996 resultados para effective pH


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本文研究了Armco铁在盐酸溶液中的腐蚀电化学行为,探讨了ψ~-离子和PH值对铁的阳极溶解过程的影响,并进而讨论了ψ~-离子浓度和PH值对铁的腐蚀电化学行为的影响之间是否存在交互效应。在本工作中,作者提出了两个新的研究方法:(a) 从单支弱极化曲线测定腐蚀电流和阴、阳极反应的Tafep斜率;(b)根据交流方波电流扰动的响应函数方程测定极化电阻Rp和界面电容C。设I_c、I_(2c)、I_(3c)及I_(4c)分别为对应于弱极化区内极化电位为ΔE、2ΔE、3ΔE和4ΔE的极化电流,且令a = I_(2c)/I_c, b = I_(3c)/I_c, c = I_(4c)/I_(2c), 而(4b-3a~2)~(1/2)、(3c-2b)~(1/2)、(2c-a~2)~(1/2)则以S_j表示之,则可得到:I_(corr) = I_c/S_j b_c = ΔE/lg((a+s_j)/2) b_a = -ΔE/lg((a-s_j)/2)为了方便,准确地求出动力学参数,可选用一系列的ΔE值,得出相应的极化电流I_λ,求出S_λ,应用统计方法处理数据,可得:I_(corr) = ∑ from i=1 to n I_λ/∑ from i=1 ton S_λ b_c = ∑ form λ to n ΔE_λ/∑ form i=1 to n lg ((a_λ+S_λ)/2) b_a = ∑ form i=1 ton ΔE_λ/∑ form i=1 to n lg ((a_λ-S_λ)/2)在线性极化区间内向腐蚀金属电极体系施加一交流方波电流扰动讯号时,通过Laplace变换分析,得到相应的响应函数方程为:E_1(t) = λ_o(R_s+R_p) - 2λ_oR_p (e~(-(τ-λ)/RpC))/(1+e~(λ/RpC)) (o<τ<λ) E_2(t) = -λ_o(R_s+R_p) + 2λ_oR_p (e~(-(τ-λ)/RpC))/(1+e~(λ/RpC)) (λ<τ<2λ)由此方程可知,它们在E~λ坐标系统中的轨迹为对称兴致勃勃原点的两条直线。由此方程可进一步得到:ΔE = 2λ_oR_p (e~(λ/RpC)-1)/(e~(λ/RpC)+1) = 2λ_oR_p t_(anh)(λ/(2RpC)) Δh = 2λ_o Rs式中ΔE为单支响应直线的长度,Δh则为两条直线最高点之间的距离。上述公式可进一步简化为:Rp =(ΔE)/(2λ_o) λ>>RpC (λ_o)/(ΔE) = C/λ + 1/(2Rp) λ<PH)]_([ψ~-]) = -55 毫伏 [((partial deriv) ψ_(corr))/((partial deriv) lg[ψ~-])]_(PH) = -15 毫伏 [((partial deriv) lg I_(corr))/((partial deriv) PH)]_([ψ~-]) = -0.4 [((partial deriv) lg I_(corr))/((partial deriv) lg[ψ~-])]_(PH) = 0.13 αψ_(corr)/α lg[Hψ] = -44 毫伏 α lg I_(corr)/α lg[Hψ] = 0.45 b_a = 40 毫伏,b_c = 120 毫伏,为了与弱极化区内得到的数据相比较,又观察了强极化区内的研究结果。由强极化区内Tafel线段的数据分析而得到的离子反应级数和Tafel斜率值与弱极化区得到的结果是一致的。由此,讨论了铁的阳极溶解过程,提出了反应机理,由此机理推论而得出的有关的电化学参数的理论值与实验值符合得很好。最后,对PH值和ψ~-离子浓度对铁的腐蚀电化学行为的影响之间是否存在交互效应进行了探讨。由实验数据的分析得到,PH值和ψ~-离子浓度的效应之间不存在交互效应,或者交互效应不大。


