930 resultados para Parameter Estimation, Fractional Dynamical Models, Fractional Predictor-Corrector Method, Hybrid Simplex Search, Particle Swarm Optimization, Competence Induction


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Objectives: Because there is scientific evidence that an appropriate intake of dietary fibre should be part of a healthy diet, given its importance in promoting health, the present study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to evaluate the knowledge of the general population about dietary fibres. Study design: The present study was a cross sectional study. Methods: The methodological study of psychometric validation was conducted with 6010 participants, residing in ten countries from 3 continents. The instrument is a questionnaire of self-response, aimed at collecting information on knowledge about food fibres. For exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was chosen the analysis of the main components using varimax orthogonal rotation and eigenvalues greater than 1. In confirmatory factor analysis by structural equation modelling (SEM) was considered the covariance matrix and adopted the Maximum Likelihood Estimation algorithm for parameter estimation. Results: Exploratory factor analysis retained two factors. The first was called Dietary Fibre and Promotion of Health (DFPH) and included 7 questions that explained 33.94 % of total variance ( = 0.852). The second was named Sources of Dietary Fibre (SDF) and included 4 questions that explained 22.46% of total variance ( = 0.786). The model was tested by SEM giving a final solution with four questions in each factor. This model showed a very good fit in practically all the indexes considered, except for the ratio 2/df. The values of average variance extracted (0.458 and 0.483) demonstrate the existence of convergent validity; the results also prove the existence of discriminant validity of the factors (r2 = 0.028) and finally good internal consistency was confirmed by the values of composite reliability (0.854 and 0.787). Conclusions: This study allowed validating the KADF scale, increasing the degree of confidence in the information obtained through this instrument in this and in future studies.


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This article analyzes the job satisfaction of primary school teachers in Madagascar. Based on the estimation of multilevel models, low wages and problems getting paid, job insecurity, lack of in-service training, high pupil-teacher ratios, and lack of basic infrastructure and teaching materials are identified as the main reasons for dissatisfaction. Principals’ control of teachers’ activities also adversely affects satisfaction, suggesting that, in Malagasy schools, neither school directors nor teachers have succeeded in adopting organizational cultures based on cooperation among their members. These results are likely to stimulate debates on educational policy, both in Madagascar and in many other developing countries.


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We propose a positive, accurate moment closure for linear kinetic transport equations based on a filtered spherical harmonic (FP_N) expansion in the angular variable. The FP_N moment equations are accurate approximations to linear kinetic equations, but they are known to suffer from the occurrence of unphysical, negative particle concentrations. The new positive filtered P_N (FP_N+) closure is developed to address this issue. The FP_N+ closure approximates the kinetic distribution by a spherical harmonic expansion that is non-negative on a finite, predetermined set of quadrature points. With an appropriate numerical PDE solver, the FP_N+ closure generates particle concentrations that are guaranteed to be non-negative. Under an additional, mild regularity assumption, we prove that as the moment order tends to infinity, the FP_N+ approximation converges, in the L2 sense, at the same rate as the FP_N approximation; numerical tests suggest that this assumption may not be necessary. By numerical experiments on the challenging line source benchmark problem, we confirm that the FP_N+ method indeed produces accurate and non-negative solutions. To apply the FP_N+ closure on problems at large temporal-spatial scales, we develop a positive asymptotic preserving (AP) numerical PDE solver. We prove that the propose AP scheme maintains stability and accuracy with standard mesh sizes at large temporal-spatial scales, while, for generic numerical schemes, excessive refinements on temporal-spatial meshes are required. We also show that the proposed scheme preserves positivity of the particle concentration, under some time step restriction. Numerical results confirm that the proposed AP scheme is capable for solving linear transport equations at large temporal-spatial scales, for which a generic scheme could fail. Constrained optimization problems are involved in the formulation of the FP_N+ closure to enforce non-negativity of the FP_N+ approximation on the set of quadrature points. These optimization problems can be written as strictly convex quadratic programs (CQPs) with a large number of inequality constraints. To efficiently solve the CQPs, we propose a constraint-reduced variant of a Mehrotra-predictor-corrector algorithm, with a novel constraint selection rule. We prove that, under appropriate assumptions, the proposed optimization algorithm converges globally to the solution at a locally q-quadratic rate. We test the algorithm on randomly generated problems, and the numerical results indicate that the combination of the proposed algorithm and the constraint selection rule outperforms other compared constraint-reduced algorithms, especially for problems with many more inequality constraints than variables.


