940 resultados para Proper Placement
Sequences of the rRNA nontranscribed spacer (NTS) were determined for six isolates of Perkinsus olseni, seven isolates of Perkinsus sp. from Anadara trapezia and one isolate of Perkinsus sp. from Austrovenus stutchburyi. These sequences were compared with previously published NTS sequences for R atlanticus, P. marinus and P. andrewsi. Consensus sequences for Perkinsus olseni, the Perkinsus isolates and P. atlanticus were approximately 98-99% similar to each other but only 65-79% similar to P. marinus and P. andrewsi sequences. Some individual P. olseni sequences were less similar to each other (97.4%) than they were to P. atlanticus sequences (97.8-98.2%), therefore NTS provides further evidence that P. atlanticus, P. olseni, Perkinsus sp. from Anadara trapezia and Perkinsus sp. from Austrovenus stutchburyi are conspecific. We propose that P. atlanticus be synonymised with P. olseni Lester & Davis, 1981 which has taxonomic priority, and that Perkinsus sp. from Anadara trapezia and Perkinsus sp. from Austrovenus stutchburyi belong to R olseni sensu lato as well. A phylogenetic analysis of SSU rDNA, incorporating recently published Perkinsus sequences, supports the placement of the Perkinsus species with Parvilucifera infectans within the Dinoflagellata.
Cervical auscultation is in the process of gaining clinical credibility. In order for it to be accepted by the clinical community, the procedure and equipment used must first be standardized. Takahashi et al. [Dysphagia 9:54-62, 1994] attempted to provide benchmark methodology for administering cervical auscultation. They provided information about the acoustic detector unit best suited to picking up swallowing sounds and the best cervical site to place it. The current investigation provides contrasting results to Takahashi et al. with respect to the best type of acoustic detector unit to use for detecting swallowing sounds. Our study advocates an electret microphone as opposed to an accelerometer for recording swallowing sounds. However, we agree on the optimal placement site. We conclude that cervical auscultation is within reach of the average dysphagia clinic.
Clinical and non-clinical predictors of vocational recovery for Australians with psychotic disorders
Clinical and non-clinical predictors of vocational recovery were examined among 782 Australians diagnosed with DSM III R psychotic disorders, using data from the study on low-prevalence disorders, part of the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Australia 1997-1998. Of the six significant clinical predictors, self-reported course of illness emerged as a potentially practical predictor of vocational recovery. Five non-clinical variables, age, education and skills, marital status, premorbid work adjustment, and use of a vocational service in the previous year, also contributed to the prediction of vocational recovery. The implications of these findings for both rehabilitation professionals and researchers are discussed.
Sperm ultrastructure is examined in representatives of five genera of the nudibranch gastropod family Chromodorididae: (Chromodoris, Hypselodoris, Glossodoris, Risbecia and Pectenodoris) and the results compared with previous work on other gastropods, especially other nudibranchs. As chromodoridid phylogeny is still incompletely understood, this study partly focuses on the search for new and as yet untapped sources of informative characters. Like spermatozoa of most other heterobranch gastropods, those of the Chromodorididae are elongate, complex cells composed of an acrosomal complex (small, rounded acrosomal vesicle, and columnar acrosomal pedestal), a condensed nucleus, sub-nuclear ring, a highly modified mid-piece (axoneme + coarse fibres surrounded by a glycogen-containing, helically-coiled mitochondrial derivative) and terminally a glycogen piece (or homologue thereof). The finely striated acrosomal pedestal is a synapomorphy of all genera examined here, but interestingly also occurs in at least one dorid (Rostanga arbutus). Substantial and potentially taxonomically informative differences were also observed between genera in the morphology of the nucleus, the neck region of the mid-piece, and also the terminal glycogen piece. The subnuclear ring is shown for the first time to be a segmented, rather than a continuous structure; similarly, the annular complex is shown to consist of two structures, the annulus proper and the herein-termed annular accessory body.
