904 resultados para Single-process Models


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In this paper, we develop a flexible cure rate survival model by assuming the number of competing causes of the event of interest to follow a compound weighted Poisson distribution. This model is more flexible in terms of dispersion than the promotion time cure model. Moreover, it gives an interesting and realistic interpretation of the biological mechanism of the occurrence of event of interest as it includes a destructive process of the initial risk factors in a competitive scenario. In other words, what is recorded is only from the undamaged portion of the original number of risk factors.


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This study investigates the numerical simulation of three-dimensional time-dependent viscoelastic free surface flows using the Upper-Convected Maxwell (UCM) constitutive equation and an algebraic explicit model. This investigation was carried out to develop a simplified approach that can be applied to the extrudate swell problem. The relevant physics of this flow phenomenon is discussed in the paper and an algebraic model to predict the extrudate swell problem is presented. It is based on an explicit algebraic representation of the non-Newtonian extra-stress through a kinematic tensor formed with the scaled dyadic product of the velocity field. The elasticity of the fluid is governed by a single transport equation for a scalar quantity which has dimension of strain rate. Mass and momentum conservations, and the constitutive equation (UCM and algebraic model) were solved by a three-dimensional time-dependent finite difference method. The free surface of the fluid was modeled using a marker-and-cell approach. The algebraic model was validated by comparing the numerical predictions with analytic solutions for pipe flow. In comparison with the classical UCM model, one advantage of this approach is that computational workload is substantially reduced: the UCM model employs six differential equations while the algebraic model uses only one. The results showed stable flows with very large extrudate growths beyond those usually obtained with standard differential viscoelastic models. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For the first time, we introduce a class of transformed symmetric models to extend the Box and Cox models to more general symmetric models. The new class of models includes all symmetric continuous distributions with a possible non-linear structure for the mean and enables the fitting of a wide range of models to several data types. The proposed methods offer more flexible alternatives to Box-Cox or other existing procedures. We derive a very simple iterative process for fitting these models by maximum likelihood, whereas a direct unconditional maximization would be more difficult. We give simple formulae to estimate the parameter that indexes the transformation of the response variable and the moments of the original dependent variable which generalize previous published results. We discuss inference on the model parameters. The usefulness of the new class of models is illustrated in one application to a real dataset.


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We introduce in this paper a new class of discrete generalized nonlinear models to extend the binomial, Poisson and negative binomial models to cope with count data. This class of models includes some important models such as log-nonlinear models, logit, probit and negative binomial nonlinear models, generalized Poisson and generalized negative binomial regression models, among other models, which enables the fitting of a wide range of models to count data. We derive an iterative process for fitting these models by maximum likelihood and discuss inference on the parameters. The usefulness of the new class of models is illustrated with an application to a real data set. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two stochastic epidemic lattice models, the susceptible-infected-recovered and the susceptible-exposed-infected models, are studied on a Cayley tree of coordination number k. The spreading of the disease in the former is found to occur when the infection probability b is larger than b(c) = k/2(k - 1). In the latter, which is equivalent to a dynamic site percolation model, the spreading occurs when the infection probability p is greater than p(c) = 1/(k - 1). We set up and solve the time evolution equations for both models and determine the final and time-dependent properties, including the epidemic curve. We show that the two models are closely related by revealing that their relevant properties are exactly mapped into each other when p = b/[k - (k - 1) b]. These include the cluster size distribution and the density of individuals of each type, quantities that have been determined in closed forms.


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Most models designed to study the bidirectional movement of cargos as they are driven by molecular motors rely on the idea that motors of different polarities can be coordinated by external agents if arranged into a motor-cargo complex to perform the necessary work Gross, Hither and yon: a review of bidirectional microtubule-based transport (Gross in Phys. Biol. 1:R1-R11, 2004). Although these models have provided us with important insights into these phenomena, there are still many unanswered questions regarding the mechanisms through which the movement of the complex takes place on crowded microtubules. For example (i) how does cargo-binding affect motor motility? and in connection with that-(ii) how does the presence of other motors (and also other cargos) on the microtubule affect the motility of the motor-cargo complex? We discuss these questions from a different perspective. The movement of a cargo is conceived here as a hopping process resulting from the transference of cargo between neighboring motors. In the light of this, we examine the conditions under which cargo might display bidirectional movement even if directed by motors of a single polarity. The global properties of the model in the long-time regime are obtained by mapping the dynamics of the collection of interacting motors and cargos into an asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) which can be resolved using the matrix ansatz introduced by Derrida (Derrida and Evans in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics in One Dimension, pp. 277-304, 1997; Derrida et al. in J. Phys. A 26: 1493-1517, 1993).


