952 resultados para Literatura brasileira - Ficção - História e crítica - 1843
The purpose of this article and visualize that the space represented in contemporary Brazilian literature is predominantly urban. Thus, this study examines some of the relationships between space and violence in contemporary Brazilian narrative by the fact that our literature has followed a migration process, assuming, therefore, a predominantly urban area. Thus, through a mould several of narrative and analysis emanating, we find that the contemporary Brazilian literature demonstrate a growing city, indicating that the relationship between urban experience and literature, in modernity, become more radical and forceful .
This article examines how Nélida Piñon builds a feminist reader in the novel A força do destino (1978). This work highlights the role of the contemporary writer to read the classics from the post-modern and feminist places. Post-modern because it decentralizes the structural elements of the text, feminist because it opposes to any kind of women oppression. In this novel, the narrator reconstructs the trajectory of the characters Alvaro and Leonora, homonym protagonists of the opera by Giuseppe Verdi, based on her devotion by them, because of this, it becomes a passionate and original reporting. The narrative of Piñon is built from a parodist and irreverent place that updates the plot of Verdi. This is a metanarrative in which the narrator dialogues with her characters and reader. In this case, the reference to the opera by Verdi is, actually, the exploration of artistic and cultural archives in accordance with the interests of the narrator. Methodologically, this paper is guided by the exploitation of intertextuality present in this work and in gender studies to enhance the speaking place of the writer as a real part of contemporary feminist culture.
The name Godofredo Rangel has been fixed itself in the history of Brazilian literature mainly as Monteiro Lobato's eternal friend and correspondent. Nevertheless, his memory is revered by writers of the same strain as Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Autran Dourado. The latter, above all, in more than one occasion, declared having had in Rangel a master in writing, whose guidance had been fundamental to the development of his literary vocation. In the novel Um artista aprendiz (n.t.: An apprentice artist), from 1989, Dourado narrates the trajectory of a novice writer, whose encounter with the literary personality of Godofredo Rangel, fictionalized by the author in the character of Sílvio sousa, is also decisive. This study consists of the comparison between the testimony of Autran Dourado about Godofredo Rangel and the fictional matter of the novel, searching in them the elements to understand what Dourado and others considered as being a work of mastery in the literary art.
This paper aims to confront the chronicles "Telefonema" (1944-54) by Oswald de Andrade and "Confissões" (1967-74) by Nelson Rodrigues and examine the unique manner how they fit in the tradition of the genre in Brazil. This is about checking points of approximation and distancing in the ways by each one of the authors uses idealism and irreverence as a critical style, analyzing their strifes with artists and intellectuals of their times. The aim is to show that both, despite their ideological incompatibilities, supported similar conceptions of national authenticity and stood out as untimely writers in the brazilian chronicle's history.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of Brazilian women’s search for equality, concerning cultural and social areas over five centuries. Oppression, submission and silence used to be common words for women during this period in the history. The extreme patriarchal system and the sexism in different areas of society prevented the female rights from expressing their opinions. This study process involved the research on significant articles, books and magazines related to gender equalities. The present achievements of women in the country are due to the work of feminist movements supported in Cultural Studies and Gender Theories that led women to represent an equal role in the society. As a result, women in the twentieth century got rid of the sexist oppression and besides producing remarkable writings, they improved their identities revealing themselves as skilful people able to contribute to the literary canon as well as diligent professional in education, politics and different areas of society in the postwar period.
Two Clara dos Anjos and one Rosa: identity and representation of black woman in Brazilian Literature
This article presents an analysis of identity and representations of black women in the tales Keep Secret Esmeralda Ribeiro, Rosa and Fusilier and Voices d'Rachel de Queiroz Africa. The story of Esmeralda Ribeiro black author, published in Cadernos Negros: the best short stories (1998) reexamines Clara dos Anjos, Lima Barreto's novel character written between 1904 and 1922. In this work, the author lays bare, in a confessional tone, the daily life of Rio suburbs, from the perspective of racial prejudice, and is the protagonist as a passive woman, submissive, an object. Emerald, black writer, gives Clara a condition of the subject, building an identity as a woman and as a black. It is the chronicle of belonging. Rosa and the Marine and Voices of Africa Rose protagonist appointing chronic-tale first is the outcome of its history in the second text, both published in the first Rachel de Queiroz of chronic compilation entitled The Maiden and Moura Pie (1948 ). Rachel is the text representation of black women because they can not as white women have the lived experience as black to build identity and can do it in generalizing way considering his wife condition and his experience in the feminine universe. There are relations between the texts that go beyond the theme, Space Rio suburb and similarities between Rosa and Clara, Cassi and the Marines. You can see the works a dialogue between sex and race interests, identities and stereotypes, relationships that materialize in Literature.