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No estudo de séries temporais, os processos estocásticos usuais assumem que as distribuições marginais são contínuas e, em geral, não são adequados para modelar séries de contagem, pois as suas características não lineares colocam alguns problemas estatísticos, principalmente na estimação dos parâmetros. Assim, investigou-se metodologias apropriadas de análise e modelação de séries com distribuições marginais discretas. Neste contexto, Al-Osh and Alzaid (1987) e McKenzie (1988) introduziram na literatura a classe dos modelos autorregressivos com valores inteiros não negativos, os processos INAR. Estes modelos têm sido frequentemente tratados em artigos científicos ao longo das últimas décadas, pois a sua importância nas aplicações em diversas áreas do conhecimento tem despertado um grande interesse no seu estudo. Neste trabalho, após uma breve revisão sobre séries temporais e os métodos clássicos para a sua análise, apresentamos os modelos autorregressivos de valores inteiros não negativos de primeira ordem INAR (1) e a sua extensão para uma ordem p, as suas propriedades e alguns métodos de estimação dos parâmetros nomeadamente, o método de Yule-Walker, o método de Mínimos Quadrados Condicionais (MQC), o método de Máxima Verosimilhança Condicional (MVC) e o método de Quase Máxima Verosimilhança (QMV). Apresentamos também um critério automático de seleção de ordem para modelos INAR, baseado no Critério de Informação de Akaike Corrigido, AICC, um dos critérios usados para determinar a ordem em modelos autorregressivos, AR. Finalmente, apresenta-se uma aplicação da metodologia dos modelos INAR em dados reais de contagem relativos aos setores dos transportes marítimos e atividades de seguros de Cabo Verde.


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Carbon reduction has become one of the most significant challenges for economic growth. This paper presents the preliminary analysis of undesirable output reduction targets and emission schedules in temporal-spatial comparisons based on Data Envelopment Analysis. The reduction targets of undesirable outputs are investigated, including the maximum, input, technical and ideal reduction targets. Four Data Envelopment Analysis models that are based on a sequential benchmark technology and variable returns to scale are introduced to measure these reduction percentages. In order to formulate the optimal emission schedule of undesirable outputs, an optimal model is provided without inflation. Data from the Australian construction industry from 2000 to 2010 are employed to develop the models. The results of the analysis indicate that the Australian Government could achieve its promised carbon reduction targets in the construction industry. Most Australian regions' construction industries possess carbon mitigation potential and some of them could increase their desirable outputs if carbon were decreased. This paper suggests that policymakers can benefit from formulating various suitable undesirable output reduction objectives and schedules through the models developed. The research method can be replicated for other sectors and regions focussing on undesirable output reduction.


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This research develops an econometric framework to analyze time series processes with bounds. The framework is general enough that it can incorporate several different kinds of bounding information that constrain continuous-time stochastic processes between discretely-sampled observations. It applies to situations in which the process is known to remain within an interval between observations, by way of either a known constraint or through the observation of extreme realizations of the process. The main statistical technique employs the theory of maximum likelihood estimation. This approach leads to the development of the asymptotic distribution theory for the estimation of the parameters in bounded diffusion models. The results of this analysis present several implications for empirical research. The advantages are realized in the form of efficiency gains, bias reduction and in the flexibility of model specification. A bias arises in the presence of bounding information that is ignored, while it is mitigated within this framework. An efficiency gain arises, in the sense that the statistical methods make use of conditioning information, as revealed by the bounds. Further, the specification of an econometric model can be uncoupled from the restriction to the bounds, leaving the researcher free to model the process near the bound in a way that avoids bias from misspecification. One byproduct of the improvements in model specification is that the more precise model estimation exposes other sources of misspecification. Some processes reveal themselves to be unlikely candidates for a given diffusion model, once the observations are analyzed in combination with the bounding information. A closer inspection of the theoretical foundation behind diffusion models leads to a more general specification of the model. This approach is used to produce a set of algorithms to make the model computationally feasible and more widely applicable. Finally, the modeling framework is applied to a series of interest rates, which, for several years, have been constrained by the lower bound of zero. The estimates from a series of diffusion models suggest a substantial difference in estimation results between models that ignore bounds and the framework that takes bounding information into consideration.


