1000 resultados para Componente Curricular
O estudo é uma investigaçao da prática pedagógica de professores do Curso de Licenciatura em Ed. Física da UFES/Brasil referente aos seus planejamentos das disciplinas. O objetivo foi perceber a mobilidade dos planejamentos observando-se a mudança ou permanência das estruturas bibliográficas e curriculares que sustentam o curso e disciplinas tendo como base, as referências do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso. Alunos podem rejeitar conteúdos e professores podem ignorar programas e referências. Nesse sentido, questionamos: quais as referências utilizadas no desenvolvimento das disciplinas? Como as referências colocadas pelos professores responderam às propostas originais do Projeto Pedagógico? Como elas se justificam sobre a coerência entre disciplina e projeto pedagógico? Qual é o perfil de formaçao dado pelo conjunto de referências colocadas? Trata-se de análise documental dos programas de disciplinas e bibliografias utilizadas por professores de cada componente curricular do Projeto Político Pedagógico - PPP. Foi feita coleta de material didático de estudantes por período e por disciplina do curso. Podemos afirmar que todas as disciplinas sofreram modificaçoes nas referências do programa original no que se refere exclusao e inclusao de referências. Afirmamos que as alteraçoes modificam a concepçao de formaçao do curso e o perfil de egresso. Ainda há outros problemas como fragmentaçao da formaçao por meio de disciplinas ou em linhas de pensamento vinculados aos grupos de estudos
Enquadramento: A par da não alfabetização e do abandono escolar, as taxas de insucesso no ensino fundamental no Brasil atingem indicadores preocupantes. A aprendizagem é um processo complexo e são múltiplos os fatores que contribuem tanto positivamente quanto negativamente na aprendizagem dos alunos e os seus efeitos irão refletir-se no futuro dos educandos. Se há crianças com distúrbios fisiopatológicos que prejudicam a sua aprendizagem, noutras, porém, as dificuldades surgem por influência da escola/professores e da relação destes com a família Objetivos: Identificar as áreas de dificuldades de aprendizagem na componente curricular de português e matemática; identificar as dificuldades nos domínios de aprendizagem de cada área e analisar a relação das variáveis sociodemográficas e escolares com as dificuldades de aprendizagem. Material e métodos: Estudo exploratório-descritivo, quantitativo e correlacional numa amostra de 178 alunos, do 3º ano, numa escola pública de Taquarana, Alagoas, Brasil. Utilizamos um questionário para a caraterização socio demográfica e escolar dos alunos e uma escala utilizada na escola para a avaliação formal da aprendizagem. Resultados: Os participantes são na maioria do sexo masculino (55,6%) com uma média de idades de 8,53 anos, distribuídos em 6 turmas (3 manhã e 3 tarde) em que a menor tem 25 alunos e a maior tem 35. Demoram em média 20 minutos na deslocação para a escola. Verificamos que 34,3% vivem com pais solteiros, separados divorciados ou viúvos. 31,5% dos alunos referem ter muito mau, ou mau ambiente familiar e há turmas onde isso é mais evidente. Os pais dos alunos em 37,1% não têm instrução e em 53,4% não ajudam nos estudos ou trabalhos de casa. Os alunos que já reprovaram são 26,4% e destes, 36,2% já reprovaram 3 ou mais vezes. As dificuldades de aprendizagem em língua portuguesa e matemática são maiores nos alunos mais velhos, do sexo masculino e que já reprovaram mais de uma vez. Um ambiente familiar mau/muito mau e a situação familiar dos pais a falta de instrução dos pais e o não ajudarem nas tarefas de casa contribui com as dificuldades. Na língua portuguesa há maior dificuldade no respeitar o momento de escuta e fala, na leitura e interpretação, produção textos e uso das regras ortográficas. Em matemática globalmente têm maiores dificuldades sobressaindo os parâmetros de identificação das operações nas situações-problemas e elaboração de tabelas e gráficos. Conclusões: Encontramos no nosso estudo alunos com grandes taxas de reprovações e com dificuldades evidentes tanto na língua portuguesa como em matemática. Constatamos que diversos são os fatores que contribuem para o aparecimento das dificuldades na aprendizagem de alguns alunos mas não podemos deixar de refletir sobre a influência da família. A destruturação familiar, mau ambiente e o fato de não terem instrução e não ajudarem os filhos nos estudos mostraram-se influenciadores no insucesso dos alunos PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Aprendizagem, Dificuldades de aprendizagem, Família, Educação.
The study aims to examine the methodology of realistic simulation as facilitator of the teaching-learning process in nursing, and is justified by the possibility to propose conditions that envisage improvements in the training process with a view to assess the impacts attributed to new teaching strategies and learning in the formative areas of health and nursing. Descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative approach, as action research, and focus on teaching from the realistic simulation of Nursing in Primary Care in an institution of public higher education. . The research was developed in the Comprehensive Care Health discipline II, this is offered in the third year of the course in order to prepare the nursing student to the stage of Primary Health Care The study population comprised 40 subjects: 37 students and 3 teachers of that discipline. Data collection was held from February to May 2014 and was performed by using questionnaires and semi structured interviews. To do so, we followed the following sequence: identification of the use of simulation in the discipline target of intervention; consultation with professors about the possibility of implementing the survey; investigation of the syllabus of discipline, objectives, skills and abilities; preparing the plan for the execution of the intervention; preparing the checklist for skills training; construction and execution of simulation scenarios and evaluation of scenarios. Quantitative data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, percentage, and qualitative data through collective subject discourse. A high fidelity simulation was inserted in the curriculum of the course of the research object, based on the use of standard patient. Three cases were created and executed. In the students’ view, the simulation contributed to the synthesis of the contents worked at Integral Health Care II discipline (100%), scoring between 8 and 10 (100%) to executed scenarios. In addition, the simulation has generated a considerable percentage of high expectations for the activities of the discipline (70.27%) and is also shown as a strategy for generating student satisfaction (97.30%). Of the 97.30% that claimed to be quite satisfied with the activities proposed by the academic discipline of Integral Health Care II, 94.59% of the sample indicated the simulation as a determinant factor for the allocation of such gratification. Regarding the students' perception about the strategy of simulation, the most prominent category was the possibility of prior experience of practice (23.91%). The nervousness was one of the most cited negative aspects from the experience in simulated scenarios (50.0%). The most representative positive point (63.89%) pervades the idea of approximation with the reality of Primary Care. In addition, professors of the discipline, totaling 3, were trained in the methodology of the simulation. The study highlighted the contribution of realistic simulation in the context of teaching and learning in nursing and highlighted this strategy while mechanism to generate expectation and satisfaction among undergraduate nursing students
This dissertation seeks to reflect about the relations between danced movement and body space (Kinesphere), and their contributions to the expansion of the expressive possibilities of the subject on dancing. According to Rudolf Laban there is no space that is empty, because it is always being modified and signified at every moment by the movement. Space exists because we interact with it, at the same time movement occours configuring a signifcant space that is incessantly transformed. In this sense, space, body and movement appear in this research as interconnected and interdependent. For this discussion we have as main interlocutor the studies of Rudolf Laban. The nature of this research is qualitative and descriptive. This is a context that embraces the phenomenon of dance and as such it is based on a dimension that doesn't deal with mensurability, but with the art scene, fruitful in its infinite openness to the creation of multiple significances for what has been lived. We also propose to present a report about the practical study developed in the discipline Coreologia in the licentiate course of Dance in UFRN, as well as the analysis of the interviews applied to students of this curricular component. The questions were developed in a way that lead to a reflection about the experience of those interviewed in this discipline, thus generating material for us to discuss how the students perceive dance based on the relational study between space and movement. We realize that this study may favor an understanding of the relations that the experienced movement in the act of the dance weaves along the spatiality that receives and fills our bodies, resignifying the vision of a space which is restrict to the mere place were the body moves and occupies. It also favors the reflections concerning the body that moves and creates spatiality when dancing, thereby bringing to the Performing Arts a chance to think and to experience on the expansion of the expressive gesture in dance and beyond it, led by the recognition of the principles that organize human movement pointed by Laban. It also contributes on the formation of the students in licentiate courses of Dance by questioning the ways to appropriate the contents worked in a graduation discipline as regards to the availability of the body for dance. This dissertation is divided in three parts, called Impulsos. In the First Impulso: “Primeiros Gestos Textuais”, we find an introduction to concepts and ideas of body, movement and space that permeates all the work. In the Second Impulso: "Nós", the triad body-space-motion is discussed using the metaphorical image of a knot that binds these three concepts. The third and final Impulso: "Enlaces" deal with impressions and discoveries lived during the experimentation of the principles of inter-actions studied here, in the lessons of the already mentioned discipline
