967 resultados para bags (containers)
This work is an analysis of integrated urban waste management in the province of Bologna. It consists of five chapters and one enclosure. Primarily, it focuses on the legislative framework at european, national and local level. Then the study analyses the situation of urban waste system adopted in the reference territory from 2003 to 2007 to show its evolution process. Chapter 3 is based on considerations about the percentage of effective recover of materials derived from separate collection that has been reached in the province of Bologna in 2006. The following chapter describes the urban waste management at national level using dates of 2005 and 2006 by APAT (National Agency for environmental protection). Then, it has been made a comparison with Emilia-Romagna and district of Bologna. Chapter 5 focuses on the description of innovative strategies introduced in the district of Bologna to increase separate collection level and optimize waste management. In particular, it analyses two sperimental projects: one based on door to door collection and the other founded on an integrated collection system which provides the application of two collection models (door to door collection in industrial areas and collection by containers in urban ones). Finally, in the enclosure, it is also descrided best practices of waste management sector about collection models, treatment plants and innovative strategies available at that moment in Europe.
The term Ambient Intelligence (AmI) refers to a vision on the future of the information society where smart, electronic environment are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people and their activities (Context awareness). In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in an easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices. This promotes the creation of pervasive environments improving the quality of life of the occupants and enhancing the human experience. AmI stems from the convergence of three key technologies: ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous communication and natural interfaces. Ambient intelligent systems are heterogeneous and require an excellent cooperation between several hardware/software technologies and disciplines, including signal processing, networking and protocols, embedded systems, information management, and distributed algorithms. Since a large amount of fixed and mobile sensors embedded is deployed into the environment, the Wireless Sensor Networks is one of the most relevant enabling technologies for AmI. WSN are complex systems made up of a number of sensor nodes which can be deployed in a target area to sense physical phenomena and communicate with other nodes and base stations. These simple devices typically embed a low power computational unit (microcontrollers, FPGAs etc.), a wireless communication unit, one or more sensors and a some form of energy supply (either batteries or energy scavenger modules). WNS promises of revolutionizing the interactions between the real physical worlds and human beings. Low-cost, low-computational power, low energy consumption and small size are characteristics that must be taken into consideration when designing and dealing with WSNs. To fully exploit the potential of distributed sensing approaches, a set of challengesmust be addressed. Sensor nodes are inherently resource-constrained systems with very low power consumption and small size requirements which enables than to reduce the interference on the physical phenomena sensed and to allow easy and low-cost deployment. They have limited processing speed,storage capacity and communication bandwidth that must be efficiently used to increase the degree of local ”understanding” of the observed phenomena. A particular case of sensor nodes are video sensors. This topic holds strong interest for a wide range of contexts such as military, security, robotics and most recently consumer applications. Vision sensors are extremely effective for medium to long-range sensing because vision provides rich information to human operators. However, image sensors generate a huge amount of data, whichmust be heavily processed before it is transmitted due to the scarce bandwidth capability of radio interfaces. In particular, in video-surveillance, it has been shown that source-side compression is mandatory due to limited bandwidth and delay constraints. Moreover, there is an ample opportunity for performing higher-level processing functions, such as object recognition that has the potential to drastically reduce the required bandwidth (e.g. by transmitting compressed images only when something ‘interesting‘ is detected). The energy cost of image processing must however be carefully minimized. Imaging could play and plays an important role in sensing devices for ambient intelligence. Computer vision can for instance be used for recognising persons and objects and recognising behaviour such as illness and rioting. Having a wireless camera as a camera mote opens the way for distributed scene analysis. More eyes see more than one and a camera system that can observe a scene from multiple directions would be able to overcome occlusion problems and could describe objects in their true 3D appearance. In real-time, these approaches are a recently opened field of research. In this thesis we pay attention to the realities of hardware/software technologies and the design needed to realize systems for distributed monitoring, attempting to propose solutions on open issues and filling the gap between AmI scenarios and hardware reality. The physical implementation of an individual wireless node is constrained by three important metrics which are outlined below. Despite that the design of the sensor network and its sensor nodes is strictly application dependent, a number of constraints should almost always