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Collaborative Anomaly Detection (CAD) is an emerging field of network security in both academia and industry. It has attracted a lot of attention, due to the limitations of traditional fortress-style defense modes. Even though a number of pioneer studies have been conducted in this area, few of them concern about the universality issue. This work focuses on two aspects of it. First, a unified collaborative detection framework is developed based on network virtualization technology. Its purpose is to provide a generic approach that can be applied to designing specific schemes for various application scenarios and objectives. Second, a general behavior perception model is proposed for the unified framework based on hidden Markov random field. Spatial Markovianity is introduced to model the spatial context of distributed network behavior and stochastic interaction among interconnected nodes. Algorithms are derived for parameter estimation, forward prediction, backward smooth, and the normality evaluation of both global network situation and local behavior. Numerical experiments using extensive simulations and several real datasets are presented to validate the proposed solution. Performance-related issues and comparison with related works are discussed.


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This paper estimates Bejarano and Charry (2014)’s small open economy with financial frictions model for the Colombian economy using Bayesian estimation techniques. Additionally, I compute the welfare gains of implementing an optimal response to credit spreads into an augmented Taylor rule. The main result is that a reaction to credit spreads does not imply significant welfare gains unless the economic disturbances increases its volatility, like the disruption implied by a financial crisis. Otherwise its impact over the macroeconomic variables is null.


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La actividad física regular desempeña un papel fundamental en la prevención y control de los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, dentro de la actividad laboral del profesor de educación física. Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue determinar la relación entre los niveles de actividad física y la prevalencia de los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, en profesores de educación física de 42 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá-Colombia. Métodos. Se trata de un estudio de corte transversal en 262 profesores de educación física, de 42 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá - Colombia. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el Cuestionario Nórdico de desórdenes músculos esqueléticos y el Cuestionario IPAQ versión corta para identificar los niveles de actividad física. Se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para variables cuantitativas y frecuencias relativas para variables cualitativas. Se calculó la prevalencia de vida y el porcentaje de reubicación laboral en los docentes que habían padecido diferentes tipo de dolor. Para estimar la relación entre el dolor y las variables sociodemográficas de los docentes, se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística binaria simple. Los análisis fueron realizados en SPSS versión 20 y se consideró como significativo un valor p < 0.05 para el contraste de hipótesis y un nivel de confianza para la estimación de parámetros. Resultados: El porcentaje de respuesta fue del 83.9%, se consideraron válidos 262 registros, 22.5% eran de género femenino, la mayor cantidad de docentes de educación física se encuentraon entre 25 y 35 años (43,9%), frente a los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, el 16.9% de los profesores reporto haberlos sufrido alguna vez molestias en el cuello, el 17,2% en el hombro, 27,9% espalda, 7.93% brazo y en mano el 8.4%. Los profesores con mayores niveles de actividad física, reportaron una prevalencia menor de alteraciones musculo esqueléticas de 16,9 % para cuello; 27.7% para dorsal/lumbar frente a los sujetos con niveles bajos de actividad física. La presencia de los desórdenes se asoció a los años de experiencia (OR 3.39 IC95% 1.41-7.65), a pertenecer al género femenino (OR 4.94 IC95% 1.94-12.59), a la edad (OR 5.06 IC95% 1.25-20.59), y al atender más de 400 estudiantes a cargo dentro de la jornada laboral (OR 4.50 IC95% 1.74-11.62). Conclusiones: En los profesores de Educación Física no sé encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de actividad física y los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos medidos por auto reporte.


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We predict macroscopic fracture related material parameters of fully exfoliated clay/epoxy nano- composites based on their fine scale features. Fracture is modeled by a phase field approach which is implemented as user subroutines UEL and UMAT in the commercial finite element software Abaqus. The phase field model replaces the sharp discontinuities with a scalar damage field representing the diffuse crack topology through controlling the amount of diffusion by a regularization parameter. Two different constitutive models for the matrix and the clay platelets are used; the nonlinear coupled system con- sisting of the equilibrium equation and a diffusion-type equation governing the phase field evolution are solved via a NewtoneRaphson approach. In order to predict the tensile strength and fracture toughness of the clay/epoxy composites we evaluated the J integral for different specimens with varying cracks. The effect of different geometry and material parameters, such as the clay weight ratio (wt.%) and the aspect ratio of clay platelets are studied.