The Environmental Education is a plural and diversified knowledge field, composed by a group of social agents of specific State, government and civil society sectors, with different world views and theoretical matrices that exercised and influenced its genealogy and constitutive dynamic. The Environmental Education – while specific knowledge field – has been produced, systematized and diffused in Brazil in the last decades by official State organisms, through public policies, as well as by social movements of popular education, and constitutes a large and historical movement about the environmental question, that was worldwide projected in the 1960 decade (the environmentalist movement). Concerning the creation of public policies and specific programs to the Environmental Education, in the scope of the governmental initiative, the approval of the National Policy of Environmental Education, by means of the Law n. 9.795/99 – together with its regulatory decree, the Decree nº 4.281 – represents the consolidation of a inclusion process of the environmental dimension in the educational field. These normative acts, beyond charging the public power with the incumbency to define public policies that incorporate the environmental dimension and to promote the Environmental Education in all education levels, also charge the educational institution with the duty of promoting this component in an integrated and articulated way with the educational programs that such institutions develop. In this context, it is aimed to identify and analyze under the light of the dialectical and historical materialism, the practices and concepts developed under the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), with regard to its institutional policy on Environmental Education, relating it to establishing the Pnea. The analysis by means specific legislation on the subject and institutional documents UFRN. The research showed that, in general, the National Environmental Education Policy has limits to its effectiveness given the absence of specific funding for this purpose and the little government involvement in that the Brazilian State assumes, by through effective policies, the material conditions of financing actions with respect to this field of education. The fragmented and disjointed way the analyzed actions are developed constitutes a limit to the challenge for the UFRN implement, consistently and objectively, an Environmental Education policy, which can be monitored and evaluated as an effective public policy, both landmarks major goal of own Pnea as the demands of development whose agenda a critical environmental perspective.
This work aims at studying the biographical mediation taken as the progress of people in formation process who develop a biographical work on their own experiences with the help of a former (PASSEGGI, 2006, 2011). The research was carried out on a curricular component from Curso de Formação Inicial e Continuada (initial and continuous process of formation of teachers) with teachers from public schools developed by Instituto Federal de Educação do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN/ Ipanguaçu). The target audience featured diversity of professionals and experiences of formation. The general objective studied the potentials of procedures and devices used to mediate the reflection about the necessary knowledge to teaching practice based on their own experiences (auto-biographical) and the experience from the others (hetero-biographical). The study tried to respond to the following questions: how do teachers in formation relate themselves to the knowledge from experience? What procedures and devices contribute on the teachers‟ formation on the three different dimensions of biographical mediation (initiatory, maieutic, hermeneutics)? How to provide the auto-formation and hetero-formation? The theories and methods of this work are based on studies and researches that place the person in formation in the center of investigation and formation and analyze their reflective, re-inventive and self-re-inventive capacity. (FREIRE, 1987, 1996, 2001, 2011; JOSSO, 2008, 2010, 2012; DELORY-MONBERGER, 2006, 2008, 2012; CHARLLOT, 2000; CATANI, 2001; PASSEGGI, 2008; 2010; 2011; 2012). We selected six teachers who participate entirely on the meetings of the program. They discussed on the study topics, shared narrations that integrate their formation and the themes related to the course. The empirical material is composed by the narrations of the six participants and hearing boards done by themselves at the moment of the narration sharing process. The analysis followed three steps: a) the path of the program and the procedures of biographical mediation; b) the relations former/teacher on the three dimensions of biographical mediation; c) the hearing board as a device of biographical mediation. We concluded that the procedures and devices used for biographical mediation made possible specific learnings that are sources for the practice of initial and continuous teachers‟ formation, as well as for the formation of the former-researcher about the work with autobiographical narrations. Thus, it allow the co-investment of participants into the process of auto-formation and hetero-formation.
