883 resultados para Terminology.
Occupational exposure to hazardous drugs can cause harmful effects on health professionals and several protective measures must be taken. Nevertheless, classification of hazardous drugs is not the same in all the published repertoires and the terminology is still confusing: hazardous drugs, biohazardous drugs or risky drugs are terms improperly described and can define very different drugs with a very different hazard profiles. In Spain, there is not an updated official list of hazardous drugs, and healthcare professionals must consider and follow other published lists. In our opinion, it is mandatory to do a consensus among these professionals, administration and labor union organizations in order to clarify some conflictive questions not only in healthcare settings but in investigational and academic scenarios too. These multidisciplinary groups should be involved also in teaching new and non-experienced personnel and in the knowledge reinforcement for the experienced ones.
O presente trabalho pretende dar um contributo na divulgação do património musical português dos séculos XVI e XVII, partindo da confluência das várias perspectivas musicais que cruzaram o Mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra durante este período. Apresenta-se desta forma o potencial pedagógico da instituição, bem como os compositores a ela associados no âmbito da História da Música, no que diz respeito ao ensino vocacional. Contém a exploração de algumas obras do reportório cuja observação constituirá, desejavelmente, motivo de reflexão, contribuindo para a sua divulgação, como elemento distintivo e enriquecedor.
Technical texts are usually characterized by the use of terminology, and they are said to be clear, concise, precise and objective. It is terminology which is normally considered one of the most important difficulties to understand specialized concepts because they are expressed by means of this terminology. Nevertheless, there are other linguistic and cognitive elements which are frequently used to express specialized concepts, for instance, metaphors. In this paper we aim to analyze the use of cognitive metaphors in a corpus of French semi-specialized technical texts and to consider whether the use of these metaphors could be a problem should these metaphors have to be translated into Spanish.
Australian marine wild-capture fisheries are managed by eight separate jurisdictions. Traditionally, fishery status reports have been produced separately by most of these jurisdictions, assessing the fish stocks they manage, and reporting on the effectiveness of their fisheries management. However, the format, the type of stock status assessments, the thresholds and terminology used to describe stock status and the classification frameworks have varied over time and among jurisdictions. These differences complicate efforts to understand stock status on a national scale. They also create potential misunderstanding among the wider community about how to interpret information on the status of fish stocks, and the fisheries management and science processes more generally. This is especially true when considering stocks that are shared across two or more jurisdictional boundaries. A standardised approach was developed in 2011 leading to production of the first national Status of key Australian fish stocks reports in 2012, followed by a second edition in 2014 (www.fish.gov.au). Production of these reports was the first step towards a broader national approach to reporting on the performance of Australian fisheries for target species and for wider ecosystem and socioeconomic consequences. This paper outlines the challenges associated with moving towards national performance reporting for target fish stocks and Australia’s successes so far. It also outlines the challenges ahead, in particular those relating to reporting more broadly on the status of entire fisheries. Comparisons are drawn between Australia and New Zealand and more broadly between Australia and other countries.
O trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar o estoque de anchoita (Engraulis anchoita) capturado na região sul do Brasil, visando à utilização deste recurso de alto valor biológico no desenvolvimento de produtos semi-prontos e de fácil preparo, tipo empanado. Os experimentos foram conduzidos com anchoita resultante de cruzeiros realizados pelo Navio Oceanográfico Atlântico Sul da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), RS, Brasil. Os exemplares foram capturados entre a cidade de Rio Grande (32ºS, RS-Brasil) e 51ºW. Após captura, o pescado foi armazenado a bordo em mistura de gelo e água do mar, na razão 1:1. As amostras foram transportadas para o laboratório de Biotecnologia da FURG e mantidas sob congelamento a -18°C, até a realização das análises. O trabalho está constituído por uma revisão bibliográfica, que enfatiza a importância do recurso pesqueiro em estudo como potencial a ser explorado, discorre sobre ácidos graxos e perfil de voláteis, bem como, o desenvolvimento de produtos à base de pescado. O desenvolvimento do trabalho é expresso por quatro artigos. O primeiro teve como objetivo caracterizar o estoque de anchoita segundo a biometria, rendimento, composição proximal, compostos nitrogenados e ácidos graxos. O rendimento, a composição proximal e o perfil de ácidos graxos foram realizados nas três frações que compõe o peixe: músculo claro, escuro e vísceras. A análise dos resultados demonstrou a variabilidade dos componentes em função das frações avaliadas e da época de captura, o que pode contribuir para a escolha do processo tecnológico a ser aplicado no