934 resultados para Malhas da Liberdade


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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The causes of children rights and youth rights have been the focus of our attention. The ideals of freedom and justice accompany us in our daily lives and, as such, this thesis aims to study the questions of major importance in the field of children and youth protection in Portugal which deserve deep and serious reflection. We shall start with a brief theoretical framework of the evolution of the rights of children and youth in Portugal, defining some concepts. This will be followed by an analysis of all relevant Portuguese legislation, which will set out its fields of application, measures, objectives and underlying principles. There are multiple reasons to raise awareness to the importance of the topics that will be treated and to the necessity and urgency of thinking about an effective promotion and protection of children and youth in Portugal. Keywords: children,


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In actual context of multidimensional and complex interactions, public safety has been occupying more and more both rhetorical and political agendas and citizen’s concerns. People discuss the causes, crime combat, question the punishment and its implementation as a way of stop the the increasing criminality. Such as public safety, also prisons and prision systems as integral parts in coproduction safety have been taking the center of the discussions, which seeks to realize the preponderance of the portuguese prision system in the context of public safety.


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The global and increasingly technological society requires the States to adopt security measures that can maintain the balance between the freedom, on the one hand, and the security and the respect for fundamental rights of a democratic state, on the other. A State can only achieve this aim if it has an effective judicial system and in particular a criminal procedure adequate to the new criminogenic realities. In this context, the national legislator has adopted, following other international legal systems, special means of obtaining proof more stringent of rights. Within those special means are included the covert actions, that, being a means to use sparingly, is a key element to fight against violent and highly organized crime. Therefore, the undercover agent, voluntary by nature, develops a set of activities that enables the investigation to use other means of taking evidence and/or probationary diligences itself, with the purpose of providing sufficient proof to the case file. In this milieu, given the high risks involved during the investigation, as well as after its completion, the undercover agent can act upon fictitious identity. This measure can be maintained during the evidentiary phase of the trial. Similarly, given the latent threat that the undercover agent suffers by its inclusion in criminal organizations, as well as the need for his inclusion in future covert actions it is crucial that his participation as a witness in the trial is properly shielded. Thus, when the undercover agent provides, exceptionally, statements in the trial, he shall do so always through videoconference with voice and image distortion. This measure can guarantee the anonymity of the undercover agent and concomitantly, that the adversarial principle and the right of the accused to a fair trial is not prejudiced since, in those circumstances, the diligence will be supervised in its entirety (in the audience and with the undercover agent) by a judge.


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In an increasingly globalized society, the crime appears as a reality that crosses borders. Globalization has potentiated the emergence of new forms of crime, which have been the subject of more interventional, particularly in terms of political, judicial and police authorities as well as civil society approaches. The media allow rapid expansion of criminal methodologies, which aggregate to the ease of movement of itinerant criminal groups, increases the opportunities for the continuation of the practice of criminal offenses, threatening, increasingly, the tranquility and safety of populations. Criminal organizations are characterized by their complexity, thus contributing to the difficulty in combat, by police and judicial authorities, forcing rapid adaptation to new political and criminal reality, particularly at the level of institutional cooperation, national and international, as exemplified by the creation of the "European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice" and new agencies in the field of police cooperation. It was intended with this paper to answer the central question: Is it possible to define a concept of Itinerant Crime in the European regulatory framework (Police and Judiciary)? To fulfill this aim, we performed the characterization of the concept of itinerant crime including itinerant criminal group, we analyzed the work that is being done by the authorities, police and judiciary, in order to contain the phenomenon. Finally, we studied type of existing cooperation at European level between the Member States and the authorities with responsibilities in this area. At the end, we conclude that efforts are being made towards the enhancement of operational, police and judicial cooperation, between the competent authorities of the European Union by combating this phenomenon. Define, and also proposed, a unique concept of Itinerant Crime, in order to be included in the legal standards, in order to facilitate research, in particular to better fit the itinerant crime and assist the prosecution of offenders.