To acting in emergencies it is important that health professionals develop specific and differentiated skills, which shows us the importance of training in emergency planning. So undergraduate courses in medicine and nursing should encourage the development of these skills and evaluate them through various instruments targeted to the different fields. The aim of this study was to implement an optional and interprofessional curricular component, focusing on interprofessional education in pre-hospital emergency for medical and nursing courses Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This is an exploratory descriptive study, with 24 medical and nursing graduates of last year undergraduate of supervised training, who underwent theoretical and practical training in the care of pre-hospital emergency services. There were theoretical and practical lessons per week for one school semester, taught by doctors and nurses of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), where the topics discussed were: basic and advanced life support, safe transport in clinical emergencies, trauma, gynecological, obstetric, pediatric and psychiatric diseases, and have been carried out practical activities in ambulances. The students were evaluated by pre-test, post-test and practical stations made through the Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE), in the skills laboratory of the Health Sciences Center. During the activities the students were encouraged to critical and reflective thinking, highlighting the importance of integration between the various health care professionals. It was observed that 88% of the students had a score increase over the pre-test. In the evaluation process carried out by medical students and nursing UFRN have similar expectations regarding the essential skills acquired during the training activity. The results of this study will form the basis for the organization of interprofessional education activity in pre-hospital emergency medical students and nursing, as well as helped to organize practices stations, identifying basic clinical skills, and implementing student assessment tools UFRN.
This essay aims to present and describe a proposal of insertion of Mathematics History into teachers undergraduation. Such addition proposal is expected to take place as curricular component to be taught on initial undergraduation for mathematics teachers. The selection of contents for the proposal has been based on the national Curriculum Guidelines (DCN, 2001, acronym in portugueses) for bachelor’s degree in Mathematics; the National Curricular Guidelines for Elementary School (PCNEF, 1998, acronym in Portuguese); and the National Curricular Guidelines for High School (PCNEM, 1999, acronym in Portuguese). The curricular component now presented is supposed to take a 60 hour workload, and includes the following topics: History of Ancient Numbering Systems, History of Trigonometriy and History of fuctions. For the sake of exemplification, the topic History of Ancient Numbering Systems is discussed and analysed in detail as practice for the new curricular component.
Teacher training processes, initial and continuing, and professional practice of teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years are highlighted in the literature as complex, but also are regarded as the way to overcome many difficulties in teaching this component curriculum in the school stage in question. The aim of the study was to investigate how the training needs in Mathematics are represented by a group of teachers in the early years of elementary school of public health system of the city of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais. The research, qualitative approach, had as object of study the training needs, in Mathematics, of teachers in the early years. The research involved 16 teachers from two schools in the municipal public schools of that city. Data were collected through questionnaires, non-participant observations, semi-structured interviews followed by group and individual. Analyses were performed by means of thematic categories, founded by content analysis. Data interpretation allowed to understand training needs in mathematics that are presented to the collaborating group from their professional practice, considering the knowledge and skills necessary to teaching. It is understood that the teachers of the study group have major limitations in relation to the specific content and didactic knowledge of Mathematics content, however, the concern is that demonstrated not always being aware of it. Moreover, the difficulties experienced in teaching practice proven to be overcome by sources and non-formal training activities, primarily through more experienced colleagues in the profession. Thus, it becomes difficult to think the initial and continuing training courses for teachers without the training needs of the teaching practice is appreciated as an object of study.
