762 resultados para Amyotropic lateral sclerosis - Patients - Australia
Reach task-associated excitatory overdrive of motor cortical neurons following infusion with ALS-CSF
Converging evidence from transgenic animal models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and human studies suggest alterations in excitability of the motor neurons in ALS. Specifically, in studies on human subjects with ALS the motor cortex was reported to be hyperexcitable. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that infusion of cerebrospinal fluid from patients with sporadic ALS (ALS-CSF) into the rat brain ventricle can induce hyperexcitability and structural changes in the motor cortex leading to motor dysfunction. A robust model of sporadic ALS was developed experimentally by infusing ALS-CSF into the rat ventricle. The effects of ALS-CSF at the single neuron level were examined by recording extracellular single unit activity from the motor cortex while rats were performing a reach to grasp task. We observed an increase in the firing rate of the neurons of the motor cortex in rats infused with ALS-CSF compared to control groups. This was associated with impairment in a specific component of reach with alterations in the morphological characteristics of the motor cortex. It is likely that the increased cortical excitability observed in the present study could be the result of changes in the intrinsic properties of motor cortical neurons, a dysfunctional inhibitory mechanism and/or an underlying structural change culminating in a behavioral deficit.
Background: There is growing evidence that microglia are key players in the pathological process of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It is suggested that microglia have a dual role in motoneurone degeneration through the release of both neuroprotective and neurotoxic factors. Results: To identify candidate genes that may be involved in ALS pathology we have analysed at early symptomatic age (P90), the molecular signature of microglia from the lumbar region of the spinal cord of hSOD1(G93A) mice, the most widely used animal model of ALS. We first identified unique hSOD1(G93A) microglia transcriptomic profile that, in addition to more classical processes such as chemotaxis and immune response, pointed toward the potential involvement of the tumour suppressor gene breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (Brca1). Secondly, comparison with our previous data on hSOD1(G93A) motoneurone gene profile substantiated the putative contribution of Brca1 in ALS. Finally, we established that Brca1 protein is specifically expressed in human spinal microglia and is up-regulated in ALS patients. Conclusions: Overall, our data provide new insights into the pathogenic concept of a non-cell-autonomous disease and the involvement of microglia in ALS. Importantly, the identification of Brca1 as a novel microglial marker and as possible contributor in both human and animal model of ALS may represent a valid therapeutic target. Moreover, our data points toward novel research strategies such as investigating the role of oncogenic proteins in neurodegenerative diseases.
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Oligodendroglia support axon survival and function through mechanisms independent of myelination, and their dysfunction leads to axon degeneration in several diseases. The cause of this degeneration has not been determined, but lack of energy metabolites such as glucose or lactate has been proposed. Lactate is transported exclusively by monocarboxylate transporters, and changes to these transporters alter lactate production and use. Here we show that the most abundant lactate transporter in the central nervous system, monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1, also known as SLC16A1), is highly enriched within oligodendroglia and that disruption of this transporter produces axon damage and neuron loss in animal and cell culture models. In addition, this same transporter is reduced in patients with, and in mouse models of, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, suggesting a role for oligodendroglial MCT1 in pathogenesis. The role of oligodendroglia in axon function and neuron survival has been elusive; this study defines a new fundamental mechanism by which oligodendroglia support neurons and axons.
