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This work aims to analyze risks related to information technology (IT) in procedures related to data migration. This is done considering ALEPH, Integrated Libray System (ILS) that migrated data to the Library Module present in the software called Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas (SIGAA) at the Zila Mamede Central Library at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal/Brazil. The methodological procedure used was of a qualitative exploratory research with the realization of case study at the referred library in order to better understand this phenomenon. Data collection was able once there was use of a semi-structured interview that was applied with (11) subjects that are employed at the library as well as in the Technology Superintendence at UFRN. In order to examine data Content analysis as well as thematic review process was performed. After data migration the results of the interview were then linked to both analysis units and their system register with category correspondence. The main risks detected were: data destruction; data loss; data bank communication failure; user response delay; data inconsistency and duplicity. These elements point out implication and generate disorders that affect external and internal system users and lead to stress, work duplicity and hassles. Thus, some measures were taken related to risk management such as adequate planning, central management support, and pilot test simulations. For the advantages it has reduced of: risk, occurrence of problems and possible unforeseen costs, and allows achieving organizational objectives, among other. It is inferred therefore that the risks present in data bank conversion in libraries exist and some are predictable, however, it is seen that librarians do not know or ignore and are not very worried in the identification risks in data bank conversion, their acknowledge would minimize or even extinguish them. Another important aspect to consider is the existence of few empirical research that deal specifically with this subject and thus presenting the new of new approaches in order to promote better understanding of the matter in the corporate environment of the information units


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Arquitectura de Interiores, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Sendo o sector do transporte aéreo considerado dos mais importantes no crescimento económico nacional e internacional, torna-se necessário comparar os vários tipos de consumidores, os seus comportamentos, e o que os leva a decidir escolher companhias aéreas low cost em detrimento de companhias aéreas tradicionais. Desta forma, este estudo propõe investigar se o preço, associado à satisfação do consumidor, tem impacto no momento de decisão, em detrimento de outros atributos como sejam a reputação da marca ou outras valências do produto oferecido. Assim, em função da satisfação, serão analisados os factores que maior influência exercem sobre os consumidores, no momento da compra. Considerando uma fase de pré-compra (momento que contempla consumidores que nunca utilizaram companhias aéreas low cost) e uma fase de pós-compra (momento que contempla consumidores que utilizam e consumidores que deixaram de utilizar este tipo de companhias), serão analisados os motivos que os levam a optar por um tipo em detrimento de outro.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais, 2016.


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Introduction.– Autonomy in the performance of daily living activities (DLA) are of extreme importance to the elder’s life. On pair with aging, the institutionalized elder, suffers a transition process from the changes of context from home to institution. This fact increases the elder’s dependency on self-care. By so, it is important to study the dependency degree in self-care in institutionalized elders, in order to rethink interventions to answer context changes and improve transition. Objective.– Identify the dependency degree in the institutionalized elder; explore the use of support products (SP) in self care and existance of structural barriers. Methods.– An exploratory-descriptive study, with a nonprobabilistic convinience sample was developed in two nursing homes. Instrument used was Hernâni’s Form (2009). Results.– In a total of 84 elders, averaging 87 years, with a minimum of 68 and maximum of 102 years, 45% widows, 17% analphabets, being the majority women (84%), 39% refered dependency of others as the motive for institutionalization. Bath self-care dependency was the highest self-care with dependency of the evaluated, with 79%presentedsomedegree of dependency. Eating self-careshowed the least degree of dependency (43%). Structural barriers found were steps with ramp, the SPs found were almost inexistence, being lateral support bars the most common. Conclusions.– The dependency degree of some self-cares lack interventions that target autonomy. As so, we consider that nurses should evaluate the elder’s potential for learning of new skills in order to reconstruct the process of autonomy, decreasing levels of dependency and increasing quality life.


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This analysis of the emergence since 2008 of the green economy agenda and the related idea of ‘green growth’ focusses upon the articulation of these discourses within key international economic and environmental institutions and evaluates whether this implies the beginning of an institutional transformation towards an ecologically sustainable world economy. The green economy may have the capacity to help animate a transition away from current socially and ecologically unsustainable patterns of economic growth only if notions of green growth can be discursively separated from green economy, strong articulations of green economy become dominant, and alternative measures of progress to gross domestic product are widely adopted. The concept of ‘rearticulation’, found in post-structural discourse theory, is proposed to guide this transition. This offers a framework to reconstruct notions of prosperity, progress, and security whilst avoiding direct and disempowering discursive conflict with currently hegemonic pro-growth discourses.


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The problems of entrenched high unemployment in Australia, and the need to improve the support given to people who are affected by unemployment, require new thinking and new ideas in order to bring about policy change.Therefore, Jobs Australia commissioned this research paper to ask Professor Andrew Scott to elaborate on his analysis of the possible relevance to Australia of the Danish approach to employment security which he expounded in his 2014 book, Northern Lights.In particular, we asked Professor Scott to outline practical steps which Australia might consider taking which are feasible and realistic: cutting ‘with the grain’ of Australia’s own distinctive institutional and policy approaches in order to shape new, better-designed policies which might reduce the poverty and uncertainty now faced by so many people in this country.It is very important that Australia now learn from overseas, and not only look at English-speaking countries in which, after all, in many cases, the problems are worse than ours in terms of higher inequalities and larger numbers of long-term unemployed.It is appropriate, in a true spirit of embracing globalisation, to look at the best performing nations in terms of tackling unemployment, and what may possibly be learned from them to apply in the challenges we face here in Australia.Jobs Australia is the national peak body representing not-for-profit organisations that help disadvantaged people find work.We are the largest network of employment and related service providers in Australia and we are funded and owned by our members.I am pleased to endorse the thrust of the arguments put forward in this paper and for Jobs Australia to publish it in this format in order to open up debate and to seek more engagement from key policy-makers with the ideas presented here.


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Using highly detailed import data for Thailand, this paper examines firm-level trade creation and diversion of regional trade agreements (RTAs). Specifically, by focusing on firm-product pairs in which firms import a particular product from non-members but not from RTA members in the initial year of our sample, we empirically investigate the start of imports from RTA members under RTA schemes and the cessation of imports from non-members at the firm-level. We find that firms are more likely to stop importing products with low RTA tariff rates or high most-favored-nation tariff rates from non-members and to start importing such products from RTA member countries. However, from the quantitative point of view, there are very few firms that switch import sources from non-members to RTA members when facing the introduction of RTA schemes.


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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The evolution of knowledge and technology in recent decades has brought profound changes in science policy, not only in the countries but also in the supranational organizations. It has been necessary, therefore, to adapt the scientific institutions to new models in order to achieve a greater and better communication between them and the political counterparts responsible for defining the general framework of relations between science and society. The Federationon of Scientific Societies of Spain (COSCE, Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España) was founded in October 2003 to respond to the urgent need to interact with the political institutions and foster a better orientation in the process of making decisions about the science policy. Currently COSCE consists of over 70 Spanish scientific societies and more than 40,000 scientists. During its twelve years of active life, COSCE has developed an intense work of awareness of the real situation of science in Spain by launching several initiatives (some of which have joined other organizations) or by joining initiatives proposed from other groups related to science both at the Spanish level and at the European and non-European scenarios.


