187 resultados para Assessors fiscals
La libertad condicional es una institución cuya aplicación no se da con la frecuencia que debería para lograr una resocialización y reinserción adecuada. Para reducir las tasas de encarcelamiento y los costes que se derivan, así como para igualar las tasas de liberados condicionales en Cataluña con las del resto del Estado, se proponen posibles mejoras para la concesión del último grado penitenciario. Las propuestas se desarrollan a partir de una investigación empírica basada en una revisión exhaustiva de los informes de pronóstico de reinserción de la Junta de Tratamiento y las resoluciones del Fiscal de Vigilancia Penitenciaria.Se formularán propuestas generales y específicas. Las primeras estarán encabezadas a modificar el punitivismo de la sociedad y la implementación de la libertad condicional. Las segundas estarán orientadas a focalizar el último grado penitenciario también a internos con alto riesgo de reincidencia, siempre y cuando se les proporcione una intervención intensiva; a mejorar y tratar tanto los factores estáticos como los dinámicos –hábitos laborales, toxicomanías, apoyo familiar– para facilitar el acceso a la libertad condicional según los actuales requisitos; a concienciar sobre la importancia de satisfacer la responsabilidad civil y a seguir la línea del modelo de riesgo, necesidad y responsividad.ABSTRACTParole is an institution whose application does not occur as often as it should to achieve resocialization and reintegration adequately. To reduce incarceration rates and its costs, as well as to equalize Catalonia’s parole rates with the rest of the state, it is suggested possible improvements for the last grade prison’s granting. The proposals were developed from an empirical research based on the analysis of the Treatment Assembly’s forecast reports reintegration and the Fiscal’s resolutions.It will be formulated general and specific proposals. The first one will be led to modify society’s punitivity and parole’s implementation. The second one will be directed on focusing parole in high risk prison inmates, as long as they have an intensive intervention; on improving and treat both static and dynamic factors –work habits, addictions, family support– to facilitate the access on parole under the current requirements; on raising the importance of paying the civil liability and follow the principles of the model of risk, needs and responsivity.
The ISO 9000-2000 standard provides eight quality management principles. They may be used by senior managers as a framework to guide their organizations towards improved performance. The article analyzes the way the specialized consultants implementing the norm enable their costumers to assume the principles. It had been found that the better a consultant transmits the spirit of the norm, the better for himself and for their clients as well. In fact, the consultancy will get a higher recommendation degree; ant the organization will get more benefits
Esta publicación aborda, de manera monográfica, el tema del asesoramiento en educación. Han transcurrido prácticamente treinta años desde que a finales de los 70 y principios de los 80 surgieran en nuestro país los Servicios de Orientación Educativa y Vocacional (SOEV), que junto a los Institutos de Orientación Educativa y Profesional (IOEP) y los Equipos Multiprofesionales (EM) dan origen –en los 90– a los actuales Equipos de Orientación Educativa y Psicopedagógica (EOEP). Han pasado veinticinco años desde el nacimiento en España –a mediados de los 80– de los Centros de Profesores (CEP). Inspirados en los ‘Teachers Centers’ británicos, los CEP vienen a cubrir las necesidades de formación permanente del profesorado como respuesta a la inoperancia de los Institutos de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) del momento. Han sido, pues, treinta años de lo que ha venido a llamarse asesoramiento institucional, esto es, asesoramiento organizado y estructurado, ofertado desde sistemas de apoyo a la escuela, dando cabida en u actuación a multitud de iniciativas y prácticas de apoyo entre las que se encuentran las de asesoramiento, entremezclándose y confundiéndose a veces como prácticas de orientación, a veces como formación, o simplemente como actividades de asistencia y colaboración entre profesionales para la resolución de necesidades y problemas en el seno de nuestras escuelas. Y tal ha sido su diversidad y tipología, su riqueza y amplitud, que se han invertido no pocos esfuerzos, debates y ríos de tinta para comprender y definir, clasificar y etiquetar un ingente y variopinto conjunto de prácticas que convenimos en llamar, de asesoramiento
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ymmärtää luottamuksen syntyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä työyhteisössä ja löytää Reumakonsernin luottamuksen kehittämiskohteet. Tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka sekundaariaineistona käytetään Reumakonsernissa tehtyä mainetutkimusta ja Suomen laatupalkintoarvioijien Reumakonsernille antamaa palautetta. Primaariaineiston muodostavat tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaation kahdentoista keskijohdon edustajan teemahaastattelut. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että Reumakonsernin luottamuksen kehittämiskohteet liittyvät institutionaalisessa luottamuksessa rakenteelliseen takuuseen eli vastuusuhteiden selkiyttämiseen ja yhteisten toimintasääntöjen määrittämiseen. Ihmisten välisen luottamuksen kehittämiskohteet ovat osaamiseen luottaminen ja luotettavuuteen liittyvät tekijät: lupausten pitäminen ja luottamuksellisuus. Reumakonsernin luottamuksen kehittäminen edellyttää sellaisen yhteisen vuorovaikutuskulttuurin luomista, joka mahdollistaa yhteisten kokemusten synnyn ja tätä kautta yhteisten arvojen ja tavoitteiden sisäistämisen.
We tested whether we could teach individuals to behave more charismatically, andwhether changes in charisma affected leader outcomes. In Study 1, a mixed-design fieldexperiment, we randomly assigned 34 middle-level managers to a control or anexperimental group. Three months later, we reassessed the managers using theircoworker ratings (Time 1 raters = 343; Time 2 raters = 321). In Study 2, a within-subjectslaboratory experiment, we videotaped 41 MBA participants giving a speech. We thentaught them how to behave more charismatically, and they redelivered the speech6 weeks later. Independent assessors (n = 135) rated the speeches. Results from thestudies indicated that the training had significant effects on ratings of leader charisma(mean D = .62) and that charisma had significant effects on ratings of leaderprototypicality and emergence................................................................................................................................
Although pharmaceutical metabolites are found in the aquatic environment, their toxicity on living organisms is poorly studied in general. Endoxifen and 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (4OHTam) are two metabolites of the widely used anticancer drug tamoxifen for the prevention and treatment of breast cancers. Both metabolites have a high pharmacological potency in vertebrates, attributing prodrug characteristics to tamoxifen. Tamoxifen and its metabolites are body-excreted by patients, and the parent compound is found in sewage treatment plan effluents and natural waters. The toxicity of these potent metabolites on non-target aquatic species is unknown, which forces environmental risk assessors to predict their toxicity on aquatic species using knowledge on the parent compounds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of two generations of the freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia pulex towards 4OHTam and endoxifen. Two chronic tests of 4OHTam and endoxifen were run in parallel and several endpoints were assessed. The results show that the metabolites 4OHTam and endoxifen induced reproductive and survival effects. For both metabolites, the sensitivity of D. pulex increased in the second generation. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) decreased with increasing 4OHTam and endoxifen concentrations. The No-Observed Effect Concentrations (NOECs) calculated for the reproduction of the second generation exposed to 4OHTam and endoxifen were <1.8 and 4.3μg/L, respectively, whereas the NOECs that were calculated for the intrinsic rate of natural increase were <1.8 and 0.4μg/L, respectively. Our study raises questions about prodrug and active metabolites in environmental toxicology assessments of pharmaceuticals. Our findings also emphasize the importance of performing long-term experiments and considering multi-endpoints instead of the standard reproduction outcome.
The sensory, physical and chemical characteristics of 'Douradão' peaches cold stored in different modified atmosphere packaging (LDPE bags of 30, 50, 60, 75µm thickness) were studied. After 14, 21 and 28 days of cold storage (1 ± 1 ºC and 90 ± 5% RH), samples were withdrawn from MAP and kept during 4 days in ambient air for ripening. Descriptive terminology and sensory profile of the peaches were developed by methodology based on the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). The assessors consensually defined the sensory descriptors, their respective reference materials and the descriptive evaluation ballot. Fourteen individuals were selected as judges based on their discrimination capacity and reproducibility. Seven descriptors were generated showing similarities and differences among the samples. The data were analysed by ANOVA, Tukey test and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The atmospheres that developed inside the different packaging materials during cold storage differed significantly. The PCA showed that MA50 and MA60 treatments were more characterized by the fresh peach flavour, fresh appearance, juiciness and flesh firmness, and were effective for keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peaches during 28 d of cold storage. The Control and MA30 treatments were characterized by the mealiness, the MA75 treatment showed lower intensity for all attributes evaluated and they were ineffective to maintain good quality of the fruits during cold storage. Higher correlation coefficients (positive) were found between fresh appearance and flesh firmness (0.95), fresh appearance and juiciness (0.97), ratio and intensity of fresh peach smell (0.81), as well as higher correlation coefficients (negative) between Hue angle and intensity of yellow colour (-0.91), fresh appearance and mealiness (-0.92), juiciness and mealiness (-0.95), firmness and mealiness (-0.94).
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia kuinka organisaation kyvykkyyksiä voidaan mitata engineering- ja konsultointialalla käyttämällä ns. kyvykkyysauditointimenetelmää. Päämotiivit aineettoman omaisuuden mittaamiseksi tunnistettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen pohjalta. Erilaisten menetelmien etuja ja haittoja tutkittiin, jotta kyvykkyysauditoinnin suorittamiseen liittyvät haasteet ja vaatimukset tulisivat tunnistetuiksi. Kyvykkyysauditoinnin rakentaminen vaati teollisuudenalan erityispiirteiden tunnistamista. Niiksi havaittiin tietointensiivisyys ja projektikeskeisyys. Auditoinnin implementaatioprosessi koostui neljästä osasta, joista kolmen ensimmäisen suorittamiseen case-yritys antoi merkittävän panoksensa. Kriittisten menestystekijöiden selvittämisen jälkeen voitiin niihin vaikuttavat organisaation kyvykkyydet tunnistaa ja arviointi suorittaa. Arvioinnit kerättiin sisäisiltä ja ulkoisilta arvioijilta, ja ne muodostivat pohjan analyysille, joka selvitti yrityksen kehittämistarpeita. Kyvykkyysauditoinnin hyödyiksi laskettiin kasvanut tietämys yrityksen vahvuuksista ja heikkouksista sekä mahdollisuus tarkkailla säännöllisesti sen kokonaissuorituskykyä ja parantaa sitä.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää pienen osakeyhtiön sukupolvenvaihdosta ja siihen olennaisesti liittyviä verotustilanteita, kun yhtiö lunastaa omia osakkeitaan OYL 7. luvun tarkoittamalla tavalla. Tutkimus pohjautuu suomalaiseen oikeustieteelliseen kirjallisuuteen ja artikkeleihin, lisäksi tutkimuksessa on aineistona käytetty verosäädöksiin liittyviä oikeustapauksia. Yhtiön lunastaessa osakkeitaan luopujaa verotetaan sukupolvenvaihdoksen yhteydessä mahdollisesta myyntivoitosta normaalien myyntivoittoverosäädösten mukaisesti. Osakkeen lunastushinnan määrittäminen pienessä osakeyhtiössä käyvän hinnan tasolle on vaikeaa, koska vertailuhintoja osakkeesta on vaikea saada. Lunastushinnan määrittäminen väärälle tasolle, voi johtaa peitellystä osingosta verottamiseen. Yhtiö voi puolestaan menettää sukupolvenvaihdoksessa aiemmin vahvistetut tappiot ja yhtiöverohyvitykset. Jatkajalle omien osakkeiden luovutus saattaa aiheuttaa peitellystä osingosta tai lahjasta verottamisen, jos luovutushinta on alle käyvän hintatason.
D"entre les diferents modalitats de formació l"assessorament és, cada vegada més, el format millor valorat, perquè esdevé una modalitat que genera reflexió sobre la pràctica, intercanvi d"experiències i pràctiques, creació i consolidació de cultura docent pròpia i cerca de consens quan la persona que exerceix d"assessor ho fa amb professionalitat i compromís.
This study compares the impact of quality management tools on the performance of organisations utilising the ISO 9001:2000 standard as a basis for a quality-management system band those utilising the EFQM model for this purpose. A survey is conducted among 107 experienced and independent quality-management assessors. The study finds that organisations with qualitymanagement systems based on the ISO 9001:2000 standard tend to use general-purpose qualitative tools, and that these do have a relatively positive impact on their general performance. In contrast, organisations adopting the EFQM model tend to use more specialised quantitative tools, which produce significant improvements in specific aspects of their performance. The findings of the study will enable organisations to choose the most effective quality-improvement tools for their particular quality strategy
Aquest treball analitza el contingut de la doctrina del Conseil Constitutionnel francès en relació amb les successives normes reguladores de l'Impost de solidaritat sobre la fortuna (ISF). Després de descriure els elements bàsics d'aquest impost i de la institució del Conseil Constitutionnel, s'analitzen els principis constitucionals en matèria tributària de capacitat econòmica i d'igualtat davant l'impost que són seleccionats per efectuar el control de constitucionalitat. Utilitzant aquests principis com a instrument d'habilitació, s'ha legitimat el patrimoni com a mostra de capacitat econòmica de les persones físiques, i la limitació de la quota de gravamen de l'ISF com a forma d'aplicar el principi de prohibició de confiscatorietat. Sobre la base de l'elaboració que s'ha fet del principi d'igualtat tributària, s'ha admès la introducció de beneficis fiscals a la regulació de l'ISF i les especificitats d'aquest impost que tributa respecte als elements personals.
Objectif STOPP/START est un outil de détection de la prescription médicamenteuse potentiellement inappropriée chez la personne de 65 ans ou plus. La version initiale de 2008 vient d'être mise à jour et améliorée par ses auteurs. Nous en présentons l'adaptation et la validation en langue française. Méthodes L'adaptation en français de l'outil STOPP/START.v2 a été réalisée par deux experts, confirmée par la méthode de traduction-inverse, et finalisée d'après les commentaires de neufs évaluateurs francophones, gériatres, pharmaciens cliniciens, et médecin généraliste de quatre pays (France, Belgique, Suisse, Canada). La validation a été complétée par une analyse de concordance inter-juge (CCI) des critères STOPP/START.v2 appliqués à dix vignettes cliniques standardisées. Résultats Les 115 critères de STOPP/START.v2 en français sont, par rapport à la version originale anglaise, identiques par leur classification mais adaptés en termes de présentation (critères START.v2 commençant par la condition clinique, et accompagnés par une justification du caractère inapproprié de l'omission) voire de formulation de certains critères. Cette adaptation en français est validée par (i) la traduction-inverse montrant le respect du sens clinique de la version originale, (ii) l'identification semblable des critères lorsque appliqués à dix vignettes cliniques par les neuf évaluateurs, et (iii) le haut niveau de concordance de ces neuf évaluations tant pour STOPP.v2 (CCI 0,849) que pour START.v2 (CCI 0,921). Conclusion L'adaptation en langue française des critères STOPP/START.v2 fournit aux cliniciens un outil de détection de la prescription médicamenteuse potentiellement inappropriée chez les personnes de 65 ans et plus qui est logique, fiable et facile à utiliser. Objective STOPP/START is a screening tool to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in persons aged 65 or older. Its Irish authors recently updated and improved the initially published version of 2008. We present the adaptation and validation into French language of this updated tool. Methods STOPP/START.v2 was adapted into French by two experts, then confirmed by a translation-back translation method and finalised according to the comments of nine French-speaking assessors - geriatricians, pharmacologists and a general physician - from four countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada). The validation was completed by an inter-rater reliability (IRR) analysis of the STOPP/START.v2 criteria applied to 10 standardized clinical vignettes. Results In comparison to the original English version, the 115 STOPP/START.v2 criteria in French language classify in identical manner, but the presentation has been adjusted (START.v2 first specifies the clinical condition followed by an explanation of the inappropriateness of the prescription or omission). This adaptation into French language was validated by means of (i) the translation/back-translation, which showed that the French version complied with the clinical meaning of the original criteria; (ii) the similar screening results when applied by the nine specialists to the 10 cases; and (iii) the high level of inter-rater reliability of these 9 evaluations, for both STOPP (IRR 0.849) and START.v2 (IRR 0.921). Conclusion The adaptation into French of the STOPP/START.v2 criteria provides clinicians with a screening tool to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in patients aged 65 and older that is more logical, more reliable and easier to use.
BACKGROUND: Antiretroviral regimens containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate have been associated with renal toxicity and reduced bone mineral density. Tenofovir alafenamide is a novel tenofovir prodrug that reduces tenofovir plasma concentrations by 90%, thereby decreasing off-target side-effects. We aimed to assess whether efficacy, safety, and tolerability were non-inferior in patients switched to a regimen containing tenofovir alafenamide versus in those remaining on one containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. METHODS: In this randomised, actively controlled, multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority trial, we recruited HIV-1-infected adults from Gilead clinical studies at 168 sites in 19 countries. Patients were virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies per mL) with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 50 mL per min or greater, and were taking one of four tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing regimens for at least 96 weeks before enrolment. With use of a third-party computer-generated sequence, patients were randomly assigned (2:1) to receive a once-a-day single-tablet containing elvitegravir 150 mg, cobicistat 150 mg, emtricitabine 200 mg, and tenofovir alafenamide 10 mg (tenofovir alafenamide group) or to carry on taking one of four previous tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing regimens (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group) for 96 weeks. Randomisation was stratified by previous treatment regimen in blocks of six. Patients and treating physicians were not masked to the assigned study regimen; outcome assessors were masked until database lock. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients who received at least one dose of study drug who had undetectable viral load (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies per mL) at week 48. The non-inferiority margin was 12%. This study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01815736. FINDINGS: Between April 12, 2013 and April 3, 2014, we enrolled 1443 patients. 959 patients were randomly assigned to the tenofovir alafenamide group and 477 to the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group. Viral suppression at week 48 was noted in 932 (97%) patients assigned to the tenofovir alafenamide group and in 444 (93%) assigned to the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group (adjusted difference 4·1%, 95% CI 1·6-6·7), with virological failure noted in ten and six patients, respectively. The number of adverse events was similar between the two groups, but study drug-related adverse events were more common in the tenofovir alafenamide group (204 patients [21%] vs 76 [16%]). Hip and spine bone mineral density and glomerular filtration were each significantly improved in patients in the tenofovir alafenamide group compared with those in the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group. INTERPRETATION: Switching to a tenofovir alafenamide-containing regimen from one containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate was non-inferior for maintenance of viral suppression and led to improved bone mineral density and renal function. Longer term follow-up is needed to better understand the clinical impact of these changes. FUNDING: Gilead Sciences.
BACKGROUND: The ongoing Ebola outbreak led to accelerated efforts to test vaccine candidates. On the basis of a request by WHO, we aimed to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the monovalent, recombinant, chimpanzee adenovirus type-3 vector-based Ebola Zaire vaccine (ChAd3-EBO-Z). METHODS: We did this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding, phase 1/2a trial at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland. Participants (aged 18-65 years) were randomly assigned (2:2:1), via two computer-generated randomisation lists for individuals potentially deployed in endemic areas and those not deployed, to receive a single intramuscular dose of high-dose vaccine (5 × 10(10) viral particles), low-dose vaccine (2·5 × 10(10) viral particles), or placebo. Deployed participants were allocated to only the vaccine groups. Group allocation was concealed from non-deployed participants, investigators, and outcome assessors. The safety evaluation was not masked for potentially deployed participants, who were therefore not included in the safety analysis for comparison between the vaccine doses and placebo, but were pooled with the non-deployed group to compare immunogenicity. The main objectives were safety and immunogenicity of ChAd3-EBO-Z. We did analysis by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02289027. FINDINGS: Between Oct 24, 2014, and June 22, 2015, we randomly assigned 120 participants, of whom 18 (15%) were potentially deployed and 102 (85%) were non-deployed, to receive high-dose vaccine (n=49), low-dose vaccine (n=51), or placebo (n=20). Participants were followed up for 6 months. No vaccine-related serious adverse events were reported. We recorded local adverse events in 30 (75%) of 40 participants in the high-dose group, 33 (79%) of 42 participants in the low-dose group, and five (25%) of 20 participants in the placebo group. Fatigue or malaise was the most common systemic adverse event, reported in 25 (62%) participants in the high-dose group, 25 (60%) participants in the low-dose group, and five (25%) participants in the placebo group, followed by headache, reported in 23 (57%), 25 (60%), and three (15%) participants, respectively. Fever occurred 24 h after injection in 12 (30%) participants in the high-dose group and 11 (26%) participants in the low-dose group versus one (5%) participant in the placebo group. Geometric mean concentrations of IgG antibodies against Ebola glycoprotein peaked on day 28 at 51 μg/mL (95% CI 41·1-63·3) in the high-dose group, 44·9 μg/mL (25·8-56·3) in the low-dose group, and 5·2 μg/mL (3·5-7·6) in the placebo group, with respective response rates of 96% (95% CI 85·7-99·5), 96% (86·5-99·5), and 5% (0·1-24·9). Geometric mean concentrations decreased by day 180 to 25·5 μg/mL (95% CI 20·6-31·5) in the high-dose group, 22·1 μg/mL (19·3-28·6) in the low-dose group, and 3·2 μg/mL (2·4-4·9) in the placebo group. 28 (57%) participants given high-dose vaccine and 31 (61%) participants given low-dose vaccine developed glycoprotein-specific CD4 cell responses, and 33 (67%) and 35 (69%), respectively, developed CD8 responses. INTERPRETATION: ChAd3-EBO-Z was safe and well tolerated, although mild to moderate systemic adverse events were common. A single dose was immunogenic in almost all vaccine recipients. Antibody responses were still significantly present at 6 months. There was no significant difference between doses for safety and immunogenicity outcomes. This acceptable safety profile provides a reliable basis to proceed with phase 2 and phase 3 efficacy trials in Africa. FUNDING: Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), through the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.