A década de 1980 foi marcada por aberturas políticas que geraram espaços de discussao no campo da Educaçao Física a respeito da importância dessa componente curricular nas escolas, já que a mesma baseava-se em aptidao física. A partir disso surgiram diversas concepçoes e abordagens que buscam avaliar as formas de ensino existentes e nortear a educaçao física escolar. Esta pesquisa descritiva tem como objetivo elencar as abordagens pedagógicas e caracterizá-las a fim de provocar reflexoes sobre a utilizaçao das mesmas no ensino da educaçao física e promover uma discussao acerca do cenário atual da prática pedagógica do professor de educaçao física no âmbito escolar. As abordagens descritas foram: cultural, crítico-emancipatória, crítico-superadora, construtivista, desenvolvimentista, parâmetros curriculares nacionais e saúde renovada. De posse das abordagens estudadas e sabendo-se das diversas e complexas realidades sociais que atualmente os professores enfrentam - heterogeneidade das turmas, individualidades dos alunos, diversidade cultural, condiçoes socioeconômicas e rotulaçao dos papéis do professor de educaçao física -, acredita-se que nao há viabilidade e coerência suficientes para utilizar apenas uma das abordagens, pois esses fatores interferem diretamente na prática docente
Este trabalho procura discutir a Educaçao Física como tema ou disciplina na Educaçao Infantil. Julgamos importante situar a Educaçao Física dentro do processo histórico para situarmos nossa compreensao e postura teórica acerca dos conhecimentos tratados nesta componente curricular. Numa breve discussao procuramos trazer luz para a compreensao sobre a criança e o desenvolvimento infantil. Além disso, apontamos para a necessidade da mediaçao do tema ou disciplina tendo em vista a preocupaçao com o conhecimento e a estimulaçao da criatividade no trato da cultura corporal. Para finalizar apresentamos um exemplo concreto de aula já realizada sendo uma possibilidade de conteúdo tendo em vista, a apropriaçao do conhecimento, a socializaçao e aprendizagem dos alunos
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender o desenvolvimento da modalidade de xadrez no componente curricular Educaçao Física e os sentidos que os alunos atribuem ao jogo. Para sua consecuçao foram realizadas observaçoes e entrevistas semiestruturadas com o professor responsável pelas aulas de Xadrez e quatro alunos matriculados. Os dados indicam que a proposta pedagógica de ensino do jogo utilizada pelo professor aproxima-se do método tradicional. Para os alunos o jogo de xadrez assume sentidos mais próximos da "diversao" e do "lazer". Proposto no formato de Clube apresenta-se mais como uma atividade extracurricular, voltado apenas para a prática do jogo, do que como um conteúdo da Educaçao Física
A década de 1980 foi marcada por aberturas políticas que geraram espaços de discussao no campo da Educaçao Física a respeito da importância dessa componente curricular nas escolas, já que a mesma baseava-se em aptidao física. A partir disso surgiram diversas concepçoes e abordagens que buscam avaliar as formas de ensino existentes e nortear a educaçao física escolar. Esta pesquisa descritiva tem como objetivo elencar as abordagens pedagógicas e caracterizá-las a fim de provocar reflexoes sobre a utilizaçao das mesmas no ensino da educaçao física e promover uma discussao acerca do cenário atual da prática pedagógica do professor de educaçao física no âmbito escolar. As abordagens descritas foram: cultural, crítico-emancipatória, crítico-superadora, construtivista, desenvolvimentista, parâmetros curriculares nacionais e saúde renovada. De posse das abordagens estudadas e sabendo-se das diversas e complexas realidades sociais que atualmente os professores enfrentam - heterogeneidade das turmas, individualidades dos alunos, diversidade cultural, condiçoes socioeconômicas e rotulaçao dos papéis do professor de educaçao física -, acredita-se que nao há viabilidade e coerência suficientes para utilizar apenas uma das abordagens, pois esses fatores interferem diretamente na prática docente
Este trabalho procura discutir a Educaçao Física como tema ou disciplina na Educaçao Infantil. Julgamos importante situar a Educaçao Física dentro do processo histórico para situarmos nossa compreensao e postura teórica acerca dos conhecimentos tratados nesta componente curricular. Numa breve discussao procuramos trazer luz para a compreensao sobre a criança e o desenvolvimento infantil. Além disso, apontamos para a necessidade da mediaçao do tema ou disciplina tendo em vista a preocupaçao com o conhecimento e a estimulaçao da criatividade no trato da cultura corporal. Para finalizar apresentamos um exemplo concreto de aula já realizada sendo uma possibilidade de conteúdo tendo em vista, a apropriaçao do conhecimento, a socializaçao e aprendizagem dos alunos
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender o desenvolvimento da modalidade de xadrez no componente curricular Educaçao Física e os sentidos que os alunos atribuem ao jogo. Para sua consecuçao foram realizadas observaçoes e entrevistas semiestruturadas com o professor responsável pelas aulas de Xadrez e quatro alunos matriculados. Os dados indicam que a proposta pedagógica de ensino do jogo utilizada pelo professor aproxima-se do método tradicional. Para os alunos o jogo de xadrez assume sentidos mais próximos da "diversao" e do "lazer". Proposto no formato de Clube apresenta-se mais como uma atividade extracurricular, voltado apenas para a prática do jogo, do que como um conteúdo da Educaçao Física