960 resultados para 3T MRI


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Lakes serve as sites for terrestrially fixed carbon to be remineralized and transferred back to the atmosphere. Their role in regional carbon cycling is especially important in the Boreal Zone, where lakes can cover up to 20% of the land area. Boreal lakes are often characterized by the presence of a brown water colour, which implies high levels of dissolved organic carbon from the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem, but the load of inorganic carbon from the catchment is largely unknown. Organic carbon is transformed to methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in biological processes that result in lake water gas concentrations that increase above atmospheric equilibrium, thus making boreal lakes as sources of these important greenhouse gases. However, flux estimates are often based on sporadic sampling and modelling and actual flux measurements are scarce. Thus, the detailed temporal flux dynamics of greenhouse gases are still largely unknown. ----- One aim here was to reveal the natural dynamics of CH4 and CO2 concentrations and fluxes in a small boreal lake. The other aim was to test the applicability of a measuring technique for CO2 flux, i.e. the eddy covariance (EC) technique, and a computational method for estimation of primary production and community respiration, both commonly used in terrestrial research, in this lake. Continuous surface water CO2 concentration measurements, also needed in free-water applications to estimate primary production and community respiration, were used over two open water periods in a study of CO2 concentration dynamics. Traditional methods were also used to measure gas concentration and fluxes. The study lake, Valkea-Kotinen, is a small, humic, headwater lake within an old-growth forest catchment with no local anthropogenic disturbance and thus possible changes in gas dynamics reflect the natural variability in lake ecosystems. CH4 accumulated under the ice and in the hypolimnion during summer stratification. The surface water CH4 concentration was always above atmospheric equilibrium and thus the lake was a continuous source of CH4 to the atmosphere. However, the annual CH4 fluxes were small, i.e. 0.11 mol m-2 yr-1, and the timing of fluxes differed from that of other published estimates. The highest fluxes are usually measured in spring after ice melt but in Lake Valkea-Kotinen CH4 was effectively oxidised in spring and highest effluxes occurred in autumn after summer stratification period. CO2 also accumulated under the ice and the hypolimnetic CO2 concentration increased steadily during stratification period. The surface water CO2 concentration was highest in spring and in autumn, whereas during the stable stratification it was sometimes under atmospheric equilibrium. It showed diel, daily and seasonal variation; the diel cycle was clearly driven by light and thus reflected the metabolism of the lacustrine ecosystem. However, the diel cycle was sometimes blurred by injection of hypolimnetic water rich in CO2 and the surface water CO2 concentration was thus controlled by stratification dynamics. The highest CO2 fluxes were measured in spring, autumn and during those hypolimnetic injections causing bursts of CO2 comparable with the spring and autumn fluxes. The annual fluxes averaged 77 (±11 SD) g C m-2 yr-1. In estimating the importance of the lake in recycling terrestrial carbon, the flux was normalized to the catchment area and this normalized flux was compared with net ecosystem production estimates of -50 to 200 g C m-2 yr-1 from unmanaged forests in corresponding temperature and precipitation regimes in the literature. Within this range the flux of Lake Valkea-Kotinen yielded from the increase in source of the surrounding forest by 20% to decrease in sink by 5%. The free water approach gave primary production and community respiration estimates of 5- and 16-fold, respectively, compared with traditional bottle incubations during a 5-day testing period in autumn. The results are in parallel with findings in the literature. Both methods adopted from the terrestrial community also proved useful in lake studies. A large percentage of the EC data was rejected, due to the unfulfilled prerequisites of the method. However, the amount of data accepted remained large compared with what would be feasible with traditional methods. Use of the EC method revealed underestimation of the widely used gas exchange model and suggests simultaneous measurements of actual turbulence at the water surface with comparison of the different gas flux methods to revise the parameterization of the gas transfer velocity used in the models.


