961 resultados para Drug interactions.


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The poor retention and efficacy of instilled drops as a means of delivering drugs to the ophthalmic environment is well-recognised. The potential value of contact lenses as a means of ophthalmic drug delivery, and consequent improvement of pre-corneal retention is one obvious route to the development of a more effective ocular delivery system. Furthermore, the increasing availability and clinical use of daily disposable contact lenses provides the platform for the development of viable single-day use drug delivery devices based on existing materials and lenses. In order to provide a basis for the effective design of such devices, a systematic understanding of the factors affecting the interaction of individual drugs with the lens matrix is required. Because a large number of potential structural variables are involved, it is necessary to achieve some rationalisation of the parameters and physicochemical properties (such as molecular weight, charge, partition coefficients) that influence drug interactions. Ophthalmic dyes and structurally related compounds based on the same core structure were used to investigate these various factors and the way in which they can be used in concert to design effective release systems for structurally different drugs. Initial studies of passive diffusional release form a necessary precursor to the investigation of the features of the ocular environment that over-ride this simple behaviour. Commercially available contact lenses of differing structural classifications were used to study factors affecting the uptake of the surrogate actives and their release under 'passive' conditions. The interaction between active and lens material shows considerable and complex structure dependence, which is not simply related to equilibrium water content. The structure of the polymer matrix itself was found to have the dominant controlling influence on active uptake; hydrophobic interaction with the ophthalmic dye playing a major role. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with solid phase extraction method was developed for determination of isofraxidin in rat plasma after oral administration of Acanthopanax senticosus extract (ASE), and pharmacokinetic parameters of isofraxidin either in ASE or pure compound were measured. The HPLC analysis was performed on a Dikma Diamonsil RP(18) column (4.6 mm x 150 mm, 5 microm) with the isocratic elution of solvent A (acetonitrile) and solvent B (0.1% aqueous phosphoric acid, v/v) (A : B = 22 : 78) and the detection wavelength was set at 343 nm. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 0.156-15.625 microg/ml. The limit of detection was 60 ng/ml. The intra-day precision was 5.8%, and the inter-day precision was 6.0%. The recovery was 87.30+/-1.73%. When the dosage of ASE is equal to pure compound caculated by the amount of isofraxidin, it has been found to have two maximum concentrations in plasma while the pure compound only showed one peak in the plasma concentration-time curve. The determined content of isofraxidin in plasma after oral administration of ASE is the total contents of free isofraxidin and its precursors in ASE in vitro. The pharmacokinetic characteristics of ASE showed the priority of the extract and the properities of traditional Chinese medicine.


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A novel strategy is reported to produce biodegradable microfiber-scaffolds layered with high densities of microparticles encapsulating a model protein. Direct electrospraying on highly porous melt electrospun scaffolds provides a reproducible scaffold coating throughout the entire architecture. The burst release of protein is significantly reduced due to the immobilization of microparticles on the surface of the scaffold and release mechanisms are dependent on protein-polymer interactions. The composite scaffolds have a positive biological effect in contact with precursor osteoblast cells up to 18 days in culture. The scaffold design achieved with the techniques presented here endorses these new composite scaffolds as promising templates for growth factor delivery.


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We refer to a paper recently published in the Journal of travel Medicine and Infectious Disease where clinicians have been shown to have in have many questions related to travellers to multiple destinations, going for prolonged duration of travel, with chronic medical conditions, and potential drug interactions.[1] This study highlighted the inadequacy of available information sources to resolve the wide range of different medical issues for travellers. In addition, the study also highlighted the significance of collaboration in travel health...


