941 resultados para Bad customs


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El concepto de precios de transferencia es un referente universal donde los países se han visto afectados por las malas prácticas comerciales que tiene las diferentes organizaciones en concentrar sus utilidades en aquellos lugares donde las cargas impositivas sean menores o tiendan a cero. Lo anterior implica que lo que dejo de pagar en una región por las bases tributarias determinadas lo estoy recibiendo como utilidad en otro país, generando índices de pobreza y de inequidad tributaria en los países de origen y riqueza a los países destino. Dentro de las directrices que tiene el Gobierno para evitar que se trasladen cargas tributarias entre países es definir unos criterios normativos vinculantes u obligatorios, que eviten que se tipifiquen estos focos de evasión y por el contrario generar una cultura empresarial donde se respete el principio de la plena competencia. Dentro de los criterios normativos están los criterios de vinculación, la información que se debe evidenciar como la comprobatoria y la informativa y las sanciones por incumplir los requisitos vinculantes antes mencionados lo cual nos obliga a profundizar en el mecanismo de control que ejerce el gobierno. De igual forma se establecieron destinos donde se tipifican los precios de transferencia como son los paraísos fiscales, las zonas francas y los vinculados del exterior, donde el destino más relevante donde el Gobierno ejerce control son los paraísos fiscales por sus características que las identifican como son las mínimas cargas tributarias y de igual forma la ausencia de información. Los contribuyentes del impuesto sobre la renta y complementarios que celebren operaciones con vinculados y/o estén obligados a la aplicación de las normas que regulen el régimen de precios de transferencia, deberán llevar acabo tales operaciones en cumplimiento del Principio de Plena Competencia, entendido como aquel en el cual las operaciones entre vinculados cumplen con las condiciones que se hubiesen observado en operaciones comparables con o entre partes independientes, lo anterior, a efectos de determinar sus ingresos ordinarios y extraordinarios, costos, deducciones, activos y pasivos para los fines del impuesto sobre la renta y complementarios. En el siguiente contenido el lector encontrara una metodología ilustrativa que le permita interpretar la normatividad contenida en el Estatuto Tributario (Ley 1607 de 2012 y Decreto 3030 de 2013 el cual reglamenta la norma la ley 1607) y su respectiva aplicación para dar cumplimiento a los requerimientos de la Administración de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales. Lo anterior significa que el contenido del texto es el contenido normativo el cual es detallado en su contenido en algunos aspectos gráfico, en otros casos numéricos y en los demás casos narrativos.


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Rezension von: Werner Thole / Davina Höblich / Sarina Ahmed (Hrsg.): Taschenwörterbuch Soziale Arbeit, Bad Heilbrunn / Stuttgart: Klinkhardt UTB 2012 (320 S.; ISBN 978-3-8525-3655-7)


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Rezension von: Bettina Amrhein: Inklusion in der Sekundarstufe, Eine empirische Analyse, Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2011 (318 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1826-1)


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Rezension von: Wolfgang Einsiedler (Hrsg.): Unterrichtsentwicklung und Didaktische Entwicklungsforschung, Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2011 (184 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1794-3)


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Rezension von: Rebecca Lazarides / Angela Ittel (Hrsg.): Differenzierung im mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht, Implikationen für Theorie und Praxis, Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2012 (232 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1845-2)


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Rezension von: Yvonne Rechter: Bedeutung individueller Lernförderung als Unterstützung schulischen Lernens, Einfluss auf die Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, die Einschätzung der Lernfreude und die fachliche Leistung von Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Grundschule, Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2011 (288 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1816-2)


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Kiel, Ewald / Kahlert, Joachim / Haag, Ludwig / Eberle, Thomas (Hrsg.): Herausfordernde Situationen in der Schule, Ein fallbasiertes Arbeitsbuch, Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2011 (224 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1799-8) 2. Kiel, Ewald / Pollak, Guido (Hrsg.): Kritische Situationen im Referendariat bewältigen, Ein Arbeitsbuch für angehende Lehrkräfte, Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2011 (271 S.; ISBN 978-3-8252-3544-4)