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This dissertation deals with the design, fabrication, and applications of microscale electrospray ionization chips for mass spectrometry. The microchip consists of microchannel, which leads to a sharp electrospray tip. Microchannel contain micropillars that facilitate a powerful capillary action in the channels. The capillary action delivers the liquid sample to the electrospray tip, which sprays the liquid sample to gas phase ions that can be analyzed with mass spectrometry. The microchip uses a high voltage, which can be utilized as a valve between the microchip and mass spectrometry. The microchips can be used in various applications, such as for analyses of drugs, proteins, peptides, or metabolites. The microchip works without pumps for liquid transfer, is usable for rapid analyses, and is sensitive. The characteristics of performance of the single microchips are studied and a rotating multitip version of the microchips are designed and fabricated. It is possible to use the microchip also as a microreactor and reaction products can be detected online with mass spectrometry. This property can be utilized for protein identification for example. Proteins can be digested enzymatically on-chip and reaction products, which are in this case peptides, can be detected with mass spectrometry. Because reactions occur faster in a microscale due to shorter diffusion lengths, the amount of protein can be very low, which is a benefit of the method. The microchip is well suited to surface activated reactions because of a high surface-to-volume ratio due to a dense micropillar array. For example, titanium dioxide nanolayer on the micropillar array combined with UV radiation produces photocatalytic reactions which can be used for mimicking drug metabolism biotransformation reactions. Rapid mimicking with the microchip eases the detection of possibly toxic compounds in preclinical research and therefore could speed up the research of new drugs. A micropillar array chip can also be utilized in the fabrication of liquid chromatographic columns. Precisely ordered micropillar arrays offer a very homogenous column, where separation of compounds has been demonstrated by using both laser induced fluorescence and mass spectrometry. Because of small dimensions on the microchip, the integrated microchip based liquid chromatography electrospray microchip is especially well suited to low sample concentrations. Overall, this work demonstrates that the designed and fabricated silicon/glass three dimensionally sharp electrospray tip is unique and facilitates stable ion spray for mass spectrometry.


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The occurrence of occupational chronic solvent encephalopathy (CSE) seems to decrease, but still every year reveals new cases. To prevent CSE and early retirement of solvent-exposed workers, actions should focus on early CSE detection and diagnosis. Identifying the work tasks and solvent exposure associated with high risk for CSE is crucial. Clinical and exposure data of all the 128 cases diagnosed with CSE as an occupational disease in Finland during 1995-2007 was collected from the patient records at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) in Helsinki. The data on the number of exposed workers in Finland were gathered from the Finnish Job-exposure Matrix (FINJEM) and the number of employed from the national workforce survey. We analyzed the work tasks and solvent exposure of CSE patients and the findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG), and event-related potentials (ERP). The annual number of new cases diminished from 18 to 3, and the incidence of CSE decreased from 8.6 to 1.2 / million employed per year. The highest incidence of CSE was in workers with their main exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons; during 1995-2006 the incidence decreased from 1.2 to 0.3 / 1 000 exposed workers per year. The work tasks with the highest incidence of CSE were floor layers and lacquerers, wooden surface finishers, and industrial, metal, or car painters. Among 71 CSE patients, brain MRI revealed atrophy or white matter hyperintensities or both in 38% of the cases. Atrophy which was associated with duration of exposure was most frequently located in the cerebellum and in the frontal or parietal brain areas. QEEG in a group of 47 patients revealed increased power of the theta band in the frontal brain area. In a group of 86 patients, the P300 amplitude of auditory ERP was decreased, but at individual level, all the amplitude values were classified as normal. In 11 CSE patients and 13 age-matched controls, ERP elicited by a multimodal paradigm including an auditory, a visual detection, and a recognition memory task under single and dual-task conditions corroborated the decrease of auditory P300 amplitude in CSE patients in single-task condition. In dual-task conditions, the auditory P300 component was, more often in patients than in controls, unrecognizable. Due to the paucity and non-specificity of the findings, brain MRI serves mainly for differential diagnostics in CSE. QEEG and auditory P300 are insensitive at individual level and not useful in the clinical diagnostics of CSE. A multimodal ERP paradigm may, however, provide a more sensitive method to diagnose slight cognitive disturbances such as CSE.