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O diagnóstico de Cancro da Mama (CM) desencadeia uma crise na doente e no seu sistema familiar, levando a mudanças no seu modo de funcionamento. O presente estudo tem como objetivos analisar as mudanças percebidas, a curto e a longo prazo, na relação mãe-filhos e na parentalidade na sequência do diagnóstico de CM materno, bem como analisar de que forma “ser mãe” influenciou o modo como as pacientes lidaram com o CM. Foram entrevistadas 17 mulheres sobreviventes de CM com filhos dependentes no momento do diagnóstico através de uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados segundo a Grounded Theory. Os resultados demonstraram que esta experiência desencadeia mudanças, temporárias e permanentes, nos padrões de funcionamento familiar. Perante as mudanças nos comportamentos dos filhos, as mães adotam novas estratégias para promover bem-estar nos descendentes. Após a família se conseguir descentrar da doença, as mulheres conseguem refletir sobre os contributos da vivência do CM na relação mãe-filhos. Clinicamente, estes resultados permitem conhecer as necessidades destas mães e apoiar a elaboração de programas de intervenção psicológica, capazes de responder a essas necessidades, salientando a importância de uma intervenção sistémica e que potencie a expressão emocional.


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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De 1800 a 1808, diferentes comerciantes y funcionarios reales en Cartagena de Indias solicitaron la ejecución de una política económica que les permitiera sobrevenir los bloqueos portuarios generados por las guerras que España libró en aquellos años: el comercio neutral. Al tomar la historia de las discusiones alrededor de esta política comercial como una puerta de entrada a la reflexión sobre economía política en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, este artículo busca explorar los fundamentos teóricos del comercio neutral. Tres momentos de la discusión sobre la medida se ponen de relieve en el artículo: 1800, 1805 y 1808. En cada uno de ellos, defensores y opositores del comercio neutral argumentaron a favor y en contra sustentados en dos premisas fundamentales. Primera, la observación de la aplicación de políticas económicas en territorios vecinos era un método válido para analizar su pertinencia y, segunda, un comercio activo era inexcusable para alcanzar la “felicidad pública” del reino. Estas dos premisas y su finalidad pragmática señalan el sincretismo ideológico que informó los fundamentos teóricos del reformismo borbónico, del cual emergió el comercio neutral. Este artículo propone una respuesta a la pregunta sobre la naturaleza de la reflexión económica novogranadina al situarla dentro de su intención práctica, esto es, la formulación y evalución de políticas económicas, y al sugerir que dentro de estos límites pragmáticos se encuentran nuevas voces, nuevos documentos y una nueva propuesta historiográfica sobre la economía política en el Nuevo Reino de Granada.


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O alcoolismo é um fenómeno universal, significativo e complexo, com múltiplas implicações, assumindo-se a disfunção familiar como uma das que primeiro se manifesta, nomeadamente ao nível da díade conjugal. O presente estudo, de carácter exploratório e abordagem qualitativa, tem como objectivos identificar a percepção que o alcoólico e o cônjuge têm do impacto do alcoolismo na díade conjugal e alertar para a necessidade de adoptar estratégias de tratamento que visem a família do sujeito alcoólico. Os dados foram recolhidos junto de oito díades recorrendo à entrevista semi-estruturada e tratados através da análise de conteúdo. As conclusões reafirmam o impacto negativo do alcoolismo na díade e a pertinência de uma abordagem conjugal nesta problemática. Evidenciam-se alcoólicos e cônjuges insatisfeitos, com vivências conjugais marcadas por conflitos e problemas de ordem comunicacional, sexual, emocional e económica. Foram identificadas especificidades tanto do alcoolismo no feminino, como das respectivas diades. /ABSTRACT: Alcoholism is a universal, significant and complex phenomenon, with multiple implications, assuming the family dysfunction as one of its first manifestations, particularly in terms of the marital dyad. The present study, of exploratory and qualitative approach, aims to identify the perception that the alcoholic and the spouse have of the impact of the alcoholism in the marital dyad, and call attention to the need for treatment strategies aimed at the subject's family with alcoholic dependence syndrome. The information were collected from eight dyads through semi-structured interviews and processed by content analysis. The conclusions reaffirm the negative impact of alcoholism in the marital dyad and the relevance of marital approach in alcoholism. lt is shown alcoholics and spouses dissatisfied with their marital experiences marked by conflicts and problems of communication, sexual, emotional and economic order. Specificities were identified in women's alcoholism, as well as in their marital dyads.