895 resultados para Literatura e formação do leitor


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By analyzing the pedagogical practices in respect of acts of reading in the current context of school education institutions vital, it is clear that they are linked to decipher. But it is believed that for the student to learn to read is necessary dialogue with the text, attribute meaning to writing and comprehension. When thinking about the use of technologies such as film subtitles, it is believed that they allow readers to form since they require a quick read without using the decryption with the attribution of meaning to follow the entire course of the film. This paper aims to present and analyze a film session the project subtitled and dubbed films in public schools and training of the reader, which investigates the contributions of cinematic legends in training readers in elementary school. In this paper we present data on the session of the film The Secret Garden, with students between six and ten years old in a public school in Marilia, SP. The session took place in film school, in a room adapted. When analyzing the results, we observed that reading subtitles contributes to children are not attached to decipher, because we used reading strategies to understand the plot and tried to dialogue with the text. This approach not only contributes reader for reading the screens, but also in fixed supports, for developing specific tactics for the scrolling text which can be applied to the texts on the immobilized support.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research is being read, thus rendering text on the pole of understanding, as a practice effective dialogue and therefore responsive through which the reader, author, text and context interact. To this end, the reader must turn their knowledge systems and relate them to the linguistic materiality. Thus, aimed to investigate whether the teaching of reading in the early years of elementary school literacy builds skills related to this cultural practice and its relationship to the conceptions of classroom teachers of reading, as well as the teaching and learning methodologies practiced in class classroom. Therefore, I base this research on the theoretical basis of linguistic studies and expository sociointeractionist redefine that, among other things, the concepts of language, genre and text. As for the methodological framework, this study followed the methodology of literature research and fieldwork. The fieldwork took place from the perspective of observing the pedagogical practice of teaching reading, in order to investigate how the educational activities are conducted in a reading room for the third year of elementary school, part of the municipal education Bauru- SP. Were used as instruments of data collection the questionnaire given to school teachers and the school studied the direct observation of teaching practice of one of these professionals. The results of data analysis indicate that the teachers surveyed know key content for teaching reading, as well as renovations of the theoretical and methodological studies of reading, with the consequence that the practices of reading done in the classroom limit the role of student as a reader and does not guarantee the formation of the reader


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo contribui para a reflexão sobre a transmissão da cultura letrada no contexto universitário a partir de material etnográfico sobre estilos de aula, práticas pedagógicas e de formação do leitor. O impacto da tecnologia digital , o lugar do livro, a relação entre a pesquisa e a excelência acadêmica, e um novo perfil de aluno são discutidos tendo em vista o material coletado através de observação participante e entrevistas com um universo de professores universitários.


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This study aims to propose two didactic sequences on the rap songs to the process of formation of critical reflective reader, in the elementary school – in 6th and 9th grade classes. The theoretical foundations that have supported the work are related to the Bakhtin Circle propositions, especially the notions of language as a social ideological discourse; responsive reading; discursive genre and social voices. As for the methodological guidance, it is characterized by adopting the interpretativist paradigm of socio-historical base, in addition to positioning in the large field of Applied Linguistics, whose primary focus is specifically located language. In the selected enunciations to corpus – some Rap songs of protesting – it was analyzed the students’ reflective critical reading in the workshops of Rap-song reading, applied in modules of our teaching sequences. Through the carried out analysis, it was noted that the subjects surveyed have come from an educational culture towards the fulfillment of a conteudista proposed curriculum, so that in this scenario we do not see, through reading, training of the individual citizen, able to through his readings, understanding the socio-ideological structure that surrounds them; and so, escaping of understandings the world, based only on common sense. We conclude also that our teaching proposal represented a novelty for students. Initially, some of them did not see this work as reading, however, the majority was heavily involved in the process; so that, in their comments, we realize voices of a critical and reflective look of which comprise environments, and social situation to which they belong.


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This study aims to propose two didactic sequences on the rap songs to the process of formation of critical reflective reader, in the elementary school – in 6th and 9th grade classes. The theoretical foundations that have supported the work are related to the Bakhtin Circle propositions, especially the notions of language as a social ideological discourse; responsive reading; discursive genre and social voices. As for the methodological guidance, it is characterized by adopting the interpretativist paradigm of socio-historical base, in addition to positioning in the large field of Applied Linguistics, whose primary focus is specifically located language. In the selected enunciations to corpus – some Rap songs of protesting – it was analyzed the students’ reflective critical reading in the workshops of Rap-song reading, applied in modules of our teaching sequences. Through the carried out analysis, it was noted that the subjects surveyed have come from an educational culture towards the fulfillment of a conteudista proposed curriculum, so that in this scenario we do not see, through reading, training of the individual citizen, able to through his readings, understanding the socio-ideological structure that surrounds them; and so, escaping of understandings the world, based only on common sense. We conclude also that our teaching proposal represented a novelty for students. Initially, some of them did not see this work as reading, however, the majority was heavily involved in the process; so that, in their comments, we realize voices of a critical and reflective look of which comprise environments, and social situation to which they belong.


