944 resultados para Deaf-blindness
This paper discusses means of rehabilitation for hearing impaired children during the summer.
This paper studies the ability of pre-kindergarten students with both normal hearing and impaired hearing to identify emotions in speech through audition only. In addition, the study assesses whether a listener's familiarity with a speaker's voice has an effect on his/her ability to identify the emotion of the speaker.
This paper evaluates the usefulness of the "Foundations in Speech Perception" computer program developed by Breakthrough, Inc. in conjunction with Central Institute for the Deaf.
This study examines the benefits and most effective techniques of reading aloud to children who are deaf or hard of hearing, including an instructional video and booklist for parents.
This paper examines the phonological awareness skills of young children who are hearing impaired through rime identification and onset detection.
This paper compares play of hearing impaired children and those with normal hearing.
This paper is a review of a study to determine the relation between lipreading performance and memory for sequences of spoken syllables.
This dissertation presents two experiments investigating the structural analysis of narratives produced by normal-hearing and hearing-impaired children. The results suggest that the evaluation of deaf children’s language at a discourse level is both possible and more relevant to academic achievement than traditional assessment procedures that focus on assessing language at a word, phrase or sentence level.
This paper discusses the influence of rhythm in teaching of hearing impaired children.
This paper discusses mainstreaming for the hearing impaired.
This paper is a review of a study done with an Oscillascope to determine if the sensory input would be of benefit to a profoundly deaf child.
This paper examines adapting the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), a receptive vocabulary test, for hearing-impaired children.
This paper discusses the results of a study of social studies textbooks suitable for hearing impaired children.
This paper discusses the results of a study undertaken to determine if there is a relationship between psychological variables and cognitive or academic variables among hearing-impaired children.
This paper is a summary of a course of language instruction provided to a group of deaf children over the course of one year.