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Työvoiman määrällinen ja laadullinen tarve kirjastoalalla 2008-2010 -selvitys on tehty kirjastoalan valtakunnallisen koulutustyöryhmän toimeksiannosta 2010 - 2011. Koulutustyöryhmään on kuulunut edustajia eri kirjastosektoreilta sekä alan oppilaitoksista. Selvityksen ensimmäinen osa kartoittaa työvoiman määrällistä tarvetta. Siinä tarkastellaan joitakin kirjastoalan koulutuksen ja työvoimatarpeiden kohtaamisen kannalta keskeisimpiä tekijöitä: suoritettujen kirjastoalan tutkintojen määriä eri koulutusasteilla, työttömien työnhakijoiden ja avointen työpaikkojen keskinäistä suhdetta, toteutunutta eläköitymistä ja tulevaisuuden eläköitymisennusteita. Tietoja on kerätty useista eri lähteistä. Vakinaisen virka- tai työsuhteisen kokopäivätyön lisäksi selvityksessä on pyritty mahdollisuuksien mukaan huomioimaan myös osa-aikaiset ja määräaikaiset työsuhteet, erilaiset harjottelut ja vuokratyö. Selvityksen toinen osa analysoi sitä, millaista osaamista kirjastoissa tällä hetkellä tarvitaan. Aineistona käytetään kirjastot.fi - portaalissa vuosina 2008 - 2010 julkaistuja työpaikkailmoituksia. Aineiston perusteella kirjastoalan työntekijöihin kohdistetaan monenlaisia toiveita ja vaatimuksia, jotka liittyvät niin aiempaan työkokemukseen ja henkilökohtaisiin ominaisuuksiin kuin varsinaiseen osaamiseenkin. Eri osaamisalueet painottuvat ilmoituksissa sen mukaan, millaista koulutusta tehtävään vaaditaan ja mille kirjastosektorille työ sijoittuu. Julkisen sektorin työvoimatarve on sidoksissa viime kädessä poliittisiin päätöksiin. Suurten ikäluokkien eläköityminen ei automaattisesti luo kirjastoalalle työpaikkoja eikä odotetusta työvoimapulasta selvityksen perusteella näy merkkejä. Kirjastoasetuksen määrittämät kelpoisuusvaatimukset säätelevät henkilöstörakennetta ja henkilöstön osaamisen tasoa yleisissä kirjastoissa. Näiden vaatimusten täyttäminen kunnissa kuitenkin ontuu. Henkilöstösäästöihin liittyvät vaatimukset kuullaan herkemmin. Selvityksen aihepiiri on laaja. Niinpä siinä on ensisijaisesti pyritty paikallistamaan sellaisia avoimeksi jääviä kysymyksiä ja kiinnostavia aineistoja, joiden perusteellinen tarkastelu laajemmassa lisäselvityksessä olisi hyödyllistä. Erityisesti kaivattaisiin laadullista tutkimusta kirjastoissa tehdyn "epätyypillisen" työn sisällöistä ja tekijöistä sekä rekrytointiprosessien tosiasiallisesta kulusta.


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Although improved outcomes for children on peritoneal dialysis (PD) have been seen in recent years, the youngest patients continue to demonstrate inferior growth, more frequent infections, more neurological sequelae, and higher mortality compared to older children. Also, maintain-ing normal intravascular volume status, especially in anuric patients, has proven difficult. This study was designed to treat and monitor these youngest PD patients, which are relatively many due to the high prevalence of congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (CNF, NPHS1) in Finland, with a strict protocol, to evaluate the results and to improve metabolic balance, growth, and development. A retrospective analysis of 23 children under two years of age at onset of PD, treated between 1995 and 2000, was performed to obtain a control population for our prospective PD study. Respectively, 21 patients less than two years of age at the beginning of PD were enrolled in prospective studies between 2001 and 2005. Medication for uremia and nutrition were care-fully adjusted during PD. Laboratory parameters and intravascular volume status were regu-larly analyzed. Growth was analyzed and compared with midparental height. In a prospective neurological study, the risk factors for development and the neurological development was determined. Brain images were surveyed. Hearing was tested. In a retrospective neurological study, the data of six NPHS1 patients with a congruent neurological syndrome was analyzed. All these patients had a serious dyskinetic cerebral palsy-like syndrome with muscular dysto-nia and athetosis (MDA). They also had a hearing defect. Metabolic control was mainly good in both PD patient groups. Hospitalization time shortened clearly. The peritonitis rate diminished. Hypertension was a common problem. Left ventricular hypertrophy decreased during the prospective study period. None of the patients in either PD group had pulmonary edema or dialysis-related seizures. Growth was good and catch-up growth was documented in most patients in both patient groups during PD. Mortality was low (5% in prospective and 9% in retrospective PD patients). In the prospective PD patient group 11 patients (52%) had some risk factor for their neuro-development originating from the predialysis period. The neurological problems, detected be-fore PD, did not worsen during PD and none of the patients developed new neurological com-plications during PD. Brain infarcts were detected in four (19%) and other ischemic lesions in three patients (14%). At the end of this study, 29% of the prospectively followed patients had a major impairment of their neurodevelopment and 43% only minor impairment. In the NPHS1+MDA patients, no clear explanation for the neurological syndrome was found. The brain MRI showed increased signal intensity in the globus pallidus area. Kernic-terus was contemplated to be causative in the hypoproteinemic newborns but it could not be proven. Mortality was as high as 67%. Our results for young PD patients were promising. Metabolic control was acceptable and growth was good. However, the children were significantly smaller when compared to their midparental height. Although many patients were found to have neurological impairment at the end of our follow-up period, PD was a safe treatment whereby the neurodevelopment did not worsen during PD.