One hundred years of solitude, Report on the blind and Alturas de Machu Picchu, outstanding works from the Latin American Literature of the period of its boom, broke the relationship with facile and nineteenth schemes, and brusquely sprouted in a world that went far ahead of the surrealistic theses spread by André Breton. This was possible by the emergence of magical realism in the Hispanic American pens. According to Alejo Carpentier, “Our magical realism is the one we found in a raw state, omnipresent all through Latin America. Here, the unusual is daily, in fact it has always been daily”. It should not be forgotten that Carpentier and Sábato were in Breton’s work staff, because they guarded each a deep knowledge of Surrealism. Yet the history of the religions should also be taken into account, since the knowledge of myths, with Mircea Eliade as the chief head, enables an important and close approach to the works of these authors. That is the reason why, in this essay, the mythical aspects in the previously mentioned works are analyzed.
In this text I examine recent changes in how literature is being produced and circulated in Brazil. These shifts can be related, among other factors, to the growing use of the internet as a way of divulging literary works and to the expansion of national literary life and narrative space. My examination sets out from Silviano Santiago’s analysis of the ‘deliteraturization’ movement in his historical account of the written press. Taking an opposite tack to this writer and critic, though, I look to explore the diverse forms of ‘serialization’ and ‘literaturization’ found among contemporary media such as the internet and television. As I aim to show, the migration of newspaper serials and literary works to web sites, blogs and social networks poses diverse questions and challenges to the critic, including the emergence of new figures of author and reader, accompanied by different forms of mediating and legitimizing literary works. These changes are also essential to understanding the profile of the new generation of literary supplements circulating in Brazil today.
Marques Rebelo adopts the suburban areas of the city of Rio de Janeiro as a privileged space to situate his narratives, choosing individuals who represent the lower classes of society as characters. These characters, given the precarious nature of their condition, living in border situation between order and disorder, oscillate between hope and disillusion, sometimes glimpsing the remote possibility of upward mobility, now threatened by the fear of poverty and marginality. By doing this, the writer puts into scene two different social worlds living side by side and peacefully: those who seek to live according to the values of the bourgeois social order and those who transgress the laws and moral principles and live by artifices and illegal means. This article examines some aspects of the short story "Oscarina", trying to understand how the worlds of order and disorder, or work and trickery are configured in narrative form through the trajectory of the character Jorge, the protagonist of the story. We seek to demonstrate that the boundaries between the two supposedly antagonistic universes are eventually diluted by the movement of the protagonist, who moves between the two spaces, which communicate and intertwined dialectically.
Based on the contribuions from Ryngaert (1995); Prado (2009); Magaldi (2008); Faria (1998); Heliodora (2008); Guinsburg, Faria and Lima (2009), refering to the constituion of the theatrical discourse, in studies of Fausto (2012); Cotrim (2005); Gaspari (2002) and Garcia (2008), about the notes Brazilian historical and the theoretical presupposes of Carvalhal (2003, 2006); Nitrini (2000); Nascimento (2006) and Maddaluno (1991) to approach to the study of comparative literature, this work aims to analyze the play Liberdade, liberdade (1965), by Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Rangel whit the Brazilian dictatorship period (1964-1985). This play was written and performed at the beginning of the regime, as it wished to withdraw from the scheme repressor that dominated Brazil. Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Rangel resorted to the use of classical texts and historical preparation for the work, and make use of music to bring up the subject of ceaseless quest for freedom. The play runs from dramatic to comedic, supported by political discourse, which leads, the called Theatre of resistance. For this work, the basic procedure was the literature search. Through the analysis of the dramatic text and the recurrent use of bricolage (collage of historical texts), perceives the practice of intertextuality theme. Thus, one can understand that Liberdade, liberdade is a dramatic text produced in the second half of the twentieth century, which establishes dialogue with texts embodied historical aspect with literary verve.
The article analyzes several aspects related to memoirs texts from the banished people of the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985), mainly the domino effect of the narratives about resistance, the intertextuality among these works and the role of the banished ones in the effort of constructing a revolution which passed over national limits. Using autobiographical works such as the trilogy started by Fernando Gabeira with O que é isso, companheiro? [What is this, comrade?], the narratives of Alfredo Sirkis (Os carbonários and Roleta chilena) [The carbonari and Chilean roulette], Flávio Tavares (Memórias do esquecimento) [Memoirs of forgetfulness], Alex Polari (Em busca do tesouro) [In search of the treasure], and Carlos Eugênio Paz (Viagem à luta armada) [Trip to the armed struggle], among others, and as theoretical references authors like Andreas Huyssen, Beatriz Sarlo, Leonor Arfuch, Tzvetan Todorov and Michael Pollak, the article aims at reflecting about the memories of the banished and the political prisoners as a bruising affirmation of a crucial period of the Brazilian History and collective memory.
O escritor questiona a possível inserção da literatura brasileira no conjunto da cultura da América Latina e, diante disso, faz um questionamento necessário: O que é América Latina? E, caso definido um conceito, qual a posição do Brasil no contexto desta América Latina? Somente depois seria possível tentar compreender o lugar da produção brasileira no âmbito da literatura latino-americana. O primeiro problema que se coloca, no entanto, é em que fundamentar a escolha. Tomando inicialmente o argumento linguístico, o autor analisa que a ideia de que a América Latina é a parte do continente americano unida pelas línguas originadas do latim deixa de fora uma porção considerável do território.
Brazilian literature critics’ theorizations concerning feminine emancipation in the modern novel tend to consider a single form of resistance, the exacerbation of sexuality, which leads characters to discrimination and subsequent punishment, often culminates into their deaths. In this sense, a hypothesis to be followed is one to state that this type of criticism underestimates the feminine power, especially in women who reached “respectability” through marriage, i.e., there are other kinds of escape to masculine oppression that do not necessarily include the use of the body. Therefore, the objective of this work is to examine a case study, of sinha Vitória in Barren lives [Vidas secas], a revealing example of empowerment potentialities of married women, through other expedients, such as intellectual superiority. Theoretically, this article dialogs with both canonical studies, including Candido (1992) and Mourão (1971), as well as contemporary ones, like Bueno (2006) and Brunacci (2008). Setting form and arriving at the ambiguity in the name sinha Vitória, the analysis could observe the assumed relevance of the character in the family, as a decision-making authority, representing an intellectual and ideological compass. However, within the unmeasured inequalities of the northeastern society in the first half of the XX Century, this highlighted position in the family and sagacity to read the surrounding world do not prevent the social oppression of her nucleus by the powerful farmers, making her victory a merely partial one.
the subject matter of this article is the tale "Alguma coisa urgentemente", written by João Gilberto Noll. The short story has the scenario of the Brazilian military dictatorship and is told from the son’s point of view of a political persecution. The tale shows a slow and progressive degradation of the characters because of the father’s choice. This article aims to make a close reading of the language used not neglecting other important aspects of the short story. The protagonist speaker uses a language sometimes suppressing sometimes catatonic sometimes long-winded. In traditional training history, the protagonist matures undergoing a series of trials to reach financial maturity, ethical or human. In the tale, the road is the reverse, the son goes a long agony of learning (both from the physical and psychological pain), he watch the father dehumanizes and dehumanizes too. We intend to read how this transformation occurs at the level of language.
O presente estudo suscita uma problematização sobre o papel dos/as professores/as de língua estrangeira no manuseio de materiais didáticos disponíveis em seu contexto de atuação, a partir de uma proposta de análise e de suplementação de um livro didático de língua inglesa, tendo por base teorizações contemporâneas acerca de perspectivas críticas na educação linguística (DUBOC, 2012; PENNYCOOK, 2001, 2006; PESSOA; URZÊDA-FREITAS, 2012; SCHEYERL, 2012; AUTORA 1, 2015; SIQUEIRA, 2010, entre outros/as). A proposta deste estudo surgiu a partir das ações de um projeto desenvolvido no âmbito do programa Pró-Licenciatura de uma universidade pública do centro-oeste brasileiro. Um dos objetivos do projeto era produzir e adaptar materiais didáticos suplementares para uma turma de nível iniciante de inglês do Centro de Idiomas da instituição, que atende gratuitamente a comunidade interna e externa. Assim, com base em uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa e de cunho documental, compartilhamos aqui um recorte do projeto mencionado, apresentando a análise de um dos capítulos do livro didático adotado pela referida instituição, a partir das três visões de mundo discutidas por Leffa (2017): o mundo revelado, o encoberto e o possível. A análise aponta que é possível adaptar e elaborar materiais didáticos pautados em perspectivas críticas em turmas de níveis básicos, mesmo em face de contextos desafiantes e com recursos limitados. Concluímos, então, que o estudo e a ampliação de materiais didáticos sob a ótica dos três mundos discutidos por Leffa (2017) requer análise, pesquisa, reflexão, crítica, agência e coautoria/cocriação, em um processo contínuo, interpretativo e, sobretudo, não prescritivo.