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The main contribution of this paper is decomposition/separation of the compositie induction motors load from measurement at a system bus. In power system transmission buses load is represented by static and dynamic loads. The induction motor is considered as the main dynamic loads and in the practice for major transmission buses there will be many and various induction motors contributing. Particularly at an industrial bus most of the load is dynamic types. Rather than traing to extract models of many machines this paper seeks to identify three groups of induction motors to represent the dynamic loads. Three groups of induction motors used to characterize the load. These are the small groups (4kw to 11kw), the medium groups (15kw to 180kw) and the large groups (above 630kw). At first these groups with different percentage contribution of each group is composite. After that from the composite models, each motor percentage contribution is decomposed by using the least square algorithms. In power system commercial and the residential buses static loads percentage is higher than the dynamic loads percentage. To apply this theory to other types of buses such as residential and commerical it is good practice to represent the total load as a combination of composite motor loads, constant impedence loads and constant power loads. To validate the theory, the 24hrs of Sydney West data is decomposed according to the three groups of motor models.


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In Australia and many other countries worldwide, water used in the manufacture of concrete must be potable. At present, it is currently thought that concrete properties are highly influenced by the water type used and its proportion in the concrete mix, but actually there is little knowledge of the effects of different, alternative water sources used in concrete mix design. Therefore, the identification of the level and nature of contamination in available water sources and their subsequent influence on concrete properties is becoming increasingly important. Of most interest, is the recycled washout water currently used by batch plants as mixing water for concrete. Recycled washout water is the water used onsite for a variety of purposes, including washing of truck agitator bowls, wetting down of aggregate and run off. This report presents current information on the quality of concrete mixing water in terms of mandatory limits and guidelines on impurities as well as investigating the impact of recycled washout water on concrete performance. It also explores new sources of recycled water in terms of their quality and suitability for use in concrete production. The complete recycling of washout water has been considered for use in concrete mixing plants because of the great benefit in terms of reducing the cost of waste disposal cost and environmental conservation. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of using washout water on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. This was carried out by utilizing a 10 week sampling program from three representative sites across South East Queensland. The sample sites chosen represented a cross-section of plant recycling methods, from most effective to least effective. The washout water samples collected from each site were then analysed in accordance with Standards Association of Australia AS/NZS 5667.1 :1998. These tests revealed that, compared with tap water, the washout water was higher in alkalinity, pH, and total dissolved solids content. However, washout water with a total dissolved solids content of less than 6% could be used in the production of concrete with acceptable strength and durability. These results were then interpreted using chemometric techniques of Principal Component Analysis, SIMCA and the Multi-Criteria Decision Making methods PROMETHEE and GAIA were used to rank the samples from cleanest to unclean. It was found that even the simplest purifying processes provided water suitable for the manufacture of concrete form wash out water. These results were compared to a series of alternative water sources. The water sources included treated effluent, sea water and dam water and were subject to the same testing parameters as the reference set. Analysis of these results also found that despite having higher levels of both organic and inorganic properties, the waters complied with the parameter thresholds given in the American Standard Test Method (ASTM) C913-08. All of the alternative sources were found to be suitable sources of water for the manufacture of plain concrete.


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Background Predicting protein subnuclear localization is a challenging problem. Some previous works based on non-sequence information including Gene Ontology annotations and kernel fusion have respective limitations. The aim of this work is twofold: one is to propose a novel individual feature extraction method; another is to develop an ensemble method to improve prediction performance using comprehensive information represented in the form of high dimensional feature vector obtained by 11 feature extraction methods. Methodology/Principal Findings A novel two-stage multiclass support vector machine is proposed to predict protein subnuclear localizations. It only considers those feature extraction methods based on amino acid classifications and physicochemical properties. In order to speed up our system, an automatic search method for the kernel parameter is used. The prediction performance of our method is evaluated on four datasets: Lei dataset, multi-localization dataset, SNL9 dataset and a new independent dataset. The overall accuracy of prediction for 6 localizations on Lei dataset is 75.2% and that for 9 localizations on SNL9 dataset is 72.1% in the leave-one-out cross validation, 71.7% for the multi-localization dataset and 69.8% for the new independent dataset, respectively. Comparisons with those existing methods show that our method performs better for both single-localization and multi-localization proteins and achieves more balanced sensitivities and specificities on large-size and small-size subcellular localizations. The overall accuracy improvements are 4.0% and 4.7% for single-localization proteins and 6.5% for multi-localization proteins. The reliability and stability of our classification model are further confirmed by permutation analysis. Conclusions It can be concluded that our method is effective and valuable for predicting protein subnuclear localizations. A web server has been designed to implement the proposed method. It is freely available at http://bioinformatics.awowshop.com/snlpr​ed_page.php.