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O presente trabalho, subordinado à temática “Comando e Controlo na Artilharia Antiaérea”, pretende problematizar algumas das questões mais recentes relativas a matérias de segurança e defesa, fruto dos mais recentes acontecimentos. Por exemplo, refira-se o abate do voo comercial na Ucrânia, entre outros inúmeros casos que se constituem como fatores que levam a questionar a capacidade de defesa dos Estados face ao fácil acesso e baixo custo destes meios, à mercê de pessoas/organizações criminosas e terroristas. Assim, é premente a necessidade de aquisição, por parte dos Estados, nomeadamente de Portugal, de uma Artilharia mais robusta e com um sistema de Comando e Controlo automático capaz de combater as potenciais e prováveis ameaças aéreas. Esta investigação pretende, então, analisar o atual sistema de Comando e Controlo da Artilharia Antiaérea nacional, por forma a identificar as suas capacidades e, em paralelo, as suas vulnerabilidades. Concomitantemente pretende-se analisar o sistema perante as ameaças aéreas e as operações que deverá executar no âmbito dos compromissos internacionais, com o objetivo fulcral de identificar prováveis potencialidades que deverão integrar o referido sistema. Pretende-se, deste modo, propor uma revisão do atual sistema no sentido de colmatar as suas prováveis lacunas e capacitando-o para uma resposta eficaz e efetiva perante eventuais ameaças, na esteira dos compromissos internacionais. No início apresentamos uma ‘revisão de literatura’ para que o leitor se familiarize com os conceitos e nomenclatura em uso nesta reflexão. Subsequentemente, expõe-se a metodologia empregue e são abordados os sistemas de Defesa Aérea e de Artilharia Antiaérea e, posteriormente, o Comando e Controlo. De seguida, apresenta-se uma análise possível dos dados provenientes das entrevistas executadas. Baseando-nos na investigação realizada, conclui-se que a Artilharia Antiaérea corre o risco sério de não dispor de capacidade de defesa, a baixa e muito baixa altitude, se não forem adquiridos rapidamente os materiais imprescindíveis para que os sistemas possam cabalmente atuar.


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This article discusses the educational role of literature, looking for parallels between the theories of Plato (428/427–348/347 a.C.), Aristotle (384–322 a.C.), Antonio Candido (1918), Hans Robert Jaus (1921–1997) and Umberto Eco (1932). It ultimately sees the educational role as a synthesis of roles ascribed to literature from classical Antiquity to the present, since ultimately they converge towards the same point, viz. human education on the basis of the multiple elements that make up the aesthetic object.


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In this article, we intend to focus on the theme of reading and the formation of reader, already so saturated universe of discourse, prioritizing the reader's perspective and their reading stories inside and outside school. To realize this goal, we will analyze reports of reading students letters course of Federal University of Paraíba. Data were collected from a textual production, in which the students should make an account of their stories reading, requested for the period 2013.1 The teacher of Reading and Textual Production I discipline, offered in the first sentence of that course. We aimed to analyze concepts, functions and values assigned to the reading underlying the speeches of these readers. As theoretical and methodological basis for the analysis of data, this work is guided mainly by authors who think of reading as a social and cultural practice - like Certeau (1994), Chartier (1999a, 1999b, 2009) Abreu (1999), Sousa (2009, 2011 and 2014). In this perspective, the reader is a figure that oscillates between what the institutions determine and actual read operations that denounce the existence of an action which does not overlies the passivity. The analysis showed that the training of reader walks between freedom of choice of reading objects and obligations mainly established within the school institution. Also, we realize that the lector assigns different values and functions to read, due mainly to the mode from which it appropriates reading objects.KEYWORDS: Reading. reading history. Formation of the reader. 


