992 resultados para Adaptive Image


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This paper presents the design of a novel single chip adaptive beamformer capable of performing 50 Gflops, (Giga-floating-point operations/second). The core processor is a QR array implemented on a fully efficient linear systolic architecture, derived using a mapping that allows individual processors for boundary and internal cell operations. In addition, the paper highlights a number of rapid design techniques that have been used to realise this system. These include an architecture synthesis tool for quickly developing the circuit architecture and the utilisation of a library of parameterisable silicon intellectual property (IP) cores, to rapidly develop detailed silicon designs.


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Object tracking is an active research area nowadays due to its importance in human computer interface, teleconferencing and video surveillance. However, reliable tracking of objects in the presence of occlusions, pose and illumination changes is still a challenging topic. In this paper, we introduce a novel tracking approach that fuses two cues namely colour and spatio-temporal motion energy within a particle filter based framework. We conduct a measure of coherent motion over two image frames, which reveals the spatio-temporal dynamics of the target. At the same time, the importance of both colour and motion energy cues is determined in the stage of reliability evaluation. This determination helps maintain the performance of the tracking system against abrupt appearance changes. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the other state of the art techniques in the used test datasets.


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In this paper, we propose a system level design approach considering voltage over-scaling (VOS) that achieves error resiliency using unequal error protection of different computation elements, while incurring minor quality degradation. Depending on user specifications and severity of process variations/channel noise, the degree of VOS in each block of the system is adaptively tuned to ensure minimum system power while providing "just-the-right" amount of quality and robustness. This is achieved, by taking into consideration system level interactions and ensuring that under any change of operating conditions only the "lesscrucial" computations, that contribute less to block/system output quality, are affected. The design methodology applied to a DCT/IDCT system shows large power benefits (up to 69%) at reasonable image quality while tolerating errors induced by varying operating conditions (VOS, process variations, channel noise). Interestingly, the proposed IDCT scheme conceals channel noise at scaled voltages. ©2009 IEEE.


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In this paper, we propose a system level design approach considering voltage over-scaling (VOS) that achieves error resiliency using unequal error protection of different computation elements, while incurring minor quality degradation. Depending on user specifications and severity of process variations/channel noise, the degree of VOS in each block of the system is adaptively tuned to ensure minimum system power while providing "just-the-right" amount of quality and robustness. This is achieved, by taking into consideration block level interactions and ensuring that under any change of operating conditions, only the "less-crucial" computations, that contribute less to block/system output quality, are affected. The proposed approach applies unequal error protection to various blocks of a system-logic and memory-and spans multiple layers of design hierarchy-algorithm, architecture and circuit. The design methodology when applied to a multimedia subsystem shows large power benefits ( up to 69% improvement in power consumption) at reasonable image quality while tolerating errors introduced due to VOS, process variations, and channel noise.


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The I/Q mismatches in quadrature radio receivers results in finite and usually insufficient image rejection, degrading the performance greatly. In this paper we present a detailed analysis of the Blind-Source Separation (BSS) based mismatch corrector in terms of its structure, convergence and performance. The results indicate that the mismatch can be effectively compensated during the normal operation as well as in the rapidly changing environments. Since the compensation is carried out before any modulation specific processing, the proposed method works with all standard modulation formats and is amenable to low-power implementations.


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Phase and gain mismatches between the I and Q analog signal processing paths of a quadrature receiver are responsible for the generation of image signals which limit the dynamic range of a practical receiver. In this paper we analyse the effects these mismatches and propose a low-complexity blind adaptive algorithm to minimize this problem. The proposed solution is based on two, 2-tap adaptive filters, arranged in Adaptive Noise Canceller (ANC) set-up. The algorithm lends itself to efficient real-time implementation with minimal increase in modulator complexity.


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This paper deals with and details the design of a power-aware adaptive digital image rejection receiver based on blind-source-separation that alleviates the RF analog front-end impairments. Power-aware system design at the RTL level without having to redesign arithmetic circuits is used to reduce the power consumption in nomadic devices. Power-aware multipliers with configurable precision are used to trade-off the image-rejection-ratio (IRR) performance with power consumption. Results of the simulation case studies demonstrate that the IRR performance of the power-aware system is comparable to that of the normal implementation albeit degraded slightly, but well within the acceptable limits.


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Region merging algorithms commonly produce results that are seen to be far below the current commonly accepted state-of-the-art image segmentation techniques. The main challenging problem is the selection of an appropriate and computationally efficient method to control resolution and region homogeneity. In this paper we present a region merging algorithm that includes a semi-greedy criterion and an adaptive threshold to control segmentation resolution. In addition we present a new relative performance indicator that compares algorithm performance across many metrics against the results from human segmentation. Qualitative (visual) comparison demonstrates that our method produces results that outperform existing leading techniques.


