956 resultados para Varactor diode


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Single-frequency output power of 12 W at 1064 nm is demonstrated. Pumped by a fiber-coupled diode laser, the Nd:YVO4 produces 58.6% of the slope efficiency with respect to absorbed pump power, and 52.7% of the optical-optical efficiency and nearly diffraction-limited output with a beam quality parameter of M-2 approximate to 1.11. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest slope efficiency and optical-optical efficiency in single-frequency Nd:YVO4 ring laser. The slope efficiency of the single frequency laser is close to the limit of the efficiency. [GRAPHICS] output spectrum of the single-frequency Nd:YVO4 ring laser


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We report the generation of ultrashort pulses in ytterbium-doped fibre oscillator emitting around 1.05 mum at a repetition rate of 17.6MHz. A diode laser with single silica fibre at 976 nm pumps the ytterbium fibre laser, the all-fibre picosecond pulsed oscillator has excellent stability and compact size, and freedom from misalignment. After amplifying, pulse energy of 3.4 nJ and an average power of 60mW are obtained. The compression is obtained with a grating pair out of the cavity. The compressor produces 307 fs with the peak power 5.47 kW. A practical fibre-based source with good performance is thus demonstrated.


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We report the observation of intense spontaneous emission of green light from LiF:F-2:F-3(+) centers in active channel waveguides generated in lithium fluoride crystals by near-infrared femtosecond laser radiation. While irradiating the crystal at room temperature with 405 nm light from a laser diode, yellow and green emission was seen by the naked eye. Stripe waveguides were fabricated by translating the crystal along the irradiated laser pulse, and their guiding properties and fluorescence spectra at 540 nm demonstrated. This single-step process inducing a waveguide structure offers a good prospect for the development of a waveguide laser in bulk LiF crystals.


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We report a novel technique to broaden and reshape the spectrum of picosecond laser pulse based on the seeder of gain switch laser diode and Yb(3+)-doped fiber amplifier (YDFA). From compensating the seed spectrum with the gain of YDFA, the seed pulse of 7 nm bandwidth is broadened to 20 nm, and the flat top spectral shape is obtained as well. A self-made fiber coupled tunable filter is used to realize the tunable output laser with the wavelength range from 1053 nm to 1073 nm and the line width of 1.4 nm.


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A novel neodymium pentafluoropropionate binuclear complex, Nd(C(2)F(5)COO)(3)Dipy (Dipy: 2,2'-dipyridyl), was synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. At a concentration of 0.2 M in DMSO-d(6), the Judd-Ofelt parameters (Omega(2), Omega(4), Omega(6)) were calculated from the UV-Vis spectrum. According to the small value of Omega(2) and the zero splitting energy of (4)F/(3/2) level, a symmetric ligand field of the complex was confirmed in DMSO-d(6). Strong emission of the complex in DMSO-d(6) at 1057 nm with a decay time about 1.3 mu s were detected when excited at 800 nm pumped by a laser diode. The stimulated emission cross-section of (4)F(3/2) -> (4)I(11/2) fluorescence transition was 2.36 x 10 (20) cm(2) and comparable with some laser glasses, which indicated good radiative properties of this neodymium pentafluoropropionate binuclear complex in liquid matrix. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel Nd3+-doped lead fluorosilicate glass (NPS glass) is prepared by a two-step melting process. Based on the absorption spectrum a Judd-Ofelt theory analysis is made. The emission line width of NPS glass is 44.2nm. The fluorescence decay lifetime of the 4F3/2 level is 586±20μsec, and the stimulated emission cross-section is 0.87×10-20cm2 at 1056nm. A laser oscillation is occurred at 1062nm when pumped by 808nm Diode Laser. The slope efficiency is 23.7% with a 415mJ threshold. It is supposed that NPS glass is a good candidate for using in ultra-short pulse generation and amplification by the broad emission bandwidth and long fluorescence lifetime.


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InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well-based light-emitting diode (LED) nanopillar arrays were fabricated using Ni self-assembled nanodots as etching mask. The Ni nanodots were fabricated with a density of 6 x 10(8)-1.5 x 10(9) cm(-2) and a dimension of 100-250 nm with varying Ni thickness and annealing duration time. Then LED nanopillar arrays with diameter of approximately 250 nm and height of 700 nm were fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching. In comparison to the as-grown LED sample an enhancement by a factor of four of photoluminescence (PL) intensity is achieved for the nanopillars and a blueshift as well as a decrease in full width at half maximum of the PL peak are also observed. The method of additional chemical etching was used to remove the etching-induced damage. Then nano-LED devices were further completed using a planarization approach to deposit p-type electrode on the tips of nanopillars. The current-voltage curves of both nanopillars and planar LED devices are measured for comparison.


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Electrical measurements were combined with surface techniques to study the Pt/Si interfaces at various silicide formation temperatures. Effects of deep centers on the Schottky barrier heights were studied. Hydrogen plasma treatment was used to passivate the impurity/defect centers at the interfaces, and the effects of hydrogenation on the Schottky barrier heights were also examined. Combining our previous study on the Pt/Si interfacial reaction, factors influencing the PtSi/Si Schottky barrier diode are discussed.


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A GaAs/GaAlAs graded-index separate confinement single quantum well heterostructure single-mode ridge waveguide electroabsorption modulator was fabricated and investigated. For the modulator with a quantum well width of 100 angstrom and device length of 700-mu-m, an on/off ratio of 29.7 dB and estimated absorption insertion loss of 3 dB were obtained for TE polarised light with wavelength 8650 angstrom, and for TM polarisation the on/off ratio was 28.5 dB. With a switching voltage of 1 V, an on/off ratio of 15 dB was achieved. Photocurrent spectra exhibited a red shift of 600 angstrom of the absorption edge when the voltage applied to the PIN diode was varied from 0.5 to -7 V. The corresponding shift of the room temperature exciton peak energy was 96 meV.


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With contributions from both three-dimensional (3D) electrons in heavily doped contacts and 2D electrons in the accumulation layer, a self-consistent calculation based on effective mass theory is presented for studying the anomalous behaviour of the quasi-bound levels in the accumulation layer and that in the central well of an asymmetric double barrier structure (DBS). By choosing the thickness of the incident barrier properly, it is revealed that these two quasi-bound levels may merge into a unique bound level in the off-resonance regime which shows a very good 2D nature in contrast to the conventional picture for level crossing. An evident intrinsic I-V bistability is also shown. It is noticeable that the effect of charge build-up in the central well is so strong that the electric field in the incident barrier even decreases when the applied bias increases within the resonant region.


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We reported an efficient diode pumped Nd ! YVO, 1 064 nm laser passively mode-locked and Q-switched by a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror(SESAM). At the incident pump power of 7. 5 W, 2. 81 W average output power was obtained during stable CW mode locking with a repetition rate of 111 MHz. The optical conversion efficiency was 37. 5% , and the slope efficiency was 39%. So far as we know, this is the highest optical-optical conversion efficiency with a SESAM at home.


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A fiber coupled module is fabricated with integrating the emitting light from four laser diode bars into multimode fiber bundle. The continuous wave (CW) output power of the module is about 130 W with a coupling efficiency of around 80%. The output power is very stable after the temperature cycling and vibration test. No apparent power decrease has been observed as the device working continuously for 500 h.


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A diode-pumped CW mode-locked Nd


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Continuous wave operation of a semiconductor laser diode based on five stacks of InAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded within strained InGaAs quantum wells as an active region is demonstrated. At room temperature, 355-mW output power at ground state of 1.33-1.35 microns for a 20-micron ridge-waveguide laser without facet coating is achieved. By optimizing the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth conditions, the QD density per layer is raised to 4*10^(10) cm^(-2). The laser keeps lasing at ground state until the temperature reaches 65 Celsius degree.


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By etching a second-order grating directly into the Al-free optical waveguide region of a ridgewaveguide(RW) AlGaInAs/AlGaAs distributed feedback(DFB) laser diode,a front facet output power of 30mW is obtained at about 820nm with a single longitudinal mode. The Al-free grating surface permits the re-growth of a high-quality cladding layer that yields excellent device performance. The threshold current of these laser diodes is 57mA,and the slope efficiency is about 0.32mW/mA.