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This essay tackles the contributions that Critical Discourse Analysis can offer to the teaching of Portuguese, especially in terms of reader formation. The deconstruction of the myth of scientific neutrality, and its implications to reading, is the first contribution presented. Next, the need of making Portuguese students aware of the discourse opacity that characterizes the texts that circulate socially is discussed. Finally, the development of the capacity of critical reading of Portuguese students is discussed and an analysis of a journalistic text is carried out by way of exemplification.


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O corpus desta dissertação tem por objetivo a análise das obras A Maior flor do Mundo de José Saramago, O Gato e o Escuro de Mia Couto e O Mistério do Coelho Pensante de Clarice Lispector para o público infantil. A análise empreendida tem como referencial teórico a Estética da Recepção de Hans Robert Jauss e a Teoria do Efeito Estético de Wolfgang Iser, correntes que figuram o leitor como elemento atuante no ato da leitura, convidando-o a mergulhar nas entrelinhas dos textos e preencher lacunas ou hiatos, deixados pelos autores que mobilizam o leitor a formular o que não foi dito através da imaginação. A linguagem das obras mencionadas age como instrumento de percepção do leitor e símbolo da infância, pois, tornar-se-ão prazerosa, fantástica e maravilhosa sem a função disciplinadora e moralista que, anteriormente, inibia a criança de se expressar com liberdade. Ao trabalhar com conceitos como recepção, efeito, horizonte de expectativas e leitor implícito, busca-se explicar como se dá a leitura e a sua inserção no contexto das práticas culturais de produção de sentido. As obras estudadas contribuem para a formação de leitores críticos e reflexivos ao questionarem a linguagem literária diante das experiências da vida. As ilustrações das obras não se apresentam somente como simples complementação dos textos verbais, mas também, adquirem significados e expressões estéticas


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O Guarani, de José de Alencar, publicado em 1857 nas folhas do Diário do Rio de Janeiro, foi um grande sucesso sob a forma do folhetim. Nesse período, de grandes modificações e contrastes no Brasil do Segundo Reinado, o público leitor do brasileiro estava em formação, embora já apreciasse o gênero do romance e também do romance-folhetim. Nesse contexto, O Guarani foi amplamente aclamado pelo público, o qual pareceu encontrar na obra uma correspondência para suas expectativas de conhecer uma literatura nacional. Nessa pesquisa, se pretende mostrar O Guarani como um grande sucesso no século XIX e ainda demonstrar que a obra permanece atemporal, atraindo o interesse do público.


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This essay aims at presenting some reflections on the compositional structure of two children literary works based on African-Brazilian theme and their implications on the elementary school reader’s background. The selected works are "The Little Kings of Congo" (2007), written by Edimilson Pereira de Almeida, and "Africa, my little Chaka" (2006) by Marie Sellier, and translated by Rose Freire D'Aguiar. Our basic principle is that, during the formative process in reading and culture, the structural organization of children's literature work comes as a factor that can trigger more or less interest from this reader under construction in the early grades. The educator who wishes to educate proficient readers should know and explore the structural, linguistic and contextual aspects from the literary text so the student can deduce their meanings. These studies are based on sociological aspects of reading, as Freire (2006) and Silva (1998), of culture in Hall (1997), of training reader through children's literature in Zilbermann (2003), Abramovich (1983), Aguiar and Bordini (1993), Cademartori (2009), Coelho (2000), among others. It is also bring into account that the school is the locus of ethno-racial diversity and the Afro-Brazilian children's literature, when present in this context and properly handled, can create opportunities to train children to be proficient readers; to give knowledge concerning the African culture and promote respect for differences, since the early school years.


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O presente trabalho adota, como base teórica, uma perspectiva desenvolvida a partir do exame de certas ideias presentes na obra ficcional de Enrique Vila-Matas apresentadas em seus romances Bartleby e companhia (a literatura do Não, pulsão negativa da literatura contemporânea, desistência e mutismo literários, renúncia à escrita) e O mal de Montano (doença literária, doente de literatura, literatose) e na ensaísta de Ricardo Piglia, em O último leitor (último leitor, o leitor viciado, que não consegue deixar de ler, leitor para o qual a leitura não é apenas uma prática, mas uma forma de vida; o leitor como personificação da literatura). A partir dessas noções, a presente Dissertação especula sobre as relações entre a escrita de Machado de Assis, o universo de Franz Kafka e a obra de Murilo Rubião. Adotou-se como metodologia a leitura comparativa desses autores, com destaque para os contos de Murilo Rubião, e de alguns dos escritores lidos pelos três ficcionistas