The vertebrate Slit gene family currently consists of three members;Slit1,Slit2 and Slit3. Each gene encodes a protein containing multiple epidermal growth factor and leucine rich repeat motifs, which are likely to have importance in cell-cell interactions. In this study, we sought to fully define and characterise the vertebrate Slit gene family. Using long distance PCR coupled with in silico mapping, we determined the genomic structure of all three Slit genes in mouse and man. Analysis of EST and genomic databases revealed no evidence of further Slit family members in either organism. All three Slit genes were encoded by 36 (Slit3) or 37 (Slit1 and Slit2) exons covering at least 143 kb or 183 kb of mouse or human genomic DNA respectively. Two additional potential leucine-rich repeat encoding exons were identified within intron 12 of Slit2. These could be inserted in frame, suggesting that alternate splicing may occur in Slit2 A search for STS sequences within human Slit3 anchored this gene to D5S2075 at the 5' end (exon 4) and SGC32449 within the 3' UTR, suggesting that Slit3 may cover greater than 693 kb. The genomic structure of all Slit genes demonstrated considerable modularity in the placement of exon-intron boundaries such that individual leucine-rich repeat motifs were encoded by individual 72 by exons. This further implies the potential generation of multiple Slit protein isoforms varying in their number of repeat units. cDNA library screening and EST database searching verified that such alternate splicing does occur.
Inorganic sulfate is one of the most abundant anions in mammalian plasma and is essential for proper cell growth and development, as well as detoxification and activation of many biological compounds. To date, little is understood how physiological levels of sulfate are maintained in the body. Our studies, and of others, have identified the NAS(i)-1 protein to be a functional sulfate transporter in the kidney and intestine, and due to this localization, constitutes a strong candidate gene for maintaining body sulfate homeostasis. Several factors, including hormones and metabolic conditions, have been shown to alter NAS(i)-1 mRNA and protein levels in vivo. In this study, we describe the transcriptional regulation of NaSi-1, with a focus on the mouse NaSi-1 gene (Nas1) that was recently cloned in our laboratory. Vitamin D (1,25-(OH)(2)D-3) and thyroid hormone (T-3) led to an increase in Nas1 promoter activity in OK cells. Mutational analysis of the Nas1 promoter resulted in identification of a direct repeat 6-type vitamin-D-responsive element (DR6 VDRE) at -525 to -508 and an imperfect inverted repeat 0-type T-3 responsive element (IRO T3RE) at -426 to -425 which conferred 1,25-(OH)(2)D-3 and T-3 responsiveness respectively. These findings suggest for vitamin D and thyroid hormone regulation of NaSi-1, may provide important clues to the physiological control of sulfate homeostasis.
Measurement while drilling (MWD) techniques can provide a useful tool to aid drill and blast engineers in open cut mining. By avoiding time consuming tasks such as scan-lines and rock sample collection for laboratory tests, MWD techniques can not only save time but also improve the reliability of the blast design by providing the drill and blast engineer with the information specially tailored for use. While most mines use a standard blast pattern and charge per blasthole, based on a single rock factor for the entire bench or blast region, information derived from the MWD parameters can improve the blast design by providing more accurate rock properties for each individual blasthole. From this, decisions can be made on the most appropriate type and amount of explosive charge to place in a per blasthole or to optimise the inter-hole timing detonation time of different decks and blastholes. Where real-time calculations are feasible, the system could extend the present blast design even be used to determine the placement of subsequent holes towards a more appropriate blasthole pattern design like asymmetrical blasting.