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The hydrodynamics and hydrochemistry of salt and fresh water from solid rock aquifer systems in the Pyrmont area are described and interpreted on the basis of recent investigations including geoelectrics, isotope hydrology, soil air analysis. Theories on the source of the springs in this area are developed, which explain the different compositions of the springs and make it possible to protect them. Data from new and re-interpretated drill holes, borehole logs and outcrops suggest a revision of the geological structure of the Pyrmont dome. Bad Pyrmont is situated on a wide dome of Triassic rocks in the southern part of the Lower Saxony uplands. Inversion of the relief has caused the development of an erosional basin surrounded by prominent ridges. Deep faults developed at the crest of the dome as this part of the structure was subjected to the strongest tectonic stress. Subrosion of the Zechstein salts in the western part of the dome has caused the main salt bed to wedge out below the western part of the dome along a N-S striking structure; this structure is refered to as the „Salzhang“ (salt slope). West of the „Salzhang“, where subrosion has removed the salt bed that prevents gas rising from below, carbon dioxide of deep volcanic origin can now rise to the surface. Hydraulic cross sections illustrate the presence of extensive and deep-seated groundwater flow within the entire Pyrmont dome. While groundwater flow is directed vertically downwards in the ridges surrounding the dome, centripetal horizontal flow predominates the intermediate area. In the central part of the dome, groundwater rises to join the River Emmer, which is the main receiving water course in the central part of the eroded basin. The depth of the saltwater/freshwater interface is determinated by the weight of the superimposed freshwater body. Hydrochemical cross sections show the shape and position of the interface and document a certain degree of hydrochemical zonation of the gently mineralized fresh water. Genetic relationships between the two main water types and the hydrochemical zones of the freshwater body are discussed. The knowledge of the hydrogeological relationship in the Bad Pyrmont aquifer systems permits a spatially narrow coexistence of wells withdrawing groundwater for different purposes (medicinal, mineral, drinking and industrial water).


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The 2108,0 m deep exploration well "Bad Laer Z 1" (1993) has been carried down in order to investigate the deeper ground lying beneath the "Kleiner Berg" anticline, concerning the existence of reservoir beds which was postulated according to preceeding seismic investigations. This aim of the borehole was not attained, because no formations have been drilled suitable for the construction of an artificial gas reservoir. On the other hand the bore hole revealed a great amount of new regional geologic, stratigraphic, mining, coalification and coal bed gas data. Therefore, from a scientific point of view the exploration well must be considered successful. After the drilling of a stratigraphic succession, mainly consisting of cretaceous "Pläner" limestones (from Albian to Turonian), surprisingly in a depth of only 439 m productive Upper Carboniferous rocks formed by the Lembeck beds of uppermost Westfalian C have been found. In addition to this discovery, nearly the whole Westfalian C and B reaching down to the coal bed "Katharina" at the Westfalian A boundary were drilled through revealing over 66 partly minable coal beds. Investigations of the coalification pattern showed a more or less continuous increase of the rank gradient with depth reaching from the step of gas flame coal down to 700 m over that of gas coal down to 1600 m to that of fat coal down to the bottom of the borehole. An additional surprising result of the exploration well was the observation, that immediately below the base of the Cretaceous the coal beds revealed a high gas content without the presence of a desorption zone. This result must also be considered as success of the drilling with respect to the strong interest in a potential utilization of coal bed methane nowadays.


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The phenolic ellagic acid (EA) is receiving increasing attention for its nutritional and pharmacological potential as an antioxidant and antimicrobial agent. The Australian native Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) fruit is an abundant source of this phytochemical. The fruit also contains large amounts of vitamin C (mainly as ascorbic acid, AA) and possibly the undesirable oxalic acid (OA). Regular consumption of high oxalate foods poses a variety of health risks in humans including interference with calcium absorption and kidney stone formation. Oxalate is also the end-product of AA metabolism so that consumption of fruit with heightened AA content has the potential to elevate urinary oxalate levels. The aims of this study were to investigate the distribution of EA and the presence of other bioactives in other Kakadu plum tissues. Chemical analysis of Kakadu plum fruit and leaves for EA (free and total), OA (water-soluble and total), calcium (Ca) and AA indicated that EA and AA concentrations were high in the fruit while the leaves had significantly higher EA levels but little or no detectable AA. OA content in fruit and leaves was substantial with the fruit being placed in the high-Oxalate category. These findings suggest that there is potential to elevate oxalate levels in the urine of susceptible people and intake of fruit-derived products should be closely monitored. By measuring tissues collected from specific trees, high EA-producing or low OA-containing individuals were identified.


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Gerhard Tulodziecki: Medienerziehung in Schule und Unterricht. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2. Aufl. 1992, 205 S. 2. Wolfgang Schill/Gerhard Tulodziecki/Wolf-Rüdiger Wagner (Hrsg.): Medienpädagogisches Handeln in der Schule. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1992. 327 S.


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Presentation from the MARAC conference in Boston, MA on March 18-21, 2015. S12 - History in Action: Collaboration in Academia


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Rezension von: Elmar Schwinger: Literarische Erziehung und Gymnasium. Zur Entwicklung des bayerischen Gymnasiums in der Ära Niethammer/Thiersch. Mit einem Geleitwort von A. Reble. (Würzburger Arbeiten zur Erziehungswissenschaft. Bd. 18.) Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 1988. 452 S.


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Rezension von: Stephen Frank: E-Learning und Kompetenzentwicklung. Ein unterrichtsorientiertes didaktisches Modell. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2012 (220 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1861-2)


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Rezension von: Annette Frühwacht: Bildungsstandards in der Grundschule. Bildungsstandards und Vergleichsarbeiten aus der Sicht von deutschen und finnischen Lehrkräften. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2012 (270 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1876-6)