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PEO/PH共混体系的组份之间存在着氢键的相互作用,从偏光显微镜观察及熔点下降法测定,PEO/PH共混体系是相容体系,且PEO是在非晶区与PH相容,PH分子链不进入到PEO的晶格中,不引起晶胞参数的改变。对PEO/PH共混体系的等温结晶动力学研究表明,随共混体系中非晶组份PH含量的增加,体系的结晶生长方式由盘状生长转化为原纤状生长,成核方式由方式I(Kg=Kg(I)=4b. σσeTm/ΔHf.K)转化为方式II(Kg=Kg(Ii)=2b. σσeTm/ΔHf.K)析叠链表面自由能(σe)逐渐增大,体系的平衡溶点降低。在PEO/PH共混体系非等温结晶动力学的研究中,DSC实验表明,在常冷却速率下,PEO/PH共混体系符合Avrami方程所揭示的规律,为更好地反映非等温结晶特点,从Avrami方程和Ozawa方程出发,导出一个新的基本方程,根据这个方程,获得了描述非等温结晶过程的一些基本参数,在一定冷却速率下,随非晶组份PH含量的增加,东混体系的结晶速率降低;对于同一组成,冷却速率越大,体系结晶速率越快。WAXD和SAXS分析表明,随非晶组份PH含量的增加,PEO/PH共混体系的结晶度降低,长周期增大,过渡层厚略有变化,但变化很小。进一步表明,过渡层基本上是PEO的非晶相的贡献,PH不进入到PEO的晶格中,PEO是在非晶区与PH相容。


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Density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU) has emerged as a promising tool to prepare chirality enriched nanotube samples. Here, we assess the performance of different surfactants for DGU. Bile salts (e.g., sodium cholate (SC), sodium deoxycholate (SDC), and sodium taurodeoxycholate (TDC)) are more effective in individualizing Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) compared to linear chain surfactants (e.g., sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)) and better suited for DGU. Using SC, a narrower diameter distribution (0.69-0.81 nm) is achieved through a single DGU step on CoMoCAT tubes, when compared to SDC and TDC (0.69-0.89 nm). No selectivity is obtained using SDBS. due to its ineffectiveness in debundling. We assign the reduce selectivity of dihydroxy bile salts (S DC and TDC) in comparison with trihydroxy SC to the formation of secondary micelles. This is determined by the number and position of hydroxyl ( OH) groups on the a-side of the steroid backbone. We also enrich CoMoCAT SWNT in the 0.84-0.92 nm range using the Pluronic F98 triblock copolymer. Mixtures of bile salts (SC) and linear chain surfactants (SOS) are used to enrich metallic and semiconducting laser-ablation grown SWNTs. We demonstrate enrichment of a single chirality, (6,5), combining diameter and metallic versus semiconductillg separation on CoMoCAT samples.


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The electronic structures of GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs quantum wires (corrugated superlattices) grown on (311)-oriented substrates are studied in the framework of the effective-mass envelope-function method. The electron and hole subband structure and optical transition matrix elements are calculated. When x=1, the results are compared with experiments, and it is found that the direct transition becomes an indirect transition as the widths of well and barrier become smaller.


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Three causes involved in the instability of the ISFET are proposed in this study. First, it is ascertained that hydroxyl group resident at the surface of the Si3N4 film or in the electrolyte solution is most active and subject to gain or loss of electrons. This is one of the main causes for ISFET structural instability. Secondly, the stability of the pH-sensitive FET varies with deposition conditions in the fabrication process of the ISFET. This proves to be another cause of ISFET instability. Thirdly, the pH of the measured solution varies with the measuring process and time, contributing to the instability, but is not a cause of the instability of the pH-ISFET itself. We utilized the technique of readjusting and controlling the ratio of hydroxyl groups to amine groups to enhance the stability of the ISFET. Our techniques to improve stability characteristics proved to be effective in practice.


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The transient charge response Q(t) of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures to a small pulse of the gate voltage, applied between the top gate and source electrodes in a Corbino structure, was employed to directly measure the effective diffusion constant of a 2DEG in the quantum Hall regime. The measured diffusion constant D showed a drastic change as the magnetic field was swept through the integer fillings of the Landau levels.


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An effective-mass formulation for superlattices grown on (11N)-oriented substrates is given. It is found that, for GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattices, the hole subband structure and related properties are sensitive to the orientation because of the large anisotropy of the valence band. The energy-level positions for the heavy hole and the optical transition matrix elements for the light hole apparently change with orientation. The heavy- and light-hole energy levels at k parallel-to = 0 can be calculated separately by taking the classical effective mass in the growth direction. Under a uniaxial stress along the growth direction, the energy levels of the heavy and light holes shift down and up, respectively; at a critical stress, the first heavy- and light-hole energy levels cross over. The energy shifts caused by the uniaxial stress are largest for the (111) case and smallest for the (001) case. The optical transition matrix elements change substantially after the crossover of the first heavy- and light-hole energy has occurred.


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By using the recently developed exact effective-mass envelope-function theory, the electronic structures of InAs/GaAs strained superlattices grown on GaAs (100) oriented substrates are studied. The electron and hole subband structures, distribution of electrons and holes along the growth direction, optical transition matrix elements, exciton states, and absorption spectra are calculated. In our calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in different materials and the strain are included. Our theoretical results are in agreement with the available experimental data.


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In the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory, the optical transitions of InAs/GaAs strained coupled quantum dots grown on GaAs (100) oriented substrates are studied. At the Gamma point, the electron and hole energy levels, the distribution of electron and hole wave functions along the growth and parallel directions, the optical transition-matrix elements, the exciton states, and absorption spectra are calculated. In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in different materials are included. Our theoretical results are in good agreement with the available experimental data.


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Radiative transition in delta-doped GaAs superlattices with and without Al0.1Ga0.9As barriers is investigated by using photoluminescence at low temperatures. The experimental results show that the transition mechanism of delta-doped superlattices is very different from that of ordinary superlattices. Emission intensity of the transition from the electron first excited state to hole states is obviously stronger than that from the electron ground state to hole states due to larger overlap integral between wavefunctions of electrons in the first excited state and hole states. Based on the effective mass theory we have calculated the self-consistent potentials, optical transition matrix elements and photoluminescence spectra for two different samples. By using this model we can explain the main optical characteristics measured. Moreover, after taking into account the bandgap renormalization energy, good agreement between experiment and theory is obtained.


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Effective cavity length method is introduced to vertical cavity surface emitting laser for characterizing some properties, including reflectivity FWHM, mode wavelength and threshold gain. Some experiment results are demonstrated, showing the agreement of theoretical analysis with experiment.


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Experimental study of the reverse annealing of the effective concentration of ionized space charges (N-eff, also called effective doping or impurity concentration) of neutron irradiated high resistivity silicon detectors fabricated on wafers with various thermal oxides has been conducted at room temperature (RT) and elevated temperature (ET). Various thermal oxidations with temperatures ranging from 975 degrees C to 1200 degrees C with and without trichlorethane (TCA), which result in different concentrations of oxygen and carbon impurities, have been used. It has been found that, the RT annealing of the N-eff is hindered initially (t < 42 days after the radiation) for detectors made on the oxides with high carbon concentrations, and there was no carbon effect on the long term (t > 42 days after the radiation) N-eff reverse annealing. No apparent effect of oxygen on the stability of N-eff has been observed at RT. At elevated temperature (80 degrees C), no significant difference in annealing behavior has been found for detectors fabricated on silicon wafers with various thermal oxides. It is apparent that for the initial stages (first and/or second) of N-eff reverse annealing, there may tie no dependence on the oxygen and carbon concentrations in the ranges studied.


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This paper introduced a long-term ambulatory intragastric pH monitoring system, which is designed for prolonged ambulatory studies of Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases. The whole system is composed of the gastric catheter with two pH sensors, a small data logger (Microdatalog), and a notebook PC. In this paper, the design of monitoring system hardware and software are described in detail. Clinical applications reveal good results.