970 resultados para Emotional Skills


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Successful management is dependent heavily on the manager’s ability to handle conflict effectively. The workforce has been increasingly becoming diversified vis-à-vis the gender, culture and ethnicity. The present work environment has in itself contributed to sowing seeds of conflict with greater diversity, hostility, complexity and newer business competencies in the work context.The classic study of Mintzberg’s Managerial roles approach (1973) also says that a manager has to spend sufficient time and energy in solving conflict as he has to take roles as a negotiator, and dispute handler. An understanding of the conflict and role that it plays in influencing employee behavior constructively or destructively is immense. Therefore conflict when left unmanaged can lead to diminished cohesiveness amongst employees, productivity and reduced organizational fitness. To manage conflict effective conflict resolution strategies that have constructive outcomes is called for. Conflict resolution style theorists opine that collaborative or integrative style, where there is high concern for task and people is considered to give positive individual and organizational outcomes, while the withdrawing /avoidance style and forcing / dominating style are considered to be ineffective in managing conflict. Though managers have typical preferences in the styles followed it need not necessarily be the typical response as it depends on the context, power relationships, emotions etc. The adoption of conflict styles of managers however is dependent on variables like gender orientation, cultural values, personality orientation, underlying relationships – public/private. The paper attempts to draw the importance of managing conflicts at workplace positively and the need for effective conflict resolution strategies. The conflict style adopted and the variables that affect the adoption of each style are discussed and possible interventions at the workplace are suggested


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation geht es um die Dokumentation, theoretische Begründung und Auswertung des in 25 Jahren Praxis entwickelten Curriculums der Bewusstseinsschulung und -weitung der Orgodynamik. Dabei geht es insbesondere um den Vergleich und die forschungsorientierte Verknüpfung verschiedener Traditionen der Bewusstseinsbildung, der ihnen zugrunde liegenden Konzepte und anthropologischen Dimensionen im Schnittfeld pädagogischer, psychologischer und spiritueller Perspektiven. In Anlehnung an das von Fuhr/Dauber (2002) entwickelte Modell, der Praxisentwicklungsforschung, welche die Verflechtung von Theorie und Praxis ansteuert, wird der orgodynamische Ansatz wissenschaftlich dokumentiert und theoretisch begründet. Über eine induktive Vorgehensweise werden die historischen Wurzeln konzeptionell dargelegt, die verborgenen Paradigmen herausgearbeitet, sowie das Curriculum erläutert und ausgewertet. In einem ersten theorieorientierten Kapitel wird das orgodynamische Methodenspektrum in seinem Grundmodell und den vier zentralen Dimensionen (mentale, körperliche, emotionale, energetische Dimension) aufgezeigt und mit theoretischen Hintergrundkonzepten verglichen und verknüpft. Die vier sich überlappenden Methodengruppen der mental, körperlich, emotional und energetisch orientierten Bewusstseinsarbeit werden differenziert dargestellt und in ihrer Beziehung zueinander diskutiert. Anhand eines Modells (Methodenrad) wird die multi-dimensionale Perspektive des Methodenspektrums, in einer nichthierarchischen Zuordnung sichtbar. Im zweiten theorieorientierten Hauptteil werden zunächst die zentralen vier Paradigmen der Orgodynamik (Präsenz, Multidimensionalität, Flow/Fließendes Gewahrsein, Bezogenheit) vorgestellt, theoretisch und praxisbezogen entfaltet und in einer Paradigmen-Landkarte zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Dabei werden die kategorialen Ausführungen durchgehend an Praxisbeispielen veranschaulicht und im Blick auf drei vorgestellte Zugänge zur Bewusstseinsweitung (Immersion, Integration und Dekonstruktion) exemplarisch didaktisch kommentiert. Im dritten Hauptteil wird das Curriculum im Zusammenhang mit einer Auswertungsmatrix erläutert. Diese dient als Überprüfungsinstrument. Mit ihrer Hilfe werden die verschiedenen methodischen Zugangsweisen und Arbeitsformen dieses Ansatzes, exemplarisch anhand von 2 Ausbildungswochen, im Blick der Multidimensionalität dokumentiert. Damit wird diese multidimensional angelegte Praxis exemplarisch bis in methodische Details nachvollziehbar und in dialogisch-selbstreflexiver Form überprüfbar. Exemplarisch werden in einem Exkurs erste Itemvorschläge gemacht, welche die wissenschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit an neuere Forschung im transpersonalen Bereich aufzeigen. Das innere Anliegen der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigt in der Verschränkung von Theorie und Praxis, dass die Paradigmen der Orgodynamik, Präsenz, Multidimensionalität, fließendes Gewahrsein und bewusste Bezogenheit vier pädagogisch umgesetzte Paradigmen für eine Bewusstseinserforschung in der Erwachsenenbildung sind. Stichworte: Multidimensional, Bewusstseinserforschung, Bewusstseinsweite, Präsenz, bewusste Bezogenheit, Flow/Fließendes Gewahrsein, das „Größere“, Immersion, Integration, Dekonstruktion, pädagogische Paradigmen, Erwachsenenbildung, Multidimensionales Methodenspektrum, Orgodynamik, Körpertherapie. ---------------------------


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This paper reports on results from five companies in the aerospace and automotive industries to show that over-commitment of technical professionals and under-representation of key skills on technology development and transition teams seriously impairs team performance. The research finds that 40 percent of the projects studied were inadequately staffed, resulting in weaker team communications and alignment. Most importantly, the weak staffing on these teams is found to be associated with a doubling of project failure rate to reach full production. Those weakly staffed teams that did successfully insert technology into production systems were also much more likely than other teams to have development delays and late engineering changes. The conclusion suggests that the expense of project failure, delay and late engineering changes in these companies must greatly out-weigh the savings gained from reduced staffing costs, and that this problem is likely going to be found in other technology-intensive firms intent on seeing project budgets as a cost to be minimized rather than an investment to be maximized.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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It has been suggested that decision making depends on sensitive feelings associated with cognitive processing rather than cognitive processing alone. From human lesions, we know the medial anterior inferior-ventral prefrontal cortex processes the sensitivity associated with cognitive processing, it being essentially responsible for decision making. In this fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Image) study 15 subjects were analyzed using moral dilemmas as probes to investigate the neural basis for painful-emotional sensitivity associated with decision making. We found that a network comprising the posterior and anterior cingulate and the medial anterior prefrontal cortex was significantly and specifically activated by painful moral dilemmas, but not by non-painful dilemmas. These findings provide new evidence that the cingulate and medial anterior prefrontal are involved in processing painful emotional sensibility, in particular, when decision making takes place. We speculate that decision making has a cognitive component processed by cognitive brain areas and a sensitivity component processed by emotional brain areas. The structures activated suggest that decision making depends on painful emotional feeling processing rather than cognitive processing when painful feeling processing happens


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Emotions are crucial for user's decision making in recommendation processes. We first introduce ambient recommender systems, which arise from the analysis of new trends on the exploitation of the emotional context in the next generation of recommender systems. We then explain some results of these new trends in real-world applications through the smart prediction assistant (SPA) platform in an intelligent learning guide with more than three million users. While most approaches to recommending have focused on algorithm performance. SPA makes recommendations to users on the basis of emotional information acquired in an incremental way. This article provides a cross-disciplinary perspective to achieve this goal in such recommender systems through a SPA platform. The methodology applied in SPA is the result of a bunch of technology transfer projects for large real-world rccommender systems


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Tutor's guide for using the Study Skill's Toolkit learning objects - these are currently available to all 1st year undergraduates in the University via Blackboard. Produced by Julie Watson in elanguages.


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A PowerPoint presentation used to support a skills development session for postgraduate students who wish to act as demonstrators in lab and workshop sessions.