977 resultados para PAC


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This chapter evaluates the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the House of Commons in light of recent changes to public audit and broader changes across United Kingdom governance. Structural and organisational features are analysed, as are working practices and relationships. The analyses confirm that the PAC remains a key oversight tool to Parliament and that its profile has increased under the leadership of its first directly-elected Chair. Heightened visibility contains risks for a non-partisan committee and the National Audit Office acts as a shield to deflect criticism. Traditional variables used to measure the impact of the PAC are likely to understate the committee’s actual influence.


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Recent efforts to strengthen the oversight capacity of the Parliaments of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago have paid particular attention to the public accounts committee (PAC). This chapter provides an analysis of the PACs in both countries. The committees have some similar features in terms of mandate and composition, but both have struggled to be effective, partly because of the difficulties in developing functioning committees in small jurisdictions and partly because of an unhelpful external context. Progress has been made in developing the internal environment of the PACs, but producing and demonstrating significant outputs and outcomes remain a major challenge.


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Phascolomyces articulosus genomic DNA was isolated from 48 h old hyphae and was used for amplification of a chitin synthase fragment by the polymerase chain reaction method. The primers used in the amplification corresponded to two widely conserved amino acid regions found in chitin synthases of many fimgi. Amphfication resulted in four bands (820, 900, 1000 and 1500 bp, approximately) as visualized in a 1.2% agarose gel. The lowest band (820 bp) was selected as a candidate for chitin synthase because most amplified regions from other fimgi so far exhibited similar sizes (600-750 bp). The selected fragment was extracted from the gel and cloned in the Hinc n site of pUC19. The derived plasmid and insert were designated ^\5C\9'PaCHS and PaCHS respectively. The plasmid pUC19-PaC/fS was digested by several restriction enzymes and was found to contain BamHl and HincU sites. Sequencing of PaCHS revealed two intron sequences and a total open reading frame of 200 amino acids. The derived polypeptide was compared with other related sequences from the EMBL database (Heidelberg, Germany) and was matched to 36 other fiilly or partially sequenced fimgal chitin synthase genes. The closest resemblance was with two genes (74.5% and 73.1% identity) from Rhizopus oligosporus. Southern hybridization with the cloned fragment as a probe to the PCR reaction showed a strong signal at the fragment selected for cloning and weaker signals at the other two fragments. Southern hybridization with partially digested Phascolomyces articulosus genomic DNA showed a single band. The amino acid sequence was compared with sequences from other chitin synthase gene classes using the CLUSTALW program. The chitin synthase fragment from Phascolomyces articulosus was initially grouped in class n along with chitin synthase fragments from Rhizopus oligosporus and Phycomyces blakesleeanus which also belong to the same class, Zygomycetes. Bootstrap analysis using the neighbor-joining method available by CLUSTALW verified such classification. Comparison of PaCHS revealed conservation of intron positions that are characteristic of chitin synthase gene fragments of zygomycetous fungi.


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The Niagara River Remedial Action Plan was part of an initiative to restore the integrity of the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem. In 1972, the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was signed by both Canada and the United States to demonstrate their commitment to protecting this valuable resource. An amendment in 1987 stipulated that Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) be implemented in 43 ecologically compromised areas known as Areas of Concern. The Niagara River was designated as one of these areas by federal and provincial governments and the International Joint Commission, an independent and binational organization that deals with issues concerning the use and quality of boundary waters between Canada and the United States. Although the affected area included parts of both the Canadian and American side of the river, Remedial Action Plans were developed separately in both Canada and the United States. The Niagara River (Ontario) RAP is a three-stage process requiring collaboration between numerous government agencies and the public. Environment Canada, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority are the agencies guiding the development and implementation of the Niagara River (Ontario) RAP. The first stage is to determine the severity and causes of the environmental degradation that resulted in the location being designated an Area of Concern; the second stage is to identify and implement actions that will restore and protect the health of the ecosystem; and the third stage is to monitor the area to ensure that the ecosystem’s health has been restored. Stage one of the RAP commenced in January 1989 when a Public Advisory Committee (PAC) was established. This committee was comprised of concerned citizens and representatives from various community groups, associations, industries and municipalities. After several years of consultation, the Niagara River (Ontario) Remedial Action Plan Stage 2 Report was released in 1995. It contained 16 goals and 37 recommendations. Among them was the need for Canadians and Americans to work more collaboratively in order to successfully restore the water quality in the Niagara River. Stage three of the Niagara River (Ontario) RAP is currently ongoing, but it is estimated that it will be completed by 2015. At that point, the Niagara River Area of Concern will be delisted, although monitoring of the area will continue to ensure it remains healthy.


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Ce mémoire interroge l’histoire, l’articulation pratique et les effets de ce que l’on appelle actuellement au Brésil «l’urbanisation intégratrice», un type d’intervention étatique dans les favelas (bidonvilles) de Rio de Janeiro. Il s’agit d’une énième tentative de régler le «problème de la favela», consistant en l’urbanisation de son territoire (insertion d’infrastructure publique, consolidation du cadre bâti) et la légalisation de son statut et de ses pratiques (octroi de droits de propriété foncière et insertion de règlementation publique). Officiellement, c’est une manière de mettre fin à l’exclusion dont les populations faveladas sont victimes depuis l’apparition des favelas à Rio. L’analyse est faite à partir de l’étude du PAC-Favelas, un programme du gouvernement fédéral lancé en 2008, et son application dans la favela Rocinha. Il est proposé de considérer l’urbanisation intégratrice en tant que dispositif sécuritaire ou biopolitique, c’est-à-dire en tant qu’appareil de gouvernement de la population locale. À travers le projet, on planifie de formaliser les conduites, d’accroître la circulation des ressources, de transformer les perceptions des résidents, de contenir les excès et les risques associés à la favela et de tendre vers la prise en charge entièrement planifiée – en un mot, d’assurer le passage vers l’intervention permanente. Concrètement, cela revient pour l’État à procéder à une sélection, par des moyens légitimés ou indirects (le plan, la loi, le marché), des individus et des pratiques désormais admissibles sur le territoire. L’espace se raréfie, le contrôle augmente et les prix montent : ne peut demeurer que celui qui a déjà atteint un certain niveau de stabilité, reléguant les plus précaires à devoir progressivement quitter le territoire. Urbaniser la Rocinha, c’est un peu forcer son embourgeoisement en la rendant enfin sécurisée, civilisée et rentable.


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The current water treatment technology is oriented towards the removal of contaminants, mostly organic compounds, by activated carbon. Activated carbons are classified as Granular Activated Carbons (GAC) and Powdered Activated Carbons (PAC) on the basis of the particle size of the carbon granules. Powdered carbons are generally less expensive than granular carbon, operating costs with powdered carbon could be lower. Though powdered activated carbon has many advantages over granular carbon, its application in large-scale separation process is limited by difficulty in recovery and regeneration. Deposition of magnetic iron oxide on carbon particles provides a convenient way of recovering the spent carbon from process water. The study deals with the preparation and physico-chemical characterization of magnetic iron oxide loaded activated carbons. The evaluation of absorption properties of magnetic iron oxide loaded activated carbon composites. The target molecules studied were phenol, p-nitro phenol and methylene blue. The feasibility of magnetic separation of iron oxide loaded activated carbons were studied and described in this thesis.


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In the previous Comment, Forker and co-workers claim that perturbed angular correlation (PAC) data leave no alternative to the conclusion that the spontaneous magnetization of PrCo2 and NdCo2 undergoes a discontinuous, first-order phase transition at TC. We show here that their claim is in clear contradiction with a wealth of experimental evidence, including our own. Finally, we propose a possible origin for the disagreement between their interpretation of the PAC results and the literature on this subject.


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The survival of Escherichia coli in tropical estuarine water has been studied under controlled laboratory conditions using microcosms. The survival has been assessed in terms of various self purifying factors of the natural waters such as biological, chemical and physical factors. The biological factors considered included competition from other microorganisms, predation by protozoa and coliphages. The suitability of the chemical composition of estuarine water has been studied under chemical factors and negative impact of sunlight has been studied under physical factors. The results revealed that sunlight exerted maximum negative impact, followed by biotic factors contained in the estuarine water. However, the chemical composition of the estuarine water is found to be suitable for the growth and survival of E. coli. The injury exerted by each of the above factors was also evaluated by using a selective and non-selective medium in conjunction. It was found that sunlight resulted in 100% injury of the cells as the cells failed to develop in a selective medium. While, sunlight resulted in the extinction of 90% of the E. coli cells within the first two hours of exposure, biotic factors took nearly 24 hours to remove the same amount of population.


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Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone la eliminaci??n de los estereotipos sexistas desde las primeras etapas educativas. Se realiza en el CEIP Victoria en Loja, Granada. Los objetivos son: poner de manifiesto los estereotipos existentes a la hora de distribuir las cargas familiares tomando conciencia de la importancia de colaborar en las tareas y valorando el trabajo dom??stico; aprender a resolver los conflictos a trav??s del di??logo; conseguir el desarrollo integral del alumnado partiendo siempre de la existencia de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres; suprimir del lenguaje cotidiano del alumnado las expresiones e insultos de car??cter sexista, para que aprendan otras expresiones que demuestren respeto e igualdad; hacer uso de los juguetes que desarrollen actitudes de respeto a las diferencias, amistad, cooperaci??n, igualdad; afrontar un lenguaje coeducativo; saber valorar las distintas opciones y respetar a los que son diferentes evitando discriminaciones sexistas; construir la identidad sexual de cada persona evitando que lo femenino no quede subordinado a lo masculino; reflexionar sobre el alumnado sobre distintas situaciones y actitudes de violencia, y m??s concretamente contra las mujeres; aprender modos de comportamiento basados en la tolerancia, pac??ficos y de respeto mutuo entre hombres y mujeres.


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resumen tomado del autor


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Incluye la conferencia inaugural de Arcadi Espada sobre educaci??n contra la violencia


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Conocer la realidad del absentismo escolar en la poblaci??n de EGB del municipio de Oviedo. 22630 alumnos de EGB de 41 centros del municipio de Oviedo. Se estudia a todo menor con 10 faltas de asistencia entre principio de curso y el 31 de enero. Se analiza: tipolog??a, zonificaci??n, n??mero de alumnos y tasa de absentismo de cada dentro; n??mero y motivo de las faltas; edad, sexo, curso, n??mero de cursos repetidos y cambios de centro de cada alumno; perfil socio-familiar; percepci??n del profesorado en cuanto a aspecto del alumno, indicadores de descuido o maltrato, desarrollo del lenguaje, puntualidad y comportamiento; percepci??n del alumno en cuanto a adaptaci??n al centro; percepci??n de la familia en cuanto al centro escolar y al comportamiento del ni??o. Hoja de recogida de datos en el centro escolar. Cuestionario para el maestro y para el menor. Hoja de recogida de datos en visita al domicilio. Escala de apreciaci??n del hogar. Se establecen dos grupos: de control -menores con ausencias justificadas-, y de riesgo -menores con ausencias no suficientemente justificadas-. Se analizan las diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos para cada una de la variables. Se presentaron 413 casos de alumnos con 10 o m??s faltas, de los cuales 215 pertenecen al grupo de control y 190 al de riesgo. En el grupo de control las faltas se deben frecuentemente a problemas de salud y en el de riesgo en muchas ocasiones se deben a motivos socio-familiares. El perfil del alumno absentista del grupo de riesgo con respecto al de control presenta las siguientes caracter??sticas: menor rendimiento, m??s cambios de centro, menor aprecio positivo del contexto del centro y menor autoestima; el profesor observa en ??l un peor aspecto en higiene, aseo y vestimenta, resulta m??s distra??do, ap??tico, desordenado, con un aprendizaje m??s lento y un desarrollo del lenguaje m??s deficiente, menos adaptado, menos pac??fico y de un humor m??s inestable, menos alegre y comunicativo, menos puntual y hay mucho menor contacto entre su familia y el centro; sus familias suelen ser numerosas, con situaci??n de empleo altamente inestable e ingresos escasos. Los resultados de este estudio indican claramente la necesidad de una intervenci??n coordinada de los sistemas educativos y servicios sociales. Desde estos ??ltimos se hace necesario el desarrollo de un plan concreto de actuaci??n ante este problema, al que es necesario dotar de importantes recursos.


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El CEIP Manuel P??rez de Bollullos Par del Condado (Huelva) ha recibido el Primer Premio de P??ginas Web Educativas de la Junta de Andaluc??a, y ha sido galardonado con la Medalla de Oro al M??rito Educativo


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En el art??culo 2 de la Orden de 18 de julio de 2007 por la que se regula el procedimiento para la elaboraci??n y aprobaci??n del Plan de Convivencia de los centros educativos sostenidos con fondos p??blicos, se establece entre los objetivos del Plan de Convivencia: fomentar los valores, las actitudes y las pr??cticas que permiten mejorar el grado de aceptaci??n y cumplimiento de las normas y avanzar en el respeto a la diversidad y en el fomento de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres; facilitar la prevenci??n, detecci??n, tratamiento, seguimiento y resoluci??n de conflictos y aprender a utilizarlos como fuente de expereincias de aprendizaje y facilitar la mediaci??n para la resoluci??n pac??fica de los conflictos.