switzerland, health insurance is mandatory, but everyone has the option of choosing between a managed care plan and a fee-for-service plan. This paper focuses on a conventional fee-for-service plan including a mandatory access to a telemedicine service; the insured are obliged to phone this medical call centre before visiting a physician. This type of plan generates much lower average health expenditures than a conventional insurance plan. Reasons for this may include selection, incentive effects or efficiency. In our sample, about 90% of the difference in health expenditure can be explained by selection and incentive effects. The remaining 10% of savings due to the efficiency of the telemedicine service amount to about SFr 150 per year per insured, of which approximately 60% is saved by the insurer and 40% by the insured. Although the efficiency effect is greater than the cost of the plan, the big winners are the insured who not only save monetary and non-monetary costs but also benefit from reduced premiums. Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Teniendo en cuenta las dificultades que ha presentado el Sistema de Salud colombiano caracterizado por la corrupcin, las barreras administrativas para el acceso a los servicios de salud y la falta de una estructura administrativa, que le permita desarrollar mecanismos para ser eficiente en la prestacin de servicios de salud, entre otros (Pantoja, 2011) (Colprensa, 2011) (Ruz Gmez, 2012); el presente proyecto de investigacin busca determinar los factores clave de xito de una aseguradora Estadounidense y que se podran adaptar al Sistema de Salud colombiano. Para lograr el propsito de este proyecto, se realiz una bsqueda de artculos donde se describieran los factores claves de xito del modelo de aseguramiento y prestacin de la aseguradora Kaiser Permanente, con el fin de analizar si dichos factores se pueden implementar de acuerdo al marco normativo en el que se desarrolla el sistema de salud colombiano. De acuerdo al anlisis de la informacin y a la revisin de la normatividad que modela el Sistema de Salud colombiano, se pudo determinar que el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS) cuenta con los mecanismos normativos que le permiten adoptar e implementar los factores claves de xito que caracterizan el modelo de aseguramiento y prestacin de servicios de Kaiser Permanente; por otra parte, es necesario tener en cuenta que en el modelo colombiano se permite la integracin vertical slo en un 40% , lo que no se ha estudiado es si este modelo de integracin es beneficioso o no, a la hora de buscar la eficiencia en la prestacin en salud, ya que el modelo Kaiser se caracteriza por aplicar una integracin vertical del 100%, caracterstica que le permite, por la evidencia encontrada, ser eficiente en la atencin de sus usuarios.
INTRODUCCION. En Colombia y a nivel mundial la vacunacin es una estrategia que ha reducido la mortalidad infantil, sin embargo existen bajas coberturas en algunas zonas del pas, dentro de las causas de la no vacunacin se encuentra el bajo peso al nacer, tema de gran importancia y poco estudiado, encontrndose como una causa controlable y que permitira a la poblacin acceder a la proteccin frente a enfermedades inmunoprevenibles. MATERIALES Y METODOS. Se realiz un estudio de tipo observacional de corte trasversal, la muestra fue tomada de la ENDS realizada por Profamilia en el ao 2010, se tom el nmero total de los encuestados que cumplan con los criterios de inclusin, en total fueron 9694 registros a los que se les realizo; anlisis descriptivo, bivariado y multivariado. RESULTADOS. Los nios con bajo peso al nacer tienen menor probabilidad de estar vacunados con el esquema completo con respecto a los nios con peso normal, OR 0762 (IC 95% 0,650; 0,895), se observ que las vacunas en forma individual tienen un comportamiento similar al esquema completo, especficamente en la aplicacin en el tiempo indicado para su aplicacin, exceptuando triple viral donde no se encontr asociacin. CONCLUSION. El bajo peso es un factor determinante en la vacunacin a tiempo de los menores y del cumplimiento posterior del esquema, se encontraron variables asociadas al no cumplimiento como el lugar del parto, el ndice de pobreza y pertenecer a la etnia afrodescendiente.