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Diesel spills contaminate aquatic and terrestrial environments. To prevent the environmental and health risks, the remediation needs to be advanced. Bioremediation, i.e., degradation by microbes, is one of the suitable methods for cleaning diesel contamination. In monitored natural attenuation technique are natural processes in situ combined, including bioremediation, volatilization, sorption, dilution and dispersion. Soil bacteria are capable of adapting to degrade environmental pollutants, but in addition, some soil types may have indigenous bacteria that are naturally suitable for degradation. The objectives for this work were (1) to find a feasible and economical technique to remediate oil spilled into Baltic Sea water and (2) to bioremediate soil contaminated by diesel oil. Moreover, the aim was (3) to study the potential for natural attenuation and the indigenous bacteria in soil, and possible adaptation to degrade diesel hydrocarbons. In the aquatic environment, the study concentrated on diesel oil sorption to cotton grass fiber, a natural by-product of peat harvesting. The impact of diesel pollution was followed in bacteria, phytoplankton and mussels. In a terrestrial environment, the focus was to compare the methods of enhanced biodegradation (biostimulation and bioaugmentation), and to study natural attenuation of oil hydrocarbons in different soil types and the effect that a history of previous contamination may have on the bioremediation potential. (1) In the aquatic environment, rapid removal of diesel oil was significant for survival of tested species and thereby diversity maintained. Cotton grass not only absorbed the diesel but also benefited the bacterial growth by providing a large colonizable surface area and hence oil-microbe contact area. Therefore use of this method would enhance bioremediation of diesel spills. (2) Biostimulation enhances bioremediation, and (3) indigenous diesel-degrading bacteria are present in boreal environments, so microbial inocula are not always needed. In the terrestrial environment experiments, the combination of aeration and addition of slowly released nitrogen advanced the oil hydrocarbon degradation. Previous contamination of soil gives the bacterial community the potential for rapid adaptation and efficient degradation of the same type of contaminant. When the freshly contaminated site needs addition of diesel degraders, previously contaminated and remediated soil could be used as a bacterial inoculum. Another choice of inoculum could be conifer forest soil, which provides a plentiful population of degraders, and based on the present results, could be considered as a safe non-polluted inoculum. According to the findings in this thesis, bioremediation (microbial degradation) and monitored natural attenuation (microbial, physical and chemical degradation) are both suitable techniques for remediation of diesel-contaminated sites in Finland.


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Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a heterogeneous group of clonal hematopoietic disorders whose etiology and molecular pathogenesis are poorly understood. During the past decade, enormous developments in microarray technology and bioinformatics methods have made it possible to mine novel molecular alterations in a large number of malignancies, including MPN and MDS, which has facilitated the detection of new prognostic, predictive and therapeutic biomarkers for disease stratification. By applying novel microarray techniques, we profiled copy number alterations and microRNA (miRNA) expression changes in bone marrow aspirate and blood samples. In addition, we set up and validated an miRNA expression test for bone marrow core biopsies in order to utilize the large archive material available in many laboratories. We also tested JAK2 mutation status and compare it with the in vitro growth pattern of hematologic progenitors cells. In the study focusing on 100 MPN cases, we detected a Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) mutation in 71 cases. We observed spontaneous erythroid colony growth in all mutation-positive cases in addition to nine mutation negative cases. Interestingly, seven JAK2V167F negative ET cases showed spontaneous megakaryocyte colony formation, one case of which also harbored a myeloproliferative leukemia virus oncogene (MPL) mutation. We studied copy number alterations in 35 MPN and 37 MDS cases by using oligonucleotide-based array comparative hybridization (array CGH). Only one essential thrombocythemia (ET) case presented copy number alterations in chromosomes 1q and 13q. In contrast, MDS cases were characterized by numerous novel cryptic chromosomal aberrations with the most common copy number losses at 5q21.3q33.1 and 7q22.1q33, while the most common copy number gain was trisomy 8. As for the study of the bone marrow core biopsy samples, we showed that even though these samples were embedded in paraffin and underwent decalcification, they were reliable sources of miRNA and suitable for array expression analysis. Further, when studying the miRNA expression profiles of the 19 MDS cases, we found that, compared to controls, two miRNAs (one human Epstein-Barr virus (miR-BART13) miRNA and one human (has-miR-671-5p) miRNA) were downregulated, whereas two other miRNAs (hsa-miR-720 and hsa-miR-21) were upregulated. However, we could find no correlation between copy number alterations and microRNA expression when integrating these two data. This thesis brings to light new information about genomic changes implicated in the development of MPN and MDS, and also underlines the power of applying genome-wide array screening techniques in neoplasias. Rapid advances in molecular techniques and the integration of different genomic data will enable the discovery of the biological contexts of many complex disorders, including myeloid neoplasias.