Chen and Popova [Res. Engng Syst. Saf. 77 (2002) 61] discuss maintenance policies for items sold with a two-dimensional warranty. However, their paper fails to give a proper review of the literature and it also contains errors. In this note we first review the relevant literature and then comment on the errors in their analysis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For repairable items sold with free replacement warranty, the actions available to the manufacturer to rectify failures under warranty are to (1) repair the failed item or (2) replace it with a new one. A proper repair-replace strategy can reduce the expected cost of servicing the warranty. In this paper, we study repair-replace strategies for items sold with a two-dimensional free replacement warranty. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Partindo do conceito de bem-estar social, definido em lei como de responsabilidade da administra????o p??blica, especialmente no que diz respeito ?? preserva????o dos recursos naturais para a manuten????o da decente qualidade de vida dos cidad??os, o artigo foi estruturado a partir do relat??rio de pesquisa de inicia????o cient??fica financiada pela Funda????o de Amparo ?? Pesquisa do Estado de S??o Paulo (Fapesp) e desenvolvido na Universidade Estadual de S??o Paulo (Unesp). Tal relat??rio objetivou investigar os par??metros de regularidade da administra????o p??blica, analisando-se a jurisprud??ncia dos tribunais. Foram evidenciadas irregularidades na atua????o da administra????o p??blica, constatando a desarticula????o da gest??o p??blica ao gerir as tr??s dimens??es que definem o desenvolvimento sustent??vel: a relev??ncia social, a viabilidade econ??mica e a prud??ncia ecol??gica. Foi poss??vel constatar com esta pesquisa que a administra????o p??blica brasileira d?? mais import??ncia para a quest??o econ??mica que ??s quest??es sociais e ambientais. Pudemos perceber que enquanto o meio ambiente ?? degradado e a sociedade prejudicada com a piora da qualidade de vida, o econ??mico vem sendo privilegiado constantemente. Sendo assim, evidenciaremos esse descaso propondo algumas mudan??as para a melhora da gest??o das tr??s dimens??es do desenvolvimento sustent??vel; por??m, em contrapartida, mostraremos a seriedade na atua????o dos ??rg??os colegiados ambientais e institui????es do poder p??blico, tais como o Minist??rio P??blico, que hoje atuam em parceria com a popula????o, crescentemente envolvida no processo mediante a pr??tica de den??ncias e reclama????es.
Este informe expone de forma sumaria los diversos enfoques y aproximaciones que nueve pa??ses de la Uni??n Europea ??? seis antiguos miembros (Reino Unido, Alemania, Francia, Italia, Espa??a y Portugal) y tres miembros recientes (Letonia, Polonia y Hungr??a) ??? est??n usando para gestionar los conflictos de inter??s en el sector p??blico. En la primera parte, se presenta el marco conceptual y las definiciones con las que poder entender de qu?? hablamos cuando hablamos de corrupci??n y de conflictos de inter??s en el sector p??blico. Posteriormente, trata de las razones existentes tras las pol??ticas de regulaci??n y tratamiento de los conflictos de inter??s y la importancia de ellas para el funcionamiento adecuado de la democracia. A continuaci??n, se explican las caracter??sticas, peculiaridades y dilemas de esta pol??tica p??blica en el contexto de las teor??as y enfoques sobre pol??ticas p??blicas. El informe tambi??n examina los puntos comunes en las estructuras, m??todos y procesos utilizados para gestionar los conflictos de inter??s en los pa??ses estudiados, adem??s de explicitar las principales diferencias en los marcos legales, medios de implantaci??n, mecanismos de evaluaci??n y medios de ejecuci??n. Por ??ltimo, incluye una visi??n cr??tica de las ventajas y desventajas relacionadas con la utilidad de los instrumentos empleados y finaliza con recomendaciones relativas a c??mo formular e implantar pol??ticas de este tipo.