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We study a stochastic process describing the onset of spreading dynamics of an epidemic in a population composed of individuals of three classes: susceptible (S), infected (I), and recovered (R). The stochastic process is defined by local rules and involves the following cyclic process: S -> I -> R -> S (SIRS). The open process S -> I -> R (SIR) is studied as a particular case of the SIRS process. The epidemic process is analyzed at different levels of description: by a stochastic lattice gas model and by a birth and death process. By means of Monte Carlo simulations and dynamical mean-field approximations we show that the SIRS stochastic lattice gas model exhibit a line of critical points separating the two phases: an absorbing phase where the lattice is completely full of S individuals and an active phase where S, I and R individuals coexist, which may or may not present population cycles. The critical line, that corresponds to the onset of epidemic spreading, is shown to belong in the directed percolation universality class. By considering the birth and death process we analyze the role of noise in stabilizing the oscillations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied an agent model which presents the emergence of sexual barriers through the onset of assortative mating, a condition that might lead to sympatric speciation. In the model, individuals are characterized by two traits, each determined by a single locus A or B. Heterozygotes on A are penalized by introducing an adaptive difference from homozygotes. Two niches are available. Each A homozygote is adapted to one of the niches. The second trait, called the marker trait has no bearing on the fitness. The model includes mating preferences, which are inherited from the mother and subject to random variations. A parameter controlling recombination probabilities of the two loci is also introduced. We study the phase diagram by means of simulations, in the space of parameters (adaptive difference, carrying capacity, recombination probability). Three phases are found, characterized by (i) assortative mating, (ii) extinction of one of the A alleles and (iii) Hardy-Weinberg like equilibrium. We also make perturbations of these phases to see how robust they are. Assortative mating can be gained or lost with changes that present hysteresis loops, showing the resulting equilibrium to have partial memory of the initial state and that the process of going from a polymorphic panmictic phase to a phase where assortative mating acts as sexual barrier can be described as a first-order transition. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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We performed Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the steady-state critical behavior of a one-dimensional contact process with an aperiodic distribution of rates of transition. As in the presence of randomness, spatial fluctuations can lead to changes of critical behavior. For sufficiently weak fluctuations, we give numerical evidence to show that there is no departure from the universal critical behavior of the underlying uniform model. For strong spatial fluctuations, the analysis of the data indicates a change of critical universality class.


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Radiative capture of nucleons at energies of astrophysical interest is one of the most important processes for nucleosynthesis. The nucleon capture can occur either by a compound nucleus reaction or by a direct process. The compound reaction cross sections are usually very small, especially for light nuclei. The direct capture proceeds either via the formation of a single-particle resonance or a non-resonant capture process. In this work we calculate radiative capture cross sections and astrophysical S-factors for nuclei in the mass region A < 20 using single-particle states. We carefully discuss the parameter fitting procedure adopted in the simplified two-body treatment of the capture process. Then we produce a detailed list of cases for which the model works well. Useful quantities, such as spectroscopic factors and asymptotic normalization coefficients, are obtained and compared to published data. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, calcium molybdate (CaMoO(4)) crystals (meso- and nanoscale) were synthesized by the coprecipitation method using different solvent volume ratios (water/ethylene glycol). Subsequently, the obtained suspensions were processed in microwave-assisted hydrothermal/solvothermal systems at 140 degrees C for 1 h. These meso- and nanocrystals processed were characterized by X-ray diffraction (X R I)), Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR). ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopies, held-emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM). transmission electron microscopy (TEM). and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. X RI) patterns and FT-Raman spectra showed that these meso- and nanocrystals have a scheelite-type tetragonal structure without the presence of deleterious phases. FT-IR spectra exhibited a large absorption band situated at around 827 cm(-1), which is associated with the Mo-O anti-symmetric stretching vibrations into the [MoO(4)] clusters. FEG-SEM micrographs indicated that the ethylene glycol concentration in the aqueous solution plays an important role in the morphological evolution of CaMoO(4) crystals. High-resolution TEM micrographs demonstrated that the mesocrystals consist of several aggregated nanoparticles with electron diffraction patterns of monocrystal. In addition, the differences observed in the selected area electron diffraction patterns of CaMoO(4) crystals proved the coexistence of both nano- and mesostructures, First-principles quantum mechanical calculations based on the density functional theory at the B3LYP level were employed in order to understand the band structure find density of states For the CaMoO(4). UV-vis absorption measurements evidenced a variation in optical band gap values (from 3.42 to 3.72 cV) for the distinct morphologies. The blue and green PI. emissions observed in these crystals were ascribed to the intermediary energy levels arising from the distortions on the [MoO(4)] clusters clue to intrinsic defects in the lattice of anisotropic/isotropic crystals.


