858 resultados para Initiation to teach interns PIBID


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This study has four major purposes. First, it compares school guidance of homeroom teachers in Korea and Finland, in order to understand the reality of education, based on the teachers’ perceptions. Secondly, it also considers the topic within its historical, social, and cultural backgrounds, from a critical standpoint. Thirdly, it investigates the direction of the improvement of school guidance, based on the analysis of similarities and differences between Korea and Finland, with regards to the meaning, practice, and environmental factors of the school guidance. Lastly, the influential factors surrounding the school guidance are noted by analysing empirical data from a microscopic approach, and extending the understanding of it into a social context. As for the methods, it employs thematic analysis approach through 10 homeroom teacher interviews in the lower secondary schools. As a result, firstly, the teachers in both countries assumed similarly, that the role of the teacher was not only to teach the subject, but also to care about every aspects of the students’ development in their school life. In addition, they accepted the fact that school guidance became more significant. However, the school guidance became the top priority for the Korean teachers, while teaching subject is the main task for the Finnish teachers. Secondly, the homeroom teachers in both countries hoped to have a better working environment, to perform school guidance concerning education budget for the resources of school guidance, tight curriculum, and increasing the teachers’ tasks. Thirdly, the school guidance in Korea seemed to be influenced by social expectation and government demand, whereas, the Finnish teachers considered school guidance in more aspects of adjustment and academic motivation, rather than resolving the social problems. Fourthly, the Korean teachers perceived that the trust and respect from the society and home became weakened, also expressing doubts about the educational policies and the attitude of the government with regards to school guidance. On the other hand, the Finnish teachers believed that they were trusted and respected by the society. However, blurred lines in the roles and accountability between the homeroom teachers, home, and the society were also controversial among the teachers in both countries. To sum up, Finland needs to ameliorate the system and conditions for school guidance of the homeroom teachers. The consensus on the role and tasks of Finnish homeroom teachers for school guidance seem to be also necessary. Meanwhile, Korea should improve the social system and social consciousness of the teacher, school guidance, and schooling, preceding the reform of the education system or conditions.


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Mestrado, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, 7 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Abstract: Quantitative Methods (QM) is a compulsory course in the Social Science program in CEGEP. Many QM instructors assign a number of homework exercises to give students the opportunity to practice the statistical methods, which enhances their learning. However, traditional written exercises have two significant disadvantages. The first is that the feedback process is often very slow. The second disadvantage is that written exercises can generate a large amount of correcting for the instructor. WeBWorK is an open-source system that allows instructors to write exercises which students answer online. Although originally designed to write exercises for math and science students, WeBWorK programming allows for the creation of a variety of questions which can be used in the Quantitative Methods course. Because many statistical exercises generate objective and quantitative answers, the system is able to instantly assess students’ responses and tell them whether they are right or wrong. This immediate feedback has been shown to be theoretically conducive to positive learning outcomes. In addition, the system can be set up to allow students to re-try the problem if they got it wrong. This has benefits both in terms of student motivation and reinforcing learning. Through the use of a quasi-experiment, this research project measured and analysed the effects of using WeBWorK exercises in the Quantitative Methods course at Vanier College. Three specific research questions were addressed. First, we looked at whether students who did the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who did written exercises. Second, we looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. Finally, we used a self-report survey to find out what students’ perceptions and opinions were of the WeBWorK and the written exercises. For the first research question, a crossover design was used in order to compare whether the group that did WeBWorK problems during one unit would score significantly higher on that unit test than the other group that did the written problems. We found no significant difference in grades between students who did the WeBWorK exercises and students who did the written exercises. The second research question looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises would get significantly higher grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. The straight-line relationship between number of WeBWorK exercises completed and grades was positive in both groups. However, the correlation coefficients for these two variables showed no real pattern. Our third research question was investigated by using a survey to elicit students’ perceptions and opinions regarding the WeBWorK and written exercises. Students reported no difference in the amount of effort put into completing each type of exercise. Students were also asked to rate each type of exercise along six dimensions and a composite score was calculated. Overall, students gave a significantly higher score to the written exercises, and reported that they found the written exercises were better for understanding the basic statistical concepts and for learning the basic statistical methods. However, when presented with the choice of having only written or only WeBWorK exercises, slightly more students preferred or strongly preferred having only WeBWorK exercises. The results of this research suggest that the advantages of using WeBWorK to teach Quantitative Methods are variable. The WeBWorK system offers immediate feedback, which often seems to motivate students to try again if they do not have the correct answer. However, this does not necessarily translate into better performance on the written tests and on the final exam. What has been learned is that the WeBWorK system can be used by interested instructors to enhance student learning in the Quantitative Methods course. Further research may examine more specifically how this system can be used more effectively.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico


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Children live at a time when the rapid turnover of information and the ongoing changes in the technological, social, cultural, political and economic spheres make it more difficult for teachers to prepare lessons that enhance students’ interest and motivation. There is so much to be learnt outside of the classroom’s four walls that traditional methods of teaching may not be the most effective way to teach today’s learners. When it comes to classes of Portuguese language, teachers are faced with the challenge of teaching culture, literature, grammar and skills such as reading, writing and speaking in a way that involves students as active participants, that is, in a way that engages while also instructing. It means that several strategies need to be adopted, from games to the use of new technologies or, among others, an interdisciplinary approach with maths, (social) sciences and arts, for instance. In an attempt to motivate gifted and talented children that were attending elementary school in a small town near Viseu, in Portugal, The School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu was asked to be part of a project in 2013, in a collaborative partnership that proved successful and that was re-enacted in 2015. It is in light of the above that, in this paper, we aim to: a) describe the support that the School of Education provided to these participants, children who were between six and fourteen, by presenting Portuguese language activities that intended to stimulate creative thinking and artistic production; and b) discuss the results of the project, by analysing the students’ productions across verbal and visual modes (ie. script writing and dubbing an excerpt of an animation film, interviews, news reports, drawings, the creation and recitation of poems…). Future activities are on the table, meaning that the School of Education’s commitment to feeding the students’ creativity has shown promising results. Creativity in Portuguese classes is not a guarantee of success but it certainly is food for thought.


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A popularidade das séries televisivas que abordam as Ciências Forenses (CSI 1 Mentes Criminosas, Casos Arquivados...) permite construir actividades que envolvem os alunos numa exploração científica de modo a que dominem os conceitos e apreciem a natureza da Ciência. Estes recursos educativos aplicam uma abordagem Ciência­ Tecnologia-Sociedade -Pensamento Crítico (CTS-PC) e podem ser explorados segundo uma metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada na Resolução de Problemas (ABRP). Neste trabalho são propostas actividades laboratoriais, a decorrer no contexto formal das aulas da disciplina de Física e Química A (FQ·A), utilizando sensores e a calculadora gráfica. Num contexto não-formal, e baseadas nas técnicas analíticas utilizadas em Ciências Forenses, foram desenvolvidas actividades para um Clube de Ciência ou Laboratórios Abertos, complementadas por um blogue (CSI-Mafra). Estes recursos foram posteriormente partilhados com outros professores de Física e Química, numa acção de formação, proposta pela autora, e cujo objectivo principal foi a diversificação das estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem. O entusiasmo dos alunos na realização das tarefas propostas e os resultados nos questionários de grau de satisfação e de opinião, aplicados a alunos e professores, sugere que as actividades desenvolvidas podem contribuir na motivação dos alunos para o estudo da Física e da Química e promover a literacia científica da comunidade escolar. ABSTRACT; The high popularity between teenagers of the television series that have Forensic Sciences and Criminal lnvestigations as central theme, such as CSI, Dexter, Criminal Minds and Cold Case, can be used to develop learning activities that involves the students into a scientific exploration which aim is leading the students to learn Chemistry and Physics with pleasure, motivation and curiosity. The educational resources developed in this thesis make use of the strategy Science-Technology-Society-Critical Thinking (STS-CP) and can be exploited according the teaching methodology Problem Based Learning (PBL). ln this work we propose a number of laboratory activities that can be used on the classes of the High School course Physic and Chemistry A (FQ-A) and a different set of activities to be used in a non-formal teaching environment, which are based on the analytical techniques used in Forensic Sciences. The non-formal activities were developed as part of the activities of a Science Club and complemented with an interactive blog. The teaching resources developed by us were also used in a professional training course to physics and chemistry teachers aimed to teach how to introduce new teaching­ learning strategies. The enthusiasm of the students shown during the activities and the extremely positive results of the questionnaires, applied to students and teachers after the activities, clearly indicates that the learning resources developed in this thesis contribute to the student's motivation to learn Physic and Chemistry and to promote the scientific Iiteracy of the scholar community.


