861 resultados para Competitive advantage period


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Supply chains have become an important focus for competitive advantage. The performance of a company increasingly depends on its ability to maintain effective and efficient relationships with its suppliers and customers. The extended enterprise (i.e. composed of several partners) needs to be dynamically formed in order to be agile and adaptable. According to the Digital Manufacturing paradigm, companies have to be able to quickly share and disseminate information regarding planning, designing and manufacturing of products. Additionally, they must be responsive to all technical and business determinants, as well as be assessed and certified for guaranteed performance. The current research intends to present a solution for the dynamic composition of the extended enterprise, formed to take advantage of market opportunities quickly and efficiently. A construction model was developed. This construction model consists of: information model, protocol model and process model. The information model has been defined based on the concepts of Supply Chain Operations Reference model (SCOR®). In this model is defined information for negotiating the participation of candidate companies in the dynamic establishment of a network for responding to a given demand for developing and manufacturing products, in seven steps as follows: request for information; request for qualification; alignment of strategy; request for proposal; request for quotation; compatibility of process; and compatibility of system. The protocol model has been elaborated and inspired in the OSI, this model provides a framework for linking customers and suppliers, indicates a sequence to be followed, in order to selecte companies to become suppliers. The process model has been implemented by means of process modeling according to the BPMN standard and, in turn, implemented as a web-based application that runs the process through its several steps, which uses forms to gather data. An application example in the context of the oil and gas industry is used for demonstrating the solution concept.


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Nos últimos anos têm surgido vários debates e estudos sobre a importância do conhecimento. As organizações consideram a Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) uma vantagem competitiva, capaz de gerar riqueza e poder. Para tal necessitam de desenvolver mecanismos e de ter pessoas com capacidade de criar, compartilhar e disseminar conhecimentos na organização. As Tecnologias de Informação e os Sistemas de Informação são uma ferramenta de grande impacto na GC, pois assumem um papel importante no sucesso e na renovação dos conhecimentos. A partir do Modelo de GC desenvolvido por Nonaka e Takeuchi, o Modelo Metavisão, e as técnicas de Business lntelligence, elaborou-se um Modelo de Gestão do conhecimento para a Unidade de Saúde. Com este modelo pretende-se obter beneficies, que passam pelo desenvolvimento de mecanismos de comunicação interna, formação e melhorias no processo de tomada de decisão. ABSTRACT; During the last years, debates and studies have arisen in relation to the importance of knowledge. The organizations consider Knowledge Management a competitive advantage, capable of generating wealth and power. Therefore, new mechanisms have to be developed in the organizations and employ people with capacity to create, share and disseminate knowledge. The information and Communication Technology is an important tool and has a great impact on Knowledge Management because it assumes an important role in the success and the renovation of knowledge. The Model of Knowledge Management developed by Nonaka and Takeuchi, the "Metavision" Model and the techniques of Business intelligence were the starting point to elaborate a Model of Knowledge Management for a Health Unit. With this model we aim to obtain benefits, such as development of mechanisms of internal communication, training plans and improvement during the process of decision making.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 15 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Neste artigo estuda-se o comportamento de 12 empresas inovadoras do Sector dos Moldes em Portugal. Determina-se onde e como as empresas inovadoras do sector dos moldes nacional, adquirem o conhecimento necessário para a realização das suas inovações, isto é, se apenas internamente e/ou se externamente através de redes de inovação, determinando quais os principais elementos que constituem as redes de inovação, bem como qual o seu desempenho, como impulsionadores da inovação. Este trabalho procura, assim, estudar a relação entre inovação e as ligações que são estabelecidas entre as empresas do Sector dos Moldes e outras empresas (clientes, fornecedores, concorrentes), bem como com instituições académicas (universidades e institutos superiores) e instituições do sector público (laboratórios, centros tecnológicos e de formação). Consequentemente, com este trabalho de investigação, é possível constatar que são fortes e consistentes as ligações que estas empresas têm com outras empresas, sejam elas clientes, fornecedores ou mesmo concorrentes, mas são extremamente fracas e por vezes inexistentes as relações que existem com as instituições académicas e que as empresas mais inovadoras são as que mais se relacionam com as instituições académicas e instituições do sector público. Podendo-se concluir, que a grande vantagem competitiva deste sector da indústria nacional deve-se à sua forte capacidade de se relacionar com outros parceiros, independentemente da sua posição na cadeia de valor.