be considered. Among them: • Small form factor to reduce nodes intrusiveness. • Low power consumption to reduce battery size and to extend nodes lifetime. • Low cost for a widespread diffusion. These limitations typically result in the adoption of low power, low cost devices such as low powermicrocontrollers with few kilobytes of RAMand tenth of kilobytes of program memory with whomonly simple data processing algorithms can be implemented. However the overall computational power of the WNS can be very large since the network presents a high degree of parallelism that can be exploited through the adoption of ad-hoc techniques. Furthermore through the fusion of information from the dense mesh of sensors even complex phenomena can be monitored. In this dissertation we present our results in building several AmI applications suitable for a WSN implementation. The work can be divided into two main areas:Low Power Video Sensor Node and Video Processing Alghoritm and Multimodal Surveillance . Low Power Video Sensor Nodes and Video Processing Alghoritms In comparison to scalar sensors, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, velocity, and acceleration sensors, vision sensors generate much higher bandwidth data due to the two-dimensional nature of their pixel array. We have tackled all the constraints listed above and have proposed solutions to overcome the current WSNlimits for Video sensor node. We have designed and developed wireless video sensor nodes focusing on the small size and the flexibility of reuse in different applications. The video nodes target a different design point: the portability (on-board power supply, wireless communication), a scanty power budget (500mW),while still providing a prominent level of intelligence, namely sophisticated classification algorithmand high level of reconfigurability. We developed two different video sensor node: The device architecture of the first one is based on a low-cost low-power FPGA+microcontroller system-on-chip. The second one is based on ARM9 processor. Both systems designed within the above mentioned power envelope could operate in a continuous fashion with Li-Polymer battery pack and solar panel. Novel low power low cost video sensor nodes which, in contrast to sensors that just watch the world, are capable of comprehending the perceived information in order to interpret it locally, are presented. Featuring such intelligence, these nodes would be able to cope with such tasks as recognition of unattended bags in airports, persons carrying potentially dangerous objects, etc.,which normally require a human operator. Vision algorithms for object detection, acquisition like human detection with Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification and abandoned/removed object detection are implemented, described and illustrated on real world data. Multimodal surveillance: In several setup the use of wired video cameras may not be possible. For this reason building an energy efficient wireless vision network for monitoring and surveillance is one of the major efforts in the sensor network community. Energy efficiency for wireless smart camera networks is one of the major efforts in distributed monitoring and surveillance community. For this reason, building an energy efficient wireless vision network for monitoring and surveillance is one of the major efforts in the sensor network community. The Pyroelectric Infra-Red (PIR) sensors have been used to extend the lifetime of a solar-powered video sensor node by providing an energy level dependent trigger to the video camera and the wireless module. Such approach has shown to be able to extend node lifetime and possibly result in continuous operation of the node.Being low-cost, passive (thus low-power) and presenting a limited form factor, PIR sensors are well suited for WSN applications. Moreover techniques to have aggressive power management policies are essential for achieving long-termoperating on standalone distributed cameras needed to improve the power consumption. We have used an adaptive controller like Model Predictive Control (MPC) to help the system to improve the performances outperforming naive power management policies.
Ionenkäfige und speziell Penningfallen stellen sich in der Atomphysik als außergewöhnliche Werkzeuge heraus. Zum einen bieten diese 'Teilchencontainer' die Möglichkeit atomphysikalische Präzisionsmessungen durchzuführen und zum anderen stellen Penningfallen schwingungsfähige Systeme dar, in welchen nichtlineare dynamische Prozesse an gespeicherten Teilchen untersucht werden können. In einem ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde mit der in der Atomphysik bekannten Methode der optischen Mikrowellen-Doppelresonanz Spektroskopie der elektronische g-Faktor von Ca+ mit einer Genauigkeit von 4*10^{-8} zu gJ=2,00225664(9) bestimmt. g-Faktoren von Elektronen in gebundenen ionischen Systemen sind fundamentale Größen der Atomphysik, die Informationen über die atomare Wellenfunktion des zu untersuchenden Zustandes liefern. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde hinsichtlich der Untersuchungen zur nichtlinearen Dynamik von parametrisch angeregten gespeicherten Elektronen beobachtet, dass ab bestimmten kritischen Teilchendichten in der Penningfalle die gespeicherten Elektronen kollektive Eigenschaften manifestieren. Weiterhin wurde bei der Anregung der axialen Eigenbewegung ein Schwellenverhalten der gemessenen Subharmonischen zur 2*omega_z-Resonanz beobachtet. Dieser Schwelleneffekt lässt sich mit der Existenz eines Dämpfungsmechanismus erklären, der auf die Elektronenwolke einwirkt, so dass eine Mindestamplitude der Anregung erforderlich ist, um diese Dämpfung zu überwinden. Durch Bestimmung der charakteristischen Kurven der gedämpften Mathieuschen Differentialgleichung konnte das beobachtete Phänomen theoretisch verstanden werden.