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Prescribing for older patients is challenging. The prevalence of diseases increases with advancing age and causes extensive drug use. Impairments in cognitive, sensory, social and physical functioning, multimorbidity and comorbidities, as well as age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics all add to the complexity of prescribing. This study is a cross-sectional assessment of all long-term residents aged ≥ 65 years in all nursing homes in Helsinki, Finland. The residents’ health status was assessed and data on their demographic factors, health and medications were collected from their medical records in February 2003. This study assesses some essential issues in prescribing for older people: psychotropic drugs (Paper I), laxatives (Paper II), vitamin D and calcium supplements (Paper III), potentially inappropriate drugs for older adults (PIDs) and drug-drug interactions (DDIs)(Paper IV), as well as prescribing in public and private nursing homes. A resident was classified as a medication user if his or her medication record indicated a regular sequence for its dosage. Others were classified as non-users. Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) was used to assess residents’ nutritional status, Beers 2003 criteria to assess the use of PIDs, and the Swedish, Finnish, INteraction X-referencing database (SFINX) to evaluate their exposure to DDIs. Of all nursing home residents in Helsinki, 82% (n=1987) participated in studies I, II, and IV and 87% (n=2114) participated in the study III. The residents’ mean age was 84 years, 81% were female, and 70% were diagnosed with dementia. The mean number of drugs was 7.9 per resident; 40% of the residents used ≥ 9 drugs per day, and were thus exposed to polypharmacy. Eighty percent of the residents received psychotropics; 43% received antipsychotics, and 45% used antidepressants. Anxiolytics were prescribed to 26%, and hypnotics to 28% of the residents. Of those residents diagnosed with dementia, 11% received antidementia drugs. Fifty five percent of the residents used laxatives regularly. In multivariate analysis, those factors associated with regular laxative use were advanced age, immobility, poor nutritional status, chewing problems, Parkinson’s disease, and a high number of drugs. Eating snacks between meals was associated with lower risk for laxative use. Of all participants, 33% received vitamin D supplementation, 28% received calcium supplementation, and 20% received both vitamin D and calcium. The dosage of vitamin D was rather low: 21% received vitamin D 400 IU (10 µg) or more, and only 4% received 800 IU (20 µg) or more. In multivariate analysis, residents who received vitamin D supplementation enjoyed better nutritional status, ate snacks between meals, suffered no constipation, and received regular weight monitoring. Those residents receiving PIDs (34% of all residents) more often used psychotropic medication and were more often exposed to polypharmacy than residents receiving no PIDs. Residents receiving PIDs were less often diagnosed with dementia than were residents receiving no PIDs. The three most prevalent PIDs were short-acting benzodiazepine in greater dosages than recommended, hydroxyzine, and nitrofurantoin. These three drugs accounted for nearly 77% of all PID use. Of all residents, less than 5% were susceptible to a clinically significant DDI. The most common DDIs were related to the use of potassium-sparing diuretics, carbamazepine, and codeine. Residents exposed to potential DDIs were younger, had more often suffered a previous stroke, more often used psychotropics, and were more often exposed to PIDs and polypharmacy than were residents not exposed to DDIs. Residents in private nursing homes were less often exposed to polypharmacy than were residents in public nursing homes. Long-term residents in nursing homes in Helsinki use, on average, nearly eight drugs daily. The use of psychotropic drugs in our study was notably more common than in international studies. The prevalence of laxatives equaled other prior international studies. Regardless of the known benefit and recommendation of vitamin D supplementation for elderly residing mostly indoors, the proportion of nursing home residents receiving vitamin D and calcium was surprisingly low. The use of PIDs was common among nursing home residents. PIDs increased the likelihood of DDIs. However, DDIs did not seem a major concern among the nursing home population. Monitoring PIDs and potential drug interactions could improve the quality of prescribing.


