973 resultados para ESPECTROSCOPIA RAMAN


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The phase transformation of zirconia from tetragonal to monoclinic is characterized by UV Raman spectroscopy, visible Raman spectroscopy, and XRD. Electronic absorption Of ZrO2 in the UV region makes UV Raman spectroscopy more sensitive at the surface region than XRD or visible Raman spectroscopy. Zirconia changes from the tetragonal phase to the monoclinic phase with calcination temperatures elevated and monoclinic phase is always detected first by UV Raman spectroscopy for the samples calcined at lower temperatures than that by XRD and visible Raman spectroscopy. When the phase of zirconia changes from tetragonal to monoclinic, the slight changes of the phase at very beginning can be detected by UV Raman spectroscopy. UV Raman spectra clearly indicate that the phase transition takes place initially at the surface regions. It is found that the phase change from tetragonal to monoclinic is significantly retarded when amorphous Zr(OH)(4) was agglomerated to bigger particles and the particle agglomeration of amorphous zirconium hydroxide is beneficial to the stabilization of t-ZrO2 phase.


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The titanium species in four kinds of titanium-containing MFI zeolites have been studied by ultraviolet (UV)-Raman and ultraviolet visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopies and by the epoxidation of propylene with diluted H2O2 solution (30%). UV-Raman spectroscopy is proved to be a suitable means to estimate qualitatively the framework titanium in TS-l zeolites. Based on the comparison of the relative intensity ratio I-1125/I-380 of UV-Raman spectra, the TS-1(conv.) sample synthesized hydrothermally by the conventional procedure shows the highest amount of framework titanium. UV-Vis spectroscopy reveals that besides minor anatase. titanium species are mainly tetrahydrally coordinated into the framework for TS-l(conv.) or the Ti-ZSM-5 sample prepared by gas-solid reaction between deboronated B-ZSM-5 and TiCl4 vapor at elevated temperatures. For the TS-1(org.) and TS-1(inorg.) samples synthesized hydrothermally using tetrapropylammonium bromide (TPABr) as template and tetrabutylorthotitanite (TBOT) and TiCl3 as titanium source, respectively, the presence of mononuclear and isolated TiOx species which are proposed to bond to the zeolite extraframework is observed. In addition to the framework titanium species, these isolated TiOx species are assumed to be also active for propylene epoxidation.


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Vanadium species in tetrahedral and octahedral coordination in V-MCM-41 molecular sieve are characterized by UV resonance Raman bands at 1070 and 930 cm(-1) respectively.


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Coke formation on/in ZSM-5, USY and SAPO-34 zeolites was investigated during the methanol conversion to olefins at temperatures from 298 to 773 K using ultraviolet (UV) Raman spectroscopy. The fluorescence interference that usually obscures the Raman spectra of zeolites in the conventional Raman spectroscopy, particularly for coked catalysts, can be successfully avoided in the UV Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra are almost the same for adsorbed methanol on the three zeolites at room temperature. However, the Raman spectra of the surface species formed at elevated temperatures are quite different for the three zeolites. Coke species formed in/on SAPO-34 are mainly polyolefinic species, and in/on ZSM-5 are some aromatic species, but polyaromatic or substituted aromatic species are predominant in USY at high temperatures. Most of the coke species can be removed after a treatment with O-2 at 773 K, while some small amount of coke species always remains in these zeolites, particularly for USY. The main reason for the different behavior of coke formation in the three zeolites could be attributed to the different pore structures of the zeolites. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de curvas de calibração por espectroscopia de reflectância no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) para os teores de matéria seca, proteína e fósforo em amostras de milho processado. Neste trabalho, foi utilizada a espectroscopia no infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier aplicando a técnica de reflectância difusa, cujos dados espectrais foram correlacionados aos valores nutricionais do milho através do método de regressão dos mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS) e diferentes pré-tratamentos matemáticos nos espectros. Para a construção de modelo de calibração, foram utilizados os dados de referência de análises químicas dos valores do teor de matéria seca, proteína bruta e fósforo (P) de 191 amostras de milho em grão de diferentes procedências e variedades. Destas amostras, 114 foram usadas para o modelo de calibração, 48 para validação. A espectroscopia de reflectância no infravermelho próximo, associada ao método de calibração multivariada (PLS), é uma técnica alternativa viável para a determinação do teor de proteína total e matéria seca em amostras de milho moído. As curvas ajustadas para proteína bruta, matéria seca e fósforo apresentaram performance adequada para utilização em amostras provenientes de ensaios de screening ou onde se tem grande número de repetições de amostras por tratamentos. Para utilização em determinações analíticas, como método de rotina laboratorial, os modelos de calibração devem ser aprimorados.


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Framework titanium in Ti-silicalite-1 (TS-1) zeolite was selectively identified by its resonance Raman bands using ultraviolet (W) Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra of the TS-1 and silicalite-1 zeolites were obtained and compared using continuous wave laser lines at 244, 325, and 488 nm as the excitation sources. It was only with the excitation at 244 nm that resonance enhanced Raman bands at 490, 530, and 1125 cm(-1) appeared exclusively for the TS-1 zeolite. Furthermore, these bands increased in intensity with the crystallization time of the TS-1 zeolite. The Raman bands at 490, 530, and 1125 cm(-1) are identified as the framework titanium species because they only appeared when the laser excites the charge-transfer transition of the framework titanium species in the TS-1. No resonance Raman enhancement was detected for the bands of silicalite-1 zeolite and for the band at 960 cm(-1) of TS-1 with any of the excitation sources ranging from the visible tb UV regions. This approach can be applicable for the identification of other transition metal ions substituted in the framework of a zeolite or any other molecular sieve.


