926 resultados para Low temperature
Cerium carbonate hydroxide (orthorhombic Ce(OH)CO3) hexagonal-shaped microplates were synthesized by a simple and fast microwave-hydrothermal method at 150 degrees C for 30 min. Cerium nitrate, urea and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide were used as precursors. Ceria (cubic CeO2) rhombus-shape was obtained by a thermal decomposition oxidation process at 500 degrees C for 1 h using as- synthesized Ce(OH)CO3. The products were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. The use of microwave-hydrothermal method allowed to obtain cerium compounds at low temperature and shorter time compared to other synthesis methods. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Geological, petrographic, chemical and zircon typology data from the Cunhaporanga and Tres Corregos granitoid complexes are presented and discussed. Both complexes of Late Precambrian age evolved by crystal fractionation. By its zircon typology the Cunhaporanga is classified as a low temperature calc-alkaline batholith and the Tres Corregos as a medium temperature calc-alkaline complex. This classification implies a major participation of mantle material during the generation of the Tres Corregos magma in relation to the Cunhaporanga ones. In this way both complexes define a magmatic zoning from NW to SE done by a increasing in the depth of magma generation. -from English summary
Chemical (Sr:Ba:Rb) and zircon typology data from the Nazare Paulista, Mairipora/Cantareira, Cunhaporanga, Tres Corregos, Morungaba, Socorro, Itu, Graciosa and Serra Carambei granitoid complexes from the states of Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Parana (SE/S Brazil) are presented and discussed. By the zircon typology method these complexes are refered, respectively, to the 2nd crustal, 3rd crustal/low temperature C-A, low temperature C-A, medium temperature C-A, medium/light temperature C-A, K-SA/Alkaline and alkaline series which are considered as generated under increasing temperature associated with a progressive major participation of mantle material. All these series display different positions and behaviour in the Sr:Ba:Rb diagram which reinforces the use of the zircon typology method in the study of granitoids. -from English summary
Synthesis and crystallographic data are reported for low and high temperature forms of LiLa(CrO4)2. The compounds are closely related to lamellar rare earth phosphates and arsenates of sodium and to RbLu(CrO4)2. Lattice parameters of the orthorhombic (low temperature) and monoclinic (high temperature) forms are given. The low temperature form is moisture sensitive and Li+ ions are easily displaced by protons. Thermal decomposition takes place at 250 °C and results in the formation of LiCrO2, LaCrO4, LaCrO3 and Cr2O3. © 1993.
The fabrication of boring tools (burrs) for dentistry with the use of a hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system, to form the diamond abrading structure, is reported here. The diamond was synthesized from a methane/freon gas mixture diluted in hydrogen. Comparative drilling tests with conventional diamond burrs and the CVD diamond burrs in borosilicate glasses demonstrated a lifetime more than 20 times larger for the CVD diamond burrs. Also, heat flow experiments in dentine showed that the CVD diamond burrs induce temperature gradients of the same order as the conventional ones. These characteristics of the CVD diamond burrs are highly desirable for odontological applications where the burrs' lifetime and the low temperature processing are essential to the quality and comfort of the treatment. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.
Ultra-fine NaNbO3 powder was prepared by the use of polymeric precursors. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that this niobate nucleates from the amorphous precursor, with no intermediate phases, at low temperature (500°C). Studies by XRD and nitrogen adsorption/desorption showed that powders with high crystallinity ( ≈ 100%) and high surface areas (>20 m2/g) are obtained after calcination at 700°C for 5 h. Compacts of calcined powders showed high sinterability reaching 98% of theoretical density when sintered at 1190°C for 3 h.
Lanthanum-lithium-sodium double chromates Li1-xNaxLa(CrO4)2 were prepared and analysed by means of admittance spectroscopy. Their a.c. conductivity parameters are correlated with structural details of high and low temperature forms of pure lanthanum-lithium double chromates. Lithium compounds show the lowest conductivity values and the highest activation energy for ion motion, while the sample Li0.5Na0.5La(CrO4)2 exhibits the highest conductivity 10-5 S cm-1 and the lowest activation energy 0.58 eV.
The pyH[trans-RuCl4(py)2](1) and pyH[trans-RuCl4(CO)(py)](2) complexes were synthesized and found to crystallize in space group P21/n, Z = 4 with a = 8.080(7), b = 22.503(7), c = 10.125(6) Å, β = 93.19(6)° for (1) and a = 7.821(1), b = 10.337(3), c = 19.763(3) Å, β = 93.07(1)° for (2). The structures were solved by Patterson and difference Fourier techniques and refined to R = 0.062 for (1) and R = 0.038 for (2). In both cases the Ru(III) ion is octahedrally coordinated to four co-planar chlorine atoms, the nitrogen of the pyridine rings or carbon from the carbon monoxide. Another protonated pyridine group, which forms the counter-cation completes the crystal structures. The UV-Vis absorption spectra show three bands: (1) 360 (ε = 1180 M-1 cm-1), 441 (ε = 3200 M-1 cm-1) and 532 nm (ε = 400 M-1 cm-1); (2) 315(ε = 1150 M-1 cm-1), 442 (ε = 3170 M-1 cm-1) and 530 nm (ε = 390 M-1 cm-1). The two higher energy bands were associated with ligand-to-metal charge transfer transitions and a third band at lower energy was assigned to a d-d transition. Low temperature EPR data confirmed the presence of the paramagnetically active Ru(III) and it is consistent with axial symmetry of the complexes. The position of the stretching CO band in complex (2) is discussed in terms of metal-CO backbonding.
LiNbO3 thin films were prepared from polymeric precursor method by dip coating. The precursor films, deposited on Si(111) substrates, were heat-treated from 400°C to 900°C in order to study the heat treatment influence on the crystallinity and microstructure of the final film. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed, in particular, that these films crystallize at low temperature (450°C) and present no preferential orientation. The scanning electron microscopy studies showed that the film microstructure is strongly influenced by the annealing temperature. © 1997 Trans Tech Publications.
The anelastic spectrum (dynamic Young's modulus and elastic energy absorption) of La2CuO4+δ has been measured between 1 and 700 K with 0<δ<0.02. The spectrum of stoichiometric La2CuO4 in the low-temperature orthorhombic (LTO) phase is dominated by two intense relaxation processes which cause softenings of 16% around 150 K and 9% below 30 K at f∼1 kHz. The relaxation at 150 K is attributed to the presence of a fraction of the CuO6 octahedra which are able to change their tilted configuration by thermal activation between orientations which are nearly energetically equivalent, possibly within the twin boundaries. The relaxation below 30 K is governed by tunneling, and involves a considerable fraction of the lattice atoms. It is proposed that the double-well potentials for the low-temperature relaxation are created by the tendency of the LTO phase to form low-temperature tetragonal (LTT) domains, which however are not stabilized like when La is partially substituted with Ba. On doping with excess O, the relaxation rates of these processes are initially enhanced by hole doping, while their intensities are depressed by lattice disorder; an explanation of this behavior is provided. Excess O also causes two additional relaxation processes. The one appearing at lower values of δ is attributed to the hopping of single interstitial O2- ions, with a hopping rate equal to τ-1=2×10-14exp(-5600/T) s. The second process is slower and can be due to O pairs or other complexes containing excess O.
Lead titanate powders were synthesized through the use of polymeric precursors according to the Pechini Process. The polymeric precursor was calcined at temperatures ranging from 300 to 600°C for 1 or 2 h. X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that lead titanate crystallizes from the precursor at temperatures as low as 400°C. No intermediate carbonate phase was detected by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) or by XRD. A powder with mean particle size of 150 nm was obtained after calcination of the precursor at 600°C for 1 h. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
During a study of the LaF3-ZrF4 system, both La3Zr4F25 and α-LaZr3F15 compounds have been evidenced. Their crystal structures have been determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. La3Zr4F25 crystallises in the cubic system with a = 12.384 Å and 143d space group (no. 220). Its crystal structure is built up of (ZrF6)2- octahedra and (LaF8)5- dodecahedra sharing corners. The low temperature form, α, of LaZr3F15 is orthorhombic (space group Pmmn, no. 59) with a = 15.721 Å, b = 16.299 Å, c = 8.438 Å. Its structure is built of corner-sharing tricaped trigonal prisms surrounding the La3+ ions and both octahedra and monocapped trigonal prisms encompassing the Zr4+ ions. This structure is characterised by dynamically disordered (ZrF6)2- complex anions. The Eu3+ luminescence properties of these phases have been investigated and are discussed in relationship with their crystal structures.
The effects of heat-treatment temperature on LiNbO3 thin films prepared by the polymeric precursor method were investigated. The precursor solution was deposited on Si(111) substrates by dip coating. X-ray diffraction and thermal analyses revealed that the crystallization process occurred at a low temperature (420 °C) and led to films with no preferential orientation. High-temperature treatments promoted formation of the LiNb3O8 phase. Scanning electron microscopy, coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy analyses, showed that the treatment temperature also affected the film microstructure. The surface texture - homogeneous, smooth, and pore-free at low temperature - turned into an `islandlike' microstructure for high-temperature treatments.
The electronic structure of Mg impurity in zincblende (c-)GaN is investigated by using the ab initio full potential linear-augmented plane-wave method and the local density-functional approximation. Full geometry optimization calculations, including nearest and next-nearest neighbor displacements, are performed for the impurity in the neutral and negatively charged states. A value of 190 ± 10 meV was obtained for the Franck-Condon shift to the thermal energy, which is in good agreement with that observed in recent low temperature photoluminescence and Hall-effect measurements. We conclude that the nearest and next-nearest neighbors of the Mg impurity replacing Ga in C-GaN undergo outward relaxations which play an important role in the determination of the center acceptor energies.