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The local structure of an ion-conducting glass with nominal composition 50B(2)O(3)-10PbO-40LiF has been investigated by complementary (7)Li, (11)B, (19)F, and (207)Pb single- and double-resonance experiments. The results give insight into the structural role of the lithium fluoride additive in borate glasses: (1) LiF is seen to actively participate in the network transformation process contributing to the conversion of three- into four-coordinate boron units, as shown by (11)B single-resonance as well as by (11)B{(19)F} and (19)F{(11)B} double-resonance experiments. (2) (19)F signal quantification experiments suggest substantial fluoride loss, presumably caused by formation of volatile BF(3). A part of the fluoride remains in the dopant role, possibly in the form of small LiF-like cluster domains, which serve as a mobile ion supply. (3) The extent of lithium-fluorine and lead-fluorine interactions has been characterized by (7)Li{(19)F} and (207)Pb{(19)F} REDOR and SEDOR experiments. On the basis of these results, a quantitative structural description of this system has been developed.


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The coexistence between different types of templates has been the choice solution to the information crisis of prebiotic evolution, triggered by the finding that a single RNA-like template cannot carry enough information to code for any useful replicase. In principle, confining d distinct templates of length L in a package or protocell, whose Survival depends on the coexistence of the templates it holds in, could resolve this crisis provided that d is made sufficiently large. Here we review the prototypical package model of Niesert et al. [1981. Origin of life between Scylla and Charybdis. J. Mol. Evol. 17, 348-353] which guarantees the greatest possible region of viability of the protocell population, and show that this model, and hence the entire package approach, does not resolve the information crisis. In particular, we show that the total information stored in a viable protocell (Ld) tends to a constant value that depends only on the spontaneous error rate per nucleotide of the template replication mechanism. As a result, an increase of d must be followed by a decrease of L, so that the net information gain is null. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Frutalin is a homotetrameric alpha-D-galactose (D-Gal)-binding lectin that activates natural killer cells in vitro and promotes leukocyte migration in vivo. Because lectins are potent lymphocyte stimulators, understanding the interactions that occur between them and cell surfaces can help to the action mechanisms involved in this process. In this paper, we present a detailed investigation of the interactions of frutalin with phospho- and glycolipids using Langmuir monolayers as biomembrane models. The results confirm the specificity of frutalin for D-Gal attached to a biomembrane. Adsorption of frutalin was more efficient for the galactose polar head lipids, in contrast to the one for sulfated galactose, in which a lag time is observed, indicating a rearrangement of the monolayer to incorporate the protein. Regarding ganglioside GM1 monolayers, lower quantities of the protein were adsorbed, probably due to the farther apart position of D-galactose from the interface. Binary mixtures containing galactocerebroside revealed small domains formed at high lipid packing in the presence of frutalin, suggesting that lectin induces the clusterization and the forming of domains in vitro, which may be a form of receptor internalization. This is the first experimental evidence of such lectin effect, and it may be useful to understand the mechanism of action of lectins at the molecular level. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Systemic amyloid light-chain (LC) amyloidosis is a disease process characterized by the pathological deposition of monoclonal LCs in tissue. All LC subtypes are capable of fibril formation although lambda chains, particularly those belonging to the lambda 6 type, are overrepresented. Here, we report the thermodynamic and in vitro fibrillogenic properties of several mutants of the lambda 6 protein 6aJL2 in which Pro7 and/or His8 was substituted by Ser or Pro. The H8P and H8S mutants were almost as stable as the wildtype protein and were poorly fibrillogenic. In contrast, the P7S mutation decreased the thermodynamic stability of 6aJL2 and greatly enhanced its capacity to form amyloid-like fibrils in vitro. The crystal structure of the P7S mutant showed that the substitution induced both local and long-distance effects, such as the rearrangement of the V(L) (variable region of the light chain)-V(L) interface. This mutant crystallized in two orthorhombic polymorphs, P2(1)2(1)2(1) and C222(1). In the latter, a monomer that was not arranged in the typical Bence-Jones dimer was observed for the first time. Crystal-packing analysis of the C222(1) lattice showed the establishment of intermolecular beta-beta interactions that involved the N-terminus and beta-strand B and that these could be relevant in the mechanism of LC fibril formation. Our results strongly suggest that Pro7 is a key residue in the conformation of the N-terminal sheet switch motif and, through long-distance interactions, is also critically involved in the contacts that stabilized the V(L) interface in lambda 6 LCs. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.