996 resultados para air handling unit
In this research we are examining what is the status of logistics and operations management in Finnish and Swedish companies. Empirical data is based on the web based questionnaire, which was completed in the end of 2007 and early 2008. Our examination consists of roughly 30 answers from largest manufacturing (highest representation in our sample), trade and logistics/distribution companies. Generally it could be argued that these companies operate in complex environment, where number of products, raw materials/components and suppliers is high. However, usually companies rely on small amount of suppliers per raw material/component (highest frequency is 2), and this was especially the case among Swedish companies, and among those companies, which favoured overseas sourcing. Sample consisted of companies which mostly are operating in an international environment, and are quite often multinationals. Our survey findings reveal that companies in general have taken logistics and information technology as part of their strategy process; utilization of performance measures as well as system implementations have followed the strategy decisions. In the transportation mode side we identify that road transports dominate all transport flow classes (inbound, internal and outbound), followed by sea and air. Surprisingly small amount of companies use railways, but in general we could argue that Swedish companies prefer this mode over Finnish counterparts. With respect of operations outsourcing, we found that more traditional areas of logistics outsourcing are driving factors in company's performance measurement priority. In contrary to previous research, our results indicate that the scope of outsourcing is not that wide in logistics/operations management area, and companies are not planning to outsource more in the near future. Some support is found for more international operations and increased outsourcing activity. From the increased time pressure of companies, we find evidence that local as well as overseas customers expect deliveries within days or weeks, but suppliers usually supply within weeks or months. So, basically this leads into considerable inventory holding. Interestingly local and overseas sourcing strategy does not have that great influence on lead time performance of these particular sourcing areas - local strategy is anyway considerably better in responding on market changes due to shorter supply lead times. In the end of our research work we have completed correlation analysis concerning items asked with Likert scale. Our analysis shows that seeing logistics more like a process rather than function, applying time based management, favouring partnerships and measuring logistics within different performance dimensions results on preferred features and performance found in logistics literature.
We perform a meta - analysis of 21 studies that estimate the elasticity of the price of waste collection demand upon waste quantities, a prior literature review having revealed that the price elasticity differs markedly. Based on a meta - regression with a total of 65 observations, we find no indication that municipal data give higher estimates for price elasticities than those associated with household data. Furthermore, there is no evidence that treating prices as exogenous underestimates the price elasticity. We find that much of the variation can be explained by sample size, the use of a weight - based as opposed to a volume - based pricing system, and the pricing of compostable waste. We also show that price elasticities determined in the USA and point estimations of elasticities are more elastic, but these effects are not robust to the changing of model specifications. Finally, our tests show that there is no evidence of publication bias while there is some evidence of the existence of genuine empirical effect.
Työn kirjallinen osuus aloitettiin kertaamalla lyhyesti web-sovellukset ja niiden ominaisuudet. Tekniikan kehittyminen on mahdollistanut rikkaat Internet-sovellukset, joiden periaate ja toiminta esitettiin, ja lisäksi perehdyttiin rikkaiden Internet-sovellusten vaatimuksiin. Adobe Air on käyttöjärjestelmäriippumaton ajoympäristö työpöytäsovellusten toteuttamiseen web-tekniikoilla. Air-tekniikkaan tutustuttiin käymällä läpi ajoympäristön tärkeimmät komponentit ja niiden merkitys sekä Air-sovelluksen tietoturvamalli. Air-sovellus voidaan toteuttaa vaihtoehtoisilla sovellustekniikoilla, jotka esitellään lyhyesti ja pohditaan valintaan vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi esitettiin sovelluskehitykseen tarjolla olevia työkaluja ja Air-sovelluskehityksen ominaispiirteitä.Työssä toteutettiin Asiakasselain-sovellus, jonka on tarkoitus korvata tulevaisuudessa tällä hetkellä käytössä oleva Asiakaspääte-sovellus. Asiakasselaimen avulla asiakas voi etsiä tuotteita ja lisätietoja tavarataloissa. Air-sovelluksen sovellustekniikaksi valittiin HTML/Ajax-tekniikka. Sovellus hyödyntää tavaratalon varasto-tietokantaa sekä verkko-kaupan kuva- ja tuoteinformaatiota. Työn päätavoitteena oli tutustua Adobe Air -tekniikkaan ja sen tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin. Air osoittautui mielenkiintoiseksi ja helpoksi vaihtoehdoksi työpöytäsovelluksen toteutta-misessa perinteisillä web-tekniikoilla.