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Drug-drug interactions may cause serious, even fatal clinical consequences. Therefore, it is important to examine the interaction potential of new chemical entities early in drug development. Mechanism-based inhibition is a pharmacokinetic interaction type, which causes irreversible loss of enzyme activity and can therefore lead to unusually profound and long-lasting consequences. The in vitro in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) of drug-drug interactions caused by mechanism-based inhibition is challenging. Consequently, many of these interactions have remained unrecognised for many years. The concomitant use of the fibrate-class lipid-lowering agent gemfibrozil increases the concentrations of some drugs and their effects markedly. Even fatal cases of rhabdomyolysis occurred in patients administering gemfibrozil and cerivastatin concomitantly. One of the main mechanisms behind this effect is the mechanism-based inhibition of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C8 enzyme by a glucuronide metabolite of gemfibrozil leading to increased cerivastatin concentrations. Although the clinical use of gemfibrozil has clearly decreased during recent years, gemfibrozil is still needed in some special cases. To enable safe use of gemfibrozil concomitantly with other drugs, information concerning the time and dose relationships of CYP2C8 inhibition by gemfibrozil should be known. This work was carried out as four in vivo clinical drug-drug interaction studies to examine the time and dose relationships of the mechanism-based inhibitory effect of gemfibrozil on CYP2C8. The oral antidiabetic drug repaglinide was used as a probe drug for measuring CYP2C8 activity in healthy volunteers. In this work, mechanism-based inhibition of the CYP2C8 enzyme by gemfibrozil was found to occur rapidly in humans. The inhibitory effect developed to its maximum already when repaglinide was given 1-3 h after gemfibrozil intake. In addition, the inhibition was shown to abate slowly. A full recovery of CYP2C8 activity, as measured by repaglinide metabolism, was achieved 96 h after cessation of gemfibrozil treatment. The dose-dependency of the mechanism-based inhibition of CYP2C8 by gemfibrozil was shown for the first time in this work. CYP2C8 activity was halved by a single 30 mg dose of gemfibrozil or by twice daily administration of less than 30 mg of gemfibrozil. Furthermore, CYP2C8 activity was decreased over 90% by a single dose of 900 mg gemfibrozil or twice daily dosing of approximately 100 mg gemfibrozil. In addition, with the application of physiological models to the data obtained in the dose-dependency studies, the major role of mechanism-based inhibition of CYP2C8 in the interaction between gemfibrozil and repaglinide was confirmed. The results of this work enhance the proper use of gemfibrozil and the safety of patients. The information related to time-dependency of CYP2C8 inhibition by gemfibrozil may also give new insights in order to improve the IVIVE of the drug-drug interactions of new chemical entities. The information obtained by this work may be utilised also in the design of clinical drug-drug interaction studies in the future.


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Lääkeainemetabolialla tarkoitetaan entsymaattisia reaktioita, jotka muuttavat lääkeaineita paremmin elimistöstä poistuvaan muotoon. Lääkeaineet voivat vaikuttaa toistensa metaboliaan inhiboimalla tai indusoimalla metaboloivia entsyymejä. Tällaisten interaktioiden seurauksena lääkeaineen pitoisuus elimistössä voi kasvaa jopa toksiseksi tai vähentyä merkittävästi. Tämä on erityisesti ongelmana silloin, kun käytössä on useita lääkkeitä samanaikaisesti. Lääketutkimuksessa onkin keskitytty tällaisten interaktioiden ennustamiseen ja niitä yritetään välttää tai ainakin vähentää. Työssä tutkittiin medetomidiinia, jonka on äskettäin havaittu metaboloituvan UDP-glukuronosyylitransferaasien (UGT) välityksellä. Työn tarkoituksena oli löytää medetomidiinin glukuronidaatiota inhiboivia yhdisteitä. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää mahdollisen inhibition mekanismeja. On yleistä tutkia tietyn entsyymin substraatin interaktioita muiden saman perheen entsyymien kanssa. On kuitenkin harvinaisempaa tutkia tällaisia interaktioita kahden eri entsyymiperheen välillä. Tässä työssä tutkittiin inhiboivatko mahdolliset sytokromi P450 -entsyymiä (CYP) inhiboivat yhdisteet myös medetomidiinia glukuronoivia UDP-glukuronosyylitransferaaseja. Glukuronidaation inhibitiota tutkittiin HPLC-menetelmällä, joka on kehitetty aiemmin medetomidiinin glukuronidaation tutkimiseen. Aluksi glukuronidaatiota tutkittiin ilman inhibiittoreita. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin kolmen mahdollisen inhibiittoriyhdisteen vaikutuksia medetomidiinin glukuronidaatioon ja tuloksia verrattiin ilman inhibiittoria saatuihin tuloksiin. Kolmen tutkitun yhdisteen havaittiin inhiboivan medetomidiinin glukuronidaatiota. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös mielenkiintoinen ilmiö, jossa inhibiittoriyhdisteen sitoutuminen aiheutti entsyymikineettisiä muutoksia UDP-glukuronosyylitransferaasin toiminnassa. On mielenkiintoista, että samat yhdisteet inhiboivat sekä CYP- että UGT-metaboliaa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että jos CYP ja UGT metaboloivat samaa yhdistettä, on mahdollista että yhdisteen rakenteelliset analogit aiheuttavat interaktioita molempien entsyymien kanssa. Uusia lääkeaineita kehitettäessä onkin otettava huomioon yleisesti tunnettujen CYP-entsyymien lisäksi myös UGT:t ja niiden mahdolliset yhteisvaikutukset.


