1000 resultados para Formação Continuada dos Professores
This study aimed to understand how the educational context contributes to the professional development of future teachers on introduction to teaching practice. To this end, we seek to characterize what the learning and the difficulties experienced in training contexts by future teachers, as well as the intrinsic elements to the training contexts that enable professional development. The investigated contexts were the Institutional Program Initiation Grant to Teaching (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID), specifically the sub-projects of Chemistry and Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN) and Masters in Teaching of Physics and Chemistry of the University of Lisbon (MEFQ ). In both contexts, the future teachers are in contact with the school in a systematic way. The methodology used in our study is rooted in qualitative research with interpretative guidance and the design in the study of multiple cases with instrumental purpose. Participated in this study as the main subject, 40 future teachers PIBID of Physics, 24 PIBID future teachers of Chemistry and 5 future Master Teachers in Teaching Chemistry and Physics. As supporting subjects, participated in 3 PIBID Area Coordinators, the teacher of Introduction to Professional Practice of MEFQ, and 8 teachers who teach chemistry and / or physics in public schools. Multiple data collection tools were used: naturalistic observation, descriptive questionnaire, individual interviews, focus groups, reading of written records and official documents. In analyzing the data, we used the method of questioning and constant comparison. The results showed that the main learning of future teachers are related to the strategy employed in class, the change in the understanding of the role of teacher and student in the classroom, the construction of the professional profile and the development of collaborative practices. The main difficulties were related to the development of activities, the management of time and group, the dynamics of the classroom and the material conditions of work. The characteristics inherent in training contexts investigated for professional development are: the practice itself of the research, the collaboration, the focused reflection on practice, focus on student learning and the improving public schools. From the results, it is evidenced that the training contexts centered at school have the capability to resize the practice based on the analysis of actions, in a collaborative work as well as create opportunities for awareness of the concepts, the acting and the way to understand the profession. It is needed for effective mediation trainers, so that future teachers undertake their own practice and, therefore, they can build teaching strategies that promote learning which, in addition to increase the quality of education, favor the professional development throughout life.
In Brazil, special education public is a challenge to all teachers, especially to Physical Education ones. Among others, it encompasses students with disabilities, students with intellectual giftedness, and students with pervasive developmental disorder. Besides posing challenges, the inclusion process causes worry and generates debates on problems that impede the full partaking of such pupils in schooling practices related to physical education. This thesis presents a research that focused on these matters by means of co-working involving the researcher and the Physical Education teacher in regular classrooms following co-teaching perspective. The starting point of the research is the following question: what contributions co-working involving Physical Education teacher and researcher may provide to people with disabilities and to Physical Education teacher in regular schools attended by students who are the special education’s target? The research aimed at discussing and analyzing the development of such co-working activity involving the researcher and Physical Education teacher. It followed co-teaching perspective and was put into practice in a public school in Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais. Participant qualitative approach, which recognizes relations between social sciences and intervention in social reality, was the methodological choice to develop the research in three phases: 1) making the research; 2) intervening in social reality; 3) assessing/diagnosing it. Strategies to gather data included semi structured interview, questionnaire, participant observation, and group interview. Data come, above all, from oral accounts as well as from the work by the group of participants of the research, which means, researcher, Physical Education teacher who works at regular schools and three teachers who deal with AEE (Atendimento Educacional Especial), a special educational teaching program. The concept of inclusion is discussed accordingly to authors such as Miranda (2001), Mantoan (2001), Duarte and Santos (2003), Mittler (2003), Rodrigues (2006), and Bueno (2008). The conception of co-working is developed in the light of studies by Capellini (2004) and Mendes (2009), among others. Results point out not only initial conditions of anguish, doubts and hardships, but also a will to debate difficulties Physical Education teachers face in their daily pedagogical activities at school. Likewise, results showed that teachers who took part in the research are interested in continuing their training in connection with co-teaching as strategy to teach physical education at inclusive schools.
Teacher training processes, initial and continuing, and professional practice of teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years are highlighted in the literature as complex, but also are regarded as the way to overcome many difficulties in teaching this component curriculum in the school stage in question. The aim of the study was to investigate how the training needs in Mathematics are represented by a group of teachers in the early years of elementary school of public health system of the city of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais. The research, qualitative approach, had as object of study the training needs, in Mathematics, of teachers in the early years. The research involved 16 teachers from two schools in the municipal public schools of that city. Data were collected through questionnaires, non-participant observations, semi-structured interviews followed by group and individual. Analyses were performed by means of thematic categories, founded by content analysis. Data interpretation allowed to understand training needs in mathematics that are presented to the collaborating group from their professional practice, considering the knowledge and skills necessary to teaching. It is understood that the teachers of the study group have major limitations in relation to the specific content and didactic knowledge of Mathematics content, however, the concern is that demonstrated not always being aware of it. Moreover, the difficulties experienced in teaching practice proven to be overcome by sources and non-formal training activities, primarily through more experienced colleagues in the profession. Thus, it becomes difficult to think the initial and continuing training courses for teachers without the training needs of the teaching practice is appreciated as an object of study.
This text presents developed in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Uberlândia, in which it was intended to answer the question: What are the pedagogical implications for the fractions concept learning for students of the 6th grade of elementary school that the teaching guide activities can provide? The objectives of this research were: a) analyze the possible pedagogical implications for the learning of the fraction's concept for students of the 6th grade of elementary school through guiding teaching activities; b) using the conceptual connections of the fraction to enable students to develop an abstract thought and c) investigate whether guiding teaching activities reflect on 'how to think' and 'how to do' of the student. Five teaching activities have been developed (MOURA, 2002) from the perspective of teaching guiding activity (TGA) and had as object of study the teaching of fractions for students in 6th year of elementary school. They have been prepared and proposed activities in which it was intended to investigate the use of history of mathematics as an aid in learning the conceptual fraction links (CARAÇA, 1951) by students. Such activities, for analysis, were organized into episodes and scenes (MOURA, 2004) and discussed how students deal with the measurement of whole quantity (all) and subunits (part); how they represent in verbal or written language. It is hoped that the research is set up as an important contribution to mathematics teaching area and may contribute to the initial and continuing training of mathematics teacher sand the formation of theoretical thinking of elementary school students.
This paper intends to analyze which contribution for teachers formative training the participation on extension projects can bring to the bachelors in Mathematics teaching. The research was conducted during the developing of a Project from the Program of Extension - Programa de Extensão UFU/Comunidade (PEIC) in a municipal school located in a country zone from Uberlândia-MG. The research was constituted by a series of activities with students from the ninth year of the Fundamental Education, Middle School. The main focus is the work developed by two bachelors of Mathemactics teaching from the Federal University from Uberlândia who were part of the PEIC team. This present research intends to answer the following question: How the extension project “Information technology and communication on Mathematics problem resolution in country zone schools” has contribited to reinforce and to (re)criate the fomative experiences of students from the Mathematics teaching course who have developed such project? The presente study is from a qualitative nature and has made use of the partaker searching methodology. The presente paper was organized in three chapters. On chapter I evidence is given to theoretical discussion made, having as main references the works of Larrosa, Ponte e Shön. Chapter II brings the description of the three activities that were developed and aplied during the PEIC Project, which are: Problems in the Park, Inaccessible Hight and Lili Game. On chapter III, the data analysis is presented. The data was obtained through instruments of registration such as: camera recording, photografic material, meetings reports, field notes, surveys and semi-structured interviews. The initial hypothesis aim is on the fact that the participation on extention projects during the graduation course can bring rich contribution for the teachers to be, since it’s going to provide the knowledge and chalenge close to the one from the future profession. With the analysis of the obtained results from the colected data, it was possible to conclude that the PEIC has provided the bachelors in Mathematics teching the opportunity of recreate and potenciate their formative experiences. Such opportunity happened in situations that involved, for example, planning makings, development of colective work, softwares usage, different school spaces and the direct interaction with school bureaucracy. Beyond that, it was possible to work with the cocepts of reflection in action in a way to contribute to the professional development of the future Mathematics teachers. Thereby, in our final considerations, is possible to conclude that extension projects performed during the graduation course can bring great contributions to the professional formation of the bachelors in Mathematics teaching, among them we highlight the potentiation of the previous formative experiences and the development of colective work and behavior related to a reflexive teacher.
Na formação inicial de professores, consideramos fundamental desafiar os futuros professores a conceber experiências de planificação de atividades de caráter transdisciplinar, naturalmente suportadas por conhecimento científico específico a cada disciplina, mas que revelem integração de saberes de distintos âmbitos disciplinares, atribuindo-lhes assim sentido(s). Com este texto, propomo-nos partilhar uma destas experiências, realizada no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino do 1º e do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Os percursos desenhados por estes estudantes evidenciam a possibilidade de planificação de práticas transdisciplinares em contextos tradicionalmente e organizacionalmente disciplinares e também a mais-valia que a conceção de estratégias integradoras representa na construção da profissionalidade de futuros docentes.
A investigação-ação realizada com futuros professores numa escola superior de educação teve como objetivo capacitar estes participantes a desenvolver iniciativas de ativismo e avaliar o impacte deste processo. Os dados revelam algumas dificuldades e apontam para um contexto de formação favorável a uma ação informada e negociada perante problemas ambientais.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica
A investigação-ação realizada com futuros professores numa escola superior de educação teve como objetivo capacitar estes participantes a desenvolver iniciativas de ativismo e avaliar o impacte deste processo. Os dados revelam algumas dificuldades e apontam para um contexto de formação favorável a uma ação informada e negociada perante problemas ambientais.
Esta comunicação procura refletir e apresentar algumas propostas metodológicas e recursos científico-pedagógicos que visam responder a uma questão que exige resposta urgente: Como compatibilizar as exigências do ensino e aprendizagem da literatura com o défice de competência leitora e de memória textual dos nossos estudantes do ensino superior, nomeadamente na formação inicial de professores?Nesta comunicação divulgamos um estudo de caso que visou conhecer como os candidatos a professores fizeram a sua própria sensibilização para o texto literário, na família e na escola. Os resultados que aqui se apresentam dão conta da memória textual comum a um grupo de 117 candidatos a professores de Educação Básica (Educadores de Infância e Professores do 1º e 2º ciclos do Ensino Básico) e permitem desenhar um corpus comum à maioria destes candidatos a professores, bem como as formas de que se revestiu a recepção. Na análise dos dados apresentados, sublinhar-se-ão aspectos como os tipos de leitura, os suportes utilizados, a constituição do corpus literário e os produtos culturais directa ou indirectamente relacionados com este corpus. Propor-se- ão metodologias, estratégias e recursos a implementar na formação de professores, que visam uma Educação Literária fundamental destinada a capacitar os futuros professores para o exercício da sua formação.
A educação, a escola, os professores e os alunos têm vindo a adaptar-se às transformações que ocorrem na sociedade, declinando muitos dos paradigmas educativos tradicionais, inovando a forma de ensinar e de aprender com e através das novas tecnologias. Ao nível da formação inicial de professores é fundamental preparar os futuros professores para as inovações educativas e tecnológicas emergentes. Mas estarão os alunos, futuros professores, recetivos a uma nova visão da educação? Mais tecnológica, digital, colaborativa e centrada no desenvolvimento de competências para uma cidadania ativa, informada, esclarecida, crítica e criativa que seja capaz de dar resposta aos problemas e desafios da sociedade do século XXI? Nesta comunicação, pretende-se partilhar algumas práticas, experiências e reflexões da formação inicial de professores, para uma discussão de ideias sobre a formação de futuros professores inovadores com TIC.
O PIBID na formação do professor-supervisor e dos licenciados em História: reflexões e contribuições
Esta dissertação visa analisar o PIBID (PROGRAMA INSTITUCIONAL DE BOLSA DE INICIAÇÃO A DOCÊNCIA) de História da Furg dentro do contexto educacional contemporâneo, em que a formação continuada é vista como uma forma de contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Para isso o professor deve estar consciente que sua formação não termina na graduação. Formar ou (re) formar o educador para a sociedade atual através de uma formação continuada proporcionará ao mesmo, independência profissional com autonomia para decidir sobre o seu trabalho e suas necessidades.
A presença de crianças portadoras de deficiência ou incapacidade permanente é uma realidade manifestamente presente no nosso quotidiano escolar. Mas será que os professores percecionam a sua (in) competência para lidar com esta problemática? No presente estudo, procuramos refletir um pouco sobre toda a problemática da Trissomia 21, centrando a nossa atenção na atuação dos professores. Desde logo, procuramos perceber a importância da inclusão em todo o processo de inovação educacional que se deseja construir. Não basta dizer que é importante incluir as crianças portadoras de Síndrome de Down na escola regular. É preciso criar as condições para que estas crianças possam ter sucesso e, para isso, será absolutamente necessário a formação adequada de professores assim como de extrema importância é efetuar uma adaptação curricular às suas capacidades individuais. Assim, o nosso estudo teve como objetivos: Analisar a problemática da Inclusão das crianças Trissomia 21 na escola regular; Verificar em que medida o professor da Escola Regular tem formação adequada para atender as crianças com Trissomia 21 e tentar recriar estratégias de aprendizagem de acordo com as caraterísticas individuais das crianças que o professor tem na sua sala. A amostra do nosso projeto figurou-se num grupo de cerca de 130 docentes de agrupamentos de escolas do Concelho de Guimarães, professores educadores, do jardim-de-infância e do 1º, 2º e 3º ciclos do ensino básico (CEB). Após a análise dos dados recolhidos nos inquéritos propostos aos professores podemos concluir que os professores do ensino regular assumem não possuir formação específica para atender às crianças com Síndrome de Down, pois revelam alguma insegurança em lidar com as situações com que se deparam no seu quotidiano. Contudo afirmam atuar da melhor maneira possível, diligenciando as melhores condições e metodologias de intervenção. Foi sintomática e consensual a necessidade sentida, pela generalidade dos professores, na necessidade de um apoio especializado.
A comunicação apresenta os resultados, ainda que parciais, de um projeto de investigação-ação, que se desenrola no âmbito da formação contínua de professores (Profissionalização em Serviço) e que tem como finalidade verificar quais os efeitos qualitativos resultantes da participação indireta dos alunos dos formandos no processo de formação de ambos (formandos, respetivos alunos e relação pedagógica que ambos protagonizam).
O presente trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do Curso de Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Consiste no Relatório Final do referido Mestrado, no qual se apresenta uma descrição da atividade profissional desenvolvida por mim nos últimos cinco anos letivos, de 2007/08 até 2011/12, como docente de Educação Física. Tendo como ponto de referência a caraterização das instituições escolares por onde passei, é feito um retrato destas ao nível do meio socioeconómico em que estão inseridas, dos órgãos de gestão, da população estudantil e, mais importante ainda, é feita uma reflexão da minha atuação no meio escolar, de acordo com as dimensões do relatório de autoavaliação do Processo de Avaliação de Professores, vigente à data. De igual forma, este trabalho dá destaque à formação como fator fundamental de desenvolvimento e atualização para o professor, mas não apenas à graduação universitária ou à pós-graduação, que são extremamente importantes, como também à formação continuada, que amplia as atualizações e os aperfeiçoamentos.