903 resultados para Digestione anaerobica, VFA, P y-AD, PHA


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Enhancement of oligodendrocyte survival through activation of leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR) signaling is a candidate therapeutic strategy for demyelinating disease. However, in other cell types, LIFR signaling is under tight negative regulation by the intracellular protein suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3). We, therefore, postulated that deletion of the SOCS3 gene in oligodendrocytes would promote the beneficial effects of LIFR signaling in limiting demyelination. By studying wild-type and LIF-knockout mice, we established that SOCS3 expression by oligodendrocytes was induced by the demyelinative insult, that this induction depended on LIF, and that enclogenously produced LIF was likely to be a key determinant of the CNS response to oligodendrocyte loss. Compared with wild-type controls, oligo-dendrocyte-specific SOCS3 conditional-knockout mice displayed enhanced c-fos activation and exogenous LIF-induced phosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3. Moreover, these SOCS3-deficient mice were protected against cupri-zone-induced oligodendrocyte loss relative to wild-type animals. These results indicate that modulation of SOCS3 expression could facilitate the endogenous response to CNS injury.


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A new steroidal saponin, shatavarin V, (3-O-{[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosy](1-2)][beta-D-glucopyranosyl(1 -> 4)]-beta-D-glucopyranosyl}-(25S)-5 beta-spirostan-3 beta-ol), was isolated from the roots of Asparagus racemosus by RP-HPLC, and its structure determined by 1D and 2D NMR studies. This data permits clarification of the structures reported for several known saponins: asparinins A and B; asparosides A and B; curillin H; curillosides G and H and shavatarins I and IV. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A prática do ioga tem se tornado cada vez mais popular, não apenas pelos benefícios físicos, mas principalmente pelo bem-estar psicológico trazido pela sua prática. Um dos componentes do ioga é o Prãnãyama, ou controle da respiração. A atenção e a respiração são dois mecanismos fisiológicos e involuntários requeridos para a execução do Prãnãyama. O principal objetivo desse estudo foi verificar se variáveis contínuas do EEG (potência de diferentes faixas que o compõem) seriam moduladas pelo controle respiratório, comparando-se separadamente as duas fases do ciclo respiratório (inspiração e expiração), na situação de respiração espontânea e controlada. Fizeram parte do estudo 19 sujeitos (7 homens/12 mulheres, idade média de 36,89 e DP = ± 14,46) que foram convidados a participar da pesquisa nas dependências da Faculdade de Saúde da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Para o registro do eletroencefalograma foi utilizado um sistema de posicionamento de cinco eletrodos Ag AgCl (FPz, Fz, Cz, Pz e Oz) fixados a uma touca de posicionamento rápido (Quick-Cap, Neuromedical Supplies®), em sistema 10-20. Foram obtidos valores de máxima amplitude de potência (espectro de potência no domínio da frequência) nas frequências teta, alfa e beta e delta e calculada a razão teta/beta nas diferentes fases do ciclo respiratório (inspiração e expiração), separadamente, nas condições de respiração espontânea e de controle respiratório. Para o registro do ciclo respiratório, foi utilizada uma cinta de esforço respiratório M01 (Pletismógrafo). Os resultados mostram diferenças significativas entre as condições de respiração espontânea e de controle com valores das médias da razão teta/beta menores na respiração controlada do que na respiração espontânea e valores de média da potência alfa sempre maiores no controle respiratório. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas na comparação entre inspiração e expiração da respiração controlada com diminuição dos valores das médias da razão teta/beta na inspiração e aumento nos valores das médias da potência alfa, sobretudo na expiração. Os achados deste estudo trazem evidências de que o controle respiratório modula variáveis eletrofisiológicas relativas à atenção refletindo um estado de alerta, porém mais relaxado do que na situação de respiração espontânea.


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Studies have shown that the brand “owner” is very influential in positioning the brand and when the brand “owner” ceases his or her active role the brand will be perceived differently by the consumers. Balance Theory (HBT), a cognitive psychological theory, studies the triadic relationships between two persons and an entity and predicts that when a person’s original perception of the relationship is disturbed, the person restructures to a new balanced perception. Consequently, this research was undertaken to: conceptualize the brand owner’s impact on consumer’s brand perception; test the applicability of both the static and dynamic predictions of the Heider’s Balance Theory in brand owner-consumer-brand relation (OCB); construct and test a model of brand owner-consumer-brand relation; and examine if personality has an influence on OCB. A discovery-oriented approach was taken to understand the selected market segment, the ready-to-wear and diffusion lines of international designer labels. Chinese Brand Personality Scale, fashion proneness and hedonic and utilitarian shopping scales were developed, and validated. 51 customers were surveyed. Both traditional and extended methods used in the Balance Theory were employed in this study. Responses to liked brand have been used to test and develop the model, while those for disliked brand were used for test and confirmation. A “what if’ experimental approach was employed to test the applicability of dynamic HBT theory in OCB Model. The hypothesized OCB Model has been tested and validated. Consumers have been found to have separate views on the brand and the brand owner; and their responses to contrasting ethical and non-ethical news of the brand owner are different. Personality has been found to have an influence and two personality adapted models have been tested and validated. The actual results go beyond the prediction of the Balance Theory. Dominant triple positive balance mode, dominant negative balance mode, and mode of extreme antipathy have been found. It has been found that not all balanced modes are good for the brand. Contrary to Heider’s findings, simply liking may not necessarily lead to unit relation in the OCB Model.


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* The author was supported by NSF Grant No. DMS 9706883.


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Funding • The pooled data coordination team (PBoffetta, MH, YCAL) were supported by National Cancer Institute grant R03CA113157 and by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research grant R03DE016611 • The Milan study (CLV) was supported by the Italian Association for Research on Cancer (Grant no. 10068). • The Aviano study (LDM) was supported by a grant from the Italian Association for Research on Cancer (AIRC), Italian League Against Cancer and Italian Ministry of Research • The Italy Multicenter study (DS) was supported by the Italian Association for Research on Cancer (AIRC), Italian League Against Cancer and Italian Ministry of Research. • The Study from Switzerland (FL) was supported by the Swiss League against Cancer and the Swiss Research against Cancer/Oncosuisse [KFS-700, OCS-1633]. • The central Europe study (PBoffetta, PBrenan, EF, JL, DM, PR, OS, NS-D) was supported by the World Cancer Research Fund and the European Commission INCOCOPERNICUS Program [Contract No. IC15- CT98-0332] • The New York multicentre study (JM) was supported by a grant from National Institute of Health [P01CA068384 K07CA104231]. • The study from the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center from Seattle (CC, SMS) was supported by a National Institute of Health grant [R01CA048996, R01DE012609]. • The Iowa study (ES) was supported by National Instituteof Health [NIDCR R01DE011979, NIDCR R01DE013110, FIRCA TW001500] and Veterans Affairs Merit Review Funds. • The North Carolina studies (AFO) were supported by National Institute of Health [R01CA061188], and in part by a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [P30ES010126]. • The Tampa study (PLazarus, JM) was supported by National Institute of Health grants [P01CA068384, K07CA104231, R01DE013158] • The Los Angeles study (Z-F Z, HM) was supported by grants from National Institute of Health [P50CA090388, R01DA011386, R03CA077954, T32CA009142, U01CA096134, R21ES011667] and the Alper Research Program for Environmental Genomics of the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. • The Houston study (EMS, GL) was supported by a grant from National Institute of Health [R01ES011740, R01CA100264]. • The Puerto Rico study (RBH, MPP) was supported by a grant from National Institutes of Health (NCI) US and NIDCR intramural programs. • The Latin America study (PBoffetta, PBrenan, MV, LF, MPC, AM, AWD, SK, VW-F) was supported by Fondo para la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (FONCYT) Argentina, IMIM (Barcelona), Fundaco de Amparo a‘ Pesquisa no Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [No 01/01768-2], and European Commission [IC18-CT97-0222] • The IARC multicentre study (SF, RH, XC) was supported by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) of the Spanish Government [FIS 97/ 0024, FIS 97/0662, BAE 01/5013], International Union Against Cancer (UICC), and Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grant. • The Boston study (KKelsey, MMcC) was supported by a grant from National Institute of Health [R01CA078609, R01CA100679]. • The Rome study (SB, GC) was supported by AIRC (Italian Agency for Research on Cancer). • The US multicentre study (BW) was supported by The Intramural Program of the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, United States. • The Sao Paolo study (V W-F) was supported by Fundacao de Ampara a Pesquisa no Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP No 10/51168-0) • The MSKCC study (SS, G-P Y) was supported by a grant from National Institute of Health [R01CA051845]. • The Seattle-Leo stud (FV) was supported by a grant from National Institute of Health [R01CA030022] • The western Europe Study (PBoffetta, IH, WA, PLagiou, DS, LS, FM, CH, KKjaerheim, DC, TMc, PT, AA, AZ) was supported by European Community (5th Frame work Programme) grant no QLK1-CT-2001- 00182. • The Germany Heidelberg study (HR) was supported by the grant No. 01GB9702/3 from the German Ministry of Education and Research.