Der Bedarf an hyperpolarisiertem 3He in Medizin und physikalischer Grundlagenforschung ist in den letzten ca. 10-15 Jahren sowohl in Bezug auf die zu Verfügung stehende Menge, als auch auf den benötigten Grad der Kernspinpolarisation stetig gestiegen. Gleichzeitig mußten Lösungen für die polarisationserhaltende Speicherung und den Transport gefunden werden, die je nach Anwendung anzupassen waren. Als Ergebnis kann mit dieser Arbeit ein in sich geschlossenes Gesamtkonzept vorgestellt werden, daß sowohl die entsprechenden Mengen für klinische Anwendungen, als auch höchste Polarisation für physikalische Grundlagenfor-schung zur Verfügung stellen kann. Verschiedene unabhängige Polarimetriemethoden zeigten in sich konsistente Ergebnisse und konnten, neben ihrer eigenen Weiterentwicklung, zu einer verläßlichen Charakterisierung des neuen Systems und auch der Transportzellen und –boxen eingesetzt werden. Die Polarisation wird mittels „Metastabilem Optischen Pumpen“ bei einem Druck von 1 mbar erzeugt. Dabei werden ohne Gasfluß Werte von P = 84% erreicht. Im Flußbetrieb sinkt die erreichbare Polarisation auf P ≈ 77%. Das 3He kann dann weitgehend ohne Polarisationsver-luste auf mehrere bar komprimiert und zu den jeweiligen Experimenten transportiert werden. Durch konsequente Weiterentwicklung der vorgestellten Polarisationseinheit an fast allen Komponenten kann somit jetzt bei einem Fluß von 0,8 barl/h eine Polarisation von Pmax = 77% am Auslaß der Apparatur erreicht werden. Diese skaliert linear mit dem Fluß, sodaß bei 3 barl/h die Polarisation immer noch bei ca. 60% liegt. Dabei waren die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Verbesserungen an den Lasern, der Optik, der Kompressionseinheit, dem Zwischenspeicher und der Gasreinigung wesentlich für das Erreichen dieser Polarisatio-nen. Neben dem Einsatz eines neuen Faserlasersystems ist die hohe Gasreinheit und die lang-lebige Kompressionseinheit ein Schlüssel für diese Leistungsfähigkeit. Seit Herbst 2001 er-zeugte das System bereits über 2000 barl hochpolarisiertes 3He und ermöglichte damit zahl-reiche interdisziplinäre Experimente und Untersuchungen. Durch Verbesserungen an als Prototypen bereits vorhandenen Transportboxen und durch weitgehende Unterdrückung der Wandrelaxation in den Transportgefäßen aufgrund neuer Erkenntnisse über deren Ursachen stellen auch polarisationserhaltende Transporte über große Strecken kein Problem mehr dar. In unbeschichteten 1 Liter Kolben aus Aluminosilikatglä-sern werden nun problemlos Speicherzeiten von T1 > 200h erreicht. Im Rahmen des europäi-schen Forschungsprojektes „Polarized Helium to Image the Lung“ wurden während 19 Liefe-rungen 70barl 3He nach Sheffield (UK) und bei 13 Transporten 100 barl nach Kopenhagen (DK) per Flugzeug transportiert. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Problematik der Kernspinpolarisationser-zeugung von 3He, die Speicherung, der Transport und die Verwendung des polarisierten Ga-ses in klinischer Diagnostik und physikalischen Grundlagenexperimenten weitgehend gelöst ist und das Gesamtkonzept die Voraussetzungen für allgemeine Anwendungen auf diesen Gebieten geschaffen hat.