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Gliomas are the most frequent primary brain tumours. The cardinal features of gliomas are infiltrative growth pattern and progression from low-grade tumours to a more malignant phenotype. These features of gliomas generally prevent their complete surgical excision and cause their inherent tendency to recur after initial treatment and lead to poor long-term prognosis. Increasing knowledge about the molecular biology of gliomas has produced new markers that supplement histopathological diagnostics. Molecular markers are also used to evaluate the prognosis and predict therapeutic response. The purpose of this thesis is to study molecular events involved in the malignant progression of gliomas. Gliomas are highly vascularised tumours. Contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reflects a disrupted blood-brain barrier and is often seen in malignant gliomas. In this thesis, 62 astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas were studied by MRI and immunohistochemistry. Contrast enhancement in preoperative MRI was associated with angiogenesis, tumour cell proliferation and histological grade of gliomas. Activation of oncogenes by gene amplification is a common genetic aberration in gliomas. EGFR amplification on chromosome 7p12 occurs in 30-40% of glioblastomas. PDGFRA, KIT and VEGFR2 are receptor tyrosine kinase genes located on chromosome 4q12. Amplification of these genes was studied using in situ hybridisation in the primary and recurrent astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas of 87 patients. PDGFRA, KIT or VEGFR2 amplification was found in 22% of primary tumours and 36% of recurrent tumours including low-grade and malignant gliomas. The most frequent aberration was KIT amplification, which occurred in 10% of primary tumours and in 27% of recurrent tumours. The expression of ezrin, cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and HuR was studied immunohistochemically in a series of primary and recurrent gliomas of 113 patients. Ezrin is a cell membrane-cytoskeleton linking-protein involved in the migration of glioma cells. The COX-2 enzyme is implicated in the carcinogenesis of epithelial neoplasms and is overexpressed in gliomas. HuR is an RNA-stabilising protein, which regulates the expression of several proteins including COX-2. Ezrin, COX-2 and HuR were associated with histological grade and the overall survival of glioma patients. However, in multivariate analysis they were not independent prognostic factors. In conclusion, these results suggest that contrast enhancement in MRI can be used as a surrogate marker for the proliferative and angiogenic potential of gliomas. Aberrations of PDGFRA, KIT and VEGFR2 genes, as well as the dysregulated expression of ezrin, COX-2 and HuR proteins, are linked to the progression of gliomas.


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Cow s milk allergy (CMA) affects about 2-6% of infants and young children. Environmental factors during early life are suggested to play a role in the development of allergic diseases. One of these factors is likely to be maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation. The association between maternal diet and development of CMA in offspring is not well known, but diet could contain factors that facilitate development of tolerance. After an established food allergy, another issue is gaining tolerance towards an antigen that causes symptoms. The strictness of the elimination depends on the individual level of tolerance. This study aimed at validating a questionnaire used to inquire about food allergies in children, at researching associations between maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation and subsequent development of cow s milk allergy in the offspring, and at evaluating the degree of adherence to a therapeutic elimination diet of children with CMA and factors associated with the adherence and age of recovery. These research questions were addressed in a prospective birth cohort born between 1997 and 2004 at the Tampere and Oulu University Hospitals. Altogether 6753 children of the Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) Nutrition cohort were investigated. Questionnaires regarding allergic diseases are often used in studies without validation. High-quality valid tools are therefore needed. Two validation studies were conducted here: one by comparing parentally reported food allergies with information gathered from patient records of 1122 children, and the other one by comparing parentally reported CMA with information in the reimbursement records of special infant formulae in the registers of the Social Insurance Institution for 6753 children. Both of these studies showed that the questionnaire works well and is a valid tool for measuring food allergies in children. In the first validation study, Cohen s kappa values were within 0.71-0.88 for CMA, 0.74-0.82 for cereal allergy, and 0.66-0.86 for any reported food allergy. In the second validation study, the kappa value was 0.79, sensitivity 0.958, and specificity 0.965 for reported and diagnosed CMA. To investigate the associations between maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation and CMA in offspring, 6288 children were studied. Maternal diet during pregnancy (8th month) and lactation (3rd month) was assessed by a validated, 181-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and as an endpoint register-based information on diagnosed CMA was obtained from the Social Insurance Institution and complemented with parental reports of CMA in their children. The associations between maternal food consumption and CMA in offspring were analyzed by logistic regression comparing the highest and lowest quarters with two middle quarters of consumption and adjusted for several potential confounding factors. High maternal intake of milk products (OR 0.56, 95% CI 0.37-0.86 p = 0.002) was associated with a lower risk of CMA in offspring. When stratified according to maternal allergic rhinitis or asthma, a protective association of high use of milk products with CMA was seen in children of allergy-free mothers (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.13 - 0.69, p < 0.001), but not in children of allergic mothers. Moreover, low maternal consumption of fish during pregnancy was associated with a higher risk of CMA in children of mothers with allergic rhinitis or asthma (OR 1.47, 95% CI 0.96 - 2.27 for the lowest quarter, p = 0.043). In children of nonallergic mothers, this association was not seen. Maternal diet during lactation was not associated with CMA in offspring, apart from an inverse association between citrus and kiwi fruit consumption and CMA. These results imply that maternal diet during pregnancy may contain factors protective against CMA in offspring, more so than maternal diet during lactation. These results need to be confirmed in other studies before giving recommendations to the public. To evaluate the degree of adherence to a therapeutic elimination diet in children with diagnosed CMA, food records of 267 children were studied. Subsequent food records were examined to assess the age at reintroduction of milk products to the child s diet. Nine of ten families adhered to the elimination diet of the child with extreme accuracy. Older and monosensitized children had more often small amounts of cow s milk protein in their diet (p < 0.001 for both). Adherence to the diet was not related to any other sociodemographic factor studied or to the age at reintroduction of milk products to the diet. Low intakes of vitamin D, calcium, and riboflavin are of concern in children following a cow s milk-free diet. In summary, we found that the questionnaires used in the DIPP study are valid in investigating CMA in young children; that there are associations between maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation and the development of CMA in offspring; and that the therapeutic elimination diet in children with diagnosed CMA is rigorously adhered to.


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The human gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota is a complex ecosystem that lives in symbiosis with its host. The growing awareness of the importance of the microbiota to the host as well as the development of culture-free laboratory techniques and computational methods has enormously expanded our knowledge of this microbial community. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional bowel disorder affecting up to a fifth of the Western population. To date, IBS diagnosis has been based on GI symptoms and the exclusion of organic diseases. The GI microbiota has been found to be altered in this syndrome and probiotics can alleviate the symptoms, although clear links between the symptoms and the microbiota have not been demonstrated. The aim of the present work was to characterise IBS related alterations in the intestinal microbiota, their relation to IBS symptoms and their responsiveness to probiotic theraphy. In this thesis research, the healthy human microbiota was characterised by cloning and sequencing 16S rRNA genes from a faecal microbial community DNA pool that was first profiled and fractionated according to its guanine and cytosine content (%G+C). The most noticeable finding was that the high G+C Gram-positive bacteria (the phylum Actinobacteria) were more abundant compared to a corresponding library constructed from the unfractionated DNA pool sample. Previous molecular analyses of the gut microbiota have also shown comparatively low amounts of high G+C bacteria. Furthermore, the %G+C profiling approach was applied to a sample constructed of faecal DNA from diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D) subjects. The phylogenetic microbial community comparison performed for healthy and IBS-D sequence libraries revealed that the IBS-D sample was rich in representatives of the phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria whereas Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes were abundant in the healthy subjects. The family Lachnospiraceae within the Firmicutes was especially prevalent in the IBS-D sample. Moreover, associations of the GI microbiota with intestinal symptoms and the quality of life (QOL) were investigated, as well as the effect of probiotics on these factors. The microbial targets that were analysed with the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in this study were phylotypes (species definition according to 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity) previously associated with either health or IBS. With a set of samples, the presence or abundance of a phylotype that had 94% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to Ruminococcus torques (R. torques 94%) was shown to be associated with the severity of IBS symptoms. The qPCR analyses for selected phylotypes were also applied to samples from a six-month probiotic intervention with a mixture of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, L. rhamnosus Lc705, Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Bifidobacterium breve Bb99. The intervention had been previously reported to alleviate IBS symptoms, but no associations with the analysed microbiota representatives were shown. However, with the phylotype-specific assays applied here, the abundance of the R. torques 94% -phylotype was shown to be lowered in the probiotic-receiving group during the probiotic supplementation, whereas a Clostridium thermosuccinogenes 85% phylotype, previously associated with a healthy microbiota, was found to be increased compared to the placebo group. To conclude, with the combination of methods applied, higher abundance of Actinobacteria was detected in the healthy gut than found in previous studies, and significant phylum-level microbiota alterations could be shown in IBS-D. Thus, the results of this study provide a detailed overview of the human GI microbiota in healthy subjects and in subjects with IBS. Furthermore, the IBS symptoms were linked to a particular clostridial phylotype, and probiotic supplementation was demonstrated to alter the GI microbiota towards a healthier state with regard to this and an additional bacterial phylotype. For the first time, distinct phylotype-level alterations in the microbiota were linked to IBS symptoms and shown to respond to probiotic therapy.


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People with coeliac disease have to maintain a gluten-free diet, which means excluding wheat, barley and rye prolamin proteins from their diet. Immunochemical methods are used to analyse the harmful proteins and to control the purity of gluten-free foods. In this thesis, the behaviour of prolamins in immunological gluten assays and with different prolamin-specific antibodies was examined. The immunoassays were also used to detect residual rye prolamins in sourdough systems after enzymatic hydrolysis and wheat prolamins after deamidation. The aim was to characterize the ability of the gluten analysis assays to quantify different prolamins in varying matrices in order to improve the accuracy of the assays. Prolamin groups of cereals consist of a complex mixture of proteins that vary in their size and amino acid sequences. Two common characteristics distinguish prolamins from other cereal proteins. Firstly, they are soluble in aqueous alcohols, and secondly, most of the prolamins are mainly formed from repetitive amino acid sequences containing high amounts of proline and glutamine. The diversity among prolamin proteins sets high requirements for their quantification. In the present study, prolamin contents were evaluated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays based on ω- and R5 antibodies. In addition, assays based on A1 and G12 antibodies were used to examine the effect of deamidation on prolamin proteins. The prolamin compositions and the cross-reactivity of antibodies with prolamin groups were evaluated with electrophoretic separation and Western blotting. The results of this thesis research demonstrate that the currently used gluten analysis methods are not able to accurately quantify barley prolamins, especially when hydrolysed or mixed in oats. However, more precise results can be obtained when the standard more closely matches the sample proteins, as demonstrated with barley prolamin standards. The study also revealed that all of the harmful prolamins, i.e. wheat, barley and rye prolamins, are most efficiently extracted with 40% 1-propanol containing 1% dithiothreitol at 50 °C. The extractability of barley and rye prolamins was considerably higher with 40% 1-propanol than with 60% ethanol, which is typically used for prolamin extraction. The prolamin levels of rye were lowered by 99.5% from the original levels when an enzyme-active rye-malt sourdough system was used for prolamin degradation. Such extensive degradation of rye prolamins suggest the use of sourdough as a part of gluten-free baking. Deamidation increases the diversity of prolamins and improves their solubility and ability to form structures such as emulsions and foams. Deamidation changes the protein structure, which has consequences for antibody recognition in gluten analysis. According to the resuts of the present work, the analysis methods were not able to quantify wheat gluten after deamidation except at very high concentrations. Consequently, deamidated gluten peptides can exist in food products and remain undetected, and thus cause a risk for people with gluten intolerance. The results of this thesis demonstrate that current gluten analysis methods cannot accurately quantify prolamins in all food matrices. New information on the prolamins of rye and barley in addition to wheat prolamins is also provided in this thesis, which is essential for improving gluten analysis methods so that they can more accurately quantify prolamins from harmful cereals.


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In rapid parallel magnetic resonance imaging, the problem of image reconstruction is challenging. Here, a novel image reconstruction technique for data acquired along any general trajectory in neural network framework, called ``Composite Reconstruction And Unaliasing using Neural Networks'' (CRAUNN), is proposed. CRAUNN is based on the observation that the nature of aliasing remains unchanged whether the undersampled acquisition contains only low frequencies or includes high frequencies too. Here, the transformation needed to reconstruct the alias-free image from the aliased coil images is learnt, using acquisitions consisting of densely sampled low frequencies. Neural networks are made use of as machine learning tools to learn the transformation, in order to obtain the desired alias-free image for actual acquisitions containing sparsely sampled low as well as high frequencies. CRAUNN operates in the image domain and does not require explicit coil sensitivity estimation. It is also independent of the sampling trajectory used, and could be applied to arbitrary trajectories as well. As a pilot trial, the technique is first applied to Cartesian trajectory-sampled data. Experiments performed using radial and spiral trajectories on real and synthetic data, illustrate the performance of the method. The reconstruction errors depend on the acceleration factor as well as the sampling trajectory. It is found that higher acceleration factors can be obtained when radial trajectories are used. Comparisons against existing techniques are presented. CRAUNN has been found to perform on par with the state-of-the-art techniques. Acceleration factors of up to 4, 6 and 4 are achieved in Cartesian, radial and spiral cases, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Yläruoansulatuskanavan syöpien tärkeimpiä riskitekijöitä ovat tupakointi, alkoholin suurkulutus ja huono suuhygienia. Näiden tekijöiden vaikutuksesta sylkeen erittyy korkeita pitoisuuksia asetaldehydiä, jonka Kansainvälinen syöväntutkimuslaitos (IARC) on luokitellut 1-ryhmän karsinogeeniksi. Suuri osa syljen asetaldehydistä on suun mikrobien tuottamaa. Tiedetään, että suun mikrobiomiin kuuluvat bakteerit ja Candida albicans -hiivat kykenevät tuottamaan mutageenisiä määriä asetaldehydiä. C. albicansin aiheuttaman kroonisen mukosiitin onkin todettu olevan karsinogeeninen. Muiden kandidalajien (non- albicans Candida, NAC) määrän on todettu kasvavan etenkin suusyöpähoitoja saavilla potilailla ja toisinaan osalle näistä potilaista kehittyy uusi primäärikarsinooma kandidamukosiitin läheisyyteen. NAC-lajien kykyä tuottaa asetaldehydiä ei kuitenkaan ole aiemmin tutkittu. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää pystyvätkö NAC-lajit tuottamaan karsinogeenisiä määriä asetaldehydiä etanoli- ja glukoosi-inkubaatiossa in vitro. Kaikkiaan kolmenkymmenen (n=30) kliinisen ja kantapankkiNAC-kannan kyky tuottaa asetaldehydiä etanoli- ja glukoosi-inkubaatiossa mitattiin kaasukromatografilla. Yksi C. albicans kantapankkikanta oli mukana kontrollina. Kaikki kandidahiivat tuottivat merkittäviä määriä asetaldehydiä etanoli-inkubaatiossa in vitro. C. tropicalis –kannat tuottivat eniten (252,3 µM) ja C. krusei –kannat vähiten (54,6 µM) asetaldehydiä etanolista. NAC-lajeista ainoastaan C. glabrata tuotti merkittäviä määriä asetaldehydiä glukoosia fermentoimalla. Suuontelon kolonisoituminen merkittävään asetaldehydituotantoon pystyvällä NAC-lajilla kuten C. glabratalla voi altistaa suun limakalvon paikallisesti korkeille määrille asetaldehydiä, mikä voi johtaa suusyövän kehittymiseen.


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Metsäteollisuudesta kertyy vuosittain suuria määriä ylijäämämateriaalia, kuten puun kuorta ja oksia.Ylimääräinen aines käytetään pääasiassa energiantuotantoon, mutta uusia soveltamismahdollisuuksia kaivataan. Kuoren on havaittu olevan potentiaalinen lähde monille bioaktiivisille yhdisteille, joille olisi käyttöä esimerkiksi lääke- ja kemianteollisuudessa sekä maa-, metsä- ja puutarhatuotannon tuholaistorjunnassa. Tutkimus on osa Euroopan Unionin rahoittamaa ForestSpeCs-projektia, jonka tarkoituksena on selvittää metsäteollisuuden ylijäämämateriaalien vaihtoehtoisia käyttötapoja. Valittujen kymmenen teollisesti merkittävän pohjoisen puulajin (Abies nephrolepis, Betula pendula, Larix decidua, L. gmelinii, L. sibirica, Picea abies, P. ajanensis, P. pumila, Pinus sylvestris, Populus tremula) kuoresta uutettujen aineiden soveltuvuutta syönninestoaineeksi testattiin kaaliperhosen (Pieris brassicae L.) ja krysanteemiyökkösen (Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval) toukilla sekä osittain sinappikuoriaisella (Phaedon cochloreae Fabricius) ja idänlehtikuoriaisella (Agelastica alni L.). Uutteet valmistettiin yhteistyössä projektin ryhmien avulla tai itsenäisesti erilaisin menetelmin. Testaukset tehtiin laboratorio-oloissa käyttäen lehtikiekkojen valintabiotestiä sekä karkeilla uutteilla että niistä erotelluilla yksittäisillä yhdisteillä. Tehdyistä mittauksista laskettiin syönninestoindeksit (FDI). Tulosten perusteella lähes kaikki testatut uutteet vaikuttivat ainakin jossain määrin kohdehyönteisen syöntikäyttäytymiseen. Hieman yli puolet kaaliperhosella testatuista 46 uutteesta aiheuttivat yli 50 % syönnineston eli kaaliperhonen suosi kontrollilehtiä uutteella käsiteltyjä todennäköisemmin. Krysanteemiyökkösellä yli 50 %:n syönnineston aiheuttivat vain seitsemän testatuista 56 uutteesta. Lisäksi kolme uutetta lisäsi käsiteltyjen kiekkojen syöntiä merkittävästi. Idänlehtikuoriaistoukat ja -aikuiset karttoivat erityisesti abietiinihapolla käsiteltyjä lehtiä. Sinappikuoriaisella testatut uutteet toimivat myös lupaavasti. Testattujen puulajien kuoresta on mahdollista uuttaa biologisesti aktiivisia yhdisteitä, mutta tuholaistorjunnan kannalta oikeiden pitoisuuksien ja tehokkaiden uuttomenetelmien löytäminen vaatii jatkotutkimuksia. Kuoren sisältämien yhdisteiden laatu ja määrä vaihtelevat monien tekijöiden, kuten ympäristön ja genetiikan vaikutuksesta. Hyönteisten sietokyky vaihtelee myös paljon lajeittain ja yksilöidenkin välillä on eroja. Uutteista valmistettavia torjunta-aineita olisi kuitenkin mahdollista sisällyttää esimerkiksi integroituun torjuntaan muiden menetelmien rinnalle tulevaisuudessa.


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Numerical simulations of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with zero initial net flux in a non-stratified isothermal cubic domain are used to demonstrate the importance of magnetic boundary conditions. In fully periodic systems the level of turbulence generated by the MRI strongly decreases as the magnetic Prandtl number (Pm), which is the ratio of kinematic viscosity and magnetic diffusion, is decreased. No MRI or dynamo action below Pm=1 is found, agreeing with earlier investigations. Using vertical field conditions, which allow magnetic helicity fluxes out of the system, the MRI is found to be excited in the range 0.1