228 resultados para AK43-4880
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Changes in the angle of illumination incident upon a 3D surface texture can significantly alter its appearance, implying variations in the image texture. These texture variations produce displacements of class members in the feature space, increasing the failure rates of texture classifiers. To avoid this problem, a model-based texture recognition system which classifies textures seen from different distances and under different illumination directions is presented in this paper. The system works on the basis of a surface model obtained by means of 4-source colour photometric stereo, used to generate 2D image textures under different illumination directions. The recognition system combines coocurrence matrices for feature extraction with a Nearest Neighbour classifier. Moreover, the recognition allows one to guess the approximate direction of the illumination used to capture the test image
In this paper a colour texture segmentation method, which unifies region and boundary information, is proposed. The algorithm uses a coarse detection of the perceptual (colour and texture) edges of the image to adequately place and initialise a set of active regions. Colour texture of regions is modelled by the conjunction of non-parametric techniques of kernel density estimation (which allow to estimate the colour behaviour) and classical co-occurrence matrix based texture features. Therefore, region information is defined and accurate boundary information can be extracted to guide the segmentation process. Regions concurrently compete for the image pixels in order to segment the whole image taking both information sources into account. Furthermore, experimental results are shown which prove the performance of the proposed method
This paper presents the implementation details of a coded structured light system for rapid shape acquisition of unknown surfaces. Such techniques are based on the projection of patterns onto a measuring surface and grabbing images of every projection with a camera. Analyzing the pattern deformations that appear in the images, 3D information of the surface can be calculated. The implemented technique projects a unique pattern so that it can be used to measure moving surfaces. The structure of the pattern is a grid where the color of the slits are selected using a De Bruijn sequence. Moreover, since both axis of the pattern are coded, the cross points of the grid have two codewords (which permits to reconstruct them very precisely), while pixels belonging to horizontal and vertical slits have also a codeword. Different sets of colors are used for horizontal and vertical slits, so the resulting pattern is invariant to rotation. Therefore, the alignment constraint between camera and projector considered by a lot of authors is not necessary
In this paper a novel rank estimation technique for trajectories motion segmentation within the Local Subspace Affinity (LSA) framework is presented. This technique, called Enhanced Model Selection (EMS), is based on the relationship between the estimated rank of the trajectory matrix and the affinity matrix built by LSA. The results on synthetic and real data show that without any a priori knowledge, EMS automatically provides an accurate and robust rank estimation, improving the accuracy of the final motion segmentation
La crisis financiera hipotecaria de 2008 en la que se declaró en quiebra el banco de inversión Lehman Brothers, se desarrolló en un ambiente que contemplaba apalancamientos financieros excesivos y el uso de derivados financieros de crédito innovadores. Razón por la cual, a partir del estudio de caso de quiebra de este banco de inversión y el análisis de las causas y consecuencias del ambiente desregulatorio que surgió en Estados Unidos desde la década de los 30 hasta el 2000, se orienta la investigación a indagar sobre lo que sucede en términos regulatorios y empresariales en el mercado de valores colombiano y así lograr definir objetivos que permitan el crecimiento del mercado de derivados exóticos en Colombia bajo un marco de responsabilidad financiera y ética empresarial.
In this paper, an information theoretic framework for image segmentation is presented. This approach is based on the information channel that goes from the image intensity histogram to the regions of the partitioned image. It allows us to define a new family of segmentation methods which maximize the mutual information of the channel. Firstly, a greedy top-down algorithm which partitions an image into homogeneous regions is introduced. Secondly, a histogram quantization algorithm which clusters color bins in a greedy bottom-up way is defined. Finally, the resulting regions in the partitioning algorithm can optionally be merged using the quantized histogram
La present tesi està centrada en l'ús de la Teoria de Semblança Quàntica per a calcular descriptors moleculars. Aquests descriptors s'utilitzen com a paràmetres estructurals per a derivar correlacions entre l'estructura i la funció o activitat experimental per a un conjunt de compostos. Els estudis de Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat són d'especial interès per al disseny racional de molècules assistit per ordinador i, en particular, per al disseny de fàrmacs. Aquesta memòria consta de quatre parts diferenciades. En els dos primers blocs es revisen els fonaments de la teoria de semblança quàntica, així com l'aproximació topològica basada en la teoria de grafs. Ambdues teories es fan servir per a calcular els descriptors moleculars. En el segon bloc, s'ha de remarcar la programació i implementació de programari per a calcular els anomenats índexs topològics de semblança quàntica. La tercera secció detalla les bases de les Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat i, finalment, el darrer apartat recull els resultats d'aplicació obtinguts per a diferents sistemes biològics.
La Constitución de Montecristi de 2008 significó una ruptura con los paradigmas constitucionales y económicos clásicos predominantes en el mundo al crear y diseñar nuevos paradigmas de entender el sistema económico, basados en valores éticos y sociales, el papel del Estado, la centralidad de los derechos constitucionales en el accionar público y, sobre todo, la interconexión e interdependencia entre derechos constitucionales, Estado y sistema económico orientados a lograr el buen vivir. Sin lugar a dudas, los aspectos más significativos en los campos jurídico-institucional y económico de la Constitución de Montecristi son el haber establecido el Sistema Económico Social y Solidario (Art.283) y el Estado de derechos y justicia (Art.1), los cuales constituyen una estructura interdependiente orientada a la consecución de los derechos constitucionales y el buen vivir no solo de los ciudadanos, sino también de la naturaleza. El Estado constitucional de derechos y justicia y el sistema económico social y solidario, constituyen nuevos paradigmas basados en el principio de centralidad de derechos y la solidaridad democrática, donde las necesidades y deseos legítimos aseguran el bienestar y la existencia de todas las personas y la naturaleza; en el cual existen diversos actores económicos (públicos, privados, mixtos, populares y solidarios) que interactúan bajo principios de solidaridad, justicia y responsabilidad en el mercado, que es el punto de encuentro de los mismos, más no su ente regulador. Este nuevo modelo económico requiere de un renovado paradigma de Estado, es así que el Estado constitucional de derechos y justicia, el cual tiene como elementos de interdependencia al buen vivir como la filosofía común que sustenta y justifica al nuevo modelo de Estado y economía, un sistema normativo que responde a la centralidad de derechos y una institucionalidad orientada a aplicar el buen vivir.
It is demonstrated that monodisperse magnetic FePt nanoparticle can be engineered into a protective dense silica layer, followed by concentric outer mesoporous silica layers with tailored -SH, -SO3H and -NH2 surface groups, these new materials can be used to capture heavy metal ions and DNA molecules from solution specifically by their internal or/and external functionalised surfaces by magnetic means.
Synthesis of well-defined nanoparticles has been intensively pursued not only for their fundamental scientific interest, but also for many technological applications. One important development of the nanomaterial is in the area of chemical catalysis. We have now developed a new aqueous-based method for the synthesis of silica encapsulated noble metal nanoparticles in controlled dimensions. Thus, colloid stable silica encapsulated similar to 5 nm platinum nanoparticle is synthesized by a multi-step method. The thickness of the silica coating could be controlled using a different amount of silica precursor. These particles supported on a high surface area alumina are also demonstrated to display a superior hydrogenation activity and stability against metal sintering after thermal activation.
It is demonstrated that monodisperse magnetic FePt nanoparticle can be engineered into a protective dense silica layer, followed by concentric outer mesoporous silica layers with tailored -SH, -SO3H and -NH2 surface groups, these new materials can be used to capture heavy metal ions and DNA molecules from solution specifically by their internal or/and external functionalised surfaces by magnetic means.
A set of backbone modified peptides of general formula Boc-Xx-m-ABA-Yy-OMe where m-ABA is meta-aminobenzoic acid and Xx and Yy are natural amino acids such as Phe, Gly, Pro, Leu, Ile, Tyr and Trp etc., are found to self-assemble into soft nanovesicular structures in methanol-water solution (9:1 by v/v). At higher concentration the peptides generate larger vesicles which are formed through fusion of smaller vesicles. The formation of vesicles has been facilitated through the participation of various noncovalent interactions such as aromatic pi-stacking, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions. Model study indicates that the pi-stacking induced self-assembly, mediated by m-ABA is essential for well structured vesicles formation. The presence of conformationally rigid m-ABA in the backbone of the peptides also helps to form vesicular structures by restricting the conformational entropy. The vesicular structures get disrupted in presence of various salts such as KCl, CaCl(2), N(n-Bu)(4)Br and (NH(4))(2)SO(4) in methanol-water solution. Fluorescence microscopy and UV studies reveal that the soft nanovesicles encapsulate organic dye molecules such as Rhodamine B and Acridine Orange which could be released through salts induced disruption of vesicles.