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O ensino bilingue torna-se cada vez mais relevante no contexto Europeu. O Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) apresenta-se como uma metodologia importante como podemos observar no European Profile for Language Teacher Education. Após realizar uma revisão de literatura cujo conteúdo versa sobretudo acerca os princípios orientados pelos preconizadores desta abordagem metodológica, nomeadamente Coyle (2010), Marsh (2010), Mehisto (2008), entre outros, e no sentido de tentarmos aferir a sua viabilidade, realizámos um Projeto de Investigação no qual implementámos esta abordagem pedagógica, ensinando a disciplina de ciências a grupo de alunos do Pré-escolar. Assim, neste estudo de caso, com contornos da metodologia de investigação-ação, tivemos como principal objetivo verificar a aplicabilidade do CLIL na Educação Préescolar. Com a implementação deste projeto, conseguimos perceber que a metodologia CLIL é uma abordagem metodológica eficaz, sendo que, nos permitiu concluir que mesmo na Educação Pré-escolar é possível ensinarmos uma disciplina através de uma segunda língua.


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El propósito de este artículo es práctico: enseñar al usuario de Winisis a reformatear las bases de datos diseñadas e implementadas en cualquier formato, normalizado o no, convirtiéndolas al formato de interés de la unidad de información.Winisis es un paquete que permite utilizar cualquier nomenclatura en la definición de las etiquetas que identifican los campos. Este aspecto es una ventaja y una desventaja porque permite libertad en la selección del formato a utilizar, pero, se generan una gran diversidad de formatos en las unidades de información, dificultando la compatibilidad en los sistemas automatizados de catalogación, la normalización y la transferencia efectiva de la información entre unidades de información.Algunos problemas que enfrentan los bibliotecólogos en su trabajo cotidiano al normalizar la información son por ejemplo:a) la diversidad de bases de datos sin normalización, b) la variación entre formatos, c) los diferentes números, etiquetas y nombres de los campos que integran las bases de datos, e incluso bases de datos creadas con diferentes versiones de Microisis; d) un catálogo automatizado en un formato sin normalización; e) para la participación en una red y exige la reconversión del catálogo al formato común de la red. En algunos casos se ha optado por digitar de nuevo la información en el nuevo formato, sin embargo, ante esta situación, Microisis y Winisis dispone de un recurso denominado "Tabla de Selección de Campos para reformateo".


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O presente relatório surge no âmbito da unidade curricular de Integração Curricular: Prática Educativa e Relatório de Estágio, inserida no plano de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este documento valida a obtenção do grau mestre, habilitando para a docência em 1.º e 2.º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste sentido, apresenta o percurso individual de formação, com opções fundamentadas e em contexto, articuladas entre os saberes teóricos e os saberes práticos construídos e aplicados ao longo da formação académica da mestranda. No desenvolvimento da Prática Educativa, a metodologia de investigação-ação foi a base de todo o trabalho desenvolvido pela professora estagiária. O seu processo cíclico faseado em quatro fases: observação, planificação, ação e reflexão, permitiu a construção de conhecimentos sólidos que sustentam a prática docente. A par desta metodologia, a supervisão pedagógica assenta num momento importante e insubstituível de aprendizagem na formação docente, uma vez que motiva à reflexão partilhada. A reflexão em colaboração com o par pedagógico, com os orientadores cooperantes e com os supervisores institucionais permite a partilha de saberes e de vivências com o objetivo de modificar e melhorar práticas de ensino. O rumo deste Relatório de Estágio desencadeia, ainda a reflexão crítica sobre todas instâncias da escola e da comunidade educativa, através da implementação de projetos contextualizados, que leva ao desenvolvimento de um processo ativo na construção pessoal, profissional e social do profissional de educação.


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This paper presents the results of a study conducted among pre-service home economics teachers from the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana with different levels of practical experience in teaching. The pre-service Home Economics teachers in the 3rd year of their studies had just completed their first class of teaching experience in contrast to the pre-service teachers from the 4th year of their faculty studies, who had conducted more teaching lessons. The results showed that the 4th-year pre-service teachers had fewer doubts and problems concerning the planning and conducting of a lesson. They also statistically significantly agreed that they are sufficiently prepared to teach than the 3rd-year pre-service teachers are. The results showed that the majority of the pre-service teachers agreed that the feedback from their colleagues was helpful for their professional development. The results suggest the importance of practical teaching experience in the context of professional development and the intention to continue a career in education. However, the results also revealed some critical points in the teacher’s development of competency. The results suggest problems related to the application of theoretical knowledge on the children’s development in practice and pro problems related to classroom management in specific situations. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2015.