Since the industrial revolution, the ocean has absorbed around one third of the anthropogenic CO2, which induced a profound alteration of the carbonate system commonly known as ocean acidification. Since the preindustrial times, the average ocean surface water pH has fallen by 0.1 units, from approximately 8.2 to 8.1 and a further decrease of 0.4 pH units is expected for the end of the century. Despite their microscopic size, marine diatoms are bio-geo-chemically a very important group, responsible for the export of massive amount of carbon to deep waters and sediments. The knowledge of the potential effects of ocean acidification on the phytoplankton growth and on biological pump is still at its infancy. This study wants to investigate the effect of ocean acidification on the growth of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi and on its aggregation, using a mechanistic approach. The experiment consisted of two treatments (Present and Future) representing different pCO2 conditions and two sequential experimental phases. During the cell growth phase a culture of S. marinoi was inoculated into transparent bags and the effect of ocean acidification was studied on various growth parameters, including DOC and TEP production. The aggregation phase consisted in the incubation of the cultures into rolling tanks where the sinking of particles through the water column was simulated and aggregation promoted. Since few studies investigated the effect of pH on the growth of S. marinoi and none used pH ranges that are compatible with the OA scenarios, there were no baselines. I have shown here, that OA does not affect the cell growth of S. marinoi, suggesting that the physiology of this species is robust in respect to the changes in the carbonate chemistry expected for the end of the century. Furthermore, according to my results, OA does not affect the aggregation of S. marinoi in a consistent manner, suggesting that this process has a high natural variability but is not influenced by OA in a predictable way. The effect of OA was tested over a variety of factors including the number of aggregates produced, their size and sinking velocity, the algal, bacterial and TEP content. Many of these variables showed significant treatment effects but none of these were consistent between the two experiments.
In this thesis, we have presented the preparation of highly crosslinked spherical photoreactive colloidal particles of radius about 10 nm based on the monomer trimethoxysilane. These particles are labeled chemically with two different dye systems (coumarin, cinnamate) which are known to show reversible photodimerization. By analyzing the change in particle size upon UV irradiation with dynamic light scattering, we could demonstrate that the partially reversible photoreaction in principle can be utilized to control increase and decrease of colloidal clusters. Here, selection of the appropriate wavelengths during the irradiation employing suitable optical filters proved to be very important. Next, we showed how photocrosslinking of our nanoparticles within the micrometer-sized thin oil shell of water-oil-water emulsion droplets leads to a new species of optically addressable microcontainers. The inner water droplet of these emulsions may contain drugs, dyes or other water-soluble components, leading to filled containers. Thickness, mechanical stability and light resistance of the container walls can be controlled in a simple way by the amount and adjustable photoreactivity (= No. of labels/particle) of the nanoparticles. Importantly, the chemical bonds between the nanoparticles constituting the microcapsule shell can be cleaved photochemically by irradiation with uv light. An additional major advantage is that filling our microcapsules with water-soluble substrate molecules is extremely simple using a solution of the guest molecules as inner water phase of the W/O/W-emulsion. This optically controlled destruction of our microcontainers thus opens up a pathway to controlled release of the enclosed components as illustrated by the example of enclosed cyclodextrin molecules.
Core-shell macromolecules with dendritic polyphenylene core and polymer shell Zusammenfassung / Abstract Core-shell macromolecular structures have become of great interest in materials science because they gave an opportunity to combine a large variety of chemical and physical properties in the single molecule, by combination of different (in terms of chemistry and physics) cores and shells. The interest in such complex structures was provoked by their potential applications in the coating and painting industry (latexes), as supports for catalysts in polymer industry, or as nano-containers and transporters for genes or drug delivery. The aim of this study was the synthesis, characterization and further application of core-shell macromolecules possessing a hydrophobic stiff core (polyphenylene dendrimers) surrounded with a hydrophilic, soft, covalently bonded polymer shell (poly(ethylene oxide) and its copolymers). The requirements for such complex substances were that they should be well-defined in terms of molecular weight (narrow molecular weight distribution) and in molecular structure. The preparation of core-shell molecules containing dendrimer as a core was possible via two synthetic routs: “grafting-onto” and “grafting-from”. The resulting core-shell macromolecules possessed narrow polydispersity as guaranteed by the excellent structural and functional definition of the dendrimer and the narrow polydispersity of the PEO, PS-b-PEO and PI-b-PEO attached to the dendrimer surface. Additional investigation of the size of the particles indicated a relation between both the length and the number of the polymer chains and the hydrodynamic radius determined by Dynamic Light Scattering and Fluorescent Correlation Spectroscopy. Core-shell nano-particles were applied as metallocene supports in heterogeneous olefin polymerizations. Our results indicate that such catalyst systems, that have a size of at least one order of magnitude smaller than the used by now organic supports, could be very useful as model compounds for investigations on catalyst fragmentation and its influence on the product parameters.
