993 resultados para Bernardino Realino, Blessed, 1530-1616.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of inhibin/activin alpha, beta(A) and beta(B) subunits and follistatin in immature oocytes and in matured oocytes before and after IVF. Denuded oocytes were submitted to a whole-mount immunofluorescence procedure. Specimens were imaged and fluorescent intensities quantified by scanning laser confocal microscopy. Immunoreactivity for inhibin alpha subunit (both alpha(C) and pro-alpha. regions), abundant in the ooplasm of immature oocytes, decreased after maturation (a 68% and 88% decrease, respectively; P < 0.001), but increased after IVF by 2- and 5.7-fold, respectively (P < 0.01). Intense staining for PA was detected in immature oocytes (predominantly in the outer ooplasm and zona pellucida) but after maturation and fertilization it was localized mainly in the zona pellucida, perivitelline space and oolemma. Immunoreactivity for RA in the ooplasm decreased by 58% after maturation (P < 0.001) but increased again by 75% after fertilization (P < 0.01). Immunoreactivity for beta(B) was localized mainly in the zona pellucida and did not change after maturation. However, immurloreactivity for beta(B) was not detected in the zona pellucida after fertilization, but remained unchanged in unfertilized oocytes. Immunoreactivity for follistatin was detected in the ooplasm and zona pellucida of immature oocytes but decreased progressively in the ooplasm after maturation (a 63% decrease; P < 0.001) and did not change after IVF. Examination of partially denuded cumulus-oocyte complexes confirmed abundant expression of alpha(C), pro-alpha, beta(A) and follistatin immunoreactivity in cumulus cells, whereas beta(B) subunit staining was weak or absent in cumulus cells, but intense in the zona pellucida. In conclusion, the present study shows that qualitative and quantitative changes in the distribution of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin accompany oocyte maturation and fertilization. The possibility, indicated by these observations, that activin A and activin B may play distinct roles in bovine oocyte maturation and fertilization warrants further study.


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FePt magnetic nanoparticles are an important candidate material for many future magnetic applications. FePt exists as two main phases, that is, a disordered face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, which is generally prepared by chemical methods at low temperatures, and the high-temperature chemically ordered face-centered tetragonal (fct) structure. The fee FePt, with low coercivity but associated with superparamagnetic properties, may find applications as a magnetic fluid or as a nanoscale carrier for chemical or biochemical species in biomedical areas, while fct FePt is proposed for use in ultrahigh-density magnetic recording applications. However, for both of these applications an enhancement of the intrinsically weak magnetic properties, the avoidance of magnetic interferences from neighbor particles, and the improved stability of the small magnetic body remain key practical issues. We report a simple synthetic method for producing FePt nanoparticles that involves hydrothermal treatment of Fe and Pt precursors in glucose followed by calcination at 900 degrees C. This new method produces thermally stable spheroidal graphite nanoparticles (large and fullerene-like) that encapsulate or decorate FePt particles of ca. 5 nm with no severe macroscopic particle coalescence. Also, a low coercivity of the material is recorded; indicative of small magnetic interference from neighboring carbon-coated particles. Thus, this simple synthetic method involves the use of a more environmentally acceptable glucose/aqueous phase to offer a protective coating for FePt nanoparticles. It is also believed that such a synthetic protocol can be readily extended to the preparation of other graphite-coated magnetic iron alloys of controlled size, stoichiometry, and physical properties.


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In this work we report on the interaction of KLVFF-PEG with fibrinogen (Fbg) in neutral aqueous solutions at 20 degrees C, for particular ratios of KLVFF-PEG to Fbg concentration, Delta = CKLVFF-PEG/C-Fbg- Our results show the formation of Fbg/KLVFF-PEG complexes for Delta > 0, such that there is not an extended network of complexes throughout the solution. In addition, cleaved protein and Fbg dimers are identified in the solution for Delta >= 0. There is a dramatic change in the tertiary structure of the Fbg upon KLVFF-PEG binding, although the KLVFF-PEG binds to the Fbg without affecting the secondary structure elements of the glycoprotein.


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Food proteins such as milk and soy are a rich source of bioactive peptides. In the last decade, research into this area has intensified and new bioactive peptide sequences have been discovered with a range of apparent biological functions; for example, antihypertensive, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects and opiate-like qualities have been reported. These peptides could therefore lead to the development of important functional food products and ingredients for the prevention and even treatment of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Peptides can be produced by fermentation with dairy starters for instance, and by enzymatic hydrolysis with pancreatic and microbial enzymes. Further purification is typically carried out by membrane filtration and/or chromatographic methods. The production of novel bioactive peptides and their incorporation into functional food products poses several technological challenges as well as regulatory and marketing issues. Proof of efficacy is of paramount importance; this should be verified by conducting appropriate tests in vivo in animals and in humans. In addition, tests for cytotoxicity and allergenicity must be conducted. Despite all of these hurdles, scientific evidence is increasingly demonstrating the health benefits of diet-based disease prevention, and therefore new developments in this area are likely to continue both at the research and the commercialisation level.


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The effect of pH on the complexation of poly(acrylic acid) with poly(vinyl alcohol) in aqueous solution, the miscibility of these polymers in the solid state and the possibility for crosslinking the blends using gamma radiation has been studied. It is demonstrated that the complexation ability of poly(vinyl alcohol) with respect to poly(acrylic acid) is relatively low in comparison with some other synthetic non-ionic polymers. The precipitation of interpolymer complexes was observed below the critical pH of complexation (pH(crit1)), which characterizes the transition between a compact hydrophobic polycomplex and an extended hydrophilic interpolymer associate. Films prepared by casting from aqueous solutions at different pH values exhibited a transition from miscibility to immiscibility at a certain critical pH, pH(crit2), above which hydrogen bonding is prevented. It is shown here that gamma radiation crosslinking of solid blends is efficient and only results in the formation of hydrogel films for blends prepared between pH(crit1), and pH(crit2). The yield of the gel fraction and the swelling properties of the films depended on the absorbed radiation dose and the polymer ratio.


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Mucoadhesive polymeric films have been prepared based on blends of chitosan and hydroxyethylcellulose. The blends have been characterized by IR spectroscopy, DSC, WAXD, TGA, SEM, and mechanical testing. It is demonstrated that the mechanical properties of chitosan are improved significantly upon blending with hydroxyethylcellulose. An increase in hydroxyethylcellulose content in the blends makes the materials more elastic. The thermal treatment of the blends at 100 degrees C leads to partial cross-linking of the polymers and formation of water-insoluble but swellable materials. The adhesion of the films towards porcine buccal mucosa decreases with increasing hydroxyethylcellulose content in the blends.


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We are often required to interpret discordant emotional signals. Whereas equivalent cognitive paradigms cause noticeable conflict via their behavioral and psychophysiological effects, the same may not necessarily be true for discordant emotions. Skin conductance responses (SCRs) and heart rates (HRs) were measured during a classic Stroop task and one in which the emotions conveyed by lexicosemantic content and prosody were congruent or incongruent. The participants' task was to identify the emotion conveyed by lexicosemantic content or prosody. No relationship was observed between HR and congruence. SCR was higher during incongruent than during congruent conditions of the experimental task (as well as in the classic Stroop task), but no difference in SCR was observed in a comparison between congruence effects during lexicosemantic emotion identification and those during prosodic emotion identification. It is concluded that incongruence between lexicosemantic and prosodic emotion does cause notable cognitive conflict. Functional neuroanatomic implications are discussed.


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We reported previously that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) potently suppress CYP17 expression and androgen production by bovine theca interna cells (TC) in vitro. In this study, real-time PCR was used to analyse gene expression in TC and granulosa cell (GC) layers from developing bovine antral follicles (1-18 mm). Abundance of mRNA transcripts for four BMPs (BMP2, BMP4, BMP6, and BMP7) and associated type I (BMPR1A, BMPR1B, ACVR1 and ACVR1B) and type II (BMPR2, ACVR2A and ACVR2B) receptors showed relatively modest, though significant, changes during follicle development. BMP2 was selectively expressed in GC, while BMP6, BMP7 and betaglycan (TGFBR3) were more abundant in TC. Abundance of betaglycan mRNA (inhibin co-receptor) in TC increased progressively (fivefold; P<0.001) as follicles grew from 1-2 to 9-10 mm. This suggests a shift in thecal responsiveness to GC-derived inhibin, produced in increasing amounts as follicles achieve dominance. This prompted us to investigate whether inhibin can function as a physiological antagonist of BMP action on bovine TC in vitro, in a manner comparable to that for activin signalling. BMP4, BMP6 and BMP7 abolished LH-induced androstenedione secretion and suppressed CYP17 mRNA >200-fold (P<0.001), while co-treatment with inhibin-A reversed the suppressive action of BMP in each case (P<0.001). Results support a physiological role for granulosa-derived inhibin as an antagonist of BMP action on thecal androgen synthesis. A shift in intrafollicular balance between thecal BMP signalling (inhibitory for androgen synthesis) and betaglycan-dependent inhibin signalling (stimulatory for androgen synthesis) accords with the physiological requirement to deliver an adequate supply of aromatase substrate to GC of developing follicles.


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The self-assembly of peptide YYKLVFFC based on a fragment of the amyloid beta (A) peptide, A beta 16-20, KLVFF has been studied in aqueous solution. The peptide is designed with multiple functional residues to examine the interplay between aromatic interactions and charge on the self-assembly, as well as specific transformations such as the pH-induced phenol-phenolate transition of the tyrosine residue. Circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies are used to investigate the conditions for beta-sheet self-assembly and the role of aromatic interactions in the CD spectrum as a function of pH and concentration. The formation of well-defined fibrils at pH 4.7 is confirmed by cryo-TEM (transmission electron microscope) and negative stain TEM. The morphology changes at higher pH, and aggregates of short twisted fibrils are observed at pH 11. Polarized optical microscopy shows birefringence at a low concentration (1 wt.-%) of YYKLVFFC in aqueous solution, and small-angle X-ray scattering was used to probe nematic phase formation in more detail. A pH-induced transition from nematic to isotropic phases is observed on increasing pH that appears to be correlated to a reduction in aggregate anisotropy upon increasing pH.


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Epidemiological studies suggest that low-birth weight infants show poor neonatal growth and increased susceptibility to metabolic syndrome, in particular, obesity and diabetes. Adipose tissue development is regulated by many genes, including members of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) and the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) families. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of birth weight on key adipose and skeletal muscle tissue regulating genes. Piglets from 11 litters were ranked according to birth weight and 3 from each litter assigned to small, normal, or large-birth weight groups. Tissue samples were collected on day 7 or 14. Plasma metabolite concentrations and the expression of PPARG2, PPARA, FABP3, and FABP4 genes were determined in subcutaneous adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Adipocyte number and area were determined histologically. Expression of FABP3 and 4 was significantly reduced in small and large, compared with normal, piglets in adipose tissue on day 7 and in skeletal muscle on day 14. On day 7, PPARA and PPARG2 were significantly reduced in adipose tissue from small and large piglets. Adipose tissue from small piglets contained more adipocytes than normal or large piglets. Birth weight had no effect on adipose tissue and skeletal muscle lipid content. Low-birth weight is associated with tissue-specific and time-dependent effects on lipid-regulating genes as well as morphological changes in adipose tissue. It remains to be seen whether these developmental changes alter an individual's susceptibility to metabolic syndrome.


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The thoughtful construction of molecular switches has led to a gamut of supramolecular systems that can be used in molecular electronics. These include molecules based on thienylethenes, spiropyrans, fulgides, dithienylphenanthrolines, and diazafluorenes. This article reviews the recent developments made in the synthesis and characterization of all these systems, thereby allowing a comparative study to validate the viability of these switchable molecules on a nanoscale. Also, the drawbacks of each class are demonstrated and, at the same time, the remedies for further improvisation are prescribed. We have made an honest attempt to present at? exhaustive account of all the different photochromic switches developed by us hitherto.


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This article presents a case study of a comparison of an Eulerian chemical transport model (CTM) and Lagrangian chemical model with measurements taken by aircraft. High-resolution Eulerian integrations produce improved point-by-point comparisons between model results and measurements compared to low resolution. The Lagrangian model requires mixing to be introduced in order to model the measurements.


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Introductory chapter. Introduction and excerpts from works of Seigneur de Fourquevaux (1548); Francois Loque – Saillans (1589); Matthew Sutcliffe (1593); Don Bernardino de Mendoza (1595); Paul Hay du Chastelet (1668); Marquis Santa Cruz de Marcenado & Zanthier (1724-30/1775); Guibert (1772); Rühle von Lilienstern (1816/1817).