A partir de la Ley 100 de 1993, el sistema de salud en Colombia ha presentado una serie de trasformaciones que buscan mejorar la prestacin de los servicios y lograr cubrimiento de la poblacin no favorecida y excluida del Plan Obligatorio de Salud (POS). Sin embargo, las Empresas sociales del Estado (ESE), en aras de dar cumplimiento a las disposiciones y normatividades que exige la ley, funcionan y prestan sus servicios acorde con los objetivos corporativos planteados por ellas mismas, a pesar de tener una gran cartera por parte de las Entidades Promotoras de Salud (EPS). El propsito de esta investigacin es evaluar el impacto financiero en una muestra de cuatro hospitales pblicos de Cundinamarca (las ESE San Rafael de Facatativ, Fusagasug, Cqueza, y el Salvador de Ubat), luego de la aplicacin del Acuerdo 032 del 2012 de la Comisin de Regulacin en Salud (CRES). Se seleccionaron cuatro hospitales pblicos de mediana complejidad de Cundinamarca, por ser uno de los departamentos ms representativos en hospitales de este tipo. Se encontr una mayor convergencia en trminos de estructura administrativa y financiera, lo que hace posible que la informacin obtenida sea comparable y til para la medicin en trminos de presupuesto y liquidez. El incremento de la cartera y la disminucin de la rotacin de la misma, con la afectacin respectiva de la liquidez y la rentabilidad, dificultan el logro de las instituciones como lo son la sostenibilidad y perdurabilidad. El cambio del pagador despus de la aplicacin de la norma incidi directamente en lo anterior; igualmente, traspasar la poblacin no cubierta al rgimen subsidiado elimin el desembolso por parte de la Secretara de Salud y lo traslad a las EPS subsidiados, afectando directamente los tiempos de rotacin de cartera como se documenta en el anlisis.
Introduccin. En Colombia, el 80% de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crnica en hemodilisis tienen fstula arteriovenosa perifrica (FAV) que asegura el flujo de sangre durante la hemodilisis (1), la variabilidad en el flujo de sangre en el brazo de la FAV hacia la parte distal, puede afectar la lectura de la oximetra de pulso (SpO2) (2), llevando a la toma de decisiones equivocadas por el personal de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar si existe diferencia entre la SpO2 del brazo de la FAV y el brazo contralateral. Materiales y mtodos. Se realiz un estudio de correlacin entre los valores de SpO2 del brazo con FAV contra el brazo sin FAV, de 40 pacientes que asistieron a hemodilisis. La recoleccin de los datos se llev a cabo, con un formato que incluy el resultado de la pulsioximetria y variables asociadas, antes, durante y despus de la hemodilisis. Se compar la mediana de los deltas de las diferencias con pruebas estadsticas T Student Mann Whitney, aceptando un valor significativo de p < 0,05. Resultados. No se encontraron diferencias estadsticamente significativas de la SpO2 entre el brazo con FAV y el brazo sin FAV, antes, durante y despus de la dilisis, sin embargo si se apreci una correlacin positiva estadsticamente significativa. Conclusiones. Se encontr correlacin positiva estadsticamente significativa, donde no hubo diferencias en el resultado la pulsioximetra entre el brazo con FAV y brazo sin FAV, por lo tanto es vlido tomar la pulsioximetra en cualquiera de los brazos.
Background: Parents that loose a child in connection to labour are in great need of support.Health care provider treatment and support is of great importance to how the parents will experience something that is doomed from the beginning to be one of the most tragic events the parents will ever experience. For care givers to live up to this it is incredibly important that there are worked out guidelines to follow at these situations.Aim: To chart and describe Swedish maternity wards care program with reference to IUFD.Method: All clinics in Sweden have been questioned regarding care program for handling of IUFD. Care programs has been gathered, charted and described.Results: 87% (29 of 33) off the maternity wards has a plan for treatment and guidelines for IUFD. Care programs are more or less explanatory and a number of variables are present in different extents.Conclusion: That ones children die is the most tragic thing that can happen to a parent.The writer is of the opinion that it is of outmost importance that these parents get the best thinkable nursing and care.There are good guidelines regarding IUFD at the majority of the clinics, but to safeguard the quality the writer is of the opinion that it would be good if there where national guidelines for the shaping of these care programs.