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Trata-se de estudo multicêntrico, com revisão retrospectiva de prontuário, que teve como objeto a associação entre o aprazamento de medicações intravenosas realizadas por enfermeiros e as potenciais interações medicamentosas (PIM) graves, encontradas em prescrições de pacientes críticos adultos hospitalizados. Os objetivos foram: a) apresentar os grupos medicamentosos e medicamentos prevalentes em cada Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) pesquisada; b) descrever o perfil do aprazamento dos medicamentos intravenosos em cada UTI pesquisada; e, c) analisar a frequência das potenciais interações medicamentosas graves favorecidas pelo aprazamento feito por enfermeiros. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado um instrumento que contemplou o nome do medicamento, a dose, a via, a frequência de administração e os horários aprazados pelo enfermeiro, dando origem a um imenso banco de dados. Os dados foram coletados em 3 UTIs conveniadas ao SUS e pertencentes à Rede Sentinela. O levantamento das PIM foi feito de prescrição a prescrição, pareando-se todos os medicamentos intravenosos conforme critérios de inclusão, obtendo-se assim uma lista com as interações encontradas. As PIM foram identificadas nas bases Micromedex Drugs-Reax System.12 e Drugs.com. Foi encontrada uma chance quase três vezes maior (OR: 2,96) de PIM em prescrições com mais de 5 medicamentos. Às 6h foi encontrada nas UTIs A e B a maior chance de PIM. Na UTI C não foi encontrada prevalência nem OR significativa, assim como o número de doses comprometidas com PIM foi o menor entre todas as UTIs. Houve predomínio de medicamentos que atuam no sistema digestivo (31,99%), com destaque para ranitidina (44,08%). As UTI A e B seguem um mesmo padrão no que diz respeito a acumular o aprazamento, preferencialmente em quatro horários: 14h, 18h, 22h e 6h. A UTI C distribui seu aprazamento por nove horários, inclusive no horário de visitas (16h) e no início de plantão (08h e 20h). Na UTI A e B predominaram aprazamentos noturnos; na UTI C foram tarde e noite, sugerindo uma rotina organizada de acordo com o processo de trabalho de médicos, enfermagem e farmácia. Foram encontrados 47 PIM graves nos horários prevalentes. A UTI A apresentou o maior número de PIM graves (n=32). Destacam-se cinco medicamentos que, repetidamente, foram aprazados associados em PIM grave: haloperidol, metoclopramida, tramadol, furosemida e prometazina. Conclui-se que a rotina de atividades na UTI favorece o aprazamento padronizado e concentrado em poucos horários, logo a ocorrência de PIM graves, desconsiderando assim os aspectos farmacocinéticos e farmacodinâmicos dos medicamentos em uso concomitante.