desenvolvimento de produtos de alto valor agregado a partir dessa matéria-prima. No segundo artigo foi determinado o perfil de ácidos graxos da anchoita e avaliado o comportamento destes compostos durante o armazenamento congelado, bem como, dos voláteis gerados. Os resultados demonstraram a influência do armazenamento na modificação dos ácidos graxos, em especial, EPA e DHA, e que os voláteis gerados podem ser um índice em potencial para avaliar a qualidade da anchoita congelada. No terceiro artigo objetivou-se selecionar e treinar julgadores para avaliação do odor a pescado utilizando os padrões referência obtidos a partir do perfil de voláteis. Neste sentido, foi levantada a terminologia que descreve o odor da anchoita, definido padrões referência, bem como, selecionado e treinado uma equipe de julgadores. Foram utilizados 20 candidatos, deste total, 9 foram selecionados pelo método das amplitudes. Os julgadores selecionados foram submetidos ao treinamento no uso de escala não estruturada e na avaliação da intensidade do odor a pescado. O desempenho dos julgadores foi definido utilizando como amostra solução de lavagem resultante do processo de obtenção de base protéica de anchoita. Os resultados foram avaliados com base no poder de discriminação, repetibilidade das respostas e concordância entre julgadores, segundo análise de variância, com duas fontes de variação (amostra e repetições). Foram obtidos os valores de Famostra e Frepetição, para cada julgador. Os julgadores com o valor de Famostra significativo (p≤0,30) e Frepetição não significativo (p>0,05), bem como, concordância de médias com os demais julgadores foram considerados treinados. Segundo esse processo a equipe foi constituída por 8 julgadores selecionados e treinados na avaliação do odor a pescado. Finalmente, no quarto artigo foi avaliada a possibilidade de uso de base protéica (BPP) de anchoita na elaboração de massa base de empanados, bem como, em substituição a farinha de cobertura. Para obtenção das BPPs, foram testadas duas soluções extratoras (3 ciclos de extração com ácido fosfórico 0,05% e 1 ciclo de ácido fosfórico seguido de 2 ciclos com água). A BPP obtida na melhor condição utilizada foi seca a 70°C e submetida ao processo de moagem em moinho de facas para ser utilizada como farinha de cobertura. Formulações de empanado utilizando diferentes concentrações (25, 50, 75 e 100%) de anchoita desidratada na cobertura foram testadas no produto frito e forneado. Um teste de preferência com consumidores em potencial foi aplicado às diferentes formulações. Os resultados indicaram que a melhor condição de lavagem para obtenção das BPPs testadas foi quando são utilizados 3 ciclos de extração com ácido fosfórico. A avaliação da preferência junto ao consumidor em potencial demonstrou que a anchoita desidratada pode ser utilizada como farinha de cobertura em empanados na concentração de até 75%.
The ligaments of the wrist are highly variable and poorly described, which is more obvious on the ulnar side of the wrist. Previous studies highlighted the potential differences within the ligaments of the wrist but no consensus has been reached. Poor tissue description and inconsistent use of terminology hindered the reproducibility of the results. Improved understanding of the morphological variations between carpal bones may facilitate improved understanding of the ligamentous structure within the wrist. This study aims to identify the potential variations between carpal bones that could be used to separate palmar ligamentous patterns around the triquetrum-hamate joint into subgroups within the sample population. Investigations were performed following a detailed nomenclature and a clear definition of ligamentous structures to facilitate detailed description and reproducible results. Quantitative analyses were conducted using 3D modelling technique. Histological sections were then analysed to identify the structure of each ligamentous attachment. Variable patterns of ligamentous attachments were identified. Differences were not only obvious between samples but also between the right and left hands of the same person. These identifications suggested that the palmar ligamentous patterns around the triquetrum-hamate joint are best described as a spectrum with a higher affinity of the triquetrum-hamate-capitate ligament and the lunate-triquetrum ligament to be associated with type I lunate wrists on one extreme and type II lunate wrists with the palmar triquetrum-hamate ligament, triquetrum-hamate-capitate ligament and palmar radius-lunate-triquetrum ligament attachments at the other extreme. Histological analyses confirmed pervious established work regarding the mechanical role of ligaments in wrist joint biomechanics. Also, there were no significant differences between the quantitative data obtained from the Genelyn-embalmed and unembalmed specimens (p>0.05). The current study demonstrated variable ligamentous patterns that suggest different bone restraints and two different patterns of motion. These findings support previous suggestions regarding separating the midcarpal joint into two distinct functional types. Type I wrists were identified with ligamentous attachments that are suggestive of rotating/translating hamate whilst type II wrists identified with ligamentous attachments that are suggestive of flexing/extending hamate motion based upon the patterns of the ligamentous attachments in relation to the morphological features of the underlying lunate type of the wrist. This opens the horizon for particular consideration and/or modification of surgical procedures, which may enhance the clinical management of wrist dysfunction.
Se presentan los resultados de la práctica final de graduación denominada "Catálogo de Autoridad Terminológico para el análisis de la información documental de la Comunidad Universitaria de Unidades de Información Especializadas en Ciencias Sociales (CUUICS)" que consistió en la revisión, corrección y normalización del vocabulario libre de las unidades de información documental: Biblioteca Eugenio Fonseca Tortós de la Universidad de Costa Rica, el Fondo Bibliográfico de la Escuela de Historia y el Centro de Información Documental de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). Los objetivos consistieron en: 1. Realizar un diagnóstico sobre el estado actual de los procesos de indización de la CUUICS y 2. Sistematizar y normalizar el lenguaje libre empleado por las unidades de información y proponer su uso dentro de la CUUICS.
A Tradução Técnica: análise e proposta de tradução de extrato de livro em finanças corporativas Tradução e análise de um texto em inglês para português do Brasil, este trabalho dedica-se, primeiramente, à apresentação de questões genéricas relacionadas à tradução(a saber, a intraduzibilidade do texto), para, em seguinda, se debruçar sobre questões ligadas à tradução especializada: fiabilidade, padronização e validação. Após esse preâmbulo, discorrese acerca dos elementos presentes no texto de partida que mereceram um maior cuidado ao longo do processo de tradução. A isso se segue a tradução dos primeiros 4 (quatro) capítulos do livro Finance for Managers, do professor Eduardo Martínez Abascal, que constitui o corpus deste trabalho; Abstract: The Technical Translation: analysis and translation of an excerpt from a Corporate Finance book. In broad terms, this dissertation comprises the translation of a text from English into Brazilian Portuguese followed by a commentary which examines the translation process. After a short introduction discussing general translation-related issues, it will be time to introduce the reader to a few words on the translation decisions made throughout the entire work. The following section will be dedicated to the translation of a text on Corporate Finance, namely the first 4 (four) chapters from the book Finance for Managers, by Professor Eduardo Martínez Abascal.
The object of this paper is to argue once again for the combinatorial account of possibility defended in earlier work (Armstrong, 1989, 1997). But there I failed fully to realise the dialectical advantages that accrue once one begins by assuming the hypothesis of logical atomism, the hypothesis that postulates simple particulars and simple universals (properties and relations) at the bottom of the world. Logical atomism is, I incline to think, no better than ‘speculative cosmology’ as opposed to ‘analytic ontology’, to use Donald Williams’ terminology (Williams, 1966, p.74). It is, however, not an implausible hypothesis given the current state of quantum physics. More important for our purposes here, the strictly combinatorial theory that flows rather naturally from the atomist metaphysics shows some promise of continuing to hold (perhaps with a little mutatis mutandis) in a world that is not an atomist world.
Cómo los proyectos deben ir de la mano de un plan de acción concretable que esté acorde con los parámetros básicosconceptuales, fruto de la reflexión del papel que debe cumplir una biblioteca infantil como movilizadora social dentro del ámbito de la sociedad actual, es parte de la temática de la siguiente ponencia.La Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, me solicitó explicara un poco como desde nuestra experiencia estamos concretando los procesos de planificación que se deben llevar a cabo para formular y crear un proyecto de extensión comunitaria de una biblioteca infantil.Es importante tener en cuenta el contexto en el qué se sitúa un proceso de planificación y por eso a esta intervención se le ha agregado el título “Bases para la creación de una biblioteca infantil acorde a los retos de la sociedad actual.El concepto de la sociedad actual de la información refleja bastante bien, desde mi punto de vista, los elementos básicos de nuestro entorno social.La sociedad enfrenta un incremento y difusión de la información que dió lugar al término de “sociedad de la información” posteriormente denominada como “sociedad del conocimiento”.Este cambio de terminología lo provocó el hecho que no se trata solo de informarse, sino que es necesario un proceso tanto individual como colectivo de tratamiento de esta información para convertirla en conocimiento. Casi de inmediato comenzamos a percibir que el acceso a lainformación no era suficiente.
O objetivo desta dissertação é examinar problemas terminológicos e a importância da preparação e pesquisa terminológica na tradução especializada. O tema escolhido é a tradução de documentação sobre as Denominações de Origem e Indicações Geográficas dos vinhos portugueses, nomeadamente dos vinhos da Região do Dão. Começa-se por apresentar no Capítulo I uma introdução às Denominações de Origem e as classificações utilizadas para vinhos portugueses. No Capítulo II estudamos os problemas mais comuns dos recursos tradutológicos, contemplando a preparação e a pesquisa terminológica que devem anteceder o processo de tradução, discutindo a bibliografia relevante e caraterizando o corpus de análise. No Capítulo III discutimos os recursos para a tradução vitivinícola. No Capítulo IV contemplamos os problemas de tradução nos documentos escolhidos para a tradução e as suas soluções. Finalmente, apresentamos as conclusões e sugerimos vias para investigações posteriores; Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications in Translating Wine- Related Documents: Terminological Problems ABSTRACT: The purpose of this dissertation is to examine terminological problems and the importance of preparation and terminology work in the field of specialized translation. The chosen topic is the translation of documents containing terminology about Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications of Portuguese wines, namely wines from the Dão region. Chapter I provides an introduction to Designations of Origin in general and then specifically for Portuguese wines. Chapter II examines common translation resource problems and the importance of documentation and terminology work prior to the translation process; then, it discusses the relevant bibliography. Chapter III provides a translation of two documents about Designations of Origin, namely Labelling Regulations and Guide for Technical Procedures of Management and Control for the wines of the Dão. Chapter IV discusses the difficulties and solutions for the translation problems encountered during the process. Finally, the conclusions are shown and suggestions for future research are given.
El trabajo final de graduación consistió en una práctica dirigida realizada en biblioteca pública municipal de belén, con el objetivo de elaborar el catálogo de normalización de términos, que sirviera de apoyo en el proceso de indización de los documentos. por tanto, fue necesario la elaboración de un instrumento de control terminológico que registrará la terminología empleada por la biblioteca y que brindara seguridad en la recuperación de la información. La finalidad de este proyecto final de graduación fue diseñar y crear un instructivo para orientar a los usuarios, en el uso adecuado de los recursos de la biblioteca escolar, facilitándoles una inducción apropiada mediante la herramienta “biblioesc”, que significa biblioteca y escuela; elaborada con base en las necesidades de los usuarios, bibliotecólogos y los docentes escolares. contiene: pantallas llamativas con color, vínculos que guían de una pantalla a otra, texto, imágenes y sonidos.
Background: Body composition is affected by diseases, and affects responses to medical treatments, dosage of medicines, etc., while an abnormal body composition contributes to the causation of many chronic diseases. While we have reliable biochemical tests for certain nutritional parameters of body composition, such as iron or iodine status, and we have harnessed nuclear physics to estimate the body’s content of trace elements, the very basic quantification of body fat content and muscle mass remains highly problematic. Both body fat and muscle mass are vitally important, as they have opposing influences on chronic disease, but they have seldom been estimated as part of population health surveillance. Instead, most national surveys have merely reported BMI and waist, or sometimes the waist/hip ratio; these indices are convenient but do not have any specific biological meaning. Anthropometry offers a practical and inexpensive method for muscle and fat estimation in clinical and epidemiological settings; however, its use is imperfect due to many limitations, such as a shortage of reference data, misuse of terminology, unclear assumptions, and the absence of properly validated anthropometric equations. To date, anthropometric methods are not sensitive enough to detect muscle and fat loss. Aims: The aim of this thesis is to estimate Adipose/fat and muscle mass in health disease and during weight loss through; 1. evaluating and critiquing the literature, to identify the best-published prediction equations for adipose/fat and muscle mass estimation; 2. to derive and validate adipose tissue and muscle mass prediction equations; and 3.to evaluate the prediction equations along with anthropometric indices and the best equations retrieved from the literature in health, metabolic illness and during weight loss. Methods: a Systematic review using Cochrane Review method was used for reviewing muscle mass estimation papers that used MRI as the reference method. Fat mass estimation papers were critically reviewed. Mixed ethnic, age and body mass data that underwent whole body magnetic resonance imaging to quantify adipose tissue and muscle mass (dependent variable) and anthropometry (independent variable) were used in the derivation/validation analysis. Multiple regression and Bland-Altman plot were applied to evaluate the prediction equations. To determine how well the equations identify metabolic illness, English and Scottish health surveys were studied. Statistical analysis using multiple regression and binary logistic regression were applied to assess model fit and associations. Also, populations were divided into quintiles and relative risk was analysed. Finally, the prediction equations were evaluated by applying them to a pilot study of 10 subjects who underwent whole-body MRI, anthropometric measurements and muscle strength before and after weight loss to determine how well the equations identify adipose/fat mass and muscle mass change. Results: The estimation of fat mass has serious problems. Despite advances in technology and science, prediction equations for the estimation of fat mass depend on limited historical reference data and remain dependent upon assumptions that have not yet been properly validated for different population groups. Muscle mass does not have the same conceptual problems; however, its measurement is still problematic and reference data are scarce. The derivation and validation analysis in this thesis was satisfactory, compared to prediction equations in the literature they were similar or even better. Applying the prediction equations in metabolic illness and during weight loss presented an understanding on how well the equations identify metabolic illness showing significant associations with diabetes, hypertension, HbA1c and blood pressure. And moderate to high correlations with MRI-measured adipose tissue and muscle mass before and after weight loss. Conclusion: Adipose tissue mass and to an extent muscle mass can now be estimated for many purposes as population or groups means. However, these equations must not be used for assessing fatness and categorising individuals. Further exploration in different populations and health surveys would be valuable.
The stereographic projection is a bijective smooth map which allows us to think the sphere as the extended complex plane. Among its properties it should be emphasized the remarkable property of being angle conformal that is, it is an angle measure preserving map. Unfortunately, this projection map does not preserve areas. Besides being conformal it has also the property of projecting spherical circles in either circles or straight lines in the plane This type of projection maps seems to have been known since ancient times by Hipparchus (150 BC), being Ptolemy (AD 140) who, in his work entitled "The Planisphaerium", provided a detailed description of such a map. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to mention that the property of the invariance of angle measure has only been established much later, in the seventeenth century, by Thomas Harriot. In fact, it was exactly in that century that the Jesuit François d’Aguilon introduced the terminology "stereographic projection" for this type of maps, which remained up to our days. Here, we shall show how we create in GeoGebra, the PRiemannz tool and its potential concerning the visualization and analysis of the properties of the stereographic projection, in addition to the viewing of the amazing relations between Möbius Transformations and stereographic projections.
POSTDATA is a 5 year's European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant Project that started in May 2016 and is hosted by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain. The context of the project is the corpora of European Poetry (EP), with a special focus on poetic materials from different languages and literary traditions. POSTDATA aims to offer a standardized model in the philological field and a metadata application profile (MAP) for EP in order to build a common classification of all these poetic materials. The information of Spanish, Italian and French repertoires will be published in the Linked Open Data (LOD) ecosystem. Later we expect to extend the model to include additional corpora. There are a number of Web Based Information Systems in Europe with repertoires of poems available to human consumption but not in an appropriate condition to be accessible and reusable by the Semantic Web. These systems are not interoperable; they are in fact locked in their databases and proprietary software, not suitable to be linked in the Semantic Web. A way to make this data interoperable is to develop a MAP in order to be able to publish this data available in the LOD ecosystem, and also to publish new data that will be created and modeled based on this MAP. To create a common data model for EP is not simple since the existent data models are based on conceptualizations and terminology belonging to their own poetical traditions and each tradition has developed an idiosyncratic analytical terminology in a different and independent way for years. The result of this uncoordinated evolution is a set of varied terminologies to explain analogous metrical phenomena through the different poetic systems whose correspondences have been hardly studied – see examples in González-Blanco & Rodríguez (2014a and b). This work has to be done by domain experts before the modeling actually starts. On the other hand, the development of a MAP is a complex task though it is imperative to follow a method for this development. The last years Curado Malta & Baptista (2012, 2013a, 2013b) have been studying the development of MAP's in a Design Science Research (DSR) methodological process in order to define a method for the development of MAPs (see Curado Malta (2014)). The output of this DSR process was a first version of a method for the development of Metadata Application Profiles (Me4MAP) (paper to be published). The DSR process is now in the validation phase of the Relevance Cycle to validate Me4MAP. The development of this MAP for poetry will follow the guidelines of Me4MAP and this development will be used to do the validation of Me4MAP. The final goal of the POSTDATA project is: i) to be able to publish all the data locked in the WIS, in LOD, where any agent interested will be able to build applications over the data in order to serve final users; ii) to build a Web platform where: a) researchers, students and other final users interested in EP will be able to access poems (and their analyses) of all databases; b) researchers, students and other final users will be able to upload poems, the digitalized images of manuscripts, and fill in the information concerning the analysis of the poem, collaboratively contributing to a LOD dataset of poetry.