The aim of this thesis was to apply the techniques of the atomic force microscope (AFM) to biological samples, namely lipid-based systems. To this end several systems with biological relevance based on self-assembly, such as a solid-supported membrane (SSM) based sensor for transport proteins, a bilayer of the natural lipid extract from an archaebacterium, and synaptic vesicles, were investigated by the AFM. For the characterization of transport proteins with SSM-sensors proteoliposomes are adsorbed that contain the analyte (transport protein). However the forces governing bilayer-bilayer interactions in solution should be repulsive under physiological conditions. I investigated the nature of the interaction forces with AFM force spectroscopy by mimicking the adsorbing proteoliposome with a cantilever tip, which was functionalized with charged alkane thiols. The nature of the interaction is indeed repulsive, but the lipid layers assemble in stacks on the SSM, which expose their unfavourable edges to the medium. I propose a model by which the proteoliposomes interact with these edges and fuse with the bilayer stacks, so forming a uniform layer on the SSM. Furthermore I characterized freestanding bilayers from a synthetic phospholipid with a phase transition at 41°C and from a natural lipid extract of the archaebacterium Methanococcus jannaschii. The synthetic lipid is in the gel-phase at room temperature and changes to the fluid phase when heated to 50°C. The bilayer of the lipid extract shows no phase transition when heated from room temperature to the growth temperature (~ 50°C) of the archeon. Synaptic vesicles are the containers of neurotransmitter in nerve cells and the synapsins are a family of extrinsic membrane proteins, that are associated with them, and believed to control the synaptic vesicle cycle. I used AFM imaging and force spectroscopy together with dynamic light scattering to investigate the influence of synapsin I on synaptic vesicles. To this end I used native, untreated synaptic vesicles and compared them to synapsin-depleted synaptic vesicles. Synapsin-depleted vesicles were larger in size and showed a higher tendency to aggregate compared to native vesicles, although their mechanical properties were alike. I also measured the aggregation kinetics of synaptic vesicles induced by synapsin I and found that the addition of synapsin I promotes a rapid aggregation of synaptic vesicles. The data indicate that synapsin I affects the stability and the aggregation state of synaptic vesicles, and confirm the physiological role of synapsins in the assembly and regulation of synaptic vesicle pools within nerve cells.
Come si evince dal titolo della tesi, la ricerca effettuata dal presente candidato nel corso del dottorato di ricerca ha avuto ad oggetto lo studio della materia relativa ai trasporti nell’ambito di diversi sistemi giuridici europei, con particolare attenzione ai risvolti di carattere pratico che l’interpretazione delle normative uniformi poteva produrre nell’ambito delle diverse giurisdizioni nonché alle diverse impostazioni e alla variegata gamma di soluzioni interpretative che nell’ambito di problemi simili possono essere adottate a seconda che una stessa questione venga discussa in un ordinamento piuttosto che in un altro. Dall’avvento del trasporto marittimo di containers alla necessità di disciplinare l’intera materia attraverso una normativa multimodale il passo è estremamente breve, posto che, proprio in considerazione delle caratteristiche proprie del trasporto containerizzato, gli aventi diritto al carico sono principalmente interessati al completamente del trasferimento door-to-door inteso nella sua globalità, piuttosto che al buon esito del trasporto sulla singola tratta marittima. Il progetto di revisione delle Regole dell’Aja-Visby adottato dall’United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Uncitral) e il Comité Maritime International (CMI) costituisce per definizione un progetto limitato ad un trasporto multimodale comprendente necessariamente una tratta marittima, ma rappresenta comunque un interessante banco di prova per valutare la funzionalità di strumenti di recente impiego, come ad esempio i cosiddetti e-documents, concetto peraltro già inserito nel progetto UNCITRAL, anche se con scarsi elementi di reale novità rispetto alla tradizionale disciplina relativa ai documenti cartacei. Proprio la parte relativa ai documenti e titoli di viaggio merita particolare attenzione soprattutto in riferimento alle problematiche connesse al traffico containerizzato, con particolare riferimento al concetto di transhipment, e alla conseguente necessità che la polizza garantisca al legittimo portatore una copertura completa sull’intero viaggio della merce, oltre a dargli la possibilità di individuare agevolmente la propria controparte contrattuale, e cioè il vettore.