Dentre os modelos de avalia????o e diagn??stico de gest??o do conhecimento pesquisados na literatura, selecionou-se o m??todo de Avalia????o do Conhecimento Organizacional (Organizational Knowledge Assessment ??? OKA) elaborado pelo World Bank Institute (WBI), do Banco Mundial, como um modelo com capacidade de avaliar e diagnosticar a situa????o da Gest??o do Conhecimento (GC) em uma organiza????o. O m??todo OKA foi concebido para avaliar a capacidade e o n??vel de prepara????o de uma organiza????o na utiliza????o adequada de seus ativos intelectuais. O artigo prop??e realizar um diagn??stico da gest??o do conhecimento na Secretaria do Patrim??nio da Uni??o (SPU), pertencente ao Minist??rio do Planejamento. Durante a pesquisa na SPU usando o m??todo OKA surgiu a necessidade de formular uma pol??tica de gest??o do conhecimento, isto ??, um plano estrat??gico de GC. A pesquisa concluiu que o m??todo OKA ?? uma ferramenta ??til para diagnosticar e avaliar a GC na SPU e na concep????o de um plano estrat??gico de GC, definidor de a????es, pr??ticas de apoio e orienta????es ??s pol??ticas e processos de conhecimento da organiza????o.
Os objetos desta pesquisa s??o: 1) a atua????o das elites burocr??ticas do Poder Executivo Federal no processo de transi????o pol??tica no Brasil, nos anos 1980; 2) as frentes de reforma na Nova Rep??blica, nas ??reas social, econ??mica e administrativa e 3) as tentativas de renova????o da gest??o p??blica representadas pela cria????o da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) e da Carreira de Gestor Governamental (EPPGG). Esse era um contexto de reinstitucionaliza????o da fun????o diretiva do Estado e de deslocamento das fronteiras entre o burocr??tico e o pol??tico no setor p??blico brasileiro. A hip??tese central aqui defendida ?? de que a ENAP e a Carreira de Gestor Governamental eram duas op????es inovadoras frente ao dilema sobre quais seriam os pap??is cab??veis a pol??ticos e administradores na nova ordem democr??tica, mas tamb??m eram op????es sem enraizamento nos pactos e agendas de prioridades que viabilizaram a mudan??a de regime no pa??s. A Escola e a Carreira estavam em disson??ncia com as principais tend??ncias de recomposi????o das elites estatais na transi????o a partir do regime militar e sofreram bloqueios em raz??o disso, mas a pesquisa procurou desconstruir algumas narrativas sobre esses conflitos interburocr??ticos, que associam as resist??ncias impostas ?? ENAP e ?? Carreira pelos grupos de funcion??rios da Fazenda e Planejamento a interesses meramente corporativistas. Com um trajeto pelos estudos sobre as burocracias dos regimes militares e sobre as transi????es no Brasil e na Am??rica Latina, buscou-se aqui uma melhor identifica????o dos grupos integrantes das ???tecnoburocracias??? e de suas contribui????es para a moderniza????o administrativa e econ??mica do pa??s, na segunda metade do s??culo XX. Buscou-se revelar algumas conflu??ncias entre as ideias de tecnocratiza????o e profissionaliza????o das altas fun????es p??blicas e seus elos com as aspira????es pela reconstru????o do Estado sob bases mais democr??ticas, mostrando que, nos anos 1980, as propostas da SEDAP n??o eram os ??nicos projetos de moderniza????o em curso, tampouco os grupos que a elas se opuseram representavam interesses univocamente antidemocr??ticos.
The objective of this paper is to definite Historicity in Economic Sciences applying the principles of Entropy and methodological indeterminism. This implies the definition of two kinds of economic universes: one characterized by ergodicity and reversibility of Time and processes and the other by the opposite properties. The first part will deal with the construction of the subject of study and the nature of the proper analysis to these two universes. Taking such dichotomy into account, the second part will examine its implications as regards to the nature of equilibrium, the properties of stability and instability and the closure of the systems.
Este trabalho consiste em aplicar o princípio do indeterminismo metodológico na Ciência Econômica. Isto implica definir dois tipos de universo econômico: um que se caracteriza pela ergodicidade e pela reversibilidade do tempo e dos processos econômicos, e o outro pelas características contrárias. Uma primeira parte tratará da construção do objeto de estudo e da natureza da análise relativa a cada um desses universos. Em razão desta dicotomia, uma segunda parte estudará suas implicações no que diz respeito à natureza das probabilidades e dos processos que guiam as decisões dos agentes.