Simananniemen käsikirjoituskokoelma.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on esittää kustannustehokkaita tapoja lähetystoimintojen ja kuljetustietojen käsittelyyn päivittäistavarakaupan logistiikkakeskuksessa. Tutkielmassa kuvataan case-yrityksen lähettämö- ja kuljetustoimintojen sekä lähtevän tavaravirran seurannan ja rahtilaskutuksen nykytilanne. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty case-yrityksen avainhenkilöiden teemahaastatteluja sekä erillistä haastattelututkimusta kahdeksalle suurimmalle case-yrityksen käyttämälle kuljetusliikkeelle. Työssä esitellään keskeisimpien kuljetustietojen ja lähettämötoimintojen sähköistämisen edellytyksiä sekä niiden toteutusmahdollisuuksia. Koska lähtevän tavaravirran käsittely manuaalisesti aiheuttaa ylimääräisiä virheitä ja tehottomuutta pitkän arvoketjun eri vaiheissa työllistäen lähettämön, kuljetusliikkeiden, terminaalien ja myymälöiden työntekijöitä, on tutkielmassa esitelty keskeisimmät keinot tehostaa ja automatisoida lähtevien kuljetusyksiköiden käsittelyä. Ratkaisut pohjautuvat lähtevien kuljetusyksiköiden yksilöintiin ja seurantaan. Yksiköiden käsittelyä tehostetaan automatisoimalla yksiköiden tunnistamista ja tiedonsiirtoa. Käytettäviksi työkaluiksi on valittu viivakoodit ja tarvittavat lukijat yksiköiden tunnistamiseen. Sähköisellä rahtikirjalla pyritään paperittomaan lähettämötoimintaan ja sitä kautta automatisoimaan rahtilaskutusta ottamalla käyttöön laskuton maksu. Kuljetustietojen sähköistämisellä voidaan saavuttaa mittavat kustannussäästöt pitkässä arvoketjussa.
Soitinnus: sooloääni. Simananniemen käsikirjoituskokoelma.
In this paper we examine whether airline prices on national routes are higher than those charged on international routes. Drawing on a database prepared specifically for this study, we estimate a pricing equation for all routes originating from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain; differentiating between national and international routes. A key difference between these two route types is that island residents benefit from discounts on domestic flights. When controlling for variables related to airline characteristics, market structure and demand, we find that national passengers who are non-residents on the islands are paying higher prices than international passengers.
The thesis examined service offering development of an air freight carrier from the customers' point of view. The study was limited to the biggest business clients of the carrier. Service offering development can be divided into service concept, process and system. The thesis was based on these three themes and quality. Compared to product development, systematic and well-structured service development has been studied little, especially in business market. However, service development is a current issue. Due to growing competition companies should carefully listen to their clients' needs and respond to them by offering right services. Methodology of the thesis is qualitative and representatives of three forwarding companies were interviewed. It was found out that the forwarding companies consider themselves as partners of the airline. In addition to general reliability, the customers value the most fluent terminal processes and electronic communication.
Energy consumption and energy efficiency have become an issue. Energy consumption is rising all over the world and because of that, and the climate change, energy is becoming more and more expensive. Buildings are major consumers of energy, and inside the buildings the major consumers are heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. They usually run at constant speed without efficient control. In most cases HVAC equipment is also oversized. Traditionally heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems have been sized to meet conditions that rarely occur. The theory part in this thesis represents the basics of life cycle costs and calculations for the whole life cycle of a system. It also represents HVAC systems, equipment, systems controls and ways to save energy in these systems. The empirical part of this thesis represents life cycle cost calculations for HVAC systems. With these calculations it is possible to compute costs for the whole life cycle for the wanted variables. Life cycle costs make it possible to compare which variable causes most of the costs from the whole life point of view. Life cycle costs were studied through two real life cases which were focused on two different kinds of HVAC systems. In both of these cases the renovations were already made, so that the comparison between the old and the new, now existing system would be easier. The study indicates that energy can be saved in HVAC systems by using variable speed drive as a control method.
An examination of the impact in the US and EU markets of two major innovations in the provision of air services on thin routes - regional jet technology and the low-cost business model - reveals significant differences. In the US, regional airlines monopolize a high proportion of thin routes, whereas low-cost carriers are dominant on these routes in Europe. Our results have different implications for business and leisure travelers, given that regional services provide a higher frequency of flights (at the expense of higher fares), while low-cost services offer lower fares (at the expense of lower flight frequencies).
A photonic system has been developed that enables sensitive quantitative determination of reactive oxygen species (ROS) - mainly hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) - in aerosol samples such as airborne nanoparticles and exhaled air from patients. The detection principle relies on the amplification of the absorbance under multiple scattering conditions due to optical path lengthening [1] and [2]. In this study, the presence of cellulose membrane that acts as random medium into the glass optical cell considerably improved the sensitivity of the detection based on colorimetric FOX assay (FeII/orange xylenol). Despite the loss of assay volume (cellulose occupies 75% of cell volume) the limit of detection is enhanced by one order of magnitude reaching the value of 9 nM (H2O2 equivalents). Spectral analysis is performed automatically with a periodicity of 5 to 15 s, giving rise to real-time ROS measurements. Moreover, the elution of air sample into the collection chamber via a micro-diffuser (impinger) enables quantitative determination of ROS contained in or generated from airborne samples. As proof-of-concept the photonic ROS detection system was used in the determination of both ROS generated from traffic pollution and ROS contained in the exhaled breath as lung inflammation biomarkers.