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Alcantarea (Bromeliaceae) has 26 species that are endemic to eastern Brazil, occurring mainly on gneiss-granitic rock outcrops (`inselbergs`). Alcantarea has great ornamental potential and several species are cultivated in gardens. Limited data is available in the literature regarding the leaf anatomical features of the genus, though it has been shown that it may provide valuable information for characterizing of Bromeliaceae taxa. In the present work, we employed leaf anatomy to better characterize the genus and understand its radiation into harsh environments, such as inselbergs. We also searched for characteristics potentially useful in phylogenetic analyses and in delimiting Alcantarea and Vriesea. The anatomical features of the leaves, observed for various Alcantarea species, are in accordance with the general pattern shown by other Bromeliaceae members. However, some features are notable for their importance for sustaining life on rock outcrops, such as: small epidermal thick-walled cells, uneven sinuous epidermal walls, hypodermis often differentiated into lignified layers with thick-walled cells, aquiferous hypodermis bearing collapsible cells, and the presence of well developed epicuticular stratum. Alcantarea leaves tend to show different shapes in the spongy parenchyma, and have chlorenchymatous palisade parenchyma arranged in more well-defined arches, when compared to Vriesea species from the same habitat.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the severity of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury as determined by histology and by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) with excitation wavelengths of 442 nm and 532 nm. Wistar rats (four groups of six animals) were subjected to left renal warm ischemia for 20, 40, 60 and 80 min followed by 10 min of reperfusion. Autofluorescence was determined before ischemia (control) and then every 5-10 min thereafter. Tissue samples for histology were harvested from the right kidney (control) and from the left kidney after reperfusion. LIF and ischemia time showed a significant correlation (p < 0.0001 and r (2)=0.47, and p=0.006 and r (2)=0.25, respectively, for the excitation wavelengths of 442 nm and 532 nm). Histological scores showed a good correlation with ischemia time (p < 0.0001). The correlations between optical spectroscopy values and histological damage were: LIF at 442 nm p < 0.0001, LIF at 532 nm p=0.001; IFF (peak of back scattered light/LIF) at 442 nm p > 0.05, and IFF at 532 nm p > 0.05. After reperfusion LIF tended to return to preischemic basal levels which occurred in the presence of histological damage. This suggests that factors other than morphological alterations may have a more relevant effect on changes observed in LIF. In conclusion, renal ischemia/reperfusion changed tissue fluorescence induced by laser. The excitation light of 442 nm showed a better correlation with the ischemia time and with the severity of tissue injury.
A novel concept of quantum turbulence in finite size superfluids, such as trapped bosonic atoms, is discussed. We have used an atomic (87)Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) to study the emergence of this phenomenon. In our experiment, the transition to the quantum turbulent regime is characterized by a tangled vortex lines formation, controlled by the amplitude and time duration of the excitation produced by an external oscillating field. A simple model is suggested to account for the experimental observations. The transition from the non-turbulent to the turbulent regime is a rather gradual crossover. But it takes place in a sharp enough way, allowing for the definition of an effective critical line separating the regimes. Quantum turbulence emerging in a finite-size superfluid may be a new idea helpful for revealing important features associated to turbulence, a more general and broad phenomenon. [GRAPHICS] Amplitude versus elapsed time diagram of magnetically excited BEC superfluid, presenting the evolution from the non-turbulent regime, with well separated vortices, to the turbulent regimes, with tangled vortices (C) 2011 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Let F be a singular Riemannian foliation on a compact Riemannian manifold M. By successive blow-ups along the strata of F we construct a regular Riemannian foliation (F) over cap on a compact Riemannian manifold (M) over cap and a desingularization map (rho) over cap : (M) over cap -> M that projects leaves of (F) over cap into leaves of F. This result generalizes a previous result due to Molino for the particular case of a singular Riemannian foliation whose leaves were the closure of leaves of a regular Riemannian foliation. We also prove that, if the leaves of F are compact, then, for each small epsilon > 0, we can find (M) over cap and (F) over cap so that the desingularization map induces an epsilon-isometry between M/F and (M) over cap/(F) over cap. This implies in particular that the space of leaves M/F is a Gromov-Hausdorff limit of a sequence of Riemannian orbifolds {((M) over cap (n)/(F) over cap (n))}.
The kinetics of hydrolysis of 1,8-N-butyl-naphthalimide (1,8-NBN) to 1,8-N-butyl-naphthalamide (1,8-NBAmide) and of 2,3-N-butyl-naphthalimide (2,3-NBN) to 2,3-N-butyl-naphthalamide (2,3-NBAmide), as well as the formation of the respective anhydrides from the amides were investigated in a wide acidity range. 1,8-NBN equilibrates with 1,8-NBAmide in mild alkali. Under the same conditions 2,3-NBN quantitatively yields 2,3-NBAmide. Over a wide range of acidities the reactions of the 1,8- and 2,3-N-butyl-naphthalamides (or imides) yield similar products but with widely different rates and at distinct pH`s. Anhydride formation in acid was demonstrated for 1,8-NBAmide. The reactions mechanisms were rationalized in the manifold pathways of ab initio calculations. The differences in rates and pH ranges in the reactions of the 1,8- and 2,3-N-butyl-naphthalamides were attributed to differences in the stability of the tetrahedral intermediates in alkali as well as the relative stabilities of the five and six-membered ring intermediates. The rate of carboxylic acid assisted 1,8-N-Butyl-naphthalamide hydrolysis is one of the largest described for amide hydrolysis models. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Catalysts containing NiO/MgO/ZrO(2) mixtures were synthesized by the polymerization method in a single step. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and physisorption of N(2) (BET) and then tested in the reforming of a model biogas (1.5CH4:1CO(2)) in the presence of air (1.5CH(4) + 1CO(2) + 0.25O(2)) at 750 degrees C for 6h. It was observed that the catalyst Ni20MZ performed better in catalytic processes than the well known catalysts, Ni/ZrO(2) and Ni/MgO, synthesized under the same conditions. The formation of solid solutions, MgO-ZrO(2) and NiO-MgO, increased the rate of conversion of reactants (CH(4) and CO(2)) into synthesis gas (H(2) + CO). The formation of oxygen vacancies (in samples containing ZrO(2) and MgO) seems to promote removal of the coke deposited on the nickel surface. The values of the H(2)/CO ratio were generally found to be slightly lower than stoichiometric, owing to the reverse water gas shift reaction occurring in parallel. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An investigation of the parameters as aniline: MnO(2) and temperature on synthesis of polyaniline/MnO(2) composites was performed. The composites were chemically prepared in H(2)SO(4) media using different aniline: MnO(2) ratios at 0 degrees C. After the ratio optimization, the syntheses were performed at 20 degrees C. The polyaniline/MnO(2) composites were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), ultraviolet-visible, near infrared and infrared spectroscopic techniques. Composites obtained with a uniform, homogeneous and thicker coating of polyaniline films under oxide was considered as the best condition for synthesis.
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka förekomst och svårighetsgrad av urininkontinens hos kvinnor och hur det påverkade deras dagliga liv. Syftet var vidare att studera om kvinnorna sökt hjälp för sin urininkontinens och om de var nöjda med den hjälp de erbjudits. Studien utgjordes av en tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Populationen i studien omfattade alla de kvinnor över 18 år som under en dag besökte en framlottad vårdcentral i Dalarna. Totalt delades 416 enkäter ut, varav 397 besvarades och 368 inkluderades i studien. Ett validerat mätinstrument ICIQ-UI SF (The International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire-Urine Incontinence Short Form) på svenska användes och två tilläggsfrågor konstruerades. Resultatet visar att 54% av kvinnorna besvärades av urininkontinens där ansträngningsinkontinens var den vanligaste typen. Kvinnorna hade urinläckage av mindre omfattning, liten mängd, och påverkan på dagliga livet var låg, dock var de kvinnor med blandinkontinens mera påverkade. En stor andel sökte inte hjälp för sin urininkontinens då de ansåg att besvären inte var så stora. De få kvinnor som sökt hjälp var nöjda med den hjälp de fått. Svårighetsgraden av urininkontinens enligt ICIQ-UI SF visade att övervägande delen av kvinnorna hade obetydliga till måttliga besvär. Resultatet tyder på att urininkontinens är ett dolt hälsoproblem.
A Síndrome de Burnout consiste em um conjunto de sintomas físicos e/ou emocionais, que estão relacionados ao modo como cada pessoa lida com os eventos estressores do ambiente de trabalho. Em geral, os profissionais que estão mais vulneráveis ao Burnout são aqueles que estão envolvidos em funções de ajuda ou trabalham diretamente na assistência de outrem, os quais investem muito mais energia do que recebem, em termos de reconhecimento e resultados. As principais causas do Burnout em profissionais da saúde, entre eles a equipe de enfermagem, são o contato contínuo com o sofrimento, a dor e morte, a diminuição do valor social do profissional, a sobrecarga de trabalho, a carência de recursos para desempenhar o papel adequadamente, a diminuição nos diversos tipos de recompensa e estímulos em sua atividade. Face à este cenário, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as variáveis da Sindrome de Burnout em profissionais da Equipe de Enfermagem que atuam na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital municipal, em suas três dimensões: Exaustão Emocional, Despersonalização e reduzida Realização Profissional.
Disponível na íntegra em: http://ebooks.pucrs.br/edipucrs/Ebooks/Pdf/978-85-397-0403-3.pdf
Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração - Doutorado da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.