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En synthèse d'images réalistes, l'intensité finale d'un pixel est calculée en estimant une intégrale de rendu multi-dimensionnelle. Une large portion de la recherche menée dans ce domaine cherche à trouver de nouvelles techniques afin de réduire le coût de calcul du rendu tout en préservant la fidelité et l'exactitude des images résultantes. En tentant de réduire les coûts de calcul afin d'approcher le rendu en temps réel, certains effets réalistes complexes sont souvent laissés de côté ou remplacés par des astuces ingénieuses mais mathématiquement incorrectes. Afin d'accélerer le rendu, plusieurs avenues de travail ont soit adressé directement le calcul de pixels individuels en améliorant les routines d'intégration numérique sous-jacentes; ou ont cherché à amortir le coût par région d'image en utilisant des méthodes adaptatives basées sur des modèles prédictifs du transport de la lumière. L'objectif de ce mémoire, et de l'article résultant, est de se baser sur une méthode de ce dernier type[Durand2005], et de faire progresser la recherche dans le domaine du rendu réaliste adaptatif rapide utilisant une analyse du transport de la lumière basée sur la théorie de Fourier afin de guider et prioriser le lancer de rayons. Nous proposons une approche d'échantillonnage et de reconstruction adaptative pour le rendu de scènes animées illuminées par cartes d'environnement, permettant la reconstruction d'effets tels que les ombres et les réflexions de tous les niveaux fréquentiels, tout en préservant la cohérence temporelle.


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The work is intended to study the following important aspects of document image processing and develop new methods. (1) Segmentation ofdocument images using adaptive interval valued neuro-fuzzy method. (2) Improving the segmentation procedure using Simulated Annealing technique. (3) Development of optimized compression algorithms using Genetic Algorithm and parallel Genetic Algorithm (4) Feature extraction of document images (5) Development of IV fuzzy rules. This work also helps for feature extraction and foreground and background identification. The proposed work incorporates Evolutionary and hybrid methods for segmentation and compression of document images. A study of different neural networks used in image processing, the study of developments in the area of fuzzy logic etc is carried out in this work


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In this paper, a new directionally adaptive, learning based, single image super resolution method using multiple direction wavelet transform, called Directionlets is presented. This method uses directionlets to effectively capture directional features and to extract edge information along different directions of a set of available high resolution images .This information is used as the training set for super resolving a low resolution input image and the Directionlet coefficients at finer scales of its high-resolution image are learned locally from this training set and the inverse Directionlet transform recovers the super-resolved high resolution image. The simulation results showed that the proposed approach outperforms standard interpolation techniques like Cubic spline interpolation as well as standard Wavelet-based learning, both visually and in terms of the mean squared error (mse) values. This method gives good result with aliased images also.


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The thesis explores the area of still image compression. The image compression techniques can be broadly classified into lossless and lossy compression. The most common lossy compression techniques are based on Transform coding, Vector Quantization and Fractals. Transform coding is the simplest of the above and generally employs reversible transforms like, DCT, DWT, etc. Mapped Real Transform (MRT) is an evolving integer transform, based on real additions alone. The present research work aims at developing new image compression techniques based on MRT. Most of the transform coding techniques employ fixed block size image segmentation, usually 8×8. Hence, a fixed block size transform coding is implemented using MRT and the merits and demerits are analyzed for both 8×8 and 4×4 blocks. The N2 unique MRT coefficients, for each block, are computed using templates. Considering the merits and demerits of fixed block size transform coding techniques, a hybrid form of these techniques is implemented to improve the performance of compression. The performance of the hybrid coder is found to be better compared to the fixed block size coders. Thus, if the block size is made adaptive, the performance can be further improved. In adaptive block size coding, the block size may vary from the size of the image to 2×2. Hence, the computation of MRT using templates is impractical due to memory requirements. So, an adaptive transform coder based on Unique MRT (UMRT), a compact form of MRT, is implemented to get better performance in terms of PSNR and HVS The suitability of MRT in vector quantization of images is then experimented. The UMRT based Classified Vector Quantization (CVQ) is implemented subsequently. The edges in the images are identified and classified by employing a UMRT based criteria. Based on the above experiments, a new technique named “MRT based Adaptive Transform Coder with Classified Vector Quantization (MATC-CVQ)”is developed. Its performance is evaluated and compared against existing techniques. A comparison with standard JPEG & the well-known Shapiro’s Embedded Zero-tree Wavelet (EZW) is done and found that the proposed technique gives better performance for majority of images


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Self-organizing neural networks have been implemented in a wide range of application areas such as speech processing, image processing, optimization and robotics. Recent variations to the basic model proposed by the authors enable it to order state space using a subset of the input vector and to apply a local adaptation procedure that does not rely on a predefined test duration limit. Both these variations have been incorporated into a new feature map architecture that forms an integral part of an Hybrid Learning System (HLS) based on a genetic-based classifier system. Problems are represented within HLS as objects characterized by environmental features. Objects controlled by the system have preset targets set against a subset of their features. The system's objective is to achieve these targets by evolving a behavioural repertoire that efficiently explores and exploits the problem environment. Feature maps encode two types of knowledge within HLS — long-term memory traces of useful regularities within the environment and the classifier performance data calibrated against an object's feature states and targets. Self-organization of these networks constitutes non-genetic-based (experience-driven) learning within HLS. This paper presents a description of the HLS architecture and an analysis of the modified feature map implementing associative memory. Initial results are presented that demonstrate the behaviour of the system on a simple control task.