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<p>Terrestrial ecosystems, occupying more than 25% of the Earth's surface, can serve asp><p>`biological valves' in regulating the anthropogenic emissions of atmospheric aerosolp><p>particles and greenhouse gases (GHGs) as responses to their surrounding environments.p><p>While the signicance of quantifying the exchange rates of GHGs and atmosphericp><p>aerosol particles between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere isp><p>hardly questioned in many scientic elds, the progress in improving model predictability,p><p>data interpretation or the combination of the two remains impeded byp><p>the lack of precise framework elucidating their dynamic transport processes over ap><p>wide range of spatiotemporal scales. The diculty in developing prognostic modelingp><p>tools to quantify the source or sink strength of these atmospheric substancesp><p>can be further magnied by the fact that the climate system is also sensitive to thep><p>feedback from terrestrial ecosystems forming the so-called `feedback cycle'. Hence,p><p>the emergent need is to reduce uncertainties when assessing this complex and dynamicp><p>feedback cycle that is necessary to support the decisions of mitigation andp><p>adaptation policies associated with human activities (e.g., anthropogenic emissionp><p>controls and land use managements) under current and future climate regimes.p><p>With the goal to improve the predictions for the biosphere-atmosphere exchangep><p>of biologically active gases and atmospheric aerosol particles, the main focus of thisp><p>dissertation is on revising and up-scaling the biotic and abiotic transport processesp><p>from leaf to canopy scales. The validity of previous modeling studies in determiningp><p>ivp><p>the exchange rate of gases and particles is evaluated with detailed descriptions of theirp><p>limitations. Mechanistic-based modeling approaches along with empirical studiesp><p>across dierent scales are employed to rene the mathematical descriptions of surfacep><p>conductance responsible for gas and particle exchanges as commonly adopted by allp><p>operational models. Specically, how variation in horizontal leaf area density withinp><p>the vegetated medium, leaf size and leaf microroughness impact the aerodynamic attributesp><p>and thereby the ultrane particle collection eciency at the leaf/branch scalep><p>is explored using wind tunnel experiments with interpretations by a porous mediap><p>model and a scaling analysis. A multi-layered and size-resolved second-order closurep><p>model combined with particle p><p>uxes and concentration measurements within andp><p>above a forest is used to explore the particle transport processes within the canopyp><p>sub-layer and the partitioning of particle deposition onto canopy medium and forestp><p>oor. For gases, a modeling framework accounting for the leaf-level boundary layerp><p>eects on the stomatal pathway for gas exchange is proposed and combined with sapp><p>ux measurements in a wind tunnel to assess how leaf-level transpiration varies withp><p>increasing wind speed. How exogenous environmental conditions and endogenousp><p>soil-root-stem-leaf hydraulic and eco-physiological properties impact the above- andp><p>below-ground water dynamics in the soil-plant system and shape plant responsesp><p>to droughts is assessed by a porous media model that accommodates the transientp><p>water p><p>ow within the plant vascular system and is coupled with the aforementionedp><p>leaf-level gas exchange model and soil-root interaction model. It should be notedp><p>that tackling all aspects of potential issues causing uncertainties in forecasting thep><p>feedback cycle between terrestrial ecosystem and the climate is unrealistic in a singlep><p>dissertation but further research questions and opportunities based on the foundationp><p>derived from this dissertation are also briep><p>y discussed.p>