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Nuestro Boletín No. 4 presenta a Uds. un artículo extenso sobre recuperación de información en forma automatizada.La presentación de dicho artículo coincide con un acontecimiento importante en el campo de la información documental: la inauguración del primer banco de datos para recuperación de información en línea en la Universidad Nacional. Este banco de datos es el primero de una serie que se construirán en el Centro de Documentación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, a partir de los cuales se pretende que la investigación que se realiza dé un salto cualitativo. A su vez la Unidad de Bibliotecología usará una terminal para enseñar a los estudiantes, mediante una metodología que no tiene precedentes en el país.


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The electric bass and double bass are two different instruments sharing a common function: they link harmony with rhythm, especially when talking about jazz music. The capacity of a bassist to fully support an ensemble is something that can be achieved individually playing electric or double bass. However there are some bassists who, despite of the technical differences between these two instruments, choose to play both. Some of these performers are true masters using and switching electric and double bass according to the different musical settings. It is possible to define similarities and differences between the electric and double bass, but is it viable to use similar approaches too? In order to investigate this field, I focus my research on one exemplar player who combines all the qualities needed to both play electric than double bass: John Patitucci, an inspiration for bassists of all generations and a musician who synthesizes all the fundamental characteristics of an ideal bass player. This dissertation is inspired by Patitucci’s example and by the urge to fill a gap in the specialized literature concerning the history and application of different left and right hand techniques on the electric and double bass. The main purpose of this study is to create the backbone of a bass program for teaching both instruments using John Patitucci as example. His technical approach on both instruments and his soloing vocabulary are points of departure of this dissertation. I begin my study with the historical origins of Patitucci’s techniques ending with the development of exercises created in order to teach his techniques and vocabulary to those who aspire to play electric and double bass; RESUMO: Baixo elétrico e contrabaixo, dois instrumentos distintos que partilham uma função comum: a possibilidade de produzir um conjunto de notas capazes de interligar uma grelha harmonia a uma base rítmica, criando uma coesão estética e musical, sobretudo na música jazz. A capacidade de um baixista de conseguir alcançar de forma eficiente esta ligação como sólido suporte para um “ensemble” musical está na base de uma sua eventual afirmação profissional. Há músicos que apesar das diferencias técnicas entre estes dois instrumentos, decidiram tocar ambos; alguns deles conseguiram destacarse, usando e trocando o baixo elétrico e o contrabaixo para servir melhor diferentes situações musicais. O contrabaixo e baixo elétrico têm características em comum mas ao mesmo tempo diferem por apresentar algumas diferenças técnica substanciais; será por isso possível abordar, explorar e aprender ambos utilizando uma mesma base metodológica? Com o intuito de explorar esta possibilidade direcionei a minha pesquisa para o estudo de um músico que no curso da sua longa carreira consegui grande destaque em quanto baixista elétrico e contrabaixista. John Patitucci é a síntese desta tipologia de músico, sendo uma fonte de inspiração para baixistas de todas as gerações. Esta dissertação é inspirada no seu exemplo e no desejo de colmatar o vazio presente na literatura musical comum aos dois instrumentos sobre a história e aplicação das técnicas da mão esquerda e direita. O foco principal é a criação de uma base sólida para o futuro desenvolvimento de um programa de ensino comum para o baixo eléctrico e o contrabaixo, utilizando o vocabulário técnico e improvisativo de Patitucci como ponto de partida. A dissertação aborda as origens históricas das técnicas utilizadas por Patitucci desenvolvendo, numa fase sucessiva, exercícios criados com a função de ensinar as suas técnicas aos que desejarem aprofundar a prática do baixo elétrico e do contrabaixo.


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A aprendizagem em rede e as potencialidades do software social trouxeram novos e estimulantes desafios para os sistemas educativos e para os seus profissionais. Um dos principais desafios prende-se com a necessidade de conceber uma “nova” didática para a docência na web social que deve basear-se não só nos conhecimentos científico, tecnológico, curricular e pedagógico, mas também num conhecimento científico e pedagógico da tecnologia que permita planear, conceber e utilizar as redes sociais, como o Facebook, no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de forma eficaz. Assim, e perante esta realidade, neste estudo exploratório procurámos perceber em que medida a utilização do Facebook no processo de ensino-aprendizagem permite a promoção de competências de aprendizagem de estudantes de cursos pós-graduados, a nível da capacidade para aprender, da iniciativa e da autonomia. Os resultados sugerem que os estudantes aceitam o Facebook como um novo contexto para a aprendizagem, que não impede a reflexão crítica sobre os conceitos e as temáticas apresentadas para trabalho, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de comunidades de aprendizagem desde que exista uma intencionalidade educativa explícita.