579 resultados para Euler


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Euler obstruction of a function f can be viewed as a generalization of the Milnor number for functions defined on singular spaces. In this work, using the Euler obstruction of a function, we establish several Lê–Greuel type formulas for germs f:(X,0)→(C,0) and g:(X,0)→(C,0). We give applications when g is a generic linear form and when f and g have isolated singularities.


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My work concerns two different systems of equations used in the mathematical modeling of semiconductors and plasmas: the Euler-Poisson system and the quantum drift-diffusion system. The first is given by the Euler equations for the conservation of mass and momentum, with a Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential. The second one takes into account the physical effects due to the smallness of the devices (quantum effects). It is a simple extension of the classical drift-diffusion model which consists of two continuity equations for the charge densities, with a Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential. Using an asymptotic expansion method, we study (in the steady-state case for a potential flow) the limit to zero of the three physical parameters which arise in the Euler-Poisson system: the electron mass, the relaxation time and the Debye length. For each limit, we prove the existence and uniqueness of profiles to the asymptotic expansion and some error estimates. For a vanishing electron mass or a vanishing relaxation time, this method gives us a new approach in the convergence of the Euler-Poisson system to the incompressible Euler equations. For a vanishing Debye length (also called quasineutral limit), we obtain a new approach in the existence of solutions when boundary layers can appear (i.e. when no compatibility condition is assumed). Moreover, using an iterative method, and a finite volume scheme or a penalized mixed finite volume scheme, we numerically show the smallness condition on the electron mass needed in the existence of solutions to the system, condition which has already been shown in the literature. In the quantum drift-diffusion model for the transient bipolar case in one-space dimension, we show, by using a time discretization and energy estimates, the existence of solutions (for a general doping profile). We also prove rigorously the quasineutral limit (for a vanishing doping profile). Finally, using a new time discretization and an algorithmic construction of entropies, we prove some regularity properties for the solutions of the equation obtained in the quasineutral limit (for a vanishing pressure). This new regularity permits us to prove the positivity of solutions to this equation for at least times large enough.


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Wir berechnen die Eulerzahl der 10-dimensionalen exzeptionellen irreduziblen symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeit, die von O Grady konstruiert wurde. Die Idee besteht darin, zunächst eine Lagrangefaserung zu konstruieren und dann die Eulerzahlen der Fasern zu berechnen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass fast alle Fasern die Eulerzahl 0 haben, und deswegen reduziert sich das Problem auf die Berechnung der Eulerzahlen der übrigen Fasern. Diese Fasern sind Modulräume von halbstabilen Garben auf singulären Kurven. Der Hauptteil dieser Dissertation ist der Berechnung der Eulerzahlen dieser Modulräume gewidmet. Diese Resultate sind von unabhängigem Interesse.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G00802


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G00803


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En este trabajo se introducen, en el contexto del Método de Elementos Finitos, dos alternativas posibles en relación con el concepto de acción repartida equivalente. La primera consiste en emplear pocos elementos, elevando el orden de dicha acción, mientras que la segunda se basa en emplear un mayor número de elementos dejando la acción en el orden más bajo posible. Se ilustran ambas situaciones mediante aplicaciones a los modelos de vigas de Timoshenko y Bernoulli-Euler, empleando estas acciones con diferentes órdenes, las cuales aproximan a la acción original, mediante polinomios ortogonales de Legendre en cada elemento. Como conclusión destacable, se indica que cuando se considera el menor número posible de elementos, es decir uno, para los casos de carga poco regular, ha bastado con utilizar acciones repartidas equivalentes de orden ligeramente superior al mínimo (orden cuatro), para obtener una excelente aproximación en los desplazamientos, giros y esfuerzos en el interior de los elementos.


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We study solutions of the two-dimensional quasi-geostrophic thermal active scalar equation involving simple hyperbolic saddles. There is a naturally associated notion of simple hyperbolic saddle breakdown. It is proved that such breakdown cannot occur in finite time. At large time, these solutions may grow at most at a quadruple-exponential rate. Analogous results hold for the incompressible three-dimensional Euler equation.


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Let E be a modular elliptic curve over ℚ, without complex multiplication; let p be a prime number where E has good ordinary reduction; and let F∞ be the field obtained by adjoining to ℚ all p-power division points on E. Write G∞ for the Galois group of F∞ over ℚ. Assume that the complex L-series of E over ℚ does not vanish at s = 1. If p ⩾ 5, we make a precise conjecture about the value of the G∞-Euler characteristic of the Selmer group of E over F∞. If one makes a standard conjecture about the behavior of this Selmer group as a module over the Iwasawa algebra, we are able to prove our conjecture. The crucial local calculations in the proof depend on recent joint work of the first author with R. Greenberg.


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We discuss the relationship among certain generalizations of results of Hida, Ribet, and Wiles on congruences between modular forms. Hida’s result accounts for congruences in terms of the value of an L-function, and Ribet’s result is related to the behavior of the period that appears there. Wiles’ theory leads to a class number formula relating the value of the L-function to the size of a Galois cohomology group. The behavior of the period is used to deduce that a formula at “nonminimal level” is obtained from one at “minimal level” by dropping Euler factors from the L-function.