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With the rapid growth of information on the Web, the study of information searching has let to an increased interest. Information behaviour (IB) researchers and information systems (IS) developers are continuously exploring user - Web search interactions to understand and to help users to provide assistance with their information searching. In attempting to develop models of IB, several studies have identified various factors that govern user's information searching and information retrieval (IR), such as age, gender, prior knowledge and task complexity. However, how users' contextual factors, such as cognitive styles, affect Web search interactions has not been clearly explained by the current models of Web Searching and IR. This study explores the influence of users' cognitive styles on their Web search behaviour. The main goal of the study is to enhance Web search models with a better understanding of how these cognitive styles affect Web searching. Modelling Web search behaviour with a greater understanding of user's cognitive styles can help information science researchers and IS designers to bridge the semantic gap between the user and the IS. To achieve the aims of the study, a user study with 50 participants was conducted. The study adopted a mixed method approach incorporating several data collection strategies to gather a range of qualitative and quantitative data. The study utilised pre-search and post-search questionnaires to collect the participants' demographic information and their level of satisfaction about the search interactions. Riding's (1991) Cognitive Style Analysis (CSA) test was used to assess the participants' cognitive styles. Participants completed three predesigned search tasks and the whole user - web search interactions, including thinkaloud, were captured using a monitoring program. Data analysis involved several qualitative and quantitative techniques: the quantitative data gave raise to detailed findings about users' Web searching and cognitive styles, the qualitative data enriched the findings with illustrative examples. The study results provide valuable insights into Web searching behaviour among different cognitive style users. The findings of the study extend our understanding of Web search behaviour and how users search information on the Web. Three key study findings emerged: • Users' Web search behaviour was demonstrated through information searching strategies, Web navigation styles, query reformulation behaviour and information processing approaches while performing Web searches. The manner in which these Web search patterns were demonstrated varied among the users with different cognitive style groups. • Users' cognitive styles influenced their information searching strategies, query reformulation behaviour, Web navigational styles and information processing approaches. Users with particular cognitive styles followed certain Web search patterns. • Fundamental relationships were evident between users' cognitive styles and their Web search behaviours; and these relationships can be illustrated through modelling Web search behaviour. Two models that depict the associations between Web search interactions, user characteristics and users' cognitive styles were developed. These models provide a greater understanding of Web search behaviour from the user perspective, particularly how users' cognitive styles influence their Web search behaviour. The significance of this research is twofold: it will provide insights for information science researchers, information system designers, academics, educators, trainers and librarians who want to better understand how users with different cognitive styles perform information searching on the Web; at the same time, it will provide assistance and support to the users. The major outcomes of this study are 1) a comprehensive analysis of how users search the Web; 2) extensive discussion on the implications of the models developed in this study for future work; and 3) a theoretical framework to bridge high-level search models and cognitive models.


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In this paper we define two models of users that require diversity in search results; these models are theoretically grounded in the notion of intrinsic and extrinsic diversity. We then examine Intent-Aware Expected Reciprocal Rank (ERR-IA), one of the official measures used to assess diversity in TREC 2011-12, with respect to the proposed user models. By analyzing ranking preferences as expressed by the user models and those estimated by ERR-IA, we investigate whether ERR-IA assesses document rankings according to the requirements of the diversity retrieval task expressed by the two models. Empirical results demonstrate that ERR-IA neglects query-intents coverage by attributing excessive importance to redundant relevant documents. ERR-IA behavior is contrary to the user models that require measures to first assess diversity through the coverage of intents, and then assess the redundancy of relevant intents. Furthermore, diversity should be considered separately from document relevance and the documents positions in the ranking.