864 resultados para pioneer


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The fungal species Guignardia citricarpa is an important pathogen in citriculture. Members of the fungal genus Trichoderma are recognized as biocontrol agents but studies on the interactions between both fungi are scarce. This study aimed to identify extracellular proteins secreted by Trichoderma atroviride T17 that are related to the control of G. citricarpa. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D) was used to study the patterns of proteins secreted by T. atroviride T17 in medium containing glucose (control) and in medium containing G. citricarpa GC3 inactivated mycelium. We identified 59 of the 116 spots differentially expressed (50.86%) by LC–MS/MS. Of these, we highlight the presence of glycoside hydrolases (CAZy families 3, 43, 54, 76 and 93), chitinase, mutanase, a-1,3-glucanase, a-1,2-mannosidase, carboxylic hydrolase ester, carbohydrate-binding module family 13, glucan 1,3-b-glucosidase, a-galactosidase and Neutral protease 2. These proteins are related to mycoparasitism processes, stimuli and therefore to the biological control of pathogens. The results obtained are in agreement with reports describing an increase in the secretion of proteins related to mycoparasitism and biological control and a reduction in the secretion of proteins related to the metabolism of Trichoderma species grown in the presence of the pathogen. Moreover, these results are pioneer in understanding T. atroviride interaction with G. citricarpa. For the first time, we identified potential candidate proteins that may have a role in the antagonism mechanism of G. citricarpa by T. atroviride T17. Thus our results shed a light into the molecular mechanisms that T. atroviride use to control G. citricarpa.


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Background: Several materials have been used for tissue engineering purposes, since the ideal matrix depends on the desired tissue. Silk biomaterials have come to focus due to their great mechanical properties. As untreated silkworm silk has been found to be quite immunogenic, an alternative could be spider silk. Not only does it own unique mechanical properties, its biocompatibility has been shown already in vivo. In our study, we used native spider dragline silk which is known as the strongest fibre in nature. Methodology/Principal Findings: Steel frames were originally designed and manufactured and woven with spider silk, harvesting dragline silk directly out of the animal. After sterilization, scaffolds were seeded with fibroblasts to analyse cell proliferation and adhesion. Analysis of cell morphology and actin filament alignment clearly revealed adherence. Proliferation was measured by cell count as well as determination of relative fluorescence each after 1, 2, 3, and 5 days. Cell counts for native spider silk were also compared with those for trypsin-digested spider silk. Spider silk specimens displayed less proliferation than collagen-and fibronectin-coated cover slips, enzymatic treatment reduced adhesion and proliferation rates tendentially though not significantly. Nevertheless, proliferation could be proven with high significance (p<0.01). Conclusion/Significance: Native spider silk does not require any modification to its application as a biomaterial that can rival any artificial material in terms of cell growth promoting properties. We could show adhesion mechanics on intracellular level. Additionally, proliferation kinetics were higher than in enzymatically digested controls, indicating that spider silk does not require modification. Recent findings concerning reduction of cell proliferation after exposure could not be met. As biotechnological production of the hierarchical composition of native spider silk fibres is still a challenge, our study has a pioneer role in researching cellular mechanics on native spider silk fibres.


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Mangroves play an important role in carbon sequestration, but soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks differ between marine and estuarine mangroves, suggesting differing processes and drivers of SOC accumulation. Here, we compared undegraded and degraded marine and estuarine mangroves in a regional approach across the Indonesian archipelago for their SOC stocks and evaluated possible drivers imposed by nutrient limitations along the land-to-sea gradients. SOC stocks in natural marine mangroves (271–572 Mg ha-1 m-1 were much higher than under estuarine mangroves (100–315 Mg ha-1 m-1 with a further decrease caused by degradation to 80–132 Mg ha-1 m-1. Soils differed in C/N ratio (marine: 29–64; estuarine: 9–28), δ15N (marine: 0.6 to 0.7‰; estuarine: 2.5 to 7.2‰), and plant-available P (marine: 2.3–6.3 mg kg-1; estuarine: 0.16–1.8 mg kg-1). We found N and P supply of sea-oriented mangroves primarily met by dominating symbiotic N2 fixation from air and P import from sea, while mangroves on the landward gradient increasingly covered their demand in N and P from allochthonous sources and SOM recycling. Pioneer plants favored by degradation further increased nutrient recycling from soil resulting in smaller SOC stocks in the topsoil. These processes explained the differences in SOC stocks along the land-to-sea gradient in each mangrove type as well as the SOC stock differences observed between estuarine and marine mangrove ecosystems. This first large-scale evaluation of drivers of SOC stocks under mangroves thus suggests a continuum in mangrove functioning across scales and ecotypes and additionally provides viable proxies for carbon stock estimations in PES or REDD schemes.


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Resource allocation decisions are made to serve the current emergency without knowing which future emergency will be occurring. Different ordered combinations of emergencies result in different performance outcomes. Even though future decisions can be anticipated with scenarios, previous models follow an assumption that events over a time interval are independent. This dissertation follows an assumption that events are interdependent, because speed reduction and rubbernecking due to an initial incident provoke secondary incidents. The misconception that secondary incidents are not common has resulted in overlooking a look-ahead concept. This dissertation is a pioneer in relaxing the structural assumptions of independency during the assignment of emergency vehicles. When an emergency is detected and a request arrives, an appropriate emergency vehicle is immediately dispatched. We provide tools for quantifying impacts based on fundamentals of incident occurrences through identification, prediction, and interpretation of secondary incidents. A proposed online dispatching model minimizes the cost of moving the next emergency unit, while making the response as close to optimal as possible. Using the look-ahead concept, the online model flexibly re-computes the solution, basing future decisions on present requests. We introduce various online dispatching strategies with visualization of the algorithms, and provide insights on their differences in behavior and solution quality. The experimental evidence indicates that the algorithm works well in practice. After having served a designated request, the available and/or remaining vehicles are relocated to a new base for the next emergency. System costs will be excessive if delay regarding dispatching decisions is ignored when relocating response units. This dissertation presents an integrated method with a principle of beginning with a location phase to manage initial incidents and progressing through a dispatching phase to manage the stochastic occurrence of next incidents. Previous studies used the frequency of independent incidents and ignored scenarios in which two incidents occurred within proximal regions and intervals. The proposed analytical model relaxes the structural assumptions of Poisson process (independent increments) and incorporates evolution of primary and secondary incident probabilities over time. The mathematical model overcomes several limiting assumptions of the previous models, such as no waiting-time, returning rule to original depot, and fixed depot. The temporal locations flexible with look-ahead are compared with current practice that locates units in depots based on Poisson theory. A linearization of the formulation is presented and an efficient heuristic algorithm is implemented to deal with a large-scale problem in real-time.


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Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. é um arbusto que pode atingir de 1-4m de altura, cuja floração ocorre na primavera e no verão, frutificando no outono. O fruto é do tipo legume reto, produzindo em média 10 sementes por fruto. Sua propagação é frequentemente facilitada por perturbações na natureza, sendo bastante tolerante a solos pobres se adaptando a qualquer clima. O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar os requisitos para germinação de Sesbania punicea sob influência de fatores abióticos. As sementes de Sesbania utilizadas neste estudo foram coletadas na APA da Lagoa Verde, Rio Grande- RS. Para avaliar o investimento reprodutivo da espécie foram realizadas as medidas morfométricas de 200 sementes. Para o teste de germinação, foram utilizados dois tipos de tratamentos: umidade e alagamento, ambos nas condições de luz e escuro, à temperatura de 25ºC, submetidos a quatro potenciais salinos: 0, 5, 10 e 15g de NaClL -1 . No teste em alagamento foram colocadas 100 sementes para cada salinidade em tubos Falcon transparentes, e para umidade, o mesmo número de sementes foi disposta em caixas gerbox transparentes contendo papel germitest, distribuídas de acordo com as respectivas salinidades. Os testes tiveram duração de 30 dias e a germinação foi acompanhada diariamente. Para avaliar o crescimento, 80 sementes foram colocadas em copos de poliestireno transparente de 100 ml, sendo 10 sementes para cada teste e, para análise da concentração de pigmentos, foram utilizadas plântulas com 30 dias de idade, crescendo nas mesmas condições de salinidade em que as sementes germinaram. As amostras de plântulas foram pesadas e logo após maceradas com 100 ml de acetona a 80% de concentração. A seguir, foram realizadas as leituras da concentração dos pigmentos em espectrofotômetro. As sementes de S. punicea utilizadas neste estudo, apresentaram tamanho pequeno (0,6 ± 0,01 cm). Houve respostas positivas de germinação tanto em presença quanto em ausência de luz, embora a germinação no teste em luz tenha sido maior, assim como a germinação no tratamento Alagado/ Luz, em 0g NaCl L-1 . Ao serem realizados os testes adicionando a variável salinidade, as respostas de germinação destas sementes mostraram um comportamento diferenciado, tendo um número menor de sementes germinadas com o aumento da concentração salina. As plântulas cresceram mais nos tratamentos em alagado e o aumento da concentração salina também reduziu o tamanho e o número de folhas das mesmas. No experimento de extração de pigmentos, clorofila a e b, os testes não demonstraram diferenças entre os tratamentos. Embora sementes de Sesbania punicea germinem sob influência de salinidade, o baixo desenvolvimento das plântulas observadas neste estudo sinalizam o cuidado que deve ser tomado ao utilizarmos a espécie para recuperação de áreas degradadas em ambientes com influência de salinidade.