MFA and LCA methodologies were applied to analyse the anthropogenic aluminium cycle in Italy with focus on historical evolution of stocks and flows of the metal, embodied GHG emissions, and potentials from recycling to provide key features to Italy for prioritizing industrial policy toward low-carbon technologies and materials. Historical trend series were collected from 1947 to 2009 and balanced with data from production, manufacturing and waste management of aluminium-containing products, using a ‘top-down’ approach to quantify the contemporary in-use stock of the metal, and helping to identify ‘applications where aluminium is not yet being recycled to its full potential and to identify present and future recycling flows’. The MFA results were used as a basis for the LCA aimed at evaluating the carbon footprint evolution, from primary and electrical energy, the smelting process and the transportation, embodied in the Italian aluminium. A discussion about how the main factors, according to the Kaya Identity equation, they did influence the Italian GHG emissions pattern over time, and which are the levers to mitigate it, it has been also reported. The contemporary anthropogenic reservoirs of aluminium was estimated at about 320 kg per capita, mainly embedded within the transportation and building and construction sectors. Cumulative in-use stock represents approximately 11 years of supply at current usage rates (about 20 Mt versus 1.7 Mt/year), and it would imply a potential of about 160 Mt of CO2eq emissions savings. A discussion of criticality related to aluminium waste recovery from the transportation and the containers and packaging sectors was also included in the study, providing an example for how MFA and LCA may support decision-making at sectorial or regional level. The research constitutes the first attempt of an integrated approach between MFA and LCA applied to the aluminium cycle in Italy.
Infektionen zählen bei hämodialysepflichtigen Intensivpatienten zu den häufigsten Todesursachen. Um die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der Antibiotikatherapie zu verbessern, müssen verschiedene Faktoren, zum Beispiel die Pharmakodynamik und Pharmakokinetik des Antibiotikums, die Art des Hämodialyseverfahrens, die Art des Dialysefilters und der Zustand des Patienten berücksichtigt werden. Im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie wurde die antibiotische Wirkung von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin bei kontinuierlichen Hämodialyseverfahren mittels pharmakokinetischer Methoden bestimmt.Für die klinische Studie wurde eine HPLC-Methode mit kombinierter Festphasenextraktion (SPE) entwickelt und nach den Grenzwerten der EMA Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation validiert. Die Methode erwies sich für die gleichzeitige Bestimmung von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin in Plasma- und Dialysatproben als valide und zuverlässig. Die ermittelten Konzentrationen der beiden Antibiotika wurden für die Berechnung der pharmakokinetischen Parameter verwendet.In der klinischen Studie wurden bei 24 Intensivpatienten mit kontinuierlicher venovenöser Hämodialyse (CVVHD) bzw. kontinuierlicher venovenöser Hämodiafiltration (CVVHDF), bei denen Piperacillin/Tazobactam, Ciprofloxacin oder eine Kombination dieser Antibiotika indiziert war, die Antibiotikakonzentrationen im Plasma und Dialysat im Steady State gemessen. Unmittelbar vor einer Antibiotikainfusion (0 min) wurde ein Volumen von sechs Milliliter Blut entnommen. Weitere Blutentnahmen erfolgten 30 Minuten nach der Infusion sowie nach 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 und 24 Stunden. Sobald ein Filtratbeutel ausgetauscht wurde, wurden parallel zu den Blutproben Dialysatproben entnommen. Die Konzentrationen von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin wurden nach der Festphasenextraktion aus den Plasmaproben mit der validierten HPLC-Methode innerhalb von 15 Minuten zuverlässig bestimmt. Neben den gemessenen Plasmakonzentrationen (Cmax, Cmin) wurden pharmakokinetische Parameter wie t0,5, VdSS, AUC, Cltot, ClCRRT und Clextrarenal berechnet. Für Piperacillin wurde untersucht, ob die Plasmaspiegel der Patienten für das gesamte Dosierungsintervall oberhalb der geforderten vierfachen MHK von 64 mg/l liegen. Für Ciprofloxacin wurde untersucht, ob die aus gemessenen Plasmaspiegeln berechnete AUC den Quotienten aus AUC und MHK (=AUIC) ≥ 125 h erfüllt.Bei zehn der 21 mit Piperacillin behandelten Patienten lagen die Plasmaspiegel unterhalb der angestrebten Konzentration von 64 mg/l für das gesamte Dosierungsintervall. Das Patientenkollektiv wies eine große interindividuelle Variabilität