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The synthesis of zeolite X is characterized by UV Raman spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. UV Raman spectra of the liquid phase of the synthesis system indicate that AI(OH); species are incorporated into silicate species, and the polymeric silicate species are depolymerized into monomeric silicate species during the early stage of zeolite formation. An. intermediate species possessing Raman bands at 307, 503, 858 and 1020 cm(-1) is detected during the crystallization ill the solid phase transformation. The intermediate species is attributed to the beta cage, the secondary building unit of zeolite X. A model for the formation of zeolite X is proposed, which involves four-membered rings connecting to each other via six-membered ring to form beta cages, then the beta cages interconnect via double six-membered rings to form the framework of zeolite X. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of aluminosilicate zeolites are characterized by UV Raman spectroscopy for the first time, and UV Raman spectra of various zeolites give strong and clear bands with high resolution, while conventional Raman spectra of these zeolites are difficult to obtain because of a strong background fluorescence. Additionally, these zeolites show several new bands in UV Raman spectroscopy. A summary of these UV Raman spectra over various zeolites suggests that the bands at 470-530, 370-430, 290-410, and 220-280 cm(-1) can be assigned to the bending modes of 4-, 5-, 6-, and 8-membered rings of aluminosilicate zeolites, respectively. Furthermore, it is found that the band intensity of zeolites in UV Raman spectroscopy is dependent on the Si/Al ratio. Moreover, the UV Raman spectra of crystallization, for zeolite X at various times show that, in the initial stage of crystallization, the 4-membered rings (510 cm(-1)) interconnect each other to form beta -cages with 6-membered rings (390 cm(-1)), which further crystallize to zeolite X. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We review recent advances in all-optical OFDM technologies and discuss the performance of a field trial of a 2 Tbit/s Coherent WDM over 124 km with distributed Raman amplification. The results indicate that careful optimisation of the Raman pumps is essential. We also consider how all-optical OFDM systems perform favourably against energy consumption when compared with alternative coherent detection schemes. We argue that, in an energy constrained high-capacity transmission system, direct detected all-optical OFDM with 'ideal' Raman amplification is an attractive candidate for metro area datacentre interconnects with ~100 km fibre spans, with an overall energy requirement at least three times lower than coherent detection techniques.


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Lidar is an optical remote sensing instrument that can measure atmospheric parameters. A Raman lidar instrument (UCLID) was established at University College Cork to contribute to the European lidar network, EARLINET. System performance tests were carried out to ensure strict data quality assurance for submission to the EARLINET database. Procedures include: overlap correction, telecover test, Rayleigh test and zero bin test. Raman backscatter coefficients, extinction coefficients and lidar ratio were measured from April 2010 to May 2011 and February 2012 to June 2012. Statistical analysis of the profiles over these periods provided new information about the typical atmospheric scenarios over Southern Ireland in terms of aerosol load in the lower troposphere, the planetary boundary layer (PBL) height, aerosol optical density (AOD) at 532 nm and lidar ratio values. The arithmetic average of the PBL height was found to be 608 ± 138 m with a median of 615 m, while average AOD at 532 nm for clean marine air masses was 0.119 ± 0.023 and for polluted air masses was 0.170 ± 0.036. The lidar ratio showed a seasonal dependence with lower values found in winter and autumn (20 ± 5 sr) and higher during spring and winter (30 ± 12 sr). Detection of volcanic particles from the eruption of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland was measured between 21 April and 7 May 2010. The backscatter coefficient of the ash layer varied between 2.5 Mm-1sr-1 and 3.5 Mm-1sr-1, and estimation of the AOD at 532 nm was found to be between 0.090 and 0.215. Several aerosol loads due to Saharan dust particles were detected in Spring 2011 and 2012. Lidar ratio of the dust layers were determine to be between 45 and 77 sr and AOD at 532 nm during the dust events range between 0.84 to 0.494.


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This PhD thesis investigates the application of hollow core photonic crystal fibre for use as an optical fibre nano litre liquid sensor. The use of hollow core photonic crystal fibre for optical fibre sensing is influenced by the vast wealth of knowledge, and years of research that has been conducted for optical waveguides. Hollow core photonic crystal fibres have the potential for use as a simple, rapid and continuous sensor for a wide range of applications. In this thesis, the velocity of a liquid flowing through the core of the fibre (driven by capillary forces) is used for the determination of the viscosity of a liquid. The structure of the hollow core photonic crystal fibre is harnessed to collect Raman scatter from the sample liquid. These two methods are integrated to investigate the range of applications the hollow core photonic crystal fibre can be utilised for as an optical liquid sensor. Understanding the guidance properties of hollow core photonic crystal fibre is forefront in dynamically monitoring the liquid filling. When liquid is inserted fully or selectively to the capillaries, the propagation properties change from photonic bandgap guidance when empty, to index guidance when the core only is filled and finally to a shifted photonic bandgap effect, when the capillaries are fully filled. The alterations to the guidance are exploited for all viscosity and Raman scattering measurements. The concept of the optical fibre viscosity sensor was tested for a wide range of samples, from aqueous solutions of propan-1-ol to solutions of mono-saccharides in phosphate buffer saline. The samples chosen to test the concept were selected after careful consideration of the importance of the liquid in medical and industrial applications. The Raman scattering of a wide range of biological important fluids, such as creatinine, glucose and lactate were investigated, some for the first time with hollow core photonic crystal fibre.