970 resultados para History--Study and teaching (Higher)--Massachusetts--Cambridge


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Public relations worldwide often restricts itself to the bounds of an American context. This thesis argues that Malaysian public relations education and its professional practice should create its own unique model of public relations education and its professional practice due to its differences in politics, culture and the media environment.


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The study compares the roles of representation and construction in enhancing students' learning in a tectonic design studio by investigating issues of representational media use in the conception, development and communication of design processes and relating these to real-scale construction as a means of understanding tectonic design.


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This thesis explores the multi-dimensional nature of class size and how educational processes are shaped by different class size environments in four undergraduate business courses. Class size significantly influenced how curricula were structured and designed for learning and consequently students' course expectations and learning experiences in large and small classes.


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Notebook of unlined pages holding a handwritten copy of Tutor Flynt's "Catechism" copied by Harvard student Hull Abbot (1702-1774, Harvard AB 1720). The volume lists questions and accompanying answers on various academic subjects.


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Small paper notebook of John Ballantine with the handwritten Latin quaestiones performed by Ballantine, Eliphalet Adams, Adam Winthrop, and Jabez Fitch as candidates for the Master’s degree during the July 7, 1697 Harvard Commencement ceremony. The Quaestiones begin with Ballantine’s “Dominum temporal non fundatur in gratia,” and follow with “An Jesuitae possint esse boni subditi? Neg Resp. Dom. Winthrop,” "An Ethnicae virtutes sint verae virtutes?" Neg. Resp. Dom. Adams,” and “An detur omnibus an sufficiens ad salutem? Neg. Resp. Dom. Fitch.” The title page bears the inscription: “Jno Ballantine’s Book” and the first page has been torn out.


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The hospitality industry in Canada is growing. With that growth is a demand for qualified workers to fill available positions within all facets of the hospitality industry, one ofthem being cooks. To meet this labour shortage, community colleges offering culinary arts programs are ramping up to meet the needs of industry to produce workplace-ready graduates. Industry, students, and community colleges are but three of the several stakeholders in culinary arts education. The purpose of this research project was to bring together a cross-section of stakeholders in culinary arts education in Ontario and qualitatively examine the stakeholders' perceptions of how culinary arts programs and the current curriculum are taught at community colleges as mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in the Culinary Program Standard. A literature review was conducted in support of the research undertaking. Ten stakeholders were interviewed in preliminary and follow-up sessions, after which the data were analyzed using a grounded theory research design. The findings confirmed the existence of a disconnect amongst stakeholders in culinary arts education. Parallel to that was the discovery of the need for balance in several facets of culinary arts education. The discussions, as found in Chapter 5 of this study, addressed the themes of Becoming a Chef, Basics, Entrenchment, Disconnect, and Balance. The 8 recommendations, also found in Chapter 5, which are founded on the research results of this study, will be of interest to stakeholders in culinary education, particularly in the province of Ontario.


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El projecte correspon a la assignatures de 1r curs de Fonaments Físics a l’Enginyeria Mecànica. Els alumnes han de dedicar un total de 16 h distribuïdes al llarg de dues setmanes amb un número aproximat de 8 h/setmana. Les classes expositives del professor corresponen a 2 h/setmana (1 h explicació conceptes i 1 h d’aplicació de conceptes en problemes). Els alumnes han d’assolir els conceptes simultàniament al desenvolupament del projecte. Els grups formats cooperen en el projecte, en el desenvolupament i comprensió dels exercicis i en la resolució de dubtes respecte la matèria relacionada amb el projecte


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El projecte correspon a la assignatures de 1r curs de Fonaments Físics a l’Enginyeria Mecànica. El projecte correspon a un treball de síntesi dels conceptes i les seves aplicacions dels següents temes: 1.Anàlisi dimensional. 2.Camp elèctric: 2.1. Intensitat de camp elèctric. 2.2. Potencial elèctric. 2.3. Característiques elèctriques dels aïllants i conductors. 2.4. Conductors en equilibri electrostàtic. 3.Electrocinètica: 3.1. Resistivitat i resistència. 3.2. Llei d’Ohm