auf. Mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 95 % waren 26 - 70 % der Patienten unterdosiert. In der Gruppe der mit Ciprofloxacin behandelten Patienten wurde die angestrebte AUIC von 125 h nur bei neun der 20 Patienten erreicht. Mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 95 % waren 29 - 76 % der Patienten unterdosiert. Die kontinuierlichen Nierenersatzverfahren hatten nur einen geringen Anteil an der totalen Clearance der untersuchten Antibiotika. Während die Clearance des kontinuierlichen Nierenersatzverfahren bei Piperacillin für ein Drittel der Arzneistoffelimination verantwortlich war, trug diese im Fall von Ciprofloxacin lediglich zu 16 % zur Arzneistoffelimination bei.Die Dosierung von Piperacillin/Tazobactam bzw. Ciprofloxacin sollte bei kritisch kranken Intensivpatienten mit kontinuierlicher Hämodialyse mindestens 4 mal 4/0,5 g pro Tag bzw. 2 mal 400 mg pro Tag betragen. Diese Empfehlungen sind insbesondere für die verwendeten Dialyseverfahren und -bedingungen zutreffend. Zur weiteren Optimierung der Antibiotikatherapie ist ein Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring empfehlenswert.
Geometric packing problems may be formulated mathematically as constrained optimization problems. But finding a good solution is a challenging task. The more complicated the geometry of the container or the objects to be packed, the more complex the non-penetration constraints become. In this work we propose the use of a physics engine that simulates a system of colliding rigid bodies. It is a tool to resolve interpenetration conflicts and to optimize configurations locally. We develop an efficient and easy-to-implement physics engine that is specialized for collision detection and contact handling. In succession of the development of this engine a number of novel algorithms for distance calculation and intersection volume were designed and imple- mented, which are presented in this work. They are highly specialized to pro- vide fast responses for cuboids and triangles as input geometry whereas the concepts they are based on can easily be extended to other convex shapes. Especially noteworthy in this context is our ε-distance algorithm - a novel application that is not only very robust and fast but also compact in its im- plementation. Several state-of-the-art third party implementations are being presented and we show that our implementations beat them in runtime and robustness. The packing algorithm that lies on top of the physics engine is a Monte Carlo based approach implemented for packing cuboids into a container described by a triangle soup. We give an implementation for the SAE J1100 variant of the trunk packing problem. We compare this implementation to several established approaches and we show that it gives better results in faster time than these existing implementations.
Virgin olive oil(VOO) is a product characterized by high economic and nutritional values, because of its superior sensory characteristics and minor compounds (phenols and tocopherols) contents. Since the original quality of VOO may change during its storage, this study aimed to investigate the influence of different storage and shipment conditions on the quality of VOO, by studying different solutions such as filtration, dark storage and shipment inside insulated containers to protect it. Different analytical techniques were used to follow-up the quality changes during virgin olive oil storage and simulated shipments, in terms of basic quality parameters, sensory analysis and evaluation of minor components (phenolic compounds, diglycerides, volatile compounds). Four main research streams were presented in this PhD thesis: The results obtained from the first experimental section revealed that the application of filtration and/or clarification can decrease the unavoidable quality loss of the oil samples during storage, in comparison with unfiltered oil samples. The second section indicated that the virgin olive oil freshness, evaluated by diglycerides content, was mainly affected by the storage time and temperature. The third section revealed that fluctuation in temperature during storage may adversely affect the virgin olive oil quality, in terms of hydrolytic rancidity and oxidation quality. The fourth section showed that virgin olive oil shipped inside insulated containers showed lower hydrolytic and oxidation degradation than those without insulation cover. Overall, this PhD thesis highlighted that application of adequate treatment, such as filtration or clarification, in addition to a good protection against other external variables, such as temperature and light, will improve the stability of virgin olive oil during storage.