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Several landforms found in the fold-and-thrust belt area of Central Precordillera, Pre-Andes of Argentina, which were often associated with tectonic efforts, are in fact related to non-tectonic processes or gravitational superficial structures. These second-order structures, interpreted as gravitational collapse structures, have developed in the western flank of sierras de La Dehesa and Talacasto. These include rock-slides, rock falls, wrinkle folds, slip sheets and flaps, among others; which together constitute a monoclinal fold dipping between 30º and 60º to the west. Gravity collapse structures are parallel to the regional strike of the Sierra de la Dehesa and are placed in Ordovician limestones and dolomites. Their sloping towards the west, the presence of bed planes, fractures and joints; and the lithology (limestone interbedded with incompetent argillaceous banks) would have favored their occurrence. Movement of the detached structures has been controlled by lithology characteristics, as well as by bedding and joints. Detachment and initial transport of gravity collapse structures and rockslides in the western flank of the Sierra de la Dehesa were tightly controlled by three structural elements: 1) sliding surfaces developed on parallel bedded strata when dipping >30° in the slope direction; 2) Joint’s sets constitute lateral and transverse traction cracks which release extensional stresses and 3) Discontinuities fragmenting sliding surfaces.  Some other factors that could be characterized as local (lithology, structure and topography) and as regional (high seismic activity and possibly wetter conditions during the postglacial period) were determining in favoring the steady loss of the western mountain side in the easternmost foothills of Central Precordillera.


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Currently, there is increasing use of nanomaterials in the food industry thanks to the many advantages offered and make the products that contain them more competitive in the market. Their physicochemical properties often differ from those of bulk materials, which require specialized risk assessment. This should cover the risks to the health of workers and consumers as well as possible environmental risks. The risk assessment methods must go updating due to more widespread use of nanomaterials, especially now that are making their way down to consumer products. Today there is no specific legislation for nanomaterials, but there are several european dispositions and regulations that include them. This review gives an overview of the risk assessment and the existing current legislation regarding the use of nanotechnology in the food industry.


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This paper describes and analyses the Audiovisual Technology Hub Programme (Programa Polos Audiovisuales Tecnológicos - PPAT), which has been implemented in Argentina between 2010 and 2015 as part of the public policy of former administration of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. The main goal was to promote a television industry that reflects the cultural diversity of Argentina by dividing the national territory in nine into nine audiovisual technology hubs, where national public universities acted as centres that gathered a range of regional stakeholders. Considering the 18 TV seasons that were produced for television between 2013 and 2014, the text analyses the diversity of sources and genres / subgenres and its restricted marketing. The article closes with a brief set of conclusions about this initiative.


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This article presents a methodological proposition to map the diversity of the audiovisual industry in the digital scenario by portraying the most important interactions between those who create, produce, distribute and disseminate audiovisual productions on line, paying special attention to powerful intermediaries and to small and medium independent agents. Taking as a point of departure a flexible understanding of social network analysis, the aim is to understand the structure of the audiovisual industry on the internet so that, taking into consideration a given sector, agents, their relations and the networks they give place to – as well as the structural conditions under which they operate – are studied. The aim is to answer questions such as: what is mapping, what is of interesting to map, how can it be done and what advantages and disadvantages the results will present.