978 resultados para Dias, Antonio, 1944-


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O pentecostalismo brasileiro, em suas diferentes expressões, vem sendo intensamente investigado, por diferentes pesquisadores, devido ao seu expressivo crescimento no número de adeptos e à sua visibilidade em diferentes áreas. Tem sido demonstrado tanto seus aspectos positivos quanto suas incoerências, tanto sua dinâmica interna quanto seu relacionamento com a sociedade em geral, através de análises profundas e esclarecedoras. Porém, sobre a relação entre pentecostalismo e escatologia, somente tem sido apontada, indiretamente, sua importância nas origens do movimento pentecostal. Esta investigação buscou compreender a mentalidade dos pentecostais da Assembléia de Deus de Belo Horizonte (MG) relacionada à escatologia, nas três últimas décadas do século passado, por intermédio da análise de suas crenças apocalípticas e dos sentimentos e representações ligadas ao imaginário da suposta iminente volta de Cristo. Foram pesquisados depoimentos orais e fontes escritas.(AU)


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A presente dissertação objetiva estabelecer uma interface entre os estudos da linguagem performática na literatura e os estudos sobre o erotismo a partir da obra do escritor sergipano Antonio Carlos Viana. Trazendo à tona o lado violento e traumático de experiências sexuais, são nela analisados os contos “As meninas do coronel”, “Mal-assado” e “In Memoriam”, pelo viés da prostituição, do casamento e da morte, respectivamente. Observa-se que, ao optar pela escrita sobre o corpo e pela problematização do erotismo vinculada a uma perspectiva nauseante do sexo, desvinculada da ideia de prazer, Viana performatiza, de acordo com os pressupostos do novo realismo, experiências afetivas marcadas pela dor. Para investigar os procedimentos de linguagem utilizados por Viana, com o intuito de desvendar os enigmas que perpassam o universo emocional e labiríntico de personagens devastados por sentimentos que mesclam corrupção, poder, morte e erotismo, recorro aos estudos sobre o caráter performático e grotesco da linguagem no novo realismo – em especial ao pensamento de Karl Erik Schøllhammer e Mikhail Bakhtin –, sobre a relação entre morte e erotismo – a partir das considerações de George Bataille, Octavio Paz e Philippe Ariès – e sobre as nuances da sexualidade e suas revoluções – mediante o pensamento de Anthony Giddens.


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Three questions on the study of NO Iberian Peninsula sweat lodges are posed. First, the new sauna of Monte Ornedo (Cantabria), the review of the one of Armea (Ourense), and the Cantabrian pedra formosa type are discussed. Second, the known types of sweat lodges are reconsidered underlining the differences between the Cantabrian and the Douro - Minho groups as these differences contribute to a better assessment of the saunas located out of those territories, such as those of Monte Ornedo or Ulaca. Third, a richer record demands a more specific terminology, a larger use of archaeometric analysis and the application of landscape archaeology or art history methodologies. In this way the range of interpretation of the sweat lodges is opened, as an example an essay is proposed that digs on some already known proposals and suggests that the saunas are material metaphors of wombs whose rationale derives from ideologies and ritual practices of Indo-European tradition.


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A delimitação da zona de amortecimento de um setor do Parque Estadual da Cantareira, seccionado pela rodovia Fernão Dias (BR-381), foi elaborado com base na integração dos estudos de uso da terra e fragilidade ambiental. Também foram utilizados os instrumentos de planejamento territorial e as legislações de cunhos ambiental e urbano incidentes na área de estudo. A Zona de Amortecimento engloba remanescentes florestais expressivos e áreas com reflorestamentos situados, predominantemente, em terrenos com Fragilidade Potencial Alta. De maneira geral, as áreas urbanizadas ou em processo de expansão urbana localizadas nos limites ou próximos ao Parque, foram incluídas na zona de amortecimento com o intuito de evitar o adensamento da ocupação e o parcelamento ainda maior do solo urbano. Quanto aos campos antrópicos/pastagem situados em áreas de preservação ambiental deverão ser promovidas medidas para a recuperação da vegetação nativa. As pedreiras ativas e os aterros sanitários foram mantidos na zona de amortecimento com o propósito de intensificar o controle de suas atividades altamente impactantes ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho procura desenvolver metodologia e estabelecer critérios ambientais e legais que possibilitam delimitar a zona de amortecimento de unidades de conservação, sobretudo aquelas sujeitas a pressões provocadas pela expansão urbana.


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Engaging future engineers is a central topic in everyday conversations on engineering education. Considerable investments have been made to make engineering more engaging, recruit and retain aspiring engineers, and to design an education to prepare future engineers. However, the impact of these efforts has been less than intended. It is imperative that the community reflects on progress and sets a more effective path for the future.


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Objective: Menopause is the consequence of exhaustion of the ovarian follicular pool. AMH, an indirect hormonal marker of ovarian reserve, has been recently proposed as a predictor for age at menopause. Since BMI and smoking status are relevant independent factors associated with age at menopause we evaluated whether a model including all three of these variables could improve AMH-based prediction of age at menopause. Methods: In the present cohort study, participants were 375 eumenorrheic women aged 19–44 years and a sample of 2,635 Italian menopausal women. AMH values were obtained from the eumenorrheic women. Results: Regression analysis of the AMH data showed that a quadratic function of age provided a good description of these data plotted on a logarithmic scale, with a distribution of residual deviates that was not normal but showed significant leftskewness. Under the hypothesis that menopause can be predicted by AMH dropping below a critical threshold, a model predicting menopausal age was constructed from the AMH regression model and applied to the data on menopause. With the AMH threshold dependent on the covariates BMI and smoking status, the effects of these covariates were shown to be highly significant. Conclusions: In the present study we confirmed the good level of conformity between the distributions of observed and AMH-predicted ages at menopause, and showed that using BMI and smoking status as additional variables improves AMH-based prediction of age at menopause.


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Through both theory and practice, this practice-based research develops and tests the idea that courtyard housing can deliver sustainable, compact housing in rapidly growing subtropical cities. It proposes a contemporary urban design model that incorporates urban design courtyard housing prototypes. These prototypes can be further developed by architects and urban designers for similar climatic conditions across the world.


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Pro gradu-työni aihe on ruokaterminologiaa käsittelevät ranskan puhekielen ja Pariisin slangin lainasanat sekä kirjailija Frédéric Dardin alias San-Antonion (1921-2000) luomat, ruokatermistöön kuuluvat uudissanat ja -sanonnat kahdessa San-Antonio-romaanissa C'est mort et ça ne sait pas sekä Le fil à couper le beurre. Näissä ns. kioskikirjallisuutta edustavissa rikosromaaneissa seikkailee puheenparttaan ruoka-alan termeillä höystävä, "erikoistehtäviä" hoitava komisario ja naistenmies, San-Antonio. Ranskankielisessä arjen kielenkäytössä vilisee ruokaan liittyviä sanoja ja sanontoja muissakin kuin varsinaisissa ruuanvalmistus- ja ateriointiyhteyksissä. Halusin tarkastella, millaisena tämä yleisesti havaitsemani ilmiö todentuu Frédéric Dardin kahdessa romaanissa, jotka olen valinnut aineistokseni. Frédéric Dard käyttää romaaneissaan varsin omaperäistä kieltä: sekä puhekieltä että Pariisin slangia. Korpukseni koostuu romaaneista poimimistani ruoka-alan termistöä sisältävistä esimerkeistä, joita valmiiseen työhön tuli 228 kappaletta. Jaoin kaikki korpuksesta löytämäni ruokatermit kahteen luokkaan sen mukaan, oliko kirjailija lainannut käyttämänsä sanan tai ilmauksen puhekielestä tai Pariisin slangista (lainatermit), vai oliko hän luonut termin tai ilmauksen itse (neologismit). Määrittelin termin tai ilmauksen neologismiksi, jos se ei esiintynyt joko laisinkaan tai ainakaan kirjailijan tarkoittamassa merkityksessä seuraavissa sanakirjoissa: Le Dictionnaire du français argotique, populaire et familier; Le Dictionnaire de l'argot moderne; Le Dictionnaire du français non conventionnel; Le Dictionnaire de l'argot; Le Dictionnaire du français argotique et populaire; L'argot chez les vrais de vrai ja Trésor de la langue française. Varsinainen tutkimus perustuu sanojen ja ilmausten merkitysten selvittämiseen ja analysointiin. Lainatermien analyysillä tarkoitan lainatermien merkitysten selvitystä em. sanakirjojen avulla. Neologismit analysoin tarkemmin käyttäen em. sanakirjoja sekä tukeutuen gastronomisten ja erityisesti kielitieteellisten lähdeteosteni tarjoamiin rakenteellisiin ja semanttisiin muodostustapoihin ja tekemällä niistä tarvittavat yhteenvedot oikean merkityksen selvittämiseksi. Käsittelin aineiston kaikki ruokatermit. Niiden valtavan lukumäärän vuoksi analysoitavien esimerkkien määrää piti rajoittaa niin, että valmiiseen työhön jäi jokaisesta termistä enintään kaksi esimerkkiä kummastakin korpuksen kirjasta eli yhteensä 228 esimerkkiä. Muut esimerkit luetteloin työn lopusta löytyvään liitteeseen. Neologismianalyysissä selvisi, että Frédéric Dard suosi erityisesti semanttisia muodostustapoja eli olemassa olevan merkityksen muuttamista metaforien ja kielikuvien avulla. Dardin rikas terminologia ja hänen humoristiset oivalluksensa ovat osaltaan rikastuttaneet ranskan puhekieltä.Työssäni totean, että Pariisin slangia ja puhekieltä on totuttu pitämään sosiaalisesti sopimattomana, marginaalisten ryhmien kielenä, vaikka sen ilmauksia saattaa nykyisin kuulla jopa akateemikkojen käyttävän, ja ilmauksia on siirtynyt slangi- ja puhekielestä yleiskieleen. Toivon työni edistävän kiinnostusta kielitaidon parantamiseen San-Antonion tyyliin tutustumisen avulla sekä herättävän mielenkiintoa ranskan kielen vivahteikkuuteen ja monimuotoisuuteen muullakin kuin yleiskielen tasolla. Kielessä ei mielestäni voi olla sellaisia osa-alueita, joiden opiskelu ja osaaminen olisi tarpeetonta.


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Like an Icebreaker: The Finnish Seamen s Union as collective bargaining maverick and champion of sailors social safety 1944-1980. The Finnish Seamen's Union (FSU), which was established on a national basis in 1920, was one of the first Finnish trade unions to succeed in collective bargaining. In the early 1930s, the gains made in the late 1920s were lost, due to politically based internal rivalries, the Great Depression, and a disastrous strike. Unexpectedly the FSU survived and went on promoting the well-being of its members even during World War II. After the war the FSU was in an exceptionally favorable position to exploit the introduction of coordinated capitalism, which was based on social partnership between unions, employers and government. Torpedoes, mines and confiscations had caused severe losses to the Finnish merchant marine. Both ship-owners and government alike understood the crucial importance of using the remaining national shipping capacity effectively. The FSU could no longer be crushed, and so, in 1945, the union was allowed to turn all ocean-going Finnish ships into closed shops. The FSU also had another source of power. After the sailors of the Finnish icebreaker fleet also joined its ranks, the FSU could, in effect, block Finnish foreign trade in wintertime. From the late 1940s to the 1960s the union started and won numerous icebreaker strikes. Finnish seamen were thus granted special pension rights, reductions on income taxes and import duties, and other social privileges. The FSU could neither be controlled by union federations nor intimidated by employers or governments. The successful union and its tactically clever chairperson, Niilo Välläri, were continuously but erroneously accused of syndicalism. Välläri did not aim for socialism but wanted the Finnish seamen to get all the social benefits that capitalism could possibly offer. Välläri s policy was successfully followed by the FSU until the late 1980s when Finnish ship-owners were allowed to flag their vessels outside the national registry. Since then the FSU has been on the defensive and has yielded to pay cuts. The FSU members have not lost their social benefits, but they are under constant fear of losing their jobs to cheap foreign labor.


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Salaiset aseveljet deals with the relations and co-operation between Finnish and German security police authorities, the Finnish valtiollinen poliisi and the German Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) and its predecessors. The timeframe for the research stretches from the Nazi seizure of power in 1933 to the end of German-Finnish co-belligerency in 1944. The Finnish Security Police was founded in 1919 to protect the young Finnish Republic from the Communists both in Finland and in Soviet Russia. Professional ties to German colleagues were maintained during the 1920 s, and quickly re-established after the Nazis rose to power in Germany. Typical forms of co-operation concentrated on the fight against both domestic and international Communism, a concern particularly acute in Finland because of her exposed position as a neighbour to the Soviet Union. The common enemy proved to be a powerful unifying concept. During the 1930 s the forms of co-operation developed from regular and routine exchanges of information into personal acquaintancies between the Finnish Security Police top personnel and the highest SS-leadership. The critical period of German-Finnish security police co-operation began in 1941, as Finland joined the German assault on the Soviet Union. Together with the Finnish Security Police, the RSHA set up a previously unknown special unit, the Einsatzkommando Finnland, entrusted with the destruction of the perceived ideological and racial enemies on the northernmost part of the German Eastern Front. Joint actions in northern Finland led also members of the Finnish Security Police to become participants in mass murders of Communists and Jews. Post-war criminal investigations into war crimes cases involving former security police personnel were invariably stymied because of the absence of usually both the suspects and the evidence. In my research I have sought to combine the evidence gathered through an exhaustive study of Finnish Security Police archival material with a wide selection of foreign sources. Important new evidence has been gathered from archives in Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden and the United States. Piece by piece, it has become possible to draw a comprehensive picture of the ultimately fateful relationship of the Finnish Security Police to its mighty German colleague.