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Mestrado em Controlo da Gestão e dos Negócios


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Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo


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During the Sedimentation of the platform carbonate deposits of the Korallenoolith Formation (middle Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian) small buildups ofcorals formed in the Lower Saxony Basin. These bioconstructions are restricted to particular horizons (Untere Korallenbank,ßorigenuna-Bank Member etc.) and represent patch reefs and biostromes. In this study, the development of facies, fossil assemblages, spatial distribution of fossils, and reefs of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member (upper Middle Oxfordian) in the Süntel Mts and the eastern Wesergebirge Mts is described; the formation of reefs is discussed in detail. Twelve facies types are described and interpreted. They vary between high-energy deposits as well winnowed oolites and quiet-water lagoonal mudstones. Owing to the significance of biota, micro- and macrofossils are systematically described. The reefs are preserved in growth position, are characterized by numerous corresponding features and belong to a certain reef type. According to their size, shape and framework, they represent patch reefs, coral knobs (sensu James, 1983), coral thrombolite reefs (sensu Leinfelder et al., 1994) or “Klein- and Mitteldickichte” (sensu Laternser, 2001). Their growth fabric corresponds to the superstratal (dense) pillarstone (sensu Insalaco, 1998). As the top of the ßorigenuna-Bank displays an erosional unconformity (so-called Hauptdiskontinuität), the top of the reefs are erosionally capped. Their maximum height amounts to at least the maximum thickness of the ßorigenuna-Bank which does not exceed 4 metres. The diversity of coral fauna of the reefs is relatively low; a total of 13 species is recorded. The coral community is over- whelmingly dominated by the thin-branched ramose Thamnasteria dendroidea (Lamouroux) that forms aggregations of colonies (77?. dendroidea thickets). Leafy to platy Fungiastrea arachnoides (Parkinson) and Thamnasteria concinna (Goldfuss) occur subordinately, other species are only of minor importance. In a few cases, the reef-core consisting of Th. dendroidea thickets is laterally encrusted by platy F. arachnoides and Th. concinna colonies, and microbial carbonates. This zonation reflects probably a succession of different reef builders as a result of changing environmental conditions (allogenic succession). Moreover, some reefs are overlain by a biostrome made of large Solenopora jurassica nodules passing laterally in a nerinean bed. Mikrobial carbonates promoted reef growth and favoured the preservation of reef organismn in their growth position or in situ. They exhibit a platy, dendroid, or reticulate growth form or occur as downward-facing hemispheroids. According to their microstructure, they consist of a peloidal, clotted, or unstructured fabric (predominately layered and poorly structured thrombolite as well as clotted leiolite) (sensu Schmid, 1996). Abundant endo- and epibiontic organisms (bivalves, gastropods, echinoids, asteroids, ophiuroids, crabs etc) are linked to the reefs. With regard to their guild structure, the reefs represent occurrences at which only a few coral species serve as builder. Moreover, microbial carbonates contribute to both building and binding of the reefs. Additional binder as well as baffler are present, but not abundant. According to the species diversity, the dweller guild comprises by far the highest number of invertebrate taxa. The destroyer guild chiefly encompasses bivalves. The composition of the reef community was influenced by the habitat structure of the Th. dendroidea thickets. Owing to the increase in encrusting organisms and other inhabitants of the thickets, the locational factors changed, since light intensity and hydrodynamic energy level and combined parameters as oxygen supply declined in the crowded habitat. Therefore a characteristic succession of organisms is developed that depends on and responds to changing environmental conditions („community replacement sequence“). The succession allows the differentiation of different stages. It started after the cessation of the polyps with boring organisms and photoautotrophic micro-encrusters (calcareous algae, Lithocodium aggregatum). Following the death of these pioneer organisms, encrusting and adherent organisms (serpulids, „Terebella“ species, bryozoans, foraminifers, thecideidinids, sklerospongid and pharetronid sponges, terebratulids), small mobile organisms (limpets), and microbial induced carbonates developed. The final stage in the community replacement sequence gave rise to small cryptic habitats and organisms that belong to these caves (cryptobionts, coelobites). The habitat conditions