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Images have gained a never before seen importance. Technological changes have given the Information Society extraordinary means to capture, treat and transmit images, wheter your own or those of others, with or without a commercial purpose, with no boundaries of time or country, without “any kind of eraser”. From the several different ways natural persons may engage in image processing with no commercial purpose, the cases of sharing pictures through social networks and video surveillance assume particular relevance. Consequently there are growing legitimate concerns with the protection of one's image, since its processing may sometimes generate situations of privacy invasion or put at risk other fundamental rights. With this in mind, the present thesis arises from the question: what are the existent legal instruments in Portuguese Law that enable citizens to protect themselves from the abusive usage of their own pictures, whether because that image have been captured by a smartphone or some video surveillance camera, whether because it was massively shared through a blog or some social network? There is no question the one's right to not having his or her image used in an abusive way is protected by the Portuguese constitution, through the article 26th CRP, as well as personally right, under the article 79th of the Civil Code, and finally through criminal law, articles 192nd and 193rd of the Criminal Code. The question arises in the personal data protection context, considering that one's picture, given certain conditions, is personal data. Both the Directive 95/46/CE dated from 1995 as well as the LPD from 1998 are applicable to the processing of personal data, but both exclude situations of natural persons doing so in the pursuit of activities strictly personal or family-related. These laws demand complex procedures to natural persons, such as the preemptive formal authorisation request to the Data Protection National Commission. Failing to do so a natural person may result in the application of fines as high as €2.500,00 or even criminal charges. Consequently, the present thesis aims to study if the image processing with no commercial purposes by a natural person in the context of social networks or through video surveillance belongs to the domain of the existent personal data protection law. To that effect, it was made general considerations regarding the concept of video surveillance, what is its regimen, in a way that it may be distinguishable from Steve Mann's definition of sousveillance, and what are the associated obligations in order to better understand the concept's essence. The application of the existent laws on personal data protection to images processing by natural persons has been analysed taking into account the Directive 95/46/CE, the LPD and the General Regulation. From this analysis it is concluded that the regimen from 1995 to 1998 is out of touch with reality creating an absence of legal shielding in the personal data protection law, a flaw that doesn't exist because compensated by the right to image as a right to personality, that anyway reveals the inability of the Portuguese legislator to face the new technological challenges. It is urgent to legislate. A contrary interpretation will evidence the unconstitutionality of several rules on the LPD due to the obligations natural persons are bound to that violate the right to the freedom of speech and information, which would be inadequate and disproportionate. Considering the recently approved General Regulation and in the case it becomes the final version, the use for natural person of video surveillance of private spaces, Google Glass (in public and private places) and other similar gadgets used to recreational purposes, as well as social networks are subject to its regulation only if the images are shared without limits or existing commercial purposes. Video surveillance of public spaces in all situations is subject to General Regulation provisions.


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A permanently changing occidental society framework, simultaneously, to a world Globalization and a market liberalization, requires to know how important and which role the agents plays, in Estates representation, to guarantee their own intern security. Portugal is an example of that since has been integrated in European and world politics that allowed the borders opening, with all the negative consequences of that kind of measures. In way to struggle with those debilities emerge, in our Juridical Order, several security forces such as Prison Guards Corporation, whose contribute to intern security seems undefined and confuse, being urgent legislation in way to describe and clearly define their goals and functions. We begin with a brief history view to understand the evolution, focusing on the present moment, correlate several laws in way to clarify their juridical situation. Using a own critical sense, it draws attention to legislation lack problem in opposition to the conclusion that, Prison Guards Corporation is a security force with specialized expertise in matter and territory fields. Their activity occurs, generally, in penitentiaries where people see themselves without their freedom, legally determinated and confined to places as other individuals with deviant behaviors that deserve society refutation, establishing a separation period having rehabilitation as a goal – it is called general and special prevention. Penitentiaries specificities requires specially police force because penitentiaries are places where tensions are often, both between inmates and against employees, above all prison guards, the first to struggle inmates daily frustrations. In way that institutions achieve their purpose, it is necessary that citizens respect all the rules, although, to their efficacy is necessary to inflict punishment to those who did not respect the rules. Furthermore, it will be indispensable to act immediately in situations as impeding runaway helping, illegally standing in jail and to avoid violent acts against personal and patrimonial belongings. Juridical Order has a few security tools that are available to administration, in which is included coercive methods, that as damaging to citizens in whom they are use, are restricted, unavoidably, to inflexible control rules. Concluding, Prison Guards and Penitentiaries General Direction last goal is to give back recovered inmates to society, in a way to conduct their lives responsibly, without committing crimes.


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Atenta a preconização da legislação desportiva a nível interno, bem como a nível internacional, aliada ao usual recurso aos meios alternativos de resolução de litígios – arbitragem voluntária – por imposição das Federações Desportivas aos atletas, o ponto de ordem do presente estudo é aferir se a voluntariedade preconizada pela denominada arbitragem voluntária existe, é efectiva, ou meramente aparente. Este trabalho tem, assim, por objecto de estudo determinados aspectos das cláusulas de resolução de litígios e das convenções de arbitragem celebradas no seio desportivo e a sua efectiva voluntariedade, ou seja, a liberdade contratual e submissão voluntária a tal resolução alternativa de litígios com preterição do recurso aos tribunais judiciais.


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O Conselho Superior da Magistratura (CSM), enquanto instituição de governo do poder judicial, desempenha um papel central na democracia portuguesa. Estudado maioritariamente sob a perspectiva jurídica, este Conselho, tal como todo o sistema de justiça, reclama hoje um olhar atento da ciência política. Nesta Dissertação principia-se com um estudo comparativo entra as diferentes soluções de governo da justiça europeias. Procurando isolar variáveis foram analisados os sistemas de Espanha, França, Alemanha e Inglaterra. Seguidamente, e tendo em conta o momento crítico da transição para a democracia, analisa-­se o lugar do CSM na constituição daí resultante, acompanhando a sua evolução até aos dias de hoje. Finalmente, procede-­se à caraterização prosopográfica da elite de juízas e juízes que ocuparam os lugares do CSM ao longo destes 40 anos. Os resultados obtidos no estudo comparado, vêm confirmar que estando garantida a liberdade individual de cada juíza ou juiz no ato de julgar, a forma de governo da justiça parece definitivamente configurar um campo em aberto. Mais do que um modelo ideal, estes órgãos são o resultado de autênticas complementaridades institucionais. A análise histórica demonstra que no poder judicial, a transição decorreu de forma pacífica e consensual, traduzindo-se num ganho progressivo de autonomia externa da magistratura ao longo destes 40 anos. O estudo da elite judicial pertencente ao CSM veio revelar uma uniformidade com poucas variações. Neste momento, os membros do conselho privilegiam o princípio da independência, verificando-­se uma certa desconfiança entre o poder político e o poder judicial.


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Os efeitos de uma qualidade do ar reduzida são sentidos principalmente em centros urbanos, como Lisboa, onde persistem situações de concentrações elevadas de dióxido de azoto (NO2) e matéria particulada (PM10), originadas pelo tráfego automóvel. Para diminuir a concentração desses poluentes foi implementada uma Zona de Emissões Reduzidas (ZER) em Lisboa, que entrou na fase III em janeiro de 2015. Avaliou-se a evolução da qualidade do ar nos últimos cinco anos em Lisboa, nomeadamente as excedências aos valores limite legais de curto prazo para NO2 e PM10, bem como a influência da meteorologia na sua ocorrência. A qualidade do ar, em geral, melhorou, registando-se a maioria das excedências no outono e inverno, em dias úteis e final da tarde e início da manhã, períodos coincidentes com a maior intensidade de tráfego rodoviário. A altura da base da inversão térmica e a velocidade do vento são mais reduzidas em dias com excedências, o que indicia um papel relevante da meteorologia. A avaliação do impacte da fase II da ZER nas excedências aos valores limite revelou que o número de excedências e a duração dos episódios de poluição diminuíram, mas mais significativamente em estações fora da ZER. Analisou-se a influência da fase III da ZER na composição da frota automóvel e nas emissões associadas de NOX e PM na Avenida da Liberdade, com base nos dados obtidos antes (2014) e depois (2015) da fase III. Verificou-se uma melhoria na frota em toda a cidade, mais acentuada na zona 2 que na zona 1. Concluiu-se que o impacte da fase III foi reduzido, principalmente na zona 1, possivelmente relacionado com a escassa fiscalização. Caso o número de veículos se tivesse mantido igual entre 2014 e 2015, teria sido possível uma redução de 23% nas emissões de NOX e de 8% nas de PM.


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A presente dissertação busca abordar a questão da restrição ao direito fundamental de liberdade da pessoa toxicodependente no Brasil, consistente, precisamente, na internação forçada para o tratamento de sua saúde e/ou para a segurança pública, sob o olhar do princípio constitucional da dignidade da pessoa humana em suas dimensões positiva, que exige uma obrigação de fazer por parte do Estado, e negativa, que cobra deste uma postura omissiva de proteção, em torno de um mesmo indivíduo; sem se olvidar do interesse público na execução da medida. Para tanto, ao longo do trabalho, a legislação brasileira atinente ao tema é posta em comparação com a sua correspondente portuguesa e, à luz, basicamente, das doutrinas desses países, são examinados direitos afetos à liberdade individual e ao direito social à saúde, sob a costura do apontado princípio estruturante das respectivas Constituições, de modo a permitir a visualização do amparo da medida restritiva no texto maior brasileiro e, ao final, uma análise crítica à ponderação de bens (direitos) realizada pelo legislador ordinário, com possíveis soluções para a sua aplicação em concreto, quando da análise da proporcionalidade da intervenção da liberdade pelo Poder Judiciário.


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Dans le domaine des drogues actuellement illicites, deux courants politiques opposés s'affrontent: un mouvement en faveur de la répression fait face à ce que l'on nomme bien souvent l'anti-prohibitionnisme. Comment, à partir de la réalité actuelle, en arrive-t-on à prendre des positions tellement opposées? L'objectif de cet article consiste à analyser les valeurs dominantes qui sont à la base de chacun de ces discours. La méthode privilégiée pour atteindre cet objectif consiste en une recension des écrits scientifiques des 20 dernières années. Quatre bases de données furent consultées: NCJRS, Socio-file, Psyclitt, et Current Content. De cette interrogation, 200 textes furent retenus pour analyse. L'analyse des écrits scientifiques traitant des politiques répressives envers les drogues et de la position anti-prohibitionniste a permis de faire ressortir trois valeurs principales: la gestion optimale des ressources humaines et sociales, la promotion et la santé, et la liberté individuelle vs la protection de l'état. Ces valeurs ne sont pas mutuellement exclusives puisque certaines idées invoquées en vue de justifier la position défendue peuvent s'appliquer à l'une ou l'autre des valeurs identifiées, démontrant combien ceux-ci sont fortement inter-reliées. Enfin, mentionnons que l'ensemble de ces écrits sur le thème étudié présente des faiblesses majeures - elles sont discutées en conclusion.


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La justicia transicional debe enfrentar la negación de las atrocidades. A pesar de la sofisticación del marco de derechos humanos presente en el sistema legal colombiano, el campo de la justicia transicional en Colombia adolece de un significativo grado de indeterminación normativa, como si dicho campo aconteciera en un vacío constitucional”. Como consecuencia, ha sido objeto de uso estratégico por parte de distintos actores políticos dotados de intencionalidad en la fijación del sentido del arreglo institucional de la llamada justicia transicional. El uso estratégico gravita entre el acatamiento pleno del marco de derechos humanos o su elusión en distintos grados. La elusión niega las atrocidades. Para que el discurso de la justicia transicional en Colombia contribuya a hacer justicia por las atrocidades, debe dar viabilidad práctica a los derechos de las víctimas, no reducir esos estándares. Para ello, son necesarios dos requisitos: desde el punto de vista sustantivo, debe acatar las obligaciones en materia de verdad, justicia y reparación, que son parámetro de constitucionalidad, y respetar el núcleo esencial de tales derechos, sin perjuicio de la libertad de configuración legislativa y de la ponderación judicial. Desde el punto de vista procedimental, debe adoptar como metodología un enfoque contextualizado de análisis comparado que evite el trasplante acrítico de experiencias internacionales inaplicables.


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La idea de la voluntad del pueblo como expresión de la soberanía es propia de la teoríapolítica que busca explicar el origen del Estado moderno liberal. La compatibilidad entre lalibertad individual de sujetos considerados iguales y el ejercicio del poder político requierepensar a los ciudadanos como sujetos libres, y esto se logra cuando el poder que se ejercesobre ellos se concibe como un poder que nace solo de los propios ciudadanos. En laconcepción individualista de la democracia, los derechos de los individuos son anteriores ytienen primacía sobre la pertenencia a la sociedad. Sin embargo, no es necesario asumir estaconcepción para defender esa primacía. Se la puede defender solo respecto de las decisionesde la sociedad. Desde esta posición, es posible concebir el conflicto entre soberanía populary derechos humanos. La transición política uruguaya ejemplifica esa posibilidad. A través de un referéndum y un plebiscito convocados por la propia sociedad, la mayoría avaló laLey de Caducidad de la Pretensión Punitiva del Estado, que impide los juicios por los gravescrímenes cometidos durante la dictadura. La Corte idh declaró, en el 2011, que esa decisiónpopular violaba la cadh y que la soberanía popular está sujeta a los límites que le imponenlos derechos humanos. Los análisis de esta decisión se han centrado en la obligación del Estadode acatarla, pero no en lo que ella significa para la comprensión contemporánea de lademocracia. Eso es lo que pretendo hacer en este artículo, a través de dos tesis: el conflictose mantiene si el concepto de democracia es un concepto procedimental; y la Corte idhofrece un concepto que abre un camino a la solución del conflicto.