Die Arzneimittelcompliance hat eine hohe Vorhersagekraft für den Ausgang einer Organtransplantation. Allerdings wurden soweit keine Studien zur Arzneimittelcompliance mittels eletronischen Compliancemessung bei Dialyse- und Leberzirrhosepatienten durchgeführt. Das primäre Ziel dieser Studie war die Arzneimittelcompliance dieser beiden Patientenkollektive zu evaluieren und als sekundäres Ziel wurden die Einflussfaktoren von Non-Compliance untersucht. rnLeberzirrhosepatinten, die Propranolol und Dialysepatienten, die Phosphatbinder, jeweils 3 x tgl. einnahmen, konnten in der Studie teilnehmen. Die Arzneimittelcompliance wurde mittels MEMSTM über einen Zeitraum von jeweils 6 Monaten bestimmt. Des Weiteren wurde nach Einflussfaktoren wie die demopraphischen Daten, Depression, Lebensqualität und der Gesundheitszustand, bei den Dialysepatienten zusätzlich die Formulierung der Phosphatbinder und die Anzahl evaluiert. Zwischen den organinsuffizienten Patientenkollektiven war ein signifikanter Unterschied in der Dosing Compliancerate auszumachen (p<0,023). Die mittlere DC Rate war bei 61%±6% für Leberzirrhosepatienten im Vergleich zu 43%±5% in Dialysepatienten. Nur 10 Leberzirrhosepatienten (30%) and 6 Dialysepatienten (17%) konnten als compliant eingestuft werden. Je höher die Phosphatbinderdosen waren, umso niedrigere Dosing Complianceraten wurden erzielt. Bei 1,5-3 Tabletten pro Tag betrug die Compliancerate 55%±8% (n=16), bei 4-6 Tabletten pro Tag nur noch 37%±7% (n=15) und bei mehr als 7 Tabletten lediglich 21%±10% (n=5) (p<0,036). Bei den Dialysepatienten war jedoch auffällig, dass die Dosing Compliancerate in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der dokumentierten Erkrankungen inkl. Grunderkrankung stieg (Dosing Compliancerate 34%±9% für ≤1 Grunderkrankung, 42%±6% für 1-4 Komorbiditäten, 83%±3% für ≥5 Komorbiditäten; p<0,036).Das geringe Patientenwissen über die Arzneimittel und die Erkrankung und die niedrige Compliancerate bedürfen weitere Untersuchungen um die Aspekte zu verbessern. Diese Studie zeigte das eine pharmazeutische Betreuung schon vor einer Transplantation benötigt wird. Aber eine pharmazeutische Betreuung ist sehr kosten- und zeitintensiv. Vielleicht müssen neue Modelle der pharmazeutische Betreuung untersucht werden oder non-compliante Patienten müssen noch besser identifiziert werden für eine selektive pharmazeutische Betreuung.
Due to its environmental, safety, health and socio-economic impacts, marine litter has been recognized as a 21st century global challenge, so that it has been included in Descriptor 10 of the EU MSFD. For its morphological features and anthropogenic pressures, the Adriatic Sea is very sensitive to the accumulation of debris, but data are inconsistent and fragmented. This thesis, in the framework of DeFishGear project, intents to assess marine litter on beaches and on seafloor in the Western Adriatic sea, and test if debris ingestion by fish occurs. Three beaches were sampled during two surveys in 2015. Benthic litter monitoring was carried out in the FAO GSA17 during fall 2014, using a rapido trawl. Litter ingestion was investigated through gut contents analysis of 260 fish belonging to 8 commercial species collected in Western Gulf of Venice. Average litter density on beaches was 1.5 items/m2 during spring, and decreased to 0.8 items/m2 in summer. Litter composition was heterogeneous and varied among sites, even if no significant differences were found. Most of debris consisted of plastic sheets, fragments, polystyrene pieces, mussels nets and cottons bud sticks, showing that sources are many and include aquaculture, land-based activities and local users of beaches. Average density of benthic litter was 913 items/Km2 (82 Kg/Km2). Plastic dominated in terms of numbers and weight, and consisted mainly of bags, sheets and mussel nets. The highest density was found close to the coast, and sources driving the major differences in litter distribution were mussel farms and shipping lanes. Litter ingestion occurred in 47% of examined fish, mainly consisting of fibers. Among species, S. pilchardus swallowed almost all debris categories. Findinds may provide a baseline to set the necessary measures to manage and minimize marine litter in the Western Adriatic region and to protect aquatic life from plastic pollution, even accounting the possible implications on human health.