especially favoured small non-rigid demosponges (“soft sponges”) that tolerate reduced water circulation. Reef rubble is negligible, so that the reefs are bordered by fossiliferous micritic limestone passing laterally in micritic limestone. Approximately 10% of the study area (outcropping florigemma-Bank) corresponds to reefal deposits whereas the remaining 90% encompass lagoonal inter-reefal deposits. The reef development is a good example for the interaction between reef growth, facies development and sea-level changes. It was initiated by a sea-level rise (transgression) and corresponding decrease in the hydrodynamic energy level. Colonization and reef growth took place on a coarse-grained Substrate composed of oncoids, larger foraminifers and bioclasts. Reef growth took place in a calm marine lagoonal setting. Increasing abundance of spherical coral morphs towards the Northeast (section Kessiehausen, northwestem Süntel Mts) reflects higher turbidity and a facies transition to coral occurrences of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member in the adjacent Deister Mts. The reef growth was neither influenced by stonns nor by input of siliciclastic deposits, and took place in short time - probably in only a thousand years under most probably mesotrophic conditions. The mass appearance of solenoporids and nerineids in the upper part of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member point to enhanced nutrient level as a result of regression. In addition, this scenario of fluctuations in nutrient availability seems to be responsible for the cessation of reef corals. The sea level fall reached its climax in the subaerial exposure and palaeokarst development of the florigemma-Bank. The reef building corals are typical pioneer species. The blade-like, flattened F. amchnoides colonies are characterized by their light porous calcium carbonate skeleton, which is a distinct advantage in soft bottom environment. Thus, they settled on soft bottom exposing the large parts of its surface to the incoming light. On the other hand, in response to their light requirements they were also able to settle shaded canopy structures or reef caves. Th. dendroidea is an opportunistic coral species in very shallow, well illuminated marine environment. Their thin and densely spaced branches led to a very high surface/volume ratio of the colonies that were capable to exploit incoming light due to their small thamasterioid calices characterized by “highly integrated polyps”. In addition, sideward coalescence of branches during colony growth led to a wave-resistant framework and favoured the authochthonous preservation of the reefs. Asexual reproduction by fragmented colonies promoted reef development as Th. dendroidea thickets laterally extend over the sea floor or new reefs have developed from broken fragments of parent colonies. Similar build ups with Th. dendroidea as a dominant or frequent reef building coral species are known from the Paris Basin and elsewhere from the Lower Saxony Basin (Kleiner Deister Mts). These buildups developed in well-illuminated shallow water and encompass coral reefs or coral thrombolite reefs. Intra- and inter-reef deposits vary between well-winnowed reef debris limestone and mudstones representing considerably calmer conditions. Solenoporid, nerineids and diceratides belong to the characteristic fossils of these occurrences. However, diceratides are missing in theflorigemma-Bank Member. Th. dendroidea differs in its colonization of low- to high-energy environment from recent ramose scleractinian corals (e.g., Acropora and Porites sp.). The latter are restricted to agitated water habitats creating coral thickets and carpets. According to the morphologic plasticity of Th. dendroidea, thick-branched colonies developed in a milieu of high water energy, whereas fragile, wide- and thin-branched colonies prevail in low-energy settings. Due to its relatively rapid growth, Th. dendroidea was able to keep pace with increased Sedimentation rates. 68 benthonic foraminiferan species/taxa have been recognized in thin sections. Agglutinated foraminifers (textulariids) predominate when compared with rotaliids and milioliids. Numerous species are restricted to a certain facies type or occur in higher population densities, in particular Everticyclammina sp., a larger agglutinated foraminifer that occurs in rock building amounts. Among the 25 reef dwelling foraminiferal species, a few were so far only known from Late Jurassic sponge reefs. Another striking feature is the frequency of adherent foraminiferal species. Fauna and flora, in particular dasycladaleans and agglutinated foraminifers, document palaeobiogeographic relationships to the Tethys and point to (sub)tropical conditions. Moreover, in Germany this foraminiferan assemblage is yet uncompared. In Southern Germany similar tethyan type assemblages are not present in strata as young as Middle Tithonian.


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Jerne's idiotypic network theory postulates that the immune response involves inter-antibody stimulation and suppression as well as matching to antigens. The theory has proved the most popular Artificial Immune System (AIS) model for incorporation into behavior-based robotics but guidelines for implementing idiotypic selection are scarce. Furthermore, the direct effects of employing the technique have not been demonstrated in the form of a comparison with non-idiotypic systems. This paper aims to address these issues. A method for integrating an idiotypic AIS network with a Reinforcement Learning based control system (RL) is described and the mechanisms underlying antibody stimulation and suppression are explained in detail. Some hypotheses that account for the network advantage are put forward and tested using three systems with increasing idiotypic complexity. The basic RL, a simplified hybrid AIS-RL that implements idiotypic selection independently of derived concentration levels and a full hybrid AIS-RL scheme are examined. The test bed takes the form of a simulated Pioneer robot that is required to navigate through maze worlds detecting and tracking door markers.


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The Final Graduation submitted to qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Library and Information Science, with the title: Old National Bibliographical Books from 1830 to 1900 for the National Library of Costa Rica "Miguel Obregon Lizano," has raised the following objectives general: Identify, create a computerized catalog and investigate policies of conservation, preservation and loan in order to facilitate access and information retrieval, and dissemination of books published between 1830 to 1900 by a CDROM.According to the above objectives are to identify, select and separate, and integrate the National Bibliographical Old Books from 1830 to 1900, under investigation, determined in accordance with this study, a pioneer in the creation of bibliographic old in the National Library of Costa Rica "Miguel Obregon Lizano," a valuable amount of documents, which are not always available to (as) students (as), for lack of disclosure or because they are not represented in catalogs, consistent with recent technology dictates.According to research, it is considered that there is a lack of old collections, and therefore, the concept, organization and creation of such funds, reason leads them to testify that this would be one of the first forays into this subject, and thus, a great contribution to the National Library and for the field of librarianship and the country at large, as it has managed to create a source of access to information for the service (as) users (as): researchers (as), historians (as), anthropologists (as), and the community at large. Therefore, the fundamental purpose of this study the unquestionable usefulness of Old National Bibliographical Books for (as) users (as) researchers (as) of the National Library.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2015.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a evolução estrutural de espécies arbóreas em bracatingais, ao longo de vinte anos. A bracatinga ( Mimosa scabrella Benth.) é a espécie pioneira, de vida curta, que caracteriza os bracatingais. Sob as bracatingas forma-se um sub-bosque com outras espécies arbóreas, que vai assumindo o lugar da bracatinga com o passar dos anos e que é tratado como se fosse lenha da própria bracatinga, quando a área é cortada a cada 7 anos e a regeneração da bracatinga é novamente induzida com o uso do fogo. O processo de sucessão em bracatingais ainda não foi estudado e é útil identificar a idade em que as demais espécies passam a dominar o bracatingal. Trabalhou-se com 320 parcelas, distribuídas em bracatingais com idades variando de 3 a 20 anos, medidas entre 1998 e 2011. Foram medidos os DAP (diâmetro a altura do peito) e altura total de todas as espécies com DAP ≥ 5 cm. Observou-se que, aos 11 anos, o conjunto das espécies supera a bracatinga em número de indivíduos e aos 19 anos as espécies arbóreas já apresentam uma distribuição diamétrica semelhante ao de uma floresta em fase mais avançada. De forma geral observou-se que, após os 10 anos de idade, um bracatingal já começa a tomar forma de um capoeirão.


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Jerne's idiotypic network theory postulates that the immune response involves inter-antibody stimulation and suppression as well as matching to antigens. The theory has proved the most popular Artificial Immune System (AIS) model for incorporation into behavior-based robotics but guidelines for implementing idiotypic selection are scarce. Furthermore, the direct effects of employing the technique have not been demonstrated in the form of a comparison with non-idiotypic systems. This paper aims to address these issues. A method for integrating an idiotypic AIS network with a Reinforcement Learning based control system (RL) is described and the mechanisms underlying antibody stimulation and suppression are explained in detail. Some hypotheses that account for the network advantage are put forward and tested using three systems with increasing idiotypic complexity. The basic RL, a simplified hybrid AIS-RL that implements idiotypic selection independently of derived concentration levels and a full hybrid AIS-RL scheme are examined. The test bed takes the form of a simulated Pioneer robot that is required to navigate through maze worlds detecting and tracking door markers.


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A espécie Myrocarpus frondosus é nativa da região sul do Brasil, onde é conhecida como cabreúva. É uma árvore de grande porte, e sua madeira é utilizada como reservatório de bebidas destiladas, principalmente a cachaça. Na medicina popular a espécie é utilizada no tratamento de varizes. Neste trabalho pioneiro, o óleo essencial foi extraído das folhas de três árvores de cabreúva, mensalmente no período de um ano. A determinação da composição química foi realizada através das técnicas cromatográficas CG-DIC e GC-EM, identificando trinta e cinco compostos no óleo essencial, sendo o β-pineno, biciclogermacreno e D-germacreno os terpenos majoritários. O rendimento do óleo, extraído por hidrodestilação, foi diretamente proporcional à temperatura ambiente e à radiação solar na maioria dos períodos. A espécie M. frondosus apresentou o máximo de 66,91% de atividade antioxidante para concentração 250 µg/mL do óleo essencial, utilizando o método do DPPH, e máximo de 1660,74 µM FeSO4/g de óleo essencial pelo método FRAP, e os compostos β- cariofileno, α-humuleno, D-germacreno e biciclogermacreno apresentaram maior relação com essa atividade.


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The microorganisms play very important roles in maintaining ecosystems, which explains the enormous interest in understanding the relationship between these organisms as well as between them and the environment. It is estimated that the total number of prokaryotic cells on Earth is between 4 and 6 x 1030, constituting an enormous biological and genetic pool to be explored. Although currently only 1% of all this wealth can be cultivated by standard laboratory techniques, metagenomic tools allow access to the genomic potential of environmental samples in a independent culture manner, and in combination with third generation sequencing technologies, the samples coverage become even greater. Soils, in particular, are the major reservoirs of this diversity, and many important environments around us, as the Brazilian biomes Caatinga and Atlantic Forest, are poorly studied. Thus, the genetic material from environmental soil samples of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes were extracted by direct techniques, pyrosequenced, and the sequences generated were analyzed by bioinformatics programs (MEGAN MG-RAST and WEBCarma). Taxonomic comparative profiles of the samples showed that the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria and Planctomycetes were the most representative. In addition, fungi of the phylum Ascomycota were identified predominantly in the soil sample from the Atlantic Forest. Metabolic profiles showed that despite the existence of environmental differences, sequences from both samples were similarly placed in the various functional subsystems, indicating no specific habitat functions. This work, a pioneer in taxonomic and metabolic comparative analysis of soil samples from Brazilian biomes, contributes to the knowledge of these complex environmental systems, so far little explored