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A tese desenvolvida neste estudo é que a depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados que utilizam opiódes como terapeutica farmacológica da dor, pode ser prevenida por meio de ações de enfermagem que identifiquem os fatores predisponentes para a depressão respiratória, que considerem na rotina de aprazamento da terapeutica farmacológica da dor, as características farmacológicas dos medicamentos, para evitar interações medicamentosas e que monitorem adequadamente o paciente queimado para identificar precocemente sinais de depressão respiratória. Para tanto, este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver barreiras de segurança com foco em ações de enfermagem, para prevenção de depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados em uso de opióides. Trata-se de um estudo restrospectivo, em que foram analisados 272 prontuários de pacientes queimados internados em um Centro de Tratamento de Queimados (CTQ), de um hospital público federal de grande porte, no município do Rio de Janeiro. nos anos de 2011 a 2013. Dentre os 272 prontuários 42 atenderam os critérios de seleção da pesquisa, e destes, em 28,58% (n=12) foi identificada a ocorrência de depressão respiratória. Predominaram pacientes adultos jovens do sexo masculino. O óbito predominou no grupo com DR, assim como, queimaduras de 2 e 3 graus, e superfície corporal queimada com mediana de 50%. Os fatores predominantes para depressão respiratória foram insuficiencia renal, hipoalbuminemia e hipertensão arterial. Na terapia medicamentosa dos pacientes queimados, os analgésicos opióides são os mais utilizados, predominando o tramadol (45,49%) e a metadona (18,45%). Diazepam é o benzodiazepínico de escolha, entre os antidepressivos a imipramina é o mais utilizado, apesar de classificada como anticonvulsivantes a gabapentina, nos queimados é utilizada em dose analgésica. Tanto no grupo de pacientes com ou sem DR, os horários de adiministração de medicamentos que predominaram foram 22h e 06h. Foi evidenciado PIM em 66,6% dos pacientes estudados. A associação entre a ocorrência de PIM e a DR demonstrou-se positiva; os pacientes com que apresentaram PIM têm 2,5 vezes mais risco de apresentar DR. Os pares de medicamentos prevalentes e que apresentaram PIM no grupo com DR foram, metadona com diazepam (n=5), tramadol com fentanil (4), metadona com impramina e metadona com tramadol (n=3). No grupo sem DR foram metadona e tramadol (n=8), tramadol com fentanil (4), e metadona com diazepam (3). As vias oral e intravenosa predominaram nos pacientes com e sem DR, e não houve associação positiva entre a administração por essas vias e a oorrência de DR, constatando-se que a via de administração não é tão relevante para a DR. Nos pacientes com DR, 83,3% apresentaram PIM, principalmente nos horários 22h e 06h, horários próximos aos de ocorrência de DR. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para a segurança medicamentosa no uso de opióides, e na prevenção do eventos adverso grave como a depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados.


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The intestinal bacterial metabolites of ginsenosides are responsible for the main pharmacological activities of ginseng. The purpose of this study was to find whether these metabolites influence hepatic metabolic enzymes and to predict the potential for ginseng-prescription drug interactions. Utilizing the probe reaction of CYP3A activity, testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation, the effects of derivatives of 20(S)-protopanaxadiol and 20(S)-protopanaxatriol families on CYP3A activity in rat liver microsomes were assayed. Our results showed that ginsenosides from the 20(S)-protopanaxadiol and 20(S)-protopanaxatriol family including Rb-1, Rb-2, Rc, Compound-K, Re, and Rg(1), had no inhibitory effect, whereas Rg(2), 20(S)-panaxatriol and 20(S)-protopanaxatriol exhibited competitive inhibitory activity against CVP3A activity in these microsomes with the inhibition constants (K) of 86.4+/-0.8mum, 1.7+/-0.1mum, and 3.2+/-0.2 mum, respectively. This finding demonstrates that differences in their chemical structure might influence the effects of ginsenosides on CYP3A activity and that ginseng-derived products might have potential for significant ginseng-drug interactions.


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A sensitive electrochemiluminescent detection scheme by solid-phase extraction at Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)-modified ceramic carbon electrodes (CCEs) was developed. The as-prepared Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)-modified CCEs show much better long-term stability than other Nafion-based Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)-modified electrodes and enjoy the inherent advantages of CCEs. The log-log calibration plot for dioxopromethazine is linear from 1.0 x 10(-9) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1 using the new detection scheme. The detection limit is 6.6 x 10(-10) mol L-1 at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. The new scheme improves the sensitivity by similar to 3 orders of magnitude, which is the most sensitive Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL method. The scheme allows the detection of dioxopromethazine in a urine sample within 3 min. Since Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL is a powerful technique for determination of numerous amine-containing substances, the new detection scheme holds great promise in measurement of free concentrations, investigation of protein-drug interactions and DNA-drug interactions, pharmaceutical analysis, and so on.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas