970 resultados para production process
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2010
Economists and economic historians want to know how much better life is today than in the past.Fifty years ago economic historians found surprisingly small gains from 19th century US railroads,while more recently economists have found relatively large gains from electricity, computers and cellphones. In each case the implicit or explicit assumption is that researchers were measuring the valueof a new good to society. In this paper we use the same techniques to find the value to society ofmaking existing goods cheaper. Henry Ford did not invent the car, and the inventors of mechanisedcotton spinning in the industrial revolution invented no new product. But both made existing productsdramatically cheaper, bringing them into the reach of many more consumers. That in turn haspotentially large welfare effects. We find that the consumer surplus of Henry Ford s production linewas around 2% by 1923, 15 years after Ford began to implement the moving assembly line, while themechanisation of cotton spinning was worth around 6% by 1820, 34 years after its initial invention.Both are large: of the same order of magnitude as consumer expenditure on these items, and as largeor larger than the value of the internet to consumers. On the social savings measure traditionally usedby economic historians, these process innovations were worth 15% and 18% respectively, makingthem more important than railroads. Our results remind us that process innovations can be at least asimportant for welfare and productivity as the invention of new products.
Disposal of used tires has been a problem throughout the United States. The 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) requires the use of recycled rubber in asphalt concrete starting in FY94. A moratorium has delayed this requirement until FY95. The Iowa DOT has researched six projects using crumb rubber modifier in asphalt concrete using the wet process. This process involves using a blender-reactor to blend the asphalt cement and crumb rubber. Using the wet process the asphalt cement has to reach a hotter temperature, than is normally required, for reaction to occur. The wet process is also much more expensive than conventional asphalt. This research deals with using a dry process to incorporate crumb rubber into the asphalt concrete mix. The project was constructed by Western Engineering of Harlan, Iowa, on IA 37 between Earling, Iowa and US 59. It was completed in September 1993. Western Engineering used a double drum mixer to produce the crumb rubber modified asphalt concrete by the dry process. The production and construction went well with minor difficulty and the dry process is a less expensive procedure for producing crumb rubber modified asphalt concrete.
Yrityksen sisäisten rajapintojen tunteminen mahdollistaa tiedonvaihdon hallinnan läpi organisaation. Idean muokkaaminen kannattavaksi innovaatioksi edellyttää organisaation eri osien läpi kulkevaa saumatonta prosessiketjua sekä tietovirtaa. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli mallintaa organisaation kahden toiminnallisesti erilaisen osan välinen tiedon vaihto. Tiedon vaihto kuvattiin rajapintana, tietoliittymänä. Kolmiulotteinen organisaatiomalli muodosti tutkimuksen pääteorian. Se kytkettiin yrityksen tuotanto- ja myyntiosiin, kuten myös BestServ-projektin kehittämään uuteen palvelujen kehittämisen prosessiin. Uutta palvelujen kehittämisen prosessia laajennettiin ISO/IEC 15288 standardin kuvaamalla prosessimallilla. Yritysarkkitehtuurikehikoita käytettiin mallintamisen perustana. Tietoliittymä nimenä kuvastaa näkemystä siitä, että tieto [tietämys] on olemukseltaan yksilöiden tai ryhmien välistä. Mallinnusmenetelmät eivät kuitenkaan vielä mahdollista tietoon [tietämykseen] liittyvien kaikkien ominaisuuksien mallintamista. Tietoliittymän malli koostuu kolmesta osasta, joista kaksi esitetään graafisessa muodossa ja yksi taulukkona. Mallia voidaan käyttää itsenäisesti tai osana yritysarkkitehtuuria. Teollisessa palveluliiketoiminnassa sekä tietoliittymän mallinnusmenetelmä että sillä luotu malli voivat auttaa konepajateollisuuden yritystä ymmärtämään yrityksen kehittämistarpeet ja -kohteet, kun se haluaa palvelujen tuottamisella suuremman roolin asiakasyrityksen liiketoiminnassa. Tietoliittymän mallia voidaan käyttää apuna organisaation tietovarannon ja tietämyksen mallintamisessa sekä hallinnassa ja näin pyrkiä yhdistämään ne yrityksen strategiaa palvelevaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Tietoliittymän mallinnus tarjoaa tietojohtamisen kauppatieteelliselle tutkimukselle menetelmällisyyden tutkia innovaatioiden hallintaa sekä organisaation uudistumiskykyä. Kumpikin tutkimusalue tarvitsevat tarkempaa tietoa ja mahdollisuuksia hallita tietovirtoja, tiedon vaihtoa sekä organisaation tietovarannon käyttöä.
Tämän diplomityön päätavoitteena oli parantaa kehitetyn kustannusperusteisen siirtohinnoittelutyökalun ominaisuuksia osastokohtaisen kustannusarviointiprosessin käyttöön. Työ on vaikeutunut lähimenneisyyden heikosta hintakyselyiden vastauskyvystä. Työn pääongelmana oli kerätä luotettavaa tuotannonohjausjärjestelmän kustannusaineistoa osittain vanhentuneista vakioventtiilien koneistus- ja materiaalitiedosta. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt tärkeimmät tutkimusmenetelmät voidaan jakaa siirtohinnoittelu- ja kustannusarvioprosessien kirjallisuustutkimukseen, kenttäanalyysiin ja nykyisen Microsoft Excel –siirtohinnoittelutyökalun kehittämiseen eri osastojen rajapinnassa. Siirtohinnoittelumenetelmät ovat yleisesti jaettu kustannus-, markkina- ja neuvotteluperusteisiin malleihin, jotka harvoin sellaisenaan kohtaavat siirtohinnoittelulle asetetut tavoitteet. Tämä ratkaisutapa voi johtaa tilanteisiin, jossa kaksi erillistä menetelmää sulautuvat yhteen. Lisäksi varsinaiseen siirtohinnoittelujärjestelmään yleensä vaikuttavat useat sisäiset ja ulkoiset tekijät. Lopullinen siirtohinnoittelumenetelmä tulisi ehdottomasti tukea myös yrityksen visiota ja muita liiketoiminnalle asetettuja strategioita. Työn tuloksena saatiin laajennettu Microsoft Excel –sovellus, joka vaatii sekä vuosittaista että kuukausittaista erikoisventtiilimateriaalien hinta- ja toimitusaikatietojen päivittämistä. Tämä ratkaisutapa ehdottomasti parantaa kustannusarviointiprosessia, koska myös alihankkijatietoja joudutaan tutkimaan systemaattisesti. Tämän jälkeen koko siirtohinnoitteluprosessia voidaan kehittää muuntamalla kokoonpano- ja testaustyövaiheiden kustannusrakennetta toimintoperustaisen kustannuslaskentamallin mukaiseksi.
The aim of this study is to assess sugar cane juice and sucrose as substrates, the batch and fed batch processes and their interaction in the levan production using a complete factorial design. Zymomonas mobilis was cultivated in different sugar cane juice and sucrose concentrations in two fermentation processes at 25 °C for 20 h. A complete factorial design (2³) was used to analyze the effects of the type and concentration of the substrate, as well as the batch and fed batch processes. A complete second factorial design (2²) was used to observe the importance of sugar cane juice. The results indicated that the batch process improved the levan production reaching 40.14 g/L. The addition of sugar cane juice was not statistically significant for levan formation, however sugar cane juice stimulated biomass, sorbitol and ethanol production. The best medium for levan production was 150 g/L sucrose in batch.
This work reports the use of experimental design for the assessment of the effects of process parameters on the production of fish nuggets in an industrial scale environment. The effect of independent factors on the physicochemical and microbiological parameters was investigated through a full 24 experimental design. The studied factors included the temperature of fish fillet and pulp in the mixer, the temperature of the added fat, the temperature of water and the ratio of protein extraction time to emulsion time. The physicochemical analyses showed that the higher temperature of the pulp and fillet of fish, the lower the protein in the final product. Microbiological analyses revealed that the counting of Staphylococcus coagulase positive, total and thermo-tolerant coliforms were in accordance with the current legislation.
A blend of 50% Potato Starch (PS), 35% Quality Protein Maize (QPM), and 15% Soybean Meal (SM) were used in the preparation of expanded pellets utilizing a laboratory extruder with a 1.5 × 20.0 × 100.0 mm die-nozzle. The independent variables analyzed were Barrel Temperature (BT) (75-140 °C) and Feed Moisture (FM) (16-30%). The effect of extrusion variables was investigated in terms of Expansion Index (EI), apparent density (ApD), Penetration Force (PF) and Specific Mechanical Energy (SME), viscosity profiles, DSC, crystallinity by X-ray diffraction, and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). The PF decreased from 30 to 4 kgf with the increase of both independent variables (BT and FM). SME was affected only by FM, and decreased with the increase in this variable. The optimal region showed that the maximum EI was found for BT in the range of 123-140 °C and 27-31% for FM, respectively. The extruded pellets obtained from the optimal processing region were probably not completely degraded, as shown in the structural characterization. Acceptable expanded pellets could be produced using a blend of PS, QPM, and SM by extrusion cooking.
In this study the quality and process control factors during the production and storage of salted dried fish products. The study reveals that quantity of dry fish production in the state is decreasing and dry fish processing industry should be encouraged by central and state governments. The dry and wet salting may be carried out to a period of 4 to 8 hours respectively and time may depend on temperature, size, and concentration of medium. Demand is an unavoidable factor for sale of fish. The packed dry salted lots kept at room temperature are useful only for 20 days. The refrigerator- stored lots had more storage life and nutritional content are good up to 3 months. The cold storage stored dry salted lot had more storage life than the wet salted lot. The use of preservatives in salting is encouraged to reduce pH. The low temperature preservation maintains the nutritional value and quality for long period. It further encourages the labeling of nutritional value of dry fish as in tinned products.
The main source of protein for human and animal consumption is from the agricultural sector, where the production is vulnerable to diseases, fluctuations in climatic conditions and deteriorating hydrological conditions due to water pollution. Therefore Single Cell Protein (SCP) production has evolved as an excellent alternative. Among all sources of microbial protein, yeast has attained global acceptability and has been preferred for SCP production. The screening and evaluation of nutritional and other culture variables of microorganisms are very important in the development of a bioprocess for SCP production. The application of statistical experimental design in bioprocess development can result in improved product yields, reduced process variability, closer confirmation of the output response to target requirements and reduced development time and overall cost.The present work was undertaken to develop a bioprocess technology for the mass production of a marine yeast, Candida sp.S27. Yeasts isolated from the offshore waters of the South west coast of India and maintained in the Microbiology Laboratory were subjected to various tests for the selection of a potent strain for biomass production. The selected marine yeast was identified based on ITS sequencing. Biochemical/nutritional characterization of Candida sp.S27 was carried out. Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) the process parameters (pH, temperature and salinity) were optimized. For mass production of yeast biomass, a chemically defined medium (Barnett and Ingram, 1955) and a crude medium (Molasses-Yeast extract) were optimized using RSM. Scale up of biomass production was done in a Bench top Fermenter using these two optimized media. Comparative efficacy of the defined and crude media were estimated besides nutritional evaluation of the biomass developed using these two optimized media.
A chitinolytic fungus, Beau6eria bassiana was isolated from marine sediment and significant process parameters influencing chitinase production in solid state fermentation using wheat bran were optimised. The organism was strongly alkalophilic and produced maximum chitinase at pH 9·20. The NaCl and colloidal chitin requirements varied with the type of moistening medium used. Vegetative (mycelial) inoculum was more suitable than conidial inoculum for obtaining maximal enzyme yield. The addition of phosphate and yeast extract resulted in enhancement of chitinase yield. After optimisation, the maximum enzyme yield was 246·6 units g 1 initial dry substrate (U gIDS 1). This is the first report of the production of chitinase from a marine fungus.
Process parameters influencing e-glutaminase production by marine Vibrio costicola in solid state fermentation (SSF) using polystyrene as an inert support were optimised. Maximal enzyme yield (157 U/g dry substrate) was obtained at 2% (w/w) t:glutamine, 35°C and pH 7.0 after 24 h. Maltose and potassium dihydrogen phosphate at 1% (w/w) concentration enhanced enzyme yield by 23 and 18%, respectively, while nitrogen sources had an inhibitory effect. Leachate with high specific activity for glutaminase (4.2 U/mg protein) and low viscosity (0-966 Ns/m 2) was recovered from the polystyrene SSF system
Truly continuous solid-state fermentations with operating times of 2-3 weeks were conducted in a prototype bioreactor for the production of fungal (Penicillium glabrum) tannase from a tannin-containing model substrate. Substantial quantities of the enzyme were synthesized throughout the operating periods and (imperfect) steady-state conditions seemed to be achieved soon after start-up of the fermentations. This demonstrated for the first time the possibility of conducting solid-state fermentations in the continuous mode and with a constant noninoculated feed. The operating variables and fermentation conditions in the bioreactor were sufficiently well predicted for the basic reinoculation concept to succeed. However, an incomplete understanding of the microbial mechanisms, the experimental system, and their interaction indicated the need for more research in this novel area of solid-state fermentation. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Synthesis of prebiotic alpha- and beta-galactooligosaccharides (GOS) using the whole cells of Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171 was investigated. Determination of alpha- and beta-galactosidase activities showed them to be at 3 and 205 g(-1) of freeze dried biomass, respectively, and they increased to 5 and 344 U g(-1), respectively, when cells were treated with toluene. Starting with 450-500 mg mL(-1) lactose, maximum GOS concentrations were observed at 80-85% lactose conversions and the mixtures contained oligosaccharides (with a degree of polymerisation >= 3) at 77-109 mg mL(-1) and trans-galactosylated disaccharides between 85-115 mg mL(-1). The GOS yield values varied between 36% and 43%. An alpha-linked disaccharide was detected and its presence was confirmed by gas chromatography mass spectroscopy. Cells were re-used up to 8 times without changes in reaction times or the substrate conversions to GOS. Oligosaccharide synthesis was not inhibited by the presence of glucose or galactose. The mixtures were successfully purified from glucose (92% of glucose removed) by fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae with no losses in the oligosaccharide content and only a small decrease on the galactose. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.