Les lésions de la moelle épinière ont un impact significatif sur la qualité de la vie car elles peuvent induire des déficits moteurs (paralysie) et sensoriels. Ces déficits évoluent dans le temps à mesure que le système nerveux central se réorganise, en impliquant des mécanismes physiologiques et neurochimiques encore mal connus. L'ampleur de ces déficits ainsi que le processus de réhabilitation dépendent fortement des voies anatomiques qui ont été altérées dans la moelle épinière. Il est donc crucial de pouvoir attester l'intégrité de la matière blanche après une lésion spinale et évaluer quantitativement l'état fonctionnel des neurones spinaux. Un grand intérêt de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est qu'elle permet d'imager de façon non invasive les propriétés fonctionnelles et anatomiques du système nerveux central. Le premier objectif de ce projet de thèse a été de développer l'IRM de diffusion afin d'évaluer l'intégrité des axones de la matière blanche après une lésion médullaire. Le deuxième objectif a été d'évaluer dans quelle mesure l'IRM fonctionnelle permet de mesurer l'activité des neurones de la moelle épinière. Bien que largement appliquées au cerveau, l'IRM de diffusion et l'IRM fonctionnelle de la moelle épinière sont plus problématiques. Les difficultés associées à l'IRM de la moelle épinière relèvent de sa fine géométrie (environ 1 cm de diamètre chez l'humain), de la présence de mouvements d'origine physiologique (cardiaques et respiratoires) et de la présence d'artefacts de susceptibilité magnétique induits par les inhomogénéités de champ, notamment au niveau des disques intervertébraux et des poumons. L'objectif principal de cette thèse a donc été de développer des méthodes permettant de contourner ces difficultés. Ce développement a notamment reposé sur l'optimisation des paramètres d'acquisition d'images anatomiques, d'images pondérées en diffusion et de données fonctionnelles chez le chat et chez l'humain sur un IRM à 3 Tesla. En outre, diverses stratégies ont été étudiées afin de corriger les distorsions d'images induites par les artefacts de susceptibilité magnétique, et une étude a été menée sur la sensibilité et la spécificité de l'IRM fonctionnelle de la moelle épinière. Les résultats de ces études démontrent la faisabilité d'acquérir des images pondérées en diffusion de haute qualité, et d'évaluer l'intégrité de voies spinales spécifiques après lésion complète et partielle. De plus, l'activité des neurones spinaux a pu être détectée par IRM fonctionnelle chez des chats anesthésiés. Bien qu'encourageants, ces résultats mettent en lumière la nécessité de développer davantage ces nouvelles techniques. L'existence d'un outil de neuroimagerie fiable et robuste, capable de confirmer les paramètres cliniques, permettrait d'améliorer le diagnostic et le pronostic chez les patients atteints de lésions médullaires. Un des enjeux majeurs serait de suivre et de valider l'effet de diverses stratégies thérapeutiques. De telles outils représentent un espoir immense pour nombre de personnes souffrant de traumatismes et de maladies neurodégénératives telles que les lésions de la moelle épinière, les tumeurs spinales, la sclérose en plaques et la sclérose latérale amyotrophique.
La sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) est une maladie neurodégénérative due à une dégénérescence des motoneurones. Plus de 40 mutations du gène TARDBP ont été identifiées chez des patients SLA. Les défauts biochimiques de ces mutations étant encore inconnus, les modèles animaux sont présentement la seule mesure possible d’un phénotype. Pour étudier les conséquences physiopathologiques d’une de ces mutations, nous avons développé deux lignées transgéniques de poisson zébré, exprimant le gène humain TARDBP soit de type sauvage, soit avec la mutation G348C liée à la SLA, sous le contrôle d’un promoteur de choc thermique. Ces lignées ont été étudiées sur trois générations, après avoir établi un protocole de choc thermique induisant une expression ubiquitaire du transgène. Les embryons transgéniques de la génération F2 de la lignée exprimant la mutation développent un phénotype moteur suite à un choc thermique de 38.5°C pendant 30 minutes lorsque les embryons sont à 18 heures post-fertilisation. 60% des embryons ont une réponse anormale au toucher. De plus, une réduction de 28% de la longueur de pré-branchement des axones des motoneurones est observée. Ces résultats indiquent que notre lignée exprimant la protéine mutante TDP-43 est un modèle génétique de la SLA prometteur, qui ouvre des perspectives pour la compréhension de la physiopathologie de la maladie et la découverte de molécules thérapeutiques.
La atrofia multisistémica (AMS) es una enfermedad degenerativa caracterizada por disautonomías y síntomas extrapiramidales. El diagnóstico diferencial con otros parkinsonismos es difícil, por lo cual se requiere una ayuda paraclínica para soportar el diagnóstico clínico. La degeneración del núcleo de Onuf, exclusiva en esta enfermedad, podría sugerir que la presencia de denervación en el esfínter anal podría ser tomada en cuenta como criterio diagnóstico de AMS. Se realizó una revisión sistemática con el fin de determinar la utilidad de la electromiografía de esfínter anal (EMG-EA) en el diagnóstico diferencial de AMS contra otros parkinsonismos. Se incluyeron 17 estudios que analizaron los resultados de EMG-EA en pacientes con AMS. De éstos, 11 de estudios fueron analíticos y compararon pacientes con AMS y otros parkinsonismos. Los 6 estudios restantes fueron descriptivos. La duración de los potenciales de unidad motora (PUM) es significativamente mayor en pacientes con AMS comparados con otros parkinsonismos, y utilizando un punto de corte > 13 ms muestra características operativas que hacen a este parámetro potencialmente útil. Solo un estudio encontró diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de PUM polifásicos, el cual tuvo una sensibilidad y especificidad clínicamente útil cuando el punto de corte es mayor a 60%. El resto de los estudios no reportan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre parkinsonismos. La literatura disponible apunta a la potencial utilidad de la EMG-EA en el diagnóstico diferencial de la AMS de otros parkinsonismos; sin embargo es necesario conducir más estudios para solventar las limitaciones metodológicas existentes.
Objective: To investigate whether submicroscopic copy number variants (CNVs) on the X chromosome can be identified in women with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), defined as spontaneous secondary amenorrhea before 40 years of age accompanied by follicle-stimulating hormone levels above 40 IU/L on at least two occasions. Design: Analysis of intensity data of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) probes generated by genomewide Illumina 370k CNV BeadChips, followed by the validation of identified loci using a custom designed ultra-high-density comparative genomic hybridization array containing 48,325 probes evenly distributed over the X chromosome. Setting: Multicenter genetic cohort study in the Netherlands. Patient(s): 108 Dutch Caucasian women with POI, 97 of whom passed quality control, who had a normal karyogram and absent fragile X premutation, and 235 healthy Dutch Caucasian women as controls. Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Amount and locus of X chromosomal microdeletions or duplications. Result(s): Intensity differences between SNP probes identify microdeletions and duplications. The initial analysis identified an overrepresentation of deletions in POI patients. Moreover, CNVs in two genes on the Xq21.3 locus (i.e., PCDH11X and TGIF2LX) were statistically significantly associated with the POI phenotype. Mean size of identified CNVs was 262 kb. However, in the validation study the identified putative Xq21.3 deletions samples did not show deviations in intensities in consecutive probes. Conclusion(s): X chromosomal submicroscopic CNVs do not play a major role in Caucasian POI patients. We provide guidelines on how submicroscopic cytogenetic POI research should be conducted. (Fertil Steril (R) 2011;95:1584-8. (C) 2011 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa aktuell forskning som beskriver hur det är att leva med Amyotrofisk Lateral Skleros (ALS). Metod: Vetenskapliga artiklar söktes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Tolv artiklar med kvalitativ ansats valdes ut och kvalitetsgranskades enligt granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att de som drabbades av ALS, en obotlig sjukdom, och deras närstående utsattes för stora psykologiska påfrestningar. Det fanns en rädsla och oro över att förlora kroppsfunktioner utan förvarning och detta medförde att patienter med ALS kände sig som fångar i den egna kroppen. Självförtroende och självkänsla rubbades negativt och bidrog till stunder av isolering, uppgivenhet och frustration. För att hantera sin livssituation använde sig patienter med ALS av olika strategier och livsstilsförändringar för att underlätta och möjliggöra ett oberoende i vardagen. Känslor av skuld och skam över familjens lidande i samband med sjukdomen ALS kunde bli en börda att bära för patienter med ALS och dessa känslor kunde generera till ett ökat kontrollbehov av omgivningen. Patienter med ALS hade kvar en känsla av hopp inför framtiden. Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten kan öka förståelsen hos sjuksköterskan och de närstående hur det är att leva med sjukdomen ALS och därmed skapa bättre individuella förutsättningar för god omvårdnad och god omsorg för patienter med ALS.
According to clinical and pre-clinical studies, oxidative stress and its consequences may be the cause or, at least, a contributing factor, to a large number of neurodegenerative diseases. These diseases include common and debilitating disorders, characterized by progressive and irreversible loss of neurons in specific regions of the brain. The most common neurodegenerative diseases are Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)) has been extensively studied since its discovery in 1957. It is a component of the electron transportation chain and participates in aerobic cellular respiration, generating energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The property of CoQ(10) to act as an antioxidant or a pro-oxidant, suggests that it also plays an important role in the modulation of redox cellular status under physiological and pathological conditions, also performing a role in the ageing process. In several animal models of neurodegenerative diseases, CoQ(10) has shown beneficial effects in reducing disease progression. However, further studies are needed to assess the outcome and effectiveness of CoQ(10) before exposing patients to unnecessary health risks at significant costs.
Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the DYMUS questionnaire for the assessment of dysphagia in multiple sclerosis. The original English version of the DYMUS was translated using the forward-backward technique, cross-culturally adaptated, pilot-tested in 40 patients, and then applied to 100 multiple sclerosis patients to assess the reliability and construct validity. Construct validity was assessed by Mann–Whitney test and Spearman’s correlation coefficient (rs). The internal consistency of the questionnaire was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and inter-item correlation. DYMUS-BR internal consistency was high (Cronbach’s alpha= 0.72); Cronbach’s alpha was 0.65 for the ‘dysphagia for solids’ subscale and 0.67 for the ‘dysphagia for liquids’ subscale and positive inter-item correlations was found between all items, except for weight loss question. Significant association (p<0.001) and correlation (rs = 0,357; p = 0.01) was found between DYMUS-BR and dysphagia self-assessment. The DYMUS-BR questionnaire maintained the characteristics of that originally described, demonstrating to be a reliable, valid, easy and consistent tool to be used by health professionals for preliminary selection of Brazilian MS patients who need more specific instrumental analyses of swallowing.
Lithium salts have a well-established role in the treatment of major affective disorders. More recently, experimental and clinical studies have provided evidence that lithium may also exert neuroprotective effects. In animal and cell culture models, lithium has been shown to increase neuronal viability through a combination of mechanisms that includes the inhibition of apoptosis, regulation of autophagy, increased mitochondrial function, and synthesis of neurotrophic factors. In humans, lithium treatment has been associated with humoral and structural evidence of neuroprotection, such as increased expression of anti-apoptotic genes, inhibition of cellular oxidative stress, synthesis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), cortical thickening, increased grey matter density, and hippocampal enlargement. Recent studies addressing the inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3B) by lithium have further suggested the modification of biological cascades that pertain to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). A recent placebo-controlled clinical trial in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) showed that long-term lithium treatment may actually slow the progression of cognitive and functional deficits, and also attenuate Tau hyperphosphorylation in the MCI-AD continuum. Therefore, lithium treatment may yield disease-modifying effects in AD, both by the specific modification of its pathophysiology via inhibition of overactive GSK3B, and by the unspecific provision of neurotrophic and neuroprotective support. Although the clinical evidence available so far is promising, further experimentation and replication of the evidence in large scale clinical trials is still required to assess the benefit of lithium in the treatment or prevention of cognitive decline in the elderly.
Objective: Patients with high cervical spinal cord injury are usually dependent on mechanical ventilation support, which, albeit life saving, is associated with complications and decreased life expectancy because of respiratory infections. Diaphragm pacing stimulation (DPS), sometimes referred to as electric ventilation, induces inhalation by stimulating the inspiratory muscles. Our objective was to highlight the indications for and some aspects of the surgical technique employed in the laparoscopic insertion of the DPS electrodes, as well as to describe five cases of tetraplegic patients submitted to the technique. Methods: Patient selection involved transcutaneous phrenic nerve studies in order to determine whether the phrenic nerves were preserved. The surgical approach was traditional laparoscopy, with four ports. The initial step was electrical mapping in order to locate the "motor points" (the points at which stimulation would cause maximal contraction of the diaphragm). If the diaphragm mapping was successful, four electrodes were implanted into the abdominal surface of the diaphragm, two on each side, to stimulate the branches of the phrenic nerve. Results: Of the five patients, three could breathe using DPS alone for more than 24 h, one could do so for more than 6 h, and one could not do so at all. Conclusions: Although a longer follow-up period is needed in order to reach definitive conclusions, the initial results have been promising. At this writing, most of our patients have been able to remain ventilator-free for long periods of time.
OBJECTIVE: The standard therapy for patients with high-level spinal cord injury is long-term mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy. However, in some cases, this approach results in death or disability. The aim of this study is to highlight the anesthetics and perioperative aspects of patients undergoing insertion of a diaphragmatic pacemaker. METHODS: Five patients with quadriplegia following high cervical traumatic spinal cord injury and ventilator-dependent chronic respiratory failure were implanted with a laparoscopic diaphragmatic pacemaker after preoperative assessments of their phrenic nerve function and diaphragm contractility through transcutaneous nerve stimulation. ClinicalTrials.gov:NCT01385384. RESULTS: The diaphragmatic pacemaker placement was successful in all of the patients. Two patients presented with capnothorax during the perioperative period, which resolved without consequences. After six months, three patients achieved continuous use of the diaphragm pacing system, and one patient could be removed from mechanical ventilation for more than 4 hours per day. CONCLUSIONS: The implantation of a diaphragmatic phrenic system is a new and safe technique with potential to improve the quality of life of patients who are dependent on mechanical ventilation because of spinal cord injuries. Appropriate indication and adequate perioperative care are fundamental to achieving better results.