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Pela importância atual – e crescente – que o vinho tem na economia portuguesa, pela margem existente para a apresentação de temas de reflexão que acrescentem valor ao posicionamento do setor, pela experiência pessoal e paixão pela área, decidi elaborar a minha dissertação numa temática enquadrável no setor do vinho, em particular no vinho Alvarinho proveniente do terroir que representa a Denominação de Origem Vinho Verde Sub-região de Monção e Melgaço. A estrutura deste estudo assenta em duas dimensões: a primeira, numa perspetiva local, assente na recente decisão de alargar a Denominação Origem Vinho Verde Alvarinho a todas as sub-regiões que integram a Região dos Vinhos Verdes, com efeitos em 2021. Pelo que se procurará mostrar a importância da relação desta casta com o seu terroir de origem e, perante esta interligação, qual o fator mais importante a utilizar na comunicação do vinho. A segunda prende-se com a dimensão internacional que se pretende para o Alvarinho no mercado dos grandes vinhos brancos mundiais, onde encontramos castas brancas de renome como a Chardonnay e a Riesling, face a esta exposição e à crescente aposta na casta a nível mundial, como agir perante a potencial ameaça que representa a entrada dos países do “Novo Mundo”. Posto isto, é neste contexto que se coloca a questão que está na génese desta dissertação: de que forma o terroir contribui como fator de diferenciação e de vantagem competitiva do Alvarinho produzido na Denominação de Origem Vinho Verde Sub-região Monção e Melgaço no mercado dos grandes vinhos brancos mundiais? Cuja resposta poderá em grande parte estar, no meu entendimento, na análise de um caso de sucesso, que nesta dissertação é representada pelo trabalho realizado em torno do Rieseling produzido no Vale de Mosel e que contribuiu para que este tivesse conquistado a sua reputação.


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Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tarkoituksena on perehtyä suomalaisen rakennusyhtiön toimittajayhteistyön nykytilaan, yhteistyön tiivistämiseen liittyviin mahdollisuuksiin ja haasteisiin sekä toimittajakannan segmentointiin. Työ pyrkii antamaan kokonaiskuvan yrityksen yhteistyösuhteiden tilasta sekä muodostamaan näkemyksiä mahdollisista ongelmakohdista. Näin ollen pyritään tarjoamaan yritykselle myös mahdollisuus tarttua toimittajasuhteisiin liittyviin asioihin, jotka eivät ole vielä yrityksen haluamalla tasolla. Tutkimuksen tulokset perustuvat aikaisemmista tutkimuksista muodostuvaan teoriaosuuteen sekä haastatteluiden avulla kerättyyn empiriaosioon. Haastattelut on suoritettu puolistrukturoituina ja materiaali on analysoitu teemoittelua hyödyntäen. Tutkimus osoitti, että kehittämällä toimittajasuhteita oikeanlaisten toimittajien kanssa, on yrityksen mahdollista saavuttaa paljon kaivattua kilpailuetua. Hyötyjen tavoitteleminen ei kuitenkaan ole ongelmatonta projektiluontoisella rakennusalalla, jossa toimittajasuhteista on haastavaakehittää jatkuvia suhteita vaihtuvien projektien vuoksi. Kohdeyrityksessä pyritään jo nyt hyödyntämään toimittajayhteistyöstä kumpuavia etuja, mutta paljon on vielä tekemättä. Nykyään hinta vaikuttaa vielä liikaa toimittajavalintaan, yhteistyön kehittämiselle ei ole olemassa tunnettua järjestelmää ja yhteistyösuhteiden merkitystä tulisi läpi organisaation painottaa vahvemmin. Yrityksen henkilöstö tiedostaa haasteet, joita yhteistyösuhteiden kehittämiseen liittyy, mutta yleinen mielipide on kuitenkin se, että toimittajasuhteiden kehittäminen on kannattavaa haasteellisuudesta huolimatta. Tulevaisuudessa yrityksen kannattaa yhä vahvemmin lähteä tavoittelemaan yhteistyösuhteita kehittämällä saavutettavissa olevia kilpailullisia etuja, koska osaamista ja resursseja siihen löytyy. Ennen kehittämisprosessia johdon kannattaa kuitenkin kiinnittää huomiota tutkimuksessa ilmenneisiin eriäviin mielipiteisiin muun muassa henkilösuhteiden vaikutuksesta ja organisaatiotason ymmärryksestä, jotta toimittajayhteistyön hyödyt saadaan realisoitumaan halutulla tavalla.


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This work has as its main purpose to investigate the contribution of supply chain management in order to obtain competitive advantage by companies from the textile industry and from Ceará footwear industry, focusing its analysis mainly in the interorganizational relations (dyadic). For this, the theoretical referential contemplates different explanatory streams of the competitive advantage, detaching the relational perception of the resources theory, as well as, the main presuppositions of the supply chain management which culminates with the development of an analysis sample that runs the empirical study; the one which considers an expanded purpose of the supply chain which includes the government and the abetment institutions as institutional environment representatives. Besides supply chain management consideration as a competitive advantage source, the work also tried to identify other possible competitive advantage sources for the companies of the investigated sectors. It represents a study of multiple interpretive cases, having four cases as a total; meaning two cases in each one of the sectors, which used as a primary data collecting instrument a semi-structured interview schedule. Different methods were used for the data analysis, the content analysis and the constant comparison methods, the analytical procedure originated from the grounded theory research strategy, which were applied the Atlas/ti software recourse. Considering the theoretical referential and the used analysis sample, four basic categories of the work were defined, including its respective proprieties and dimensions: (1) characteristics concerning to the relationship with the supplier; (2) the company relations with the government; (3) the company relations with the abetment institutions and; (4) obtaining sources of competitive advantage. In general, the applied research in the footwear sector revealed that in the relationships of the researched companies related to its suppliers, there is a predominance of the partnership system and the main presuppositions of the supply chain management are applied which contributes for the acquisition of the relational competitive advantage; while in the textile sector, only some of these presuppositions are applied, with little contribution for the relational competitive advantage. The main resource which was accessed by the companies in both sectors through its relationships with the government and the abetment institutions are the tax incentives which, for the footwear companies, contribute for the acquisition of the temporary competitive advantage in relation to the contestants who do not own productive installations in the Northeast region, it also conducts to a competitive parity situation in relation to the contestants who own productive installations in the Northeast region and to the external market contestants; while for the companies of the textile sector, the tax incentives run the companies to a competitive parity situation in relation to its contestants. Furthermore, the investigated companies from the two sectors possess acquisition sources of the competitive advantage which collimate with different explanatory streams (industrial analysis, resources theory, Austrian school and the dynamic capabilities theory), although there is a predominance of the product innovation as a competitive advantage source in both sectors, due to the bond of these with the fashion tendencies


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The purpose of this thesis was to study how uncertainty in economic conditions of the FDI host country affects location decision of an investment, and what kinds of motives are behind the investment decision to a country in economic recession, in this case Portugal. The country has attracted foreign direct investment steadily, but it is evident that most multinational firms and investors tend to be more interested in emerging economies in general. The aim was to find out also which host country specific advantages are important in this kind of cross-border investment and which factors are important for an FDI to succeed under economic uncertainty at the host country. The study was done by analyzing three Finnish case companies: a private equity and real estate investment firm Pontos Group, A wave energy technology research and development company AW Energy and NSN, Nokia Solutions and Networks, a global telecommunications company. The research was done empirically, by interviewing experts on the subject, mainly persons representing these companies. In addition relevant articles, journals and content from case companies’ web-pages is used for the desk research regarding the topic. The results of this thesis showed that the FDIs with strategic asset-seeking investments seem most profitable FDI types under uncertain economic conditions. This kind of investments aim to strengthen the company’s long-term strategy, including the time after recession. Firm-specific ownership advantages that bring competitive advantage proved out to be important under these circumstances, as well as first-mover advantages and externally created assets such as government promotional policies regarding FDI incentives. Also the location was considered suitable for resource- or efficiency seeking motives, based on the lowered price level at the host country. Problems were related mainly to financing, but as foreign companies receive financing usually from their home countries, the economic recession of the host country does not have significant effect for FDI decision, according to this study


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ISO 9000 is a family of international standards for quality management, applicable to all sizes of company, whether public or private.Management Systems ISO 9000 quality make up the human side, administrative and operating companies. By integrating these three aspects, the organization takes full advantage of all its resources, making results more efficiently, reducing administrative and operating expenses.With globalization and opening markets this has become a competitive advantage by providing further confidence and evidence to all customers, subcontractors, personnel and other stakeholders that the organization is committed to establishing, maintaining and improving levels acceptable quality products and services.Another advantage of quality systems is the clear definition of policies and functions, the staff is utilized according to their ability and focus on real customer needs.It should be mentioned that to achieve these benefits, it is necessary that management of the organization, is committed to the development of its quality system and to allocate financial and human resources to do so. These resources are minimal compared with the benefits you can achieve.


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As academic student mobility is increasing, improving the functionality of international operations is recognised as a competitive advantage at tertiary education institutions. Although many scholars have researched the experiences of exchange students, the role of student tutors and their contribution to exchange students’ experiences is still an unknown factor. This research examines international tutoring at the University of Turku, and aims to understand better the way tutoring contributes to exchange experiences and to explore the functionality of the tutor system and discover areas for improvements. To achieve these goals, the research seeks to answer the fundamental research question: What is the role of tutors in mediating exchange experiences? The theoretical framework combines literature on mediating exchange experiences, the phenomenon of studying abroad, the process of adaptation, the importance of cross-cultural communication, and the role of student tutors as mediators. Based on the literature review, a theoretical model for studying the mediation of exchange experiences is introduced. The model’s applicability and validity is examined through a case study. Three methods were used in the empirical research: surveys, participant observations, and interviews. These methods provided extensive data from three major parties of the tutor system: tutors, exchange students, and the international office. The findings of the research reveal that tutoring – instrumental leading and social and cultural mediating – generates both negative and positive experiences depending on the individuals’ expectations, motivations, relationships, and the nature of the tutoring. Although functional, there are a few weaknesses in the tutor system. Tutors tend to act as effective instrumental leaders, but often fail to create a friendship and contribute to the exchange students’ experience through social and cultural mediation, which is significantly more important in the exchange students’ overall experience in terms of building networks, adapting, gaining emotional experiences, and achieving the stage of personal development and mental change. Based on the weaknesses, three improvements are suggested: (1) increasing comprehensive sharing of information, effective communication, and collective cooperation, (2) emphasising the importance of social and cultural mediation and increasing the frequency of interaction between tutors and exchange students, and (3) improving the recruitment and training, revising the process of reporting and rewarding, and finally, enhancing services and coordination.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na especificidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações


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This research explores the business model (BM) evolution process of entrepreneurial companies and investigates the relationship between BM evolution and firm performance. Recently, it has been increasingly recognised that the innovative design (and re-design) of BMs is crucial to the performance of entrepreneurial firms, as BM can be associated with superior value creation and competitive advantage. However, there has been limited theoretical and empirical evidence in relation to the micro-mechanisms behind the BM evolution process and the entrepreneurial outcomes of BM evolution. This research seeks to fill this gap by opening up the ‘black box’ of the BM evolution process, exploring the micro-patterns that facilitate the continuous shaping, changing, and renewing of BMs and examining how BM evolutions create and capture value in a dynamic manner. Drawing together the BM and strategic entrepreneurship literature, this research seeks to understand: (1) how and why companies introduce BM innovations and imitations; (2) how BM innovations and imitations interplay as patterns in the BM evolution process; and (3) how BM evolution patterns affect firm performances. This research adopts a longitudinal multiple case study design that focuses on the emerging phenomenon of BM evolution. Twelve entrepreneurial firms in the Chinese Online Group Buying (OGB) industry were selected for their continuous and intensive developments of BMs and their varying success rates in this highly competitive market. Two rounds of data collection were carried out between 2013 and 2014, which generates 31 interviews with founders/co-founders and in total 5,034 pages of data. Following a three-stage research framework, the data analysis begins by mapping the BM evolution process of the twelve companies and classifying the changes in the BMs into innovations and imitations. The second stage focuses down to the BM level, which addresses the BM evolution as a dynamic process by exploring how BM innovations and imitations unfold and interplay over time. The final stage focuses on the firm level, providing theoretical explanations as to the effects of BM evolution patterns on firm performance. This research provides new insights into the nature of BM evolution by elaborating on the missing link between BM dynamics and firm performance. The findings identify four patterns of BM evolution that have different effects on a firm’s short- and long-term performance. This research contributes to the BM literature by presenting what the BM evolution process actually looks like. Moreover, it takes a step towards the process theory of the interplay between BM innovations and imitations, which addresses the role of companies’ actions, and more importantly, reactions to the competitors. Insights are also given into how entrepreneurial companies achieve and sustain value creation and capture by successfully combining the BM evolution patterns. Finally, the findings on BM evolution contributes to the strategic entrepreneurship literature by increasing the understanding of how companies compete in a more dynamic and complex environment. It reveals that, the achievement of superior firm performance is more than a simple question of whether to innovate or imitate, but rather an integration of innovation and imitation strategies over time. This study concludes with a discussion of the findings and their implications for theory and practice.


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This volume of the Bulletin LIBRARIES and the next intended as a means of inspiration. Inspiration to propose ideas to offer to the community library paths to adapt to global culture and technology which revolves around the progress of information and communication systems. Ideas that move us to innovate, to make mistakes and correct them.Because the information age it is also of creativity. Creativity is the competitive advantage of professional and modern organizations. Ideas to change attitudes toward open to new projects that facilitate the transformation and to the challenge of "going global". Inspiration to measure and produce constructive thinking to help us define new goals by the desire to create and share knowledge.


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Este volumen del Boletín BIBLIOTECAS y los próximos pretenden ser un medio de inspiración. Inspiración para proponer ideas que ofrezcan a la colectividad bibliotecaria rutas hacia la adaptación a una cultura global y tecnológica que gira alrededor de los avances de los sistemas de información y comunicación. Inspiración que nos mueva a innovar, a cometer errores y a corregirlos.Porque la era de la información lo es también de la creatividad.Creatividad que es la ventaja competitiva del profesional y de las organizaciones modernas. Inspiración para cambiar hacia actitudes abiertas, hacia nuevos proyectos que faciliten la transformación y hacia el reto que significa “ser global”. Inspiración para medir y producir pensamiento constructivo que nos ayude a definir nuevas metas mediante la voluntad de crear y compartir el conocimiento.


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This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the develop­ment of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter­ prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col­ lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expand­ing the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi­ dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human ac­tion. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re­ lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SIL­VA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social